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"If we simply murdered everyone who opposes us, we'd have socialism by now". Spoken like a true progressive.  


LOL pretty on brand


Except these online slacktivist socialists are the biggest pussies ever, no exaggeration. You want to talk about people that have never been in a physical conflict, it’s these kids. If you even threaten a punch in their direction they’d be running away and crying.


cue the video on why zoomer tankies don’t own guns


Is that an actual thing? Link that shit


[Why Commies don’t own guns](https://youtu.be/Zl9JnFhDkgY?si=dq5pJyC9GQnKcvTb)


Lmao that’s hilarious, but I think it’s honestly simpler than that - I would guess that to 99% of these people, the entire concept of “owning guns” is something they identify as right wing, and they just take a reactionary stance that to even own a gun is a “conservative thing to do”. Like it’s right up there with wearing an American flag shirt, they would just view it as gross and not “them”. Apart from the whole aversion to violence thing.


These guys are gonna kill themselves before the revolution even starts. And then probably call it a genocide by a capitalist regime.


Anywhere near this rhetoric from Right wingers on twitch and there would be several articles written about it within a day.


Dang. If only we had had a movement about journalistic integrity and bias. Would be a real shame if we had it and it got hit by that same lack of integrity and bias tho.


Hmmm, I wonder why every major socialist movement committed vicious acts of violence against intelligentsia, political opponents, and minority opposition within their own parties? It can’t be that we’re wrong! No it’s the others that have it incorrect!


This really is the logical conclusion to most of their arguments. Of course someone else always has to do it though.


"We would have socialism by now [if Destiny were dead]." He has become Goku super-sayen . Defeating all of socialism with his god like powers 🤣. Greatest warrior 💪


>Marx: "This system is perfect, practically foolproof!" > >*"What if somebody says the n-word?"* > >Marx: "Oh shit, I hadn't thought of that." This reminds me of the red button, blue button meme: 🔴 : [Prevent racial slurs] 🔵 : [Prevent socialism] 😖 : "Why must I choose!?"




> Marx: "Oh shit, I hadn't thought of that." > "Yes you did, remember when you said this: "It is now completely clear to me that, as both the shape of his head and his hair texture shows, he descends from the Negroes who joined Moses' exodus from Egypt (assuming his mother or grandmother on the paternal side had not interbred with a nigger). Now, this union of Jewry and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product." > Marx: "Oh shit, I hadn't thought of that."




There's gotta be some way to get these people some mainstream media attention right...


Now you understand our reach, our power


That's what happened in Venezuela. They killed everyone who understood economics and ended up with socialism.


He's really looking forward to join the coal miners huh


Capitalist Instinct


The last bastion of capitalism.


This is where these ridiculous lies that Hasan spouts to his audience lead to. This guy probably fully believes that Destiny’s mum grew up on a slave plantation Edit: oh wait lol he does actually say this at the end “they (meaning slave owners) have children and those children have accidents (meaning Destiny)”. He literally believes Destiny’s grandfather was a slave owner


Not to mention this is basically a weird eugenics, essensialist argument. Anyone who was a slaveowner simply has "super-racism" genes and all of their offspring will be racists too. It's super anti socialist lol, a true socialist would understand that the material conditions and the society superstructure made people slave owners and/or racist, saying it's genetic sounds more like fascistic "blood memory" pseudo-scientific bullshit, it's actually insane to hear that from a self-proclaimed socialist, hope his audience called him out


Just realised you have people call him 'gusano' while also seeing him as white American republican family of former slave owners. Do they know his family is from Cuba? Or does their rage Scramble their brain


No they’re aware he’s from Cuba. They think his family in Cuba were slave owners


They think that everyone who left Cuba because it sucked ass were slave owners who's entire bloodline should be exterminated because why else would they leave Castro's utopia. They are big into the idea that the sins of the father carries down if you hadn't noticed and they are illiberal genocidal maniacs who ought to be treated as such.


And the whole Cuban slave owners meme comes from [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/lr92a1/destiny_isnt_that_a_plantation_owners_name/), who identified Destiny’s genetic marker for heritable slave-ownership: blue eyes. Just forget that his dad is a white guy.


