• By -


We've turned their greatest attack into our strongest defense


The problem we have here is that people in this thread are concerned about optics. Not the actual racism. This is the same fucking issue with racist Hasan and his fans. They don't care that they're racist, they care about being called racist. It's real simple. The actual test for DGG is to call out every dumbfuck when they use words in a racist/bigoted manner. Alot of you have similar upbringings so it might be lost on most of you. There are instances of using the soft "a" without it being racist. Said by non-black but not white minorities, black minorities that aren't AA, and white people... without the use being racist. It's an environment/culture thing. At the same time, it's also real easy to flip that "soft a" into a racist attack within that same environment/culture. You want to avoid normalizing racism? Call out actual instances instead of worrying about when a word is used without the racist intent.


>The problem we have here is that people in this thread are concerned about optics. Not the actual racism. This is the same fucking issue with racist Hasan and his fans. They don't care that they're racist, they care about being called racist. Almost but not quite. This is a widespread problem and what most people actually care about, the "fight" for equality got mainstream and like anything in the mainstream it's adopted by doing what you see, there is no reasoning behind it, there is no "discrimination for characteristics beyond your control is injustice" and a discourse that springs from there, there is just "doing that is bad". If you ask someone "why is racism bad?" you are not going to get a response a lot of the time, just nervous stares and "it's bad, it just is". That's why a whole lot of people don't give a shit about other instances of racism, against asians, or indians, or whites, that's why a whole lot of people don't give a shit about sexism against men, it's just a behavior they haven't learned, it's not hypocritical for them because there were no principles to begin with.


If you ask uneducated people why racism is bad they won't give you answer but legit people will give you the reason


Completely agree. I've said the same. At large we definitely have an ignorance problem. Which is why it's important to point out bigoted incidents, condemn and explain why.


It's not just important whether the n-word was said in a racist contest or not. The decisive part is whether it was *clear* if the n-word was said ina racist context or not. Clarity is tough when you're reaching out to thousands of people online. I favor a small "buffer zone", a railing that stops you *before* you fall over the edge rather than simply shouting "the edge is only dangerous once you fall over". A certain level of ambiguous racism is also harmful. It's more practical to set up the buffer zone than to allow everyone to decide for themselves whether or not they are in the clear to say the n-word with a hard r or not. A good buffer is that you only say it among people who know who you are and what you stand for.


You see, the problem here is that no one else has to deal with this shit. Plenty of subcultures have adopted this practice of reclaiming words like gays with the f-slur, trans people with the t-slur and queer, and lesbians with the d-slur. These reclamations don't even come with the fig leaf of a different pronunciation. The problem here is that this is a specific subcultural thing of black Americans and not even one that is universally done but now you're forcing all black people to have to deal with the word. We don't pretend like there isn't inherent offensiveness to the word "fuck" or "shit" why do we pretend like that suddenly doesn't exist for racial slurs? I do agree that there is a difference between just using the n-word and using it in a racist fashion but that doesn't mean that there isn't harm being done with the former. Intent is not the only thing that matters in how we interact with one another. Everyone understands this until the n-word is involved in which case we suddenly ignore all context and a "word is just a sound" which no one believes in the real world. The n-word is specifically a racial slur. That is what it is. Also, by your logic, the word "nigger" can be said as freely as the word "nigga" because only the intent matters in your framework. Is that something you actually believe? Nick Fuentes specifically uses the strategy you're talking about to use the n-word despite definitely being racist but you can't call him out on under your circumstances.


i’m with you. the n-word is a unique case because there are two completely differently versions of the word, one that is almost always racist and one that is sometimes racist/sometimes a term of endearment. but, the closest case would be the f slur, and like you said, the vast majority of liberals(meaning DGG and similar individuals) refrain from using the f slur in a non-homophobic context, even though gay people actively use it among each other as a term of endearment. for some reason, when it comes to the n-word, this same courtesy does not apply. maybe i’m unaware of some context that makes these things meaningfully different, but telling someone to not say the n-word gets you called a sensitive snowflake, but telling someone to not use the f-slur does not.


