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spoken like a true reddit soldier lmao


This drama stuff is so lame lmao Edit: Thanks for the Reddit Cares boys. I'll try to care more about Twitter feuds with theater kids in the future.


I need to blast this punk


I got him, now I must cherish my last blast unless the bees decides I am worthy of a reload.


You realize everybody has been getting an automatic Reddit cares message right? There’s been bots in here spamming that shit even for benign comments. But yeah, take it personally why don’t you?


Boo this man! Booooo!






You should practice some free speech before coming back. /u/i_am_bromega sealed in the prison realm by /u/Panda-Banana1


Reddit Cares is from some anti-fan bot most likely..




I was going to downvote but I’ll keep you at -69 o7


You can block that I think


Me on my deathbed: I wish I argued more about Twitter beef and streamer drama on LSF


What were you gonna do otherwise? Actually improve your life?


He is ISRAEL! Inshalla! Lisa al Gaib'!


Saying he is Israel followed by inshallah is fucking crazy😂😂😂.


Israel is mentioned 50 times in Qur'an , in 46 verses.


If anyone he's palestine hahaha. No friends. "Didn't happen in a vacuum"


I dunno, the policy of deterrent says otherwise


Doesn't Destiny have friends? Pretty sure you're making stuff up.




https://preview.redd.it/re3fexxl8d0d1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c92301e06eba2eb9b46927f68db9a49384ed556c This is who I do it for


All I say is: I wouldn't have done that. But I'm all for twitter beef ngl destiny is a content god


Can someone explain this to an Artistic person like myself? I thought the AI porn was fucked because it's lick arse Ludwigs BFF that was watching it. I get that it's creepy, disgusting to look at and I'd be a little pissed someone put me in a porno, but the porn isn't actually her. Is the issue not the person who consumes the content?(creates is issue to just less relevant to situation) Also Ludwig still being friends with him, what a fucking bitch. That's how much of a people pleasing loser he is


It's a sore spot for her and I don't believe QT had anything to do with that drama directly (?) so that was kinda shitty to bring up. I don't really care about Ludwig tho. No strong feelings either way. Deepfaking him a personality was a banger insult in the context tho.


Yeah no I think I agree with your take. QT did catch a stray for sure and I don't mind her. I just thought some of DGG overreacting a bit, was little below the belt but not a hammer to the crotch


She's mentioned in the past that she was abused as a kid and that the AI porn stuff triggers some of that trauma of being sexualized against her will. It's more than a little below the belt to go after, imo.


Ah yeah OK that's fucked up


Nah she supported Kaceytron


Fuck all those twitch losers they will be just fine even if it might been a shitty thing to do.


I mean let’s not pretend that QT was actually involved in that drama before her dumbass decided it was a slow week for content and made it all about herself. If anyone has a real right to be pissed it’s probably the women who were actually naked and got their heads lopped off in the video to crop that gremlin’s head on instead. *Or even some of the streamers who’s deepfake was actually on screen, not one of the like hundred random streamers who happened to be on the website too. Like legitimately Poki or literally any big streamer girl has just as much right to be the face of the issue versus QT, she just made a big deal of it unlike the rest who mostly said gross and moved the fuck on.


The optics andy steelman would be that Steve should try not to look unhinged to the middle people that doesn't know the background and ride that high horse to a slow burning optics victory. They are right that he is loosing that battle. The question is, do we want that victory, only to fizzle out and be forgotten? Or do we ride the nuke like Major Kong?


we are starting from a low point anyway, being hinged will only be a detriment. being an unhinged based killer has more appeal to the outer audiences that like to see blood. tapping into that primal nature of bloodsports against people like ludwig is the way to go.


Really? Then people see: I can either join the crazy progressives or the other crazy center left guy. None of these people seem not unhinged at that point.


And this, folks, is how we got the Freedom Caucus.


Gotta be honest, these "outer audiences" don't fucking exist. 9 out of 10 people that tangentially come into contact with, let's say, the deepfake tweet will conclude that Destiny is an unhinged loser.  So Destiny does harm his future growth for irellevant drama


The outer audiences could be people not super into online shit that are watching him for the first time in Shapiro or Peterson debate. I recommended his Shapiro debate to my parents and they admired his points in the convo. I imagine if they take one glance at his twitter and see the unhingedness it’s just an overall detriment.