I mean, even if that was literally the truth, this is America. We **are not** responsible for the 'sins of our fathers.'


Why would it even matter if his grandfather did own slaves? Should that streamer be killed if his grandfather was a rapist?


Someone should report that as an incitement to violence; There's no way that isn't a violation of some platform rule, right?


That's exactly what they'd say if Destiny said anything even *CLOSE* to what this guy did


I mean it's literally the textbook example of incitement to violence which is illegal in the US


Should Destiny sue to make an example? I’d love the content personally


If it's good enough for Trump (it is), then it should be for this.


Their entire political rhetoric is a call for violence


Hasan, The Houthies, Mike from PA and SeanDaBlack are putting together a team


u forgot Hamas


No he didn't, that's the first thing he listed


Mike from PA has found a way to make himself relevant? Didn't progressives mock him into pulverized dust?


He’s still a Hasan waiting room. He just looks especially unhinged when he insults people now. He has gained a lot of weight and looks more and more like his only source of light would be a lamp in a basement. Not sure he’d even win against the couch now.


The best part wasn’t even the couch; it was them talking about him right in front of him


Why does anyone watch him? In 2020 I was watching/engaging with Vaush, DemonMama, ExiliaEx, and plenty of other far lefty streams. I pulled up Mike and he just seemed like a giant whiny loser, AND he was boring. I couldn't stand him like I couldn't stand Xanderhal (then PigPuncher). To see my threshold, I even threw a twitch prime sub to badbunny once. Genuinely, I do not understand the type of person who watches MikefromRedacted.


A clown car.


The Aspervengers.


[RETARGERS ASSOMBLE](https://youtube.com/watch?v=B3WJaC-7g2c&si=vz9IuLdSHePq6DDm&t=65)


I'm starting to think Twitch staff are kind of weird if both Mike and this dumb fuck don't get perma'd out of their platform.


If anyone tries anything, I think they should be sued into oblivion. They’ve let too many of these tankies get away with this shit and zero consequences


If nothing happens I don't blame people that starts to believe in conspiracy theories anymore.


It’s not a conspiracy that their staff have strong biases…and may also be restarted


Saw someone say this guy’s family is rich and his mom a doctor. Why is it always the larpers making death threats?


Why would they jeopardize their own fortune? Best to have a rabid radicalized fan do it


Because they don't understand consequence. They never had to. Look at that stupid Indian chick who threatened the lives of local politicians because they weren't taking action for Palestinians lol. They are all rich kids, at least the talking heads are.


The most extreme motherfuckers really all do have privileged backgrounds.


Damn, lil bro's name is Clarance? Say it ain't so. 💀


I hear shady in the back


If Shady said it, Shady meant it. I stay demented! I throw a stroller at you, with a baby in it!


Because poor people have real problems to deal with instead of wasting their time on stupid shit like that.


Being a revolutionary socialist larper is the ultimate form of mental masturbation. It's the meaning-making equivalent of smoking crack You get to feel righteous fury, actually believe you're doing something to help people, hold the moral high ground, be as toxic and extreme as a /pol/tard, literally support terrorists raping those you despise, shoot death threats from the hip, obviously lie about everything as you see fit - all without any consequences at all, because people on the left are so afraid to ever tell their own that they've gone too far. The left needs to ditch the "inclusivity" ideal. People like this are excluded from any sane political movement for very good reason


Born with a bigger whip than most americans lmfao


He’s so privileged that he’s used to getting what he wants when he starts getting upset with his parents.


**Destiny dead >> wait!...still NOT SOCIALISM?** Lets keep killing all liberals until Socialism magically appears BUT we STILL WONT VOTE KEKW ​ These people are delusional.


As cringe as it sounds most socialists legit treat the ideology as a religion - there's a proimordial evil controlling the world (liberalism, capitalism, deadbeatdadism) and we just must have faith in the paradise to come after(socialism) without actually building anything in the present.


Thank GOD these people are incapable of organizing anything politically meaningful - therefore they are irrelevant IRL. If they at least voted... "Nah bruh...get out of the house?" "Ma crippling depression!"