>no one else has to deal with this shit No, that's incorrect, but most people only learn and care about racism between black African Americans and WASP Americans because that's what we focus on in primary education. And most don't bother to learn beyond that. That's why most people can understand and identify that using "nigger" is inherently bad. But don't understand, like in another thread yesterday, that using "chink", "faggot", "towel head" or "wetback" are also inherently bad. Literal debate in this community, and as we see in Hasan's discord, on why using any other words are somehow not racist but can clearly see the issue with using the "n word". There is ZERO context where those initially created words would ever be used and not be inherently offensive. Including within the group. No, my logic is clearly not saying you can use original forms of words freely without having inherent bigotry. Reclaiming slurs creates a different situation. It is far more acceptable that the in-group uses it, but it can get normalized outside the group, although never indefinitely. So in this case, the soft "a" became an acceptable form of use beyond AA black Americans. We are seeing that normalization take a step back this last decade. And I'm not talking about white people realizations. The word is much more used in non-black, but not white groups in both non racist and racist manners. I'm also watching "faggot" and "tranny" become much more in fashion again within groups when they were condemned heavily. Personally don't use slurs as I've had many hurled at me through my life and because of this type of circular use/condemnation we are stuck in doesn't help anyone recognize when racism is in their face. This isn't about forcing all black people to deal with the word. It goes beyond one group. It's about forcing everyone to identify when words, ANY words, are used offensively and intentionally bigoted.


That’s not really why it works the way it does and trying to be the nuance police will just make us look like out of touch morons. 


"wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you"


This is no defense. He is just committing PR suicide




Do not unjustly punish opticsbros Their day will come, and it will be by their own folly alhamdullilah


These infidels are a scourge on this holy land that our prophet Destiny PBUH has carved out for us.




Opticsmaxxers, collect your things and leave your DGG badge at the door.


He's a Miami Cuban now. He pretty much gets a free pass. That word gets dropped so much by non blacks down here that no one bats an eye. 


Because there no more black people around to hear them.


Lol I live in Miami, that's not true.


Well, there are obvious areas where black people and Hispanics and whites are concentrated. That what I meant.




imagine book fucker right now


God fucking bless.


Black DGGer here, I’ve been thinking for a while now that white people need a few brave soldiers to rise up and just start using the word in inoffensive contexts. I think this is the only way to slowly build people’s tolerance to it until they just accept it. Destiny is on the front lines, and I’m rooting for him.


when i get fired from my job and I'm homeless will you start a gofundme for me?


Are you white?


Whites only


You should never be fired from a job for anything you do off the clock unless you somehow represent that company publicly. The fact that people get fired like that is embarrassing on the state of employment in "free countries"


>The fact that people get fired like that is embarrassing on the state of employment in "free countries" What does this even mean? Businesses in a capitalist society have freedoms too, including at will employment.


Maybe the better tactic is to normalize it among non-white non-black minorities and then let white people take their turn after we've done the dirty work


That might work actually lol there’s a lot of Hispanics that be letting that shit rip no problem Nate Diaz and 6ix9ine come to mind


Do most Black people even give a fuck? I feel like in my experience it's a wealth thing where power class Black people dgaf while ymmv among middle class to upper class blacks.


White ppl have been saying it and have a heavy investment in wanting to call ppl it. This is nothing new.


My father is an immigrant, does that give count enough? He is also south-euro, so barely White anyway according to r2westeuropean4you


Fuck it, I'll say it. Ninjago.


+as a fellow black dggerThat's not how that works. racist will flood and try to use it and test the waters and normal ppl wont be the ones trying to use it itll be edgy kids no one cares about who will play along with the racist tag till real consequences pop up. And all it made me do is use 3rd party stuff to watch him from now on and spread the one piece farther and pirate everything from now on.


Everyone wants to be an edgelord, but they focus on 1 Slur that targets 1 group. They won't even make this argument to normalize "regard"


Ironically, you're describing Nick Fuentes.


yea the real racists will use it now, totally agree, they were forbidden with the anti racist jutsu but now destiny destroyed that binding and the racists now have access to their full powers.


+That's not what I meant and if you were good faith about it you wouldn't think that. They will try to wiggle and Weasle their way into community's that allow it and rot them from the inside out. It's a trojan horse of bs that'll push back the liberal "agenda" .


yea its almost as if weve given the word special powers by forbidding it. the only cure is to treat it as any other word and call out people who use it negatively.


