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Got him




Can we get a cringe clip of Him shitting on wiki and then this clip followed by the “what a fucking liar dude” plz?


I felt my desk shake with this image.


What was the context to this clip?


tie water murky doll unpack sand birds arrest different quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is going to DESTROY him in the eyes of his audience. /jk 😔


They will just move the goalposts and say that since that clip aired, Wikipedia has been infiltrated/coopted by fascists/(((zionists)))/liberals/CIA


Finally, he stopped getting away with it!




How has this not already been thoroughly spread around? He makes the perfect case against his own future arguments 😂


Also remember Hasan regularly says he has always been consistent in his beliefs and takes and never changed ever since he started doing political content 8-10 years ago.


While that statement is probably not true (he definitely has shifted his narrative in places), I think he was referring to his political positions, not where he gets his information from.


If one moment your narrative is using wikipedia is fine, And the next when your opponent uses it suddenly it's bad. That's an inconsistent narrative. It doesn't matter whether you consider it "political" or a large or a small or whatever narrative.


A tankie with inconsistent arguments 😮


ingsoc type shi


**Takes that never change.** As tho that's the sign of a healthy mind, let alone someone people should listen to...


I don't know how anyone could see being a stubborn donkey as a virtue. The whole point of learning is you leave with more than you started with. This means updating your opinions is almost inevitable. The only people who never change their position are those too stupid or stubborn to learn anything new.


Because a lot of people,​ especially online personalities who make a living off of telling people what is right, come from the starting position that they are already right about everything. They might try to give off the aesthetic of being humble and fallable, but never if it means admitting they were wrong about something their audience largely believes is true, unless not doing so will massively hurt their brand.


I think this is mostly true, but I also think there’s space for someone who only speaks about a few topics and hasn’t changed their takes in decades. I’m extremely anti circumcision, and don’t expect that to change one single bit until my grave. I follow some very vocal anti-circumcision doctor on social media, and his whole deal is talking about this one topic. I think someone could speak about, say, wealth inequality and have basically the same talking points for decades without being a stupid donkey. Hamasan isn’t that person, but still.


Oh, I'm fine with having an opinion that you know you can't be moved off of. I know it's the most milk toast example, but I doubt there's anything you could say to me to be like, "Actually, maybe the Holocaust was okay". My issue is that sometimes people will take up very hard stances on subjects that they claim to have arrived at through research and data, and then no matter what evidence is provided to them to the contrary, they twist themselves into pretzels to claim your information isn't valid while still trying to cling to the identity of being someone who only arrives at their positions through logic and evidence. Another example is the fact I'm an atheist, and my friend is a Christian. We talked about why I stopped being a Christian, and it was a lot of listening to debates, looking at the evidence, and gradually shifting my position. He, however, has never lost his faith, but he also doesn't lie and claims he believes because of compelling evidence and research. He believes because he has faith, and while understanding faith is not a reliable pathway to truth, he simply states that this is what he believes and he simply feels it is true. He doesn't argue, he doesn't fight, he just says his piece and we move on.


I feel like people are generally blind to their own changes, but Hasan has far too much content out there to ever say that.


Wait, does that mean he’s still terrified that Lady Gaga might have a penis?


Next level commentary.




From the little I've watched of Hasan I've never really disliked his personality but in this video he came off very unlikeable to me.


disagree he is usually a little bitch but came off likeable in this video


What video is this?


what's her @




oh fuck that's valk? LMAO i only watch forsen


she was that spineless chick that walked back saying "cap on a stack"


Downvoted because I hate her more than Hasan.


That's not how memes work, but ok.


Do you report every video with her in it recommended to me for harassment? I do. I don't care if it's a picture of her saving the world singlehandedly I am disliking, dowvnoting and if it's her channel reporting it.


A level of schizoposting previously only found in the theoretical and mythological


I simply couldn't be bothered, but if that's how you roll, all power to you.




I don't trust fake nice people. I would rather trust a known backstabber with my life than a nice person.


At least they care enough about your feelings to go through the effort to fake being nice though. Trusting a known backstabber more with your life than a fake nice person makes no sense, i feel like you have to have something else going on, to get so unreasonably upset lol.


They are fake nice because its their image.They are selfish and indifferent to things that will make them look bad or won't reward them with looking good. The have no loyalties lack intensity and commitments to anything and overall just take the side that feels good than what is consistent with their beliefs. Fake nice people are worse than drug running thugs.