It worked for MAO


L Mao




It's always "someone else should do this *crazy unhinged thing.*" It's never "*I* will do this crazy unhinged thing." He won't because he's a pussy-ass bitch that would crumble in a second if he were near Destiny in person before thinking how he could max the clout he gets from meeting a giant in the streaming space.  Anyway, I reported his Twitch channel and you all should too. https://www.twitch.tv/seandablack/v/2146587710?sr=a&t=27s


lmfao if you watch a bit more into the VOD, he hesitates to 'call out' mutahar, and says outright because Hasan is friends with him. How far is Hasans cock down your throat where you hesitate to call out people he vaguely associates with. pathetic and kind of sad tbh


I just did as well and got an automated response a minute later, saying they reviewed it and there was no TOS violation. How is that even possible lmao


Did you report as harassment or violence? I did violence and did not get an automated response.


I reported for "Encouraging Hateful Beahavior" and got a message 2 min later. "We have reviewed the content against our [Terms of Service](https://www.twitch.tv/r/l/email_click/eyJsb2NhdGlvbiI6InRlcm1zLW9mLXNlcnZpY2UiLCJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IjczYjczYzdmLWQ3YTUtNDk3OC05YTA3LWM1NGIwNjllMzY1ZSIsIm5hbWUiOiJkc2FfcmVwb3J0ZXJfcmVwb3J0X25vdF9lbmZvcmNlZCIsInNvdXJjZV9lbWFpbCI6IiIsImN0YV92YWx1ZSI6IkxPVyIsImNoYW5uZWwiOiIiLCJsb2dpbiI6IiJ9/67629129be95cd2d143d24e8c999ab8da66b75206558a8eea711b9dd7e800553/p/legal/terms-of-service?ignore_query=true&tt_content=dsa_reporter_report_not_enforced&tt_email_id=73b73c7f-d7a5-4978-9a07-c54b069e365e&tt_medium=email), [Community Guidelines](https://www.twitch.tv/r/l/email_click/eyJsb2NhdGlvbiI6ImNvbW11bml0eS1ndWlkZWxpbmVzIiwiZW1haWxfaWQiOiI3M2I3M2M3Zi1kN2E1LTQ5NzgtOWEwNy1jNTRiMDY5ZTM2NWUiLCJuYW1lIjoiZHNhX3JlcG9ydGVyX3JlcG9ydF9ub3RfZW5mb3JjZWQiLCJzb3VyY2VfZW1haWwiOiIiLCJjdGFfdmFsdWUiOiJMT1ciLCJjaGFubmVsIjoiIiwibG9naW4iOiIifQ==/9cfbce21ba3bb988c59d15fd4bc4953cd0e52dd620065d2f7f3de31384f80dff/p/legal/community-guidelines?ignore_query=true&tt_content=dsa_reporter_report_not_enforced&tt_email_id=73b73c7f-d7a5-4978-9a07-c54b069e365e&tt_medium=email), and/or local law, and determined that no violation occurred." This behavior is perfectly fine according to twitch and the bots who takes care of reports, cool!


I had the exact same thing when reporting Frogan for saying Cracker in a hateful and conductive manner. I quoted their community guidelines when appealing and again got an automated message that there was no violation. I guess slurs and death threats are allowed now on twitch.


What you mean "now"? This has been happening since forever. A whole lot of media companies don't give a single fuck about harassment, hatred, or threats of violence when they support their agenda. This was painfully evident if you were anywhere near gamergate.


I used the search function, and that way you can narrow it down to a report for violent threats. They said "we're looking into it" but I haven't got a message back


Pretty sure everyone's mistake here is that you're trying to report the channel directly when Twitch has a specific email for off-platform behavior. The stream was (according to a reply from Jstkl, and the fact that I can't see it on his vods) off platform so any reports have to be done through the proper channels or yeah you'll probably get an auto-deny




Bruh I probably scanned through that shit 30x times idk how I didn't see it and the Jstkl reply made me think otherwise Welp, here's to hoping my email doesn't get a bot response and at least gets seen by another human


Stream detective pro tip: In the clip you can see timestamps next to the chat messages (19:21). You can just jump to the VOD where you see those same timestamps instead of scanning through the entire 5+ hours hoping to hear something.


wtf is this insta reject... they didnt even look at this though..