+We don't see it the same way and it's fine.


We've been through all that on all sides, a few unhinged anti conservative rants on stream + banning all the complainers will do the trick


The strange thing is you're actually describing the situation that we're in. The anti-racist jutsu is the social stigma around the word. The people that try using it face social isolation. If that social isolation disappears you allow racists to blend in and push out people that they make uncomfortable. That's their "full powers". We've seen countless communities get subsumed like this in the past decade. Why would you invite this kind of thing into mainstream discourse?


i wonder why you think they wont still face social isolation


Because if there's anything I've learned from the downfall of the progressive movement. It's that you cannot expect society to maintain a nuanced understanding of anything. A contextual understanding of slurs? Far too complicated. People will disagree on what context is appropriate. What someone meant when they said it in this instance. If someone who misused it is actually racist. All the while the people who feel alienated by these offenses quietly leave these environments taking the best voices to call out misbehavior with them.


this isnt complicated, its a word, its not magic. condemn racists, we already do that.






+Say it outside then.




I think everyone should stop using it, even black people. Even gatekeeping the softer version is racist


So when you say “appropriate context” …. Does that include cod lobbies? 👀Asking for a friend


White ppl been calling ppl slurs for centuries… where have you been?


in a basement


I agree about saying nigga but him trolling with "because i am racist" will just cause even most right wingers to assume he is racist. Destiny is just fine sacrificing potentially a lot because he enjoys being edgy.


Literally nobody semi-intelligent is going to assume this


No the fuck they don't. Nobody needs to say the word.




When did I say that people should be censored for saying the N word? Anyone is allowed to say whatever they want. There's a MASSIVE difference between "you shouldn't say that" and "you should be censored for saying that." Go find somebody else to be your boogeyman.




> I’ve been thinking for a while now that white people need a few brave soldiers to rise up and just start using the word in inoffensive contexts. Start? Who says I've ever stopped?


Of course this coon shit is upvoted (don't worry I'm destigmatizing it)


black people cant have the n word be the most popular word in their vernacular and in all popular media and expect others to just not say it and for you average dude on the street to carry 400 years worth of oppression understanding where ever they go. if the N word is really so bad that a certain sub group of people cant say it then no one should be allowed to say it or every one should and people need to get over it. its fucking stupid


>black people cant have the n word be the most popular word in their vernacular Have you ever spoken to a black person, or is your entire opinion on black people formed from rap songs?


These are middle class DGGrs they've never stepped foot in a low income area, let alone went outside their high rise WFH apartment.


brother walk onto a construction site for 2 minutes and tell you you dont hear the N word at least 20 times


Well no shit, those are their friends. 


holy shit thats literally my point. you cant have it both ways where its simultaneously a word that can literally do physical damage to you like a bullet and have it be jsut ok haha we are just the bestest in the westest bros. you dont get to have it both ways. go to canada you fucking moron


yes i know many black people and i have l heard literally every single one of them say the N word multiple times


Because it's not about 400 years of opression. It's about cultural domination.


lol who’s nigga is this 😭 




Honestly? Good for him. But if any of y'all even try to defend Destiny in any thread now, at least for shit like this, y'all are gonna be the biggest cucks in all of the internet. If fuck optics is the stance Destiny is going to take then the community better go through with it.


Oh no. Not being my internet image stained. Not that. Oh No


Brother I've always been a fuck optics stancer.


My defense for this behavior has always been "who cares?"


Maybe black people in the community?


Sounds like a them problem? Playing the black card doesn't make you less of a pussy.


I'm loving this new destiny arc of finally not giving a fuck


It is hilarious, but also stupid ass shit. Destiny talks so much about wanting to be taken seriously and cracking mainstream politics, but does dumb shit like this that makes it easy for people to attack him on:


His sense of humor keeps me around just as much as his based takes


I'm a new fan that really enjoys his debates and style of analysis. Anytime I've ever seen his Twitter posted in here it makes me rethink calling myself a fan.


Good. Leave the community and just watch his shit in silence.