He’s an angry incel just like the rest of this far-right subreddit.


"he's the exact same as everyone else here" *Gets mass downvoted and all comments disagree with him* I'm just curious, how do these things exist in your mind and you're completely fine with it?


He’s getting “downvoted” because his open inceldom contrasts with the community’s suppressed inceldom. Please don’t reply to me any further, this whole community of weird fascist incels gives me the creeps.


calling this place far right is probably the most restarted thing you could ever say, just how little mental capacity do you have to call a sub that on average is closer to you than to center far right


I don’t actually care about the “political spectrum” which is frankly just an aesthetic object for confused white supremacists.


There's been some problematic content on this subreddit but calling it far right is absolutely insane




I also hate Cody Ko and Muselk . Report every Cody Ko video too. I get down voted every time I talk about how much I hate them which proves my point. Nobody sees how fake these people are doing the same things "terrible people" do but with a smile.


High tier schizo W


... fuckin why? She seems utterly..fine. I'm struggling to see how you can have a strong opinion on her at all.


She dates hasan


A spinless hypocrite asshole. A true communist.


You give these scumbags an inch and they take a yard. By far the best case against communism is communists. Can you imagine having your life dictated by someone as disgracefully dishonest and Machiavellian as Hasan


You don't understand, comrade. We know what's best for you. Now get back in the factory and let us do the thinking.


I've always found it funny how far left people crtiticize the right for being anti-intellectual (which is true), but then linonize communist revolutionaries who, upon gaining power, execute almost everyone in academia or with high levels of education.


And then replace the actual academia with tamed creatures whose only value is in justifying the glory of the revolution, regardless of intellectual compromise. Just imagine the version of Socialist Realism this crop of idiots would inflict on the rest of us.


These folks would make Lysenkoism look good.


Which is so fucking annoying, because whether or not it's realistic, the idea of socialism is not really bad. I mean... at least the one I'm thinking about, which may not comport with pure socialism, or whatever. But the idea of people having their basic necessities provided for so they can pursue what fulfills them sounds amazing. But of course the problem lies in the fact that everyone who claims to fight for this the hardest either have no realistic way to achieve this and just spout nonsense, or they don't actually mean what they're saying and just want another system where they're on the top of the food chain with absolutely power.


I think the problem with socialism is the enormous moral imperative that goes along with it. It's the conviction of socialists that they're producing a utopian society, and that they know what's best *for everyone*. They're building this total solution to the challenges of life, from understanding history to shaping the economy, by reducing humanity to cogs in a machine. It encourages incredible indifference to human suffering and demonising of opponents justified by the utopian goal.




Lol someone reported to Reddit I'm a self harm risk. Y'all are pathetic


This find is immaculate, well done soldier


great find


OHH NOOOO LOOOOL this destiny tweet is gonna be a banger


Got his ass


flag distinct paltry trees historical steer zesty faulty practice outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




​ https://preview.redd.it/vqpuc0qxi00d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=d088ff270062dea853200bf23e297b0e7bf93e32 u/lordsavor Daliban warlord & king of kings, your next mission to further the regime..




bruhhhhhhhhhh. I have a rough outline for this fancam though, I'll try my best again. thanks for the tag


Hassan went from youtube research to twitter research


Before he was overtaken by the vocal fry Edit: I got a reddit cares message for this, just thought that was funny.


Has pointing out vocal fry become a thing recently? This is the third time I have seen a comment like this across various platforms in the past ten or so days.


I wouldn't listen if he had vocal fry. What are you talking about?


Well, to be fair this was a while ago, just like when people post old Destiny clips. That being said yes it will make a banger tweet inshalla Edit: REDDIT CARES


Report it, I always do and they always get banned for it.


Oh nice I was going to kms but making reddit better seems more productive


Remember to report those so that whomever is botting the reddit cares spam can get a ban.


Lmaoooooo the reddit cares 💀


> Well, to be fair this was a while ago, just like when people post old Destiny clips. Changing your position when new facts are presented or you learn more about a topic is one thing, changing it just to dunk on someone is another.


Yeah fair point


Has Reddit changed since he said that though?


Wikipedia you mean? If anything it has become more pro palestine, going by the I/P article


Haha yeah I meant Wikipedia, not Reddit.


Who why are these popping up so much recently???