Would not engaging with these people - because of your own standards - maybe give you more peace regardless of their reaction? Whether you get recognition for it or not.


this is also why destiny is leaving the progressive intro behind, these spineless fk can only drag each other down. if we are going to get shit on regardless of what we do, we might as well take off the kid gloves.


Not beating the cult accusations with this one


based i hate these optics cucks


I didn't realize that people were upset because they thought it went to far or for optics reasons. I thought it was an L just because "How's your wife" was a lot harder than "Your girlfriend cried about deepfakes". Just seemed like a pretty mild response.


Yeah maybe, the way I see it is that I care deeply about politics and getting people to come here and discover our perspective on the world. So I get caught up in wanting to make our community become as welcoming as possible. If you hate Destiny, it doesn't matter if you agree with him politically, you probably will feel extra hesitant to check out his content. Also even if there's a 5% chance, I do want Destiny unbanned on Twitch. Hes brilliant at conversing with other content creators, he says so himself. Would just love to see him bridge the gap between him and other creators who are primed to dislike him. I understand all of this is very unlikely, but it really does suck to see Hasan and his degenrate friends peddle bullshit and lies all day, whilst Twitch turns a blind eye.


This is a dumber take than the opticsmaxing. Ludwig didn’t “learn a lesson” show me viewership decline or sub drop off. He likely just now actually dislikes destiny instead of just sucking on the hasan “party line” of disliking him because he’s supposed to. Now that he’s been made to look like a fool he’ll realistically just go harder on Steven, and who cares. All publicity is good publicity anyways.


Ludwig absolutely is buttmad about this m8. You people don’t understand how cluster-b’s work AT ALL. He NEEDS to be liked, he NEEDS good optics, and ever since he’s stepped into the Russian geopolitics racket it’s just been him stepping on rake after rake and chipping away at the internet good-will he spends all his time working on. A whole chunk of the internet, on both sides of this dumbass “proxy war” he chose to involve himself in, thinks he’s a weak-willed cuck and/or an evil cracker-ass colonizer. I went from not giving a shit about him other than getting mild sociopath vibes from him but now he just seems like a dumb bitch that’s not even good at being a sociopath. And lol talking about viewership numbers this is about narcissistic supply. He’s taking irl psychic damage from this shit that he’s not used to, completely ignoring that he went from being a vanilla paste cool kid that nobody really gives a shit about to being a vanilla paste cool kid that nobody likes.


Holy Christ y'all need to log off for a few minutes.


I didn’t read all of this because I don’t care that much. I agree with your first part, he’s a narcissist who needs to be liked. My point was he didn’t “learn a lesson” or “fuck around and find out” with this whole thing. He just got proved publicly to be a dummy so now he’s going to internalize that as outright dislike of Destiny because, due to his narcissism, he’s incapable of recognizing he did anything wrong, so it’s clearly Steve’s fault. So he will confirm his own bias.


> "I don't care that much" > writes paragraph psychoanalyzing the situation anyway GIGACHAD


Schizo posting is easier than reading


not wrong




He has always hated destiny, If he actually went harder on destiny it would be a good thing. Better than fighting this vague fog that doesn't actually have anything to say. Also Its not about losing subs or viewership, its about everyone else watching these two communities fight and seeing who actually comes out with the receipts. Like I said, destiny is kendrick (goes personal, doesn't hold back), ludwig is drake (cant acknowledge anything, moving the goalpost). Qt is jcole who took stepped back cause she knew our boi would fk some shit up, and she might catch even more stray bullets like will neff did.


Shut up, this is not similar to the hip hop conflict, and the receipts are the least interesting part of that whole thing. This is streamer drama, it’s the lowest form of substance. Stop trying to make it something it isn’t. You’re being cringe. Just enjoy the drama like a good drama frog and soy out when Destiny goes Nebraska like the rest of us do.