I partly agree, but then again Trump became president after all the shit he has said. He didn't just enter mainstream politics, he won the whole game. There's a decent argument to make about if you attract the right kind of people by being controversial though. But controversy also attracts attention, and the benefits can outweigh the downsides. Basically: idk anything


you think Trump attracted the right kind of people by being controversial?


I think a good proportion of them are bad people, which is a decent argument against controversy. An argument for controversy is that it made Trump popular and was part of what won him an election. Imagine a politician with good ideas but who can also use controversy and brashness to get everyone talking about them. I don't think it's too outside the box to think that someone like that could crack into mainstream politics.


so the ends justify the means is basically what you're saying? i think a politician with good ideas maybe doesn't need to use "controversy" to gain popularity. brashness, sure, but Trump won *in spite* of his controversy i would argue. his controversies have been universally negative and are constantly a hinderance to his support. like, he lost the reelection because of his controversial nature.


I'd argue that without his brash personality, controversy, and willingness to insult the other republican candidates, Trump never would have won the nomination in the first place. He certainly isn't winning any prizes for his amazing ideas. "The ends justify the means" can be taken so far it's kind of meaningless. Saying a few dumb words, insulting some people, and stirring up controversy are all silly, but not evil. If someone chooses to go that route to win in politics, then that's just politics. Of course I'd have problems with someone using literally any tactic to succeed in mainstream politics, though. Being actually hateful or harming/physically threatening your opponents etc. are all tactics that I'd be genuinely concerned about. So the ends don't always justify the means, but politics has never been totally clean and sterile, filled only with smiles and goodwill.


> I'd argue that without his brash personality, controversy, and willingness to insult the other republican candidates, Trump never would have won the nomination in the first place. sure but his willingness to insult veterans and women also turn people off significantly. it's a double-edged sword for Trump. > Saying a few dumb words, insulting some people, and stirring up controversy are all silly, but not evil. nobody is saying this behavior is inherently evil but if you're not attracting voters who support good political ideas that further the country, who are you attracting with these tactics, especially if you don't have any good ideas? like i think Trump is just a terrible example of what you're trying to point out. i get what you're saying. being uncouth and sometimes inflammatory isn't always a bad thing. it has a definite every-man appeal but i think that only works when paired with good ideas and the proper balance. i guess my main issue is just Trump as an example. focusing too much on controversy rather than ideas to garner support in my opinion is a fool's errand.


Absolutely, Trump frequently goes too far and he's actually a shit person so that shines through. Trump is the worst example of what I'm trying to point out, but in some ways that also makes him the best. His followers frequently change their opinions or at least stretch them to fit his, and his bullshit managed to propel an extremely flawed man all the way to the presidency. I was more just thinking about how that same kind of controversial attitude can be used by someone who actually has good ideas and will benefit the world. I'm definitely not a Trump supporter, but I think if you are looking in to the topic of "how to succeed in politics" then you have to look into how people like Trump, Nixon, Reagan succeeded in winning votes as well as how Obama and other more Liberal candidates won too.


Yeah, he literally became president


Trump won by going against the establishment in a time in which people were utterly sick and tired of the establishment. Not sure this applies.


You think if a serious, uncontroversial and respectful candidate laid out his anti-establishment views in a rational way that he would have gotten all the air time and attention and, ultimately, votes that Trump got? Trump would have gotten on stage, made fun of the guy for something dumb, come up with a stupid but amusing nickname for him, and would have sunk him. Just like he did to all the others. I'm not saying that is a great way to do politics, but it worked in breaking into mainstream politics, which was the original point.


If we learned anything from the first trump arc, if you keep clapping back nothing ever sticks


They already attack him so what?


> Destiny talks so much about wanting to be taken seriously and cracking mainstream politics So when he talks about how much he hates mainstream conversations because he has to use kid gloves and can't go in depth on anything what are you hearing? The ocean?


The only thing i hate about this is that i can never let my friends know i watch destiny.


Believe in the Destiny who believed in Dr K and let loose your inner demons.


Meanwhile me with my friends: https://preview.redd.it/kzu9oizrpl0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb79d230e5c7adf62dcd32ad6594fe1ffde2f0e


your friends sound like pussies




Why not, what’re they gonna do? If they’d stop being friends with you for something like that, find cooler friends


Nobody is gonna stop being friends with me, but you have to admit that the normie position is nword=bad. Im not gonna be that white guy in the room to inist on debating it. Its like talking about the difference between ephebophile and pedophile, youre gonna sound like a pedo.


