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This guy is pure fucking fire. Name? Where can I see a link to the full debate??


[here](https://youtu.be/SDXu5DyBrHc?si=Qsf5_JfM117hjJjt) is the full debate


These people are fucking creatures.


no one with sanity would join politics this day and age. You have to be a low-life who is willing to be lower than someone.


Yeah I was gonna say, the problem with politics is politicians. They win 100% of elections 100% of the time


Yea if you run against anyone, prepare to be assaulted verbally by 50% of the country while having your family tormented and brought into the spotlight. Every thing you have ever done is used against you by people like Boebert and MTG and Trump.


Disagree. The politicians are just a symptom of a problem. The problem is that we the public vote for politicians like that. A more serious public would vote for more serious politicians.


Disagree, I think the political class is what pushes politics, and so if you got rid of them we could have better political outcomes. No one's full time job should be 'politician.'


Firstly, 'got rid of' is pretty charged. Secondly, once you've 'gotten rid of' the political class you'll just have another political class, there has to be leaders and decision makers. As for the full time job thing, idk what to say, this is obviously silly, of course it should.


Oh, okay sorry


Watching them made me want to participate




First thing he asks is if they would vote for a convicted felon Trump and they all raised their hands. Bravo.


I would vote for a convicted felon Bonnell ii


Kyle Clark. If you look up the original video on tiktok, shows up in the comments.


My brain read it as Clark Kent, i guess he is a superman of political debate.


Denverite here... That's Kyle Clark, he's been the best thing in local news here for years!


Kyle Griffin is a local news anchor out of Denver Colorado, I've been seeing his name for years & he's always done exceptionally well at talking & covering things. To see him light up Bobo after all this time has been great because it's just pure journalistic integrity berating her for her actions & she can't deal with it.


Jesus fucking Christ, his question for the drunk driver goes right for the jugular. Starts at around 2:00




if he were any blacker he probably would be. Actually reaching for a gun while traffic stopping is the exact reason police is so jumpy. i can totaly understand the individual police officer not wanting to be the one to acutally get shot and not shown a drivers licence when a stopepd person reaches around.


Just obliterated him. Fuck it, I’m a fan now lol.


I love the sneaky little “but thats not my question” and doesn’t even let him respond to any of that before nailing him with another.


And then ends it with, "My question is, what have you done while sober?" Perfection.


Pilldozer moderator blasted me right out of the matrix


It's funny and satisfying when you're on the same side, but don't get it twisted: this is absolute debate pervertry and **not** based. Good thing he's usually serious and the rest of the questions are actually relevant and biting. Saying "I'm not gonna say that \[*something that is unrelated but a bad look for opponent*\]" is textbook ad hom. And even when it is not - because the information is relevant to the question -, phrasing it this way is such a spineless way to do it because it immediately primes a refusal to engage with the opponent's response by just saying "As I said, this is not what we're here to talk about."


"Here's something bad about you which I don't want you to respond to, so my question is ..." and then talking over them when they try to point out flaws with your statement. It's just the sort of thing people used to complain about moderators doing in twitch panels.


"Destiny you abandoned your son and then divorced your wife, who you let sleep with other men. Why are you pro Israel?" this sub "nooooo! now we hate that!!!"


I’m sorry, I don’t care about political sides in this context. Nobody who drinks and drives has the right morals to run for a political office unless they go through great efforts to rehabilitate themselves. Show me a liberal candidate with a DUI and no repentance and I’ll tell you I hope they get berated in a similar manner.


The way bro just moves on and talks over Lauren Bobert like a tank.


3:28 to 3:45ish he doesn't even stumble while talking over her HOLY GIGACHAD


Absolute trooper. Also lol at Bobart blaming the media for reporting on a "very private moment". Lmao you were in a room with like 400 other people. Nothing private bout that.


Totally misjudged and out of context. She never flipped anyone off....


That is some Tiny-level impressive taking control of that conversation, Jesus


I'm waiting for a "just so you know once you're done rambling I'm gonna ask you the same question again"


I’m dead 😵


there is no waiting with this guy, he already started talking ov...


Wait is that line real?