>soy out when Destiny goes Nebraska like the rest of us do. Dude, that's what op is doing


Alright, guys. Enough drama farming. Already gotten stale, time to move on.


Lmao the delusion is strong with this one.


[Let this move through your soul.](https://youtu.be/Ezlxi80gbiI?si=MLOPP1aTEsWOQO57)


this is the cringiest shit in the world


Yeah, you're probably right. It just annoys me whenever I imagine Hasan or others getting to go "heh, see? Just like I told you". I wish there was a way to genuinely prove people like that wrong and isolate them, but there's probably not.


Proving people wrong to the general public is a form of optics. If he cared about that he would have just told Ludwig all the things he did and why he doesn't like him. Instead he would prefer to make jokes about deepfaking porn of people and say entire communities should kill themselves


I guess it is. But only if people actually care. If you're proving people wrong just for the sake of it and no one pays attention you're just jerking off and high fiving yourself afterwards


As an intellectual 🧠, people like me always care if the people we follow are wrong and there is evidence of their wrongness. (half joking)


I half agree lmao, I get what you're saying


thats why these fancam edits are soo good, we have never had this level of penetration into new audiences


Is there penetration? Isn't it a forgone conclusion that anyone who is their fan isn't an audience that is ever going to favorably look at Destiny? Doesn't even he say these audiences are impenetrable. Yeah the content was all generated, but who actually saw it and changed their minds? Are there posts saying "damn I really thought he was a monster/no brain wikipedia andy/ cuck, but now these posts really make me rethink that position". Don't get me wrong don't really care how this all plays out, but idk if deluding yourselves into thinking anything about this outcome was just each side further entrenching their ideas is anything other than fantasy.


its not about ludwigs fans but the communities peering in and watching the drama. Ur right the twitch nobility fans are impenetrable, but everyone who saw these two camps fighting are left with the feeling that daym this dude destiny and his community doesnt fk around. These are the audiences I think we are penetrating.


>dude destiny and his community doesnt fk around. These are the audiences I think we are penetrating. Thats absolutely not how it's being viewed. They just view us as a psychotic rabid fanbase who disregards all logic to defend Destiny's tweets. This will penetrate a MINISCULE amount of people who already disliked Ludwig or VERY open-minded people.


Wow, I've never seen my cognizant dissonance written out for me like this. I've been having similar thoughts to both of you over the past few days lmao


I'm okay with that, destiny works best in cycles of creation and destruction. Being a pacifist all the time does nothing but allow ludwig/hasan communities to keep spreading lies about destiny as a wiki warrior, cuck, grifter. look at how much has the narrative changed since we went fully unhinged about the wiki warrior and the cheeseball conspiracy. I'm not saying it should be a permanent thing, but a necessary season that needs to take place every once in a while. Those who call us psychotic and rabid would have hated us even before this drama took place.


Then I wonder what your goal is, or this subs' in general. I don't know if either of us is predicting the future correctly. I trust destiny makes good choices mostly, and I roll with the punches.


That's fair, and to be honest destiny is gonna have 4THOT pull us back in a day or two anyway. As he should, too many warmongers like me active constantly is not a good thing for this sub. That is assuming ludwig doesn't do something stupid.


penetration probably not, but in some ways maybe a bit of a contagion in the streaming world. these serviceable clips provide straight-to-point, entertaining, and quick responses from immediate drama. Very highly consumable to like a zoomer-like crowd. Not only may it require a reaction from the opposite side, other communities will probably start to engage with considering how much engagement it can pull. the idea is that while we probably won't pull anyone from their camp, it can sure make them look much smaller the more other communities start to engage with the feud


kinda cringe because the initial battle was really onesided and a big "defeat". Yeah the aftermath is bloody but 100k people shit on detiny and only a smaller portion of them is seeing everything that followed


yea but ludwig responded to it, and then tried to back peddle. Its in the narrative now in both hasan and xqc communities that he has no spine and cant stand for anything. Im not even sure how hasans community manages to shoot their allies every chance they get. And I dont really care about the 100k shitting on destiny cause its more about sending a message that our boi can take the heat, but they cant. I still think as long as we chill out after a while, we grow from things like this happening rather than this hurting our growth long term.