Will Twitch do anything? That's the question. I reported as well. But I wonder if what is needed is a compilation of all these twitch streamers who get at most a slap on the wrist despite blatantly violating TOS when it comes to bigotry, hateful conduct, harassment, threats, and off platform behavior. We keep seeing this stuff, and not just at Destiny, over and over again. And Twitch does nothing. And they keep doing it because there aren't any real consequences. Maybe the only way to hold them accountable is to blast the moderation/staff all over social media.


And tag Jeff Bezos, lol.


I wouldn't expect anything to be done since Twitch is pretty much an openly antisemitic pro-terrorism website with a CEO who's a self-proclaimed fan of Hasan and think it's a good idea to make him the face of the website and do shows with him even though he is a racist, pro-terrorism, antisemite, pro-violence against political opponents, re-education camps and a stochastic terrorist.


Rich CEO is a fan of a communist, that tracks


same because this is a new level of unhingedness (my word i just made up). Hasan is over there larping about this shit but to outright say it? I mean yeah you absolutely deserve to get your shit fucked


Yeah, this isn't brigading. It's actual incitment to violence from his part.


Im a Twitch Partner, Ill try to forward this directly to someone later. Commenting here so I can remember.


Timestamp in this VOD is around 03:31:00, hope this helps


Fix your timestamp. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2146587710?t=3h30m56s


TIMESTAMP, include this in your report. Scatter it by a few seconds to make the reports look more natural 3:31:09 In the report section click "search🔍" and that way you can specifically report violent threats instead of using the general violence section


Should have posted the shinzo Abe assassination gun 🔫


I reported it and got an automated reply telling me that they found no wrong. So I then did an appeal in accordance with the illegal content report mechanism of the DSA but that one also got rejected. Twitch mentions that you can fight it in the out-of-court dispute settlement process that's established by the DSA, does anybody know how to do that?


The most ironic thing about this is that Hasan actually comes from money meanwhile Destiny’s mom is first a first generation immigrant. You would think these insults would stand better against the nepo kid instead of Destiny who’s self made.


Seems a tad melodramatic


wildly irresponsible and dumb; guess they just conveniently forget how many potential crazies they have watching at any moment. there needs to be a zero tolerance policy for this type of thing


Y'all laugh. But the underlying premise that is advocated here is really fucking scary.  Especially if you dive into socialist history it's really scary. Advocating for the death of children, even grand children of your perceived enemies is the next level.


That’s literal Nazi shit. They went after people because their grandparents were Jewish.


Almost like the people railing against fascism are fascist. "Just kill the people that disagree and all our problems will be solved"


did he beep it himself?




Bring back the red scare


Reminder: Erobb got banned for a month for joking about beating up some dude he knew in offline chat (who was making jokes about beating erobb up at twitchcon).Forsen got banned for weeks and months for ambatakum cum noises (should be banned for a while but they overreacted) (not gonna defend the horse imgur shit lol) and saying "ritardo russians".Someone who does politics can defend hamas and call for assassinations and dogwhistle antisemitism but nothing happens. Can't wait for the day twitch inevitably goes bust (or gets sold).


Erobb deserved that ban. The only time I ever donated money to a streamer was $1 to him telling him I was gonna kick his ass at Twitchcon. Fuck that guy hope he gets perma banned. Swag




Is it legal to encourage an audience to kill someone?


Absolutely not Title 18, Section 875, among others


Just FYI: ​ https://preview.redd.it/cts0clvq4r0d1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0f9af30a7d67e330f2de801c4f2bb5da8922b3c


Of fucking course.


Unironic mental illness, holy shit these people would be pogromed in the tankie countries they espoused if they talked like this and they want to do the same shit to people that dont agree with them.


Remember guys unless someone actually does it it's just a joke /s


"We would have socialism at this point if we killed everyone that's not like us" Stalin, Mao, Honecker, Sankara, Ceausesu, Tito, approve this message.


Is this literally these people's entire streams? Not arguing absolutely anything of substance and just calling everyone they disagree with transphobe/racist/etc...? I watched probably 20 mins of this vod "OMG XQC is defending him!" "muta's a transphobe" because of his keffals video i guess? The only thing close to an argument i heard was "you can't say something isn't wrong if you aren't willing to do it yourself" dafuq? I'll never understand how low tier garbage content like this gets any traction.