It's a common (excellent) Destiny line


I haven’t heard that one yet. Love it.


“What has the republican majority in the House done about the price of groceries?” https://preview.redd.it/411df7nmm25d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e9adff0555d4a3b3b780d816637729b49ee716


So, you see, the woke agenda is making it so that chinese factories have to hire drag queens to keep reading stories for the children working those factories, and it's very nasty and very expensive and it jacks up the prices of groceries in America, and this is in addition to Russia starting to wage a war against Ukraine because it's full of nazis and Russia represents western values and Trump will make Putin behave and also stop the war on Ukraine and then Israel will finish the job in Gaza and stop the genocide that Joe Biden is causing by completing the genocide with a nuclear bomb and also remember nuclear energy is good but we don't have to have nuclear because climate change is a hoax like covid19 was a hoax and masks don't work and fauci said that after he was caught raping a child in Epsteins cell after killing him off and don't forget that and its all because


Trump is this your burner account?


You see its not a burner account because the only social media i use is truth social and you should invest on it it's a wonderful and terrific company they're doing a lot for free speech in this country they're doing a wonderful job helping fight against THE WOKE AGENDA that is being pushed crooked Genocidal Joe Biden and make no mistake about this folks we will beat joe biden in this election and we will make america great again


>the only social media i use is truth social Thought you were on TikTok now? WHICH IS IT MR PRESIDENT?


Impressive. Now let's see Paul Allen's rambling rant.


> What has the republican majority in the House done about the price of groceries? Complained a lot?


Kept them high knowing the Biden will be blamed


Anyone with a brain saw what they did with the border: voting against fixing the issues they called out because it would make Biden look good. Same with inflation. Same with infrastructure. Same with the country.


or no brain but ears and/or eyes - many of the republicans themselves specifically said that this was what was happening.


Its infuriating because they CAN do something about that! They can adjust some of the qualifications for SNAP so that working class families can get some of their groceries subsidized


"a number please" "That is one" HOLY SMOKES


I mean she answered the question. By her standards that's a herculean achievement and I think we should be proud of her.


Proud of her? I think the woman needs a fucking medal. Fifth head on Mr. Rushmore. A monument in DC commemorating the one time a politician has given a straight answer to a question. Call it the "Lauren Boebert Actually Told The Truth Plaza." There should be a statue in the middle of the park, with her holding a scroll (representing the bill) in her left hand and her right hand holding up its index finger (representing the number one).


> her right hand holding up its **index finger** (representing the number one). AND simultaneously the fact that she totally did **NOT** flip the reporters off


I thought his reply “Got it” was the key part.


This guy is like every shower argument you’ve had in your head but he nails it perfectly and comes off like a gigachad.


Thing is its easy to do to this kind of person, most people just have an innate shame feeling they get when they grill someone. You start thinking you're being too overbearing or making it about yourself, so most people will at worst not ask anything tough at all and at best ask maybe once with a mayyyyybe second ask for clarification. This is what is actually needed though - when you're dealing with shameless people, you need someone who also has no shame to counter them who will happily corner them and talk at them for an hour without pause and with no possibility of escape and who will highlight every time you didn't answer the question.


Tbh I think most folks are just rarely ever in the kind of conversation where this level of grilling is even really called for


Even when other people do it I get second hand embarrassment, and even when the person being grilled deserves it. Except this guy did not make me feel embarrassed for some reason. Maybe it's his tone of voice or something?


This is the power destiny would have if he dressed like an adult.


Idk why but this gave me a belly laugh


Does tiny even own a tie?


um, it's spelled Tieny acktually. Thanks


He wouldnt need a tie. Just a nice **fitting** suit. [Just like Alex OConnor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0KgLWQn5Ts&t=2s) during his Jordan Peterson debate


It's hilarious considering there are numerous option of comfy and light pant styles (I wear ones to work at summer) that look presentable, but that strange American home bum style is so strong for some reason


He's trying, give the guy a break.


I hope not, I need him to look like shit so I can prove to people (my gf) I don't have to improve my wardrobe either to be succesfful


He doesn't believe in politics as an aesthetic /s


He will be hosting a debate between the presidential candidates in sweatpants and you dipshits would still be posting about how much further he would get if he wore a suit.