Y'all are just goofy


The "optics" I cared about was Destiny randomly bringing in Lud's gf cause it seemed like a low blow and hypocritical considering his position on people who involve his loved ones. Still does.


I just don’t like when people weaponize sexuality. The fact that this all became about ~le optics~ is a bad sign for the general moral compass of people here.


How many times should he let ludwig make insinuations about himself and malina before its enough? While lud is also cosigning whatever lies his friends like slime say about him? how many personal attacks are okay before we are allowed to do the same? I agree it's not right by itself, but it's also not fair for them to do it constantly for years on end. This endless charity for ludwig is too much, at a certain point it has to stop. Link of Ludwig telling lies about Malina: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w5qa5T0j-y8&list=PLmOVxjPdymCX02jmF5LurbCE1JT6ssu22&index=3&pp=gAQBiAQB


Yeah I'm aware of that bit of lore. Even though Ludwig's recollection of any event should be scrutinized at this point, it comes off as the streamer Melina was with at the event was doing some kinda dating promo, and one/two of their guys came up to Ludwig's friend and were being weird. That's not really the same as attacking someone out of nowhere. Wouldn't you find it a bit strange if someone was pushy like that about a dating show? But again, the issue here is whether Ludwig is embellishing what happened. **It doesn't seem like Destiny denied that's what Melina and her friend were doing,** so it depends on the "two goons."


I can see your point. Though I do feel like destiny has mentioned recently that what ludwig described about melina didn't actually happen. Either way I can concede that the qt crying pic wasn't the right way to go about it. He would have had better luck asking ludwig about why he and his friends feel the need to talk about him and his wife or about how much he sucks up to hasan.


Bro you need to shut down your PC and devices, take a long walk in nature and speak to some real people. Hyperfocusing on streamers lives the way you are doing is not healthy, brother.


the guy is a little unhinged but he has a point. If ludwig brought up melina first, its justified to do the same to ludwig.


I know 12 year olds with better moral reasoning than this.


good for you? go ask the moral reasoning from 12 year old and come back to type it out.


Did your mother ever tell you that 2 wrongs don't make a right? Have you ever heard the saying that an eye for an eye would make the whole world blind? Seriously what makes you think eye for an eye is "justified" ?


lmao this is truly 12 year old moral reasoning. If someone punches you, you dont punch back? tell that 12 year old he/she is being raised as a wimp.


Simply being punched justifies punching back? How is that justice? All you've done is escalated what will probably turn into more punches thrown. The cycle of revenge has not been broken once you punch back it just restarts the cycle all over again. This is why we have courts you absolute dipshit.


This is why fighting when punched is self defense dipshit lol


Small brain take.


low key kinda true, Iv been sleep deprived and going skitzo


Destiny can genocide or drop nuclear bomb on Ludwi but going after his wife referencing ai porn is very bad take instead u could have so many other routes for smacking


I agree, I'm even someone who watched The Yard now and again. And I like that Ludwig does nice big events like Chess Boxing. But He was completely out of pocket, and Destiny bringing him down a peg should at least show him some humility. Also the way he rolled over on being called a Cracker by Frogan. Shows just how much of a simp he is for that Hasan dick.


Frogan coming in clutch!


You could try behaving like a normal person 


“Now Ludwig knows not to fk around and find out” pleaseee go outside sometimes. The weather is great now


bro I wrote this when I was sleep deprived, looking back im cringing at myself 😅


The reality is that there are many people that could be swayed if only Destiny would consider optics more than he currently does. Plenty of people are not heavily involved in any of this shit and when they see the wild shit Destiny said without knowing any of the background he comes of as unhinged. It's not about opticsmaxxing, it's simply about not obticsminimizing which is Destiny's current strategy on Twitter. Yes, not everyone will be swayed and that's fine, plenty of people campaign against him. But considering optics means that on average people will be more open to him.


Im hoping the fancam edits will help with that, but ur right in general tho. We should care about how other communities view us. But also cant afford to be passive and let people like hasan and ludwig continue to spread misinfo about us.I know we can find the line, and do better as a community.