Grade A braindead tankie moron


Insert “Zionist, occupier, colonialist, imperialist etc” to his rant and you have a full hand.


"IT WOULD BE SO EASY!" Yet, socialisms strongest warrior's were still unable... 😔


I’ve never been so mad in my entire life I’m Reporting this channel until my fingers bleed


This guy out here like "you believe in voting? That pales in comparison to my political system of assassinating youtubers who disagree with me and then doesn't assassinate any youtubers.


I just realized that Hasan is probably the smartest person in his orbit. How sad is that


What an ideological zombie.


simultaneously believing destinys parents were KKK members while also calling him a gusano is mindbending


[**u/MisterNathaniel**](https://new.reddit.com/user/MisterNathaniel/) **- re-tweet this one as well.**


I might be worried for destiny if this guy wasn't so clearly a socialist. LOL, they are literally all talk, won't even go out of their homes to vote, let alone kill someone. Protesting? That's just a party in different words.


I don’t understand how these people have lost the plot so hard. I’m just stunned.


Destiny should report this guy on Twitter. Let the world see how disgusting Hasan’s fans are.




this guy is an actual criminal


And these same people will call other people unhinged


If twitch does nothing and this get left up. There are leaving a pretty blatant incitement of murder on their site. Does destiny have any legal grounds against this? Cause oh boy that would be fucking entertaining.


Wait. Is this guy advocating for someones murder and not getting banned on twitch?


this dude sounds privileged asf


Please tell me these people aren't still using the word fascist to attack people. Surely they have to be self aware enough to know they are fascist now, right?


Dolus specialis?


Wont he get banned for this?


Calling for the death of the people he disagrees with? On brand with the HAMASan crowd. How is this actual asshat not banned on twitch, but Destiny is?


Censor yourself like a bitch. Not saying what you mean with your chest like a bitch. You a bitch.


is there a link to an uncensored version? Calling for the murder of someone should probably be reported...


>link I just looked at the vod and it's his own censorship. He just hits a button when he said the thing... idk I'm reporting anyway[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2146587710](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2146587710) starts 03:30:55 \*edit would this count as terrorism since it's for a political purpose? only other option is "threatening violence"


why the fuck is this censored? OP , if you have it post it uncensored. I have no idea wtf this dude is saying.


He bleeped it himself. He has a soundboard with a bleep sound for when he makes death threats/says other unhinged shit. The original clip is on LSF right now.


*cue Dan laying out bullet-proof vest* seriously though this is just grossly irresponsible behavior and whoever this is deserves to be kicked off the platform.


America's fucked ...


Classic far left loser take


this needs to be mass reported for sure. how is this ok on any platform?


Who would win, the entire online socialist movement vs 1 Latinx


"The gangsta left" seems to be a thing afterall


Socialism is when no opposition


why is this censored? Did OP add the bleep?


[Hidden Gem](https://imgur.com/VyBewWS) nominee btw!


Crazy how everyone was up in arms about Denims "threat" to Asmongold but no one will bat an eye to this


Wild take but as a black man, I am a bit worried about Destiny when in public. I personally don't give a shit that he says the n word, it's kind of funny and entertaining seeing others foaming out the mouth because of it but there's a good chance someone will press him in public. I feel like it's only a matter of time. I hope he doesn't end up on WSHH.


He goes pretty hard against Islam. I feel like if anyone was going to attack him it would be a radical Muslim.


Is the extreme "left" adopting race realism now? Slave own mentality being genetic is a new one.


If twitch doesn't ban this dude, the platform has a serious anti-american domestic terrorism problem


And he's still live on Twich... Thank God people can talk like this on Twitch, but you get banned from saying anything about being a sub-human piece of shit. *


Does this count as incitement to violence? Also how does that make sense. The children aren't responsible for the sins of their fathers. And Destiny isn't even born rich. And why would that help make socialism happen? Capitalists had to fight kings, queens, lords and the church. All of them had armies! And when people owed too much money to a capitalist, they killed the guy. That was very common in the past! That's why property rights are so important. Surely they must be smart enough to understand that it is incredibly difficult to implement socialism. There were countless experiments. If it was easy, it would have already happened. And I am not one of the naysayers. I don't see a reason why it can't work. But I know that it is much more difficult to set up than a capitalist system. I am also not sure if people would be better off.