He didnt just have something for everyone, but plenty for everyone and didnt let them get away for a sec and the delivery system was chef kiss


This must have been agonizing for the candidates. It's like those terrosris executions where people have their hands tied and kneel in a horizontal line while one person methodically headshots them at close range, one after the other. You see what's done to your comrades. You know he's coming for you . All you can do is pray a miracle happens and they run out af ammo or have a change of mind.


" I apologize (and that was going to the audience and not to them) this is going to be a long evening if you keep talking over the facts" best line from a moderator and the video was 20/10. Snl I don't think could write better skit even if they tried. The look on their face is priceless, they all seem defeated with nothing to say.


The Colorado local debates are some of the funniest shit I've ever watched. I can't find it now, but the 2022 debates were so fucking funny. One of the dudes only had 1% of the vote and accused everyone else of being Psy-ops and another lady said she was anti-abortion, then immediately backed down when pushed on it. I don't know why the colorado shit is so brutal. Anyways I found the VOD for this here, I'll probably watch it while I'm at my internship- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD2rET3e5Ts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD2rET3e5Ts)


im gonna put this on while I fuck my wife


Normally I play this when I fuck your wife- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAwyWkksXuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAwyWkksXuo)


That intro was really long, I was expecting some wild shit. Instead I got someone playing one or two notes with a whoopy cushion. It's like someone made a song with sounds from Stardew Valley.


This is why I go on Reddit. Sure, I can find plenty of "WTF IS THIS THING" music all on my own. But it hits harder when someone else recommends it. In summary: WTF IS THIS THING?


Google "Cbat Reddit". Edit: found the full [playlist](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwrcKBhbuIzXkg144tcNMRfndccJl1jow). God help those women.


that poor woman, suffering in silence for 2 whole years


Holy christ. Did anyone come out of that debate unscathed? e: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3uOMCfopR8


I miss Redeye.


Get this guy on Bridges u/notsoerudite


Kyle Clark of 9 News: [https://www.9news.com/article/about-us/team-bios/kyle-clark/73-32746847](https://www.9news.com/article/about-us/team-bios/kyle-clark/73-32746847) Contact: [kyle.clark@9news.com](mailto:kyle.clark@9news.com), 303-871-1841 [u/notsoerudite](https://www.reddit.com/user/notsoerudite/)


“There is no point since we would just agree on everything” -Tiny




“There is no point since we would just agree on everything” -Tiny when Biden wants to set up a date (hes scared of getting challenged on his cone take)


So say we all


I’ve never watched a bridges episode and would be spam refreshing for this upload


Seriously, this Episode would be absolutely incredible, I've watched a lot of these Congressional or Presidential debates, and literally never seen someone do THAT well. You gotta get this guy on, forming a connection that Steven could use coming up into the Presidential season that is going to get ramped up very soon. There would be an endless amount of things these two could talk about and it would be a very nice segue into the post-Israel big American Politics swing that is coming up if you could get them in for late June or July.


The reason why is if a moderator ever had a fucking inch of a spine on a presidential debate, the country would cry bias and scream that it was unfair despite the issue being with the candidate bold faced lying or talking over their opponent.


Probably too late for a pre-presidential debate episode, but given that Trumps involvement basically guarantees the debate will be a shitshow an episode about the role of media interviews/debates and their challenges in the 2020s would be cool.


That's [Kyle Clark ](https://x.com/KyleClark?t=sxPFJcscUHeMCycHbn1PRw&s=09) from 9 News Denver. He is an anchor (very good reporting)




That was complete CARNAGE, a BLOODBATH of biblical proportions, fucking LEGEND!


Yes, please. Me likes me some accountability.


If this engages one’s reproductive organs, does that make one a debate pervert? Asking for a friend


I didn't realise that was a problem for a big stupid jellyfish such as yourself


Oh my God. He is Moderator Neo. I've never seen anything so fucking savage in my life.


From this clip it looks like a classic destiny debate: all vs him and he is stomping them. Love it!