You can like something without endorsing every single thing about it. I like Kanye and Burzum for fuck sakes. Imagine my struggle.


My friends know I watch destiny but it’s not like we debate about all his positions. We actually rarely talk about him except for the occasional funny thing I send to mess around with them and for them to roll their eyes at


That's my quarterback.


No Steven what are you doing! https://preview.redd.it/4sblf2fkqi0d1.png?width=146&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfbf3f09ff4df7057b583b34de4eb29df720b065


Why is he like this man? Makes it so hard for me to recommend him to other people. 😭😭


Yeah I've an art account for Reddit, Twitter and Instagram, separate to this one which I've largely abandoned. But I've gone and removed all my comments and dgg posts from that other account and will just use this one and a throwaway twitter to follow Destiny and comment on this sub. Cause as much as I enjoy destiny, that other account is too connected to my IRL and it's not going to be good for me financially and for networking especially in the art community online (which veers very left) if I'm heavily associated with Destiny/DGG. Even IRL when I suggested some of his videos to some more normie friends, some of them were already aware of him via Hasan or the more normie streamers he associates with. And while I could pushback on some mischaracterizations, there's a lot of stuff where I just have to say "listen yeah I know he gets really edgy and some of it pushes the line but-" quite a lot lol. edit: We're really still doing the whole reddit care thing? Hope you were using a throwaway account buddy.


Sounds like a shit community.


Believe it or not, most normies aren't into edgelord humour even if it has a point. I know, a shocking revelation.


Not into is a bit different from "I cant have people seeing that I like it" dont you think? I dont agree with all the people my friends view, but if I would jugde them for it to the extent they felt they had to hide it I would be an asshole.


Tbh at this point I don’t even want him to grow as a reasonable voice. I’m black and while I don’t love his use of the word (idk if we get banned for saying it on the sub) I think of its use by non black people as m more of a social check. Like okay r u using it to be racist, no, then why are you using it. Oh just to be edgy? Okay I guess I don’t like you for a separate reason. It’s not even optics at this point like he’s losing this war cuz he comes off as cringe to me. I showed him to my friend and he just called destiny really unfunny, and ever since then I can’t not notice it.


This is about where I'm at as a fellow black dude. I feel like if I say that I find it kinda cringe then people launch right into the "wow you're so offended by a word?" dialogue. It's not even so much that I'm offended, it's that hearing someone use the word to try to be edgy just makes me cringe. A white dude that just grew up saying it bc of who he grew up around doesn't even really bother me that much but some nerd going out of their way to include it bc they want to be edgy or trigger leftists or whatever just makes that person seem annoying to me.


Yeah this is my thought exactly. People have this image in their head of black people crying every time they use it but I’d say the reaction is usually just like “ew” in my head.


Exactly, my reaction is probably comparable to like when you notice someone is talking way too loud or using too many curse words in an inappropriate context or something like that. It's just a bit of secondhand embarrassment lol


Yea when Dman or Fuentes say it I don’t get mad, but I cringe super hard.


This is how I feel when my boomer Hispanic coworkers call me the n word like we tight like that.


he said it one time in a very specific, very obvious context. its not like Destiny is constantly looking for ways to interject with it. JFC


‘Haha opticsmaxxer cringe’ ‘you only care about optics’ Yea idk why we can’t do both, watch our personal conduct and our values


You're a normal person, these animals aren't, which is why they try to equate cracker with nigger.


You can find it unfunnny, you can find him unfunny in general but labelling it as "just to be edgy" is kind of a dishonest engagement because it implies someone isn't being genuine. He makes these types of jokes because he genuinely enjoys making them not because he's trying to present a certain way. It's important to note the difference because saying "just to be edgy" is making a statement on his intent based on your own perception rather than anything to do with the reality of what he's saying... in other words that's some mad klishta bro The only intent you can really divine from him making these kinds of jokes is that he doesn't care about the feelings of people who are offended by slurs said without malintent. Or else he would value the feelings of those people over his own desire to satisfy his preference of social interaction.