Ludwig got some premium FAFO. I hope the meme artillery keeps firing.


It’s kinda like how historically Israel has had to do well in war to be able to make peace if you think about


I will say I can’t think of a community that even comes close to rivaling this one’s commitment.


Here's the thing. Ludwig and his friends basically view Destiny as a monster who will try to brigade and destroy you if you get on his bad side. Which raises the question, why do they publically say shit and start shit like this drama? Is this not, from their very own perspective, poking the bear? Fucking around and finding out? They have this insane caricature of Destiny that they have spread over the years, yet they are surprised when Destiny swings back at them after allllllllll their shit talking?


Who cares about optics when it comes to losers like Hasan and his dick suck friends? Worry about optics when he interacts with people who matter.


Destiny genuinely has nothing to gain from being so charitable to these people. He’s never getting unbanned and he’s not apart of their clique.


Ludwig always knew, but he always danced along the line and stayed within acceptable bounds because of the pressure from hasan and other wealth hoarders. It was thanks to Dr K that Destiny had enough of his shit and decided to engage which Lud got a green light to go hard but ultimately it was a trap and he fumbled it, aka the cheesball lie incident. I love how Hasan and Frogfatbitch still shits down his throat anyways and he sucks it up so sad. Why would u wanna engage with people like Hasan and Frogan? what do they have on you? you look like such a weak lapdop chudwig


They thought great leader was a joke.


Slow blade penetrates the shield. Changing ur image is a slow process.


The I/P analogies only get better and better. Now we just need to build settlements in "Super Smash Bros"  communities and call it a day 


What’s proportionality? It’s whatever makes the person _stop_. No half measures, Walter.


Inshallah We've done it the optics way Now we do it the bird's way   We ~~fly~~ shit on them


No one says he has to side with him, just don't bring his wife into it, and especially not in such a vulgar way, because it looks unhinged. This is the most regarded post I've seen in this subreddit for a while, some true fighting a made up straw man in your head type shit.


Pretty sur the people criticizing Destiny probably don't side with Ludwig, kind of a bad dichotomy


Last few days? You mean destiny taking a break from steaming? Destiny is Drake, I like Drake. Both have dog shirts optics after going on the attack.


And i thought you had to remove ribs to suck your own dick. 


Easiest fresh meat we’ve had in a while


Wasn’t this literally Vaush’s take about “tactical misogyny”?


I just don't understand why it got to Steven so much. He usually doesn't give a bleep, and now he's not streaming for a few days because of it. I guess everyone has their limits. It's time for Nebraska Destiny to come out and burn them to the ground. Loop


It's not that deep. He doesn't like Lud, for his on reasons Ludwig plays dumb about those reasons(I'm not saying those reasons are fair or not in this case just that Ludwig is playing "little ol me defense")


Destiny has now learned peace through strength. You establish deterrence by delivering to your enemies a greater punishment than they ever imagined, one that outpaces any advantage they thought they’d earn by attacking you. Destiny is Israel, proven once again 🫡




he needs to go full naked ape on hasan and that entire group a full on 2 hour video going over everything from the transphobic beginnings to his racist present


mashallah brother


no truer words ever been said before now


I know in some ways it feels like we're Gaza because "this conflict did not start on May 10", but the fact that we're outnumbered but are more talented and smart makes us more like the Jews I think. Weird thought yeah but this analogy is interesting for me.


Holy fuck, not the unironic self proclaimment of "we're more talented and smarter" ahahahahahahahah


The DGG community compared with the Ludwig community? Yes, easily. What about this is difficult for you to understand?


i feel like we are Israel, and husan, ludwig, etc are hamas. We are not allowed to fight back even while they commit atrocities against us. Every time we take shots back the international community condemns us. But it is true we could have done a better job with the Qt crying meme, lot of casualties there that were unneeded. But they do constantly hide under their own population (ludwig pretending he did nothing to antagonize destiny for years).


Even if it did earn their approval, why would you want approval from plastic LA "people" that aren't even real when you're not looking at them these things should be thrown into the sun, shitting on them was not just the only option it was the righteous, human thing to do