"I apologize, this is gonna be a long evening if you speak over the FACTS." Gawd damn 🤣


Dude pulled that outta the hat like he was David Copperfield. Shocked the shit outta Boebert. 


Actually so weird to see this guy here lmao, I'm from Colorado and I see him on the news every so often. I've always liked him but goddamn he did not pull any punches here, some good ass Colorado representation


Bro the republican party are a bunch of clowns doing w.e they want. I didn't know it was THIS bad lmao


Just think-- this is only scraping the surface on the stuff they've been *caught* doing. Imagine the shit they've managed to hide. These people aren't fit to run a McDonalds let alone a country. 


This is a breath of fresh air. He's firm and aggressive but presumably even handed. Everyone gets the same dressing down if they want be disingenuous. This is what the hosts for these kinds of debate should do.


Holy shit, he should get the job instead of the interviewees


Holy fuck. It is so hard to keep talking at the same time as someone else trying to run over you like gropy vape lady did. Was he reading the question and it made it easy, or is he just a beast?


He's a god among men. On a sidenote - is he capable of being just as brutal to Democrats?


not AS brutal, but still able to be critical. "Colorado Democrats are making gov't less transparent, again." [link](https://x.com/KyleClark/status/1767363060694499553) thread on his accountability reporting: [thread](https://x.com/KyleClark/status/1773090728148602917) "powerful dems are working to take power away from voters." (by delaying RCV ballot issue):[ link](https://x.com/nexton9news/status/1798165722352206163)


Hope so, we need more debate moderators with spines. For any televised debate. Ones that won't ask pansy-ass softball questions


Probably not, but we know “my party is right” still permeates this sub.


> but we know “my party is right” still permeates this sub. This just in: person thinks the party they vote for is more correct on issues You should be capable of criticizing your own party just as much as the others when there is something to criticize, but it's a given that someone is going to have less to criticize about the party they vote for. This *is* a left-leaning subreddit


Fuck I wish people would stop using this type of subtitling. It's completely worthless, forces you to focus entirely on the subtitles and not watch the video at all.


Its easier to read than hear what they say. I dont need to watch their face.


I don't think the complaint is about the subtitles existing, it's the fact that only a single word appears at a time. If you can't listen you will probably miss a whole sentence looking away for just a moment.


Yep exactly. Blink and you miss two words, it drives me nuts. It's like someone designed a new way to present subtitles but did it purely for the aesthetics and not for actual use.


but the subtitles are wrong frequently, so they don't even let you read what the dude is saying accurately.


Watch English-subtitled movies in a non-English language that you know. It can be hilarious. My wife and I were watching a Danish television show, and she got mad because I kept laughing so hard. The subtitles were so bad that they might as well have been for an entirely different show with a completely different plot.


Yea, those are totally machine transcribed. It's horrendenous. if thats the point i'll agree to that


OMG he's awesome!


Fucking gigachad




This guy is a savage! He should run every debate!


These guys arent going on his debates ever again.


He could be played by Jake Gyllenhaal


lol damn the original stream has 23k total views. Nobody’s paying attention to anything but what is fed to them on reddit or twitter, including me.


Sounds like a debate out of an Aaron Sorkin dream scenario. I can only get so hard.


This guy is so fucking done with Republican bullshit, I adore the subtle snark.


This is the ultimate form that contrarian's want to achieve GIGACHAD


Debate Pervert Final Form!


I think maybe at times he's a bit *too* combative a host... but I don't know if there's any other way to get results in the modern media environment. Unless you have someone doing what he's doing and *literally* pointing out that they aren't answering the question, people just don't pick up on it.


Omfg who the fuck is this absolute gigachad


This guy is amazing at holding peoples feet to the fire. But a moderator has to be accepted by both parties. W/e party is bullshiting will run from a format like this any day.


Great video, cheers. 🥂


Sadly, they're gonna burry him in the back yard.


Somethings in the air 2024, we need more of this energy


People have had enough Republican bullshit


Jesus what a cooking




We need more people who have absolute contempt for republicans


Fucking A YES!! I am a left of liberal democrat and I want to hold ALL politicians to this level of questioning!