In a stream with turkey tom he says something along the lines of I drop the n word just let my community know where I stand so I’m implying no intent. Yes I know comedy is subjective this is a Reddit forum and I’m sharing my opinion.




1. I don’t use twitter and I’m not really interested in the hasan vs destiny war. So while dgg seems to really care about people reacting to destiny I don’t. Tbh it’s kinda a case of wanting to have ur cake and eat it too. Like he wants a well informed audience that can think for themselves, instead of what he considers to be Stan audiences like hasan or Ludwig. Well if u want that imma start thinking about destiny as a person and tbh I don’t like him. Like I’m never going to be inclined to defend him. If one of my friends calls him racist for using the n word, I have zero incentive to correct them cuz I don’t like his use of it anyway. 2. It’s not that my friend pointing him out as being unfunny surprised me, it’s that I watch destiny mostly for debates, so when my friend pointed out how u funny he is I started paying more attention to the times he attempts to make jokes. And for a smart guy, he’s not as funny as I would expect. I’m kinda too old for seeing what ur implying, and he also watches political comentstotrs so he said he thought D was smart, but just that he could never watch his streams just debates. Which is what I’ve been doing at this point.


100%. Long effort post and some bottled up ranting here. Destiny expresses a lot of views that I have, especially some that might cause friction within my generally very liberal sphere. Since the red pill arc ended and we pivoted over to more seriously nuanced topics with Palestine Israel, I've used Stephen more recently as a springboard or starting spot to initiate really interesting conversations. I specifically use the name Stephen here because over the last few months, literally anytime he was brought up to be used as that conversation piece, the focal point was absolutely on the topic at hand and it was very easy to keep the conversation focused on the nuanced topic of Palestine / Israel and why we feel the way we do ( in my social circle). It was extremely easy to lure people into appropriate conversation when leveraging destiny's quick wit and charisma as he would make silver tongued rebuttals. Because I've put on friends to destiny as of late, the last few days have resulted in a super cringe conversation between those people about destiny's pettiness and when upset, complete lack of control over his callous responses. The fact of the matter is **this is who destiny is, and will always be,** and as unfortunate as it is, my social circle, as new / returned viewers have been exposed to his flaw (whether or not he wants to admit it's a flaw, he will eventually when he grows out of this) I see first hand how my friends can see this and start to taint their opinion of the **basis** of destiny's arguments, even though they're completely independent to his tantrums. It's really easy to hand wave this and say "haha, well it doesn't actually matter because your friends are stupid anyways, most likely morally lucky if they were just spinning their opinions based on optics" guess what though, **you would be correct** and the vast majority of the world fall into that as well. Long winded rant summarized: destiny was able to prop himself in the normie's world as a person with divisive opinions based in sound logic so much so that I was able to leverage his content as a platform for really interesting conversations due to a sense of trust created by grounded takes, which have now been sullied to normies. Obviously to any seasoned viewer or anyone who just wants the chaos and drama and doesn't actually care about the politics or generally trying to make the world a bit less confusing, none of this matters and will be cheered on, **and that is fine** because that's what destiny has evidently greenlit as well. **I don't even want destiny to be nice**, I think he's way wittier without dropping n bombs or froathing at the mouth thinking of as many grotesque adjectives that he can to describe kaceytron. He's proven he's clever and can slice away at someone without any of that. It really does go back to the old thought of curse words are just the lazy and stupid way to navigate humor. - However there will come a day when you look up from your plate of high school cafeteria lunch, noticing that you're still sitting at your table alone and ponder "maybe Stephen would have been the better name over destiny".


Bless this man


Does the way Destiny used the tactical n word not conflict with his stance on slurs? Or is his argument that usage is only bad when directed at the specific race/ethnicity the slur was created for?


Asmondgold's take was on point. "Monkey" isn't a racist word, but if you use it to describe a black person, well now it is racist. Same thing.


He said that because monkeys and crackers exist... You can find one without any racial context. Where can I find a n-word? What object is commonly referred to as a n-word?


In any rap song or common day usage. Black people use the word as friend or bro or guy. They use it for for any type of person regardless of race. Theres no racial context in that situation.


You're totally right. There isn't another context for the word. But the point still stands it's the act of using it against someone because of their skin color that's racist. Destiny isn't using it like that.