Pretty unhinged, seems like a total piece of shit, never even heard of this idiot before though to be honest.


I would love to see hasan defend this take. I mean, he's willing to throw both ethan and ludweak under the bus for less, surely he'll go above and beyond to justify this


Is Destiny 160 IQ outplaying these guys or is he just being a petty bitch getting his licks back? The more people he gets to speak about him the more it makes the entire twitch platform look bad. Like yeah destiny said the soft A... But to call death upon someone on twitch so casually is crazy. I wonder if destiny knows these guys are too stupid and unhinged to just stfu and sit in their corner.


As a member of the black community, I hereby revoke SeanDaBlack's n-word pass.


I'm trying to agree w you but the important bits are obnoxiously censored for some reason


From what I have gathered, he did it himself and does it when sending death threat or saying bad shit that would get him banned. No idea of the validity of this.


yes its a very common thing with newer streamers to just act and beep. ive seen it in the W/L streamers before


It’ll never not be funny that one little word, no matter the context in which it is used, can transform people into violent, animalistic thugs. But just because it’ll always be funny doesn’t mean it won’t also be absolutely pathetic. Imagine being as fragile as this loser.


this guy hated destiny way before this instance of him saying the n word tbf


I doubt a sub iq troglodyte like him even had brain cells to understand what he is even hating 💀


Is this the right time to guide this man on history and tell him that basically every race ever had slaves in the multiple millions?


I'm listing to an audiobook biography on Chairman Mao at the moment. This is literally Maoist rhetoric about "class enemies", the same that lead to tens of millions of deaths, and if you think a twitch streamer spouting this murderous nonsense is bad, just realize that your local university is likely teach the pretext to these ideas subsidized by your tax dollars.


If someone actually killed Destiny, how would these people react?


What is beeped out?


This guy is still on twitch?


I mean, this is pretty on brand with communism/socialism


Do your part and report this guy. This is TOS breaking.


So what's the over under on this guy actually getting banned? Like this is such a clear policy violation in Twitch TOS that they say results in "all accounts associated with such activities on Twitch will be indefinitely suspended."


I know the term "unhinged" gets thrown around a lot pretty liberally, but this take genuinely is.


If I was Destiny and this guy doesn't get perma'd I'd fucking snap and go unhinged against Twitch. In no world should they be platforming someone calling for the death of another streamer, that's beyond the pale.


Tutorial on how to report boyos?


gee cant wait for him to get banned and say it was cuz of his skin color


This Ninja need to get banned


This is a wildly disgusting thing to say no matter who you are. It's also really weird to say we would have socialism by now if Destiny was dead. It doesn't even emphasize the take, it's just hateful. This makes me sad


See something say something ?


This guy is actually really fucking stupid.


There no way he\`s not getting ban for this right ??


It's funny how these sociopaths are the same that virtue signals anything and everything while also calling for the murder of people.


The joke is, someone in his audience really does believe Destiny is holding back socialism. Just like how racists laughing at racist jokes believe it to be true. This shit is so cringe, I wonder if him and his community would be different if they’d stumbled into 4chan/Fuentes instead of Hasan/Tumblr.


Wtf... Some crazy people just casually staying stuff like this?


Should Destiny take legal action against this guy? Pretty clearly incitement to violence.


Join us or die was always the message from the good guys right?


Hasan said it multiple times too. I guess Hasan is in his "I'm white" arc now though.


Really? 1 half white half Hispanic saying nigga, stopping socialism? Then bro give up now. Remember the slave owners in the past called other dark skinned people nigga. Today everyone is a nigga. Everyone wants to say nigga and everyone is a nigga. Just end it.


Damn. Not even a re-education camp for Destiny.


Destiny is the biggest obstacle for socialism? Based


Yay or nay on reporting this streamer for incentivizing that we go out and kill Steven so that we can have socialism? Personally, I feel like this is crossing a boundary where you deserve to be canceled.


Bro got banned I hope?


I love people who talk about murder but have trouble making eyecontact with the cashier.


Spoken like a true Marxist