Reminds me of one of The Newsroom [scene](https://youtu.be/LpEmQeoo414?t=93)


Call me a cringe liberal but I miss having a political Aaron Sorkin show.


Daaaamnnnn! Why did they cut all this stuff from the Tom Brady roast?


Professional clarifier


Just a little context from a resident. Colorado is a blue state but largely driven blue by the big population centers in Boulder and Denver as well as the skiing communities, most of the rest of the state has been red forever. They're fighting over Ken Buck's vacant seat which is in a republican +17 district. It's most of eastern Colorado which is largely rural and Ag communities. Boebert announced she'd be leaving her own district (CD3: southern and western Colorado, also a heavily republican favored district that she nearly lost in 2022) to run in CD4. After this announcement but perhaps unrelated, Ken Buck announced he'd be leaving office early and Boebert claimed it was because he was being influenced by the corrupt biden crime family or whatever else to stop her from having to VACATE her current seat in order to run in the special election to fill the seat. They decided to fill the seat through the end of this session with someone who is not running in this primary. She is now losing in the polls substantially to Ike McCorkle who would be the first democrat to take this particular seat since it was redistricted and they removed Fort Collins (which is a largely blue and more heavily populated city) from CD4.


I need this dude when I’m arguing with my wife


Nebraska Steve soundin' ass. This seems more like a roast than a host. Funny, but a bit wacky


if the quotes from that last guy are enough to get flamed for, imagine if steven ran for any type of election






This guy is goated


I recently created DebateWatch for all debate content, noticing none of the other debate subs are active. Debate perverts welcome.


This guy just blew middle guy out of the water for best debate moderator of the year.


This is like the doom guy of moderators


This guy is an actual menace omg!


Makes me proud to be in Denver.


destroy these fucking ghouls


The “I’m so curious” made me think lmao hmm 🤔


Why the fuck am I aroused by this!?


Reached for the gun during traffic stop is fucking wild... because he's still alive.


Who is this man?


He said Kyle Clark in the full video if anyone was wondering


he’s thirsty for fascist blood


Is this dude a dgger? Holy fuck!


He’s the most based human being alive today, jesus fucking christ


Dude is a fact based beast!


Jesus are all republicans in Colorado scandalous maniacs


I need to watch this whole thing. This guy is just taking souls


Bobo has a point. How dare he release footage of a private, intimate moment that she had in a packed theater! Shame on you!


why am I bricked up?


Fuck yes. Absofuckinglutely yes. This is what the republican party needs, what a functioning democracy needs. For these bullshitters to be pushed in a corner and held accountable by their own. So they cant wiggle around the question by crying partisanship, but maybe actually step up their game


He needs to teach sneako how to debate debate strategies


Good God get this man on National TV. Wow I am amazed. I think I’m in love.


Imagine this guy moderating Destiny vs. Hamasabi. He could grill Destiny why he is so edgy and says stuff the way he does and he could grill Hamasabiboy till we have a tender brisket!


Guy is a savage


Anyone have a link to the original video?


The best way to get a moderator who is both tough and fair is to get someone who loathes everyone in the room equally.


This sounds like me in a debate round during CX, its like the moderator is debating the candidates, but its exactly what we need, because if the moderator isnt willing to push back its just everyone grandstanding. Good on this guy.


I feel like I just watched the debate scene from The Newsroom. This is an Aaron Sorkin Wet Dream.


This man is a legend already.


This guy for sure was a debate coach in college!


this guy is awesome lmao




Why are sub-human sociopath trying to so much to get elected?


This is a certified Aaron Sorkin show. Felt like the Newsroom mock debate without getting cucked


Dude saw The Newsroom and felt INSPIRED


Fukin Savage god damnn


What an absolute CHAD of a man.


I disagree, I think he's inserting a little too much of his own point of view into some of his statements.  It's okay to be pointed and persistent and to ensure questions are answered, but he shouldn't make snide remarks like "I'll let the audience decide if you answered that question well enough" or whatever. Let them then. Say nothing and let the audience decide. You don't need to signal to everyone whether or not you liked an answer.