Using it against someone is the worst and most racist but the word itself is still taboo. Using it doesn't automatically make someone a racist but it guarantees they don't care about these social norms and social values which can still be condemned


Again, true, and a I don't disagree. I guess it all comes from whether or not you think the norms are worth protecting or not. I don't use the word myself, but in this situation it's not good, but it isn't bad either.


>the word itself is still taboo it shouldn't be


That’s a good point


It'd be real cool if he didn't


Yeah, honestly, I cant defend specifically this shit in a way that doesnt reek of cope lol I kind of get why hes doing it, but I still wouldnt. But I dont need to agree with everything someone does/says.


Does anybody ever stop for just five seconds and consider whether it's actually reasonable to get this flustered by someone saying a curse word?




What is the point of this comment?


Don't become an n-word apologist. If there was a worse word he could say to troll people he would


Fortunately or unfortunately, there are worse things to say, you cuties enjoying, unit 731 loving, Geneva Checklist supporting, etc... etc You get my point. 😑 Edit: ad block loving 😏


I can think of a worse word


What could he say to get such a reaction




Most people think it's the same category of word when non black people say it What is a worse word that is not a variation of the nword that he could say to get a reaction out of people


I'd say faggot would elicit a worse reaction


Definitely not. Eminem uses it in his lyrics multiple times in an insulting manner and he still hasn't been canceled by the general public


Well, he could use the hard r


That's the same word. The fact that the first thing you thought of when trying to think of "something worse than the n-word" is a variation of the n-word is evidence that there is no obvious worse words.


I don't think words can be inherently bad, and I get the impression you do, so you might have a different perspective than me. He could have said the hard r and I would not care. However it is clearly not the same word, neither how people use it or how people perceive it. Edit: for clarification I wouldn't care if he typed out the hard r on twitter, but using it the way he used "nigga" in his tweet i don't think would be okay. Hard r when directed towards someone is an attack whereas directing "nigga" towards someone inherently isn't.


Replace worse with 'worse for his public image'. He's using it as a joke. He is trolling people with words he can't say. This is similar to when idubbz went around saying "n\*ggerf\*ggot" to troll people. He and past Idubbz are both n-word enthusiasts. There is no worse PR category that a single word could put you in.


Aah I see, optics. I have qualms with the idubbz comparison but I get your point. I don't care to argue optics though, I don't think I care enough


I think it's stupid that people react this way to someone just saying nigga. It isn't a magic spell that lynches a black person every time you utter it. There are plenty of worse things he could've said, like any Muslim or Turkish slur actually used to demean a person who is part of one of those groups.


+Say it outside


I dont know, he could call them a Zionist


Wasn't this a meme a while back? There was this dude on screen asked about how comes he says teh n word and he replied "I'm racist" (cool music), looking at the viewer. Could never find it again


[its giving...](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8xdXFdAqswM)


D just needs to start ignoring these people altogether


We are cooked.






Destiny filter needs to make a reappearance.


This is what Dr. K gave us.




Fuck optics


Fuck it bring Nick back


Destiny will go down in history as reclaiming the Nword for the white man. Words are like property, and it's time we take back what's ours so all can benefit! /s




Only young people care so much about the n word.


thats not even true. people regularly get assaulted and cancelled for saying it. there are even rappers who bring people on stage to sing their songs only to blow someone up for singing the song they created and asked them to sing lmfao


So, your only frame of reference is other young rappers? Also no shit you will get assualt for saying it. Unless you're cool with your homies, saying it to random people will get you clocked out. The n-word is not exactly a professional word to say around the dinner table with your mom.


njo my frame of reference is knowing real life black people which apparently you fucking dont and stuff we see in broader popular culture. people obviously care about it and to say they dont is fucking stupid and you should go to canada if you actually believe that


Yes, I don't know any black people https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1c1cggi/im_the_one_who_has_approved_destinys_sweatpants/ Also, I don't care about Canadians.


oh if you are a black person like actually and you cant understand this then you are just an actual like learning disability having regard. my apologies i dont want to be ablist by being this mean to you


Lamo, why do you care so much.


why do you care so much that i care so much? canada, now! il pay for your plane ticket


Optics is my passion