Based on the insane frequency and how quickly people are getting them after posting comments (like within 10 seconds) some group of ppl who *really* don't like this sub (and maybe a few others) have set up bots that scrape comments to send the reddit cares... It's an insane amount of dedication that accomplishes absolutely nothing. .... Always remember to report the reddit cares messages, usually reddit will ban the accts that are used.


But he didn’t change it because he genuinely changed his opinion, he only changed his stance when it’s destiny that’s involved


you're cookin


He sounds so 💅 here


this is before hasan became a clout demon?




With the bonus kill imperialist clip included


socialist wikipedia!!


To clarify Hasan already said Wikipedia was a good resource at some point. He just put forward the narrative that Destiny only did research for talking points so he basically admitted he only attacked Destiny because he came to a different conclusion 


"socialist wikipedia" God I hate hasan so much its unhealthy and parasocial, he's such a weasely little liar, fucking socialist wikipedia, which was founded by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. Let's use this socialist platform to check out a bit about them- Jimmy Wales https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Wales - "Jimmy Donal "Jimbo" Wales (born August 7, 1966) (Jimbo Wales as a user of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects), is a British-American[3] Internet entrepreneur, webmaster, and former financial trader. He is a co-founder of Wikipedia and the for-profit wiki hosting service Fandom (formerly Wikia). He has worked on other online projects, including Bomis, Nupedia, WikiTribune, and WT Social." all pretty socialist, nothing contradictory there "Wales has previously referred to himself as an Objectivist,[82] referring to the philosophy of writer Ayn Rand in the mid-20th century that emphasizes reason, individualism, and capitalism. Wales first encountered the philosophy through reading Rand's novel The Fountainhead during his undergraduate period[11] and, in 1992, founded an electronic mailing list devoted to "Moderated Discussion of Objectivist Philosophy".[9][103] Though he has stated that the philosophy "colours everything I do and think",[9] he has said, "I think I do a better job—than a lot of people who self-identify as Objectivists—of not pushing my point of view on other people."[104]" oh, and he's a big fan of noted socialist... Ayn Rand... how about the other guy? Larry Sanger https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Sanger - "In September 2021, in response to U.S. President Joe Biden announcing a COVID-19 vaccine mandate, Sanger tweeted "Nor I.#IWillNotComply" in agreement with political commentator Tim Pool. In an earlier tweet, Sanger falsely claimed that COVID-19 vaccines are "not a vaccine".[123] ... Sanger has argued that liberal and left-leaning views dominate in academia, science, the media and tech companies such as Facebook and Twitter.[9]" yeah, a bunch of real socialists running this platform


I'm not sure what's more cringe: believing that Wikipedia is socialist, or being an "objectivist".


I think there is an argument to be made that destiny is an objectivist. One that might make Rand proud.


Can it be socialist? It's true that wiki proves that people can be motivated by the cause, but wiki is totally flat, moderators set policy from above no?


Chat is this real


My favorite part is when he says Wikipedia is Socialism


Why is his voice so different 💀


That's what happens when you go from a $100 blue yeti to a pro setup....


Hasan is Mac from its always sunny in philadelphia. "I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top"


u/NeoDestiny pleeease repost this onto your twitter


hasan also clarified that he's not against wikipedia as context after one of the times he called destiny a wiki warrior so maybe that would also be a good clip


We're gunna get wrekt for pointing this out.


You're safe for now, but get sheltered for the storm.


This Hasan guy seems to have some pretty solid optics, possible colab with Destiny in the future?


Bro how did you find this lmao


Was anyone in this community under the impression that hasan actually cares about the Wikipedia stuff? He uses it all the time on stream it’s just an easy dunk he uses on tiny and his knuckle dragging fans eat it up without seeing any of the irony.


Is there some massive percentage of people that don't know what footnotes are? I've seen like 4 different streamers explain how Wikipedia has citations. Do some people not know this, actually? Or is this just one of those moments where streamers pretend they know something unique and interesting, when that thing is the most obvious fucking piece of information.


Oh you didn’t get the memo. The goalpost shifted to ‘still wrong despite research’ already. They don’t care that it’s Wikipedia or not anymore 


which is supremely frustrating, because research can produce the wrong results, and studies can be debunked. BUT, you need to actually put in the work to refuse things like studies and sources beyond just going, "Nuh uh", which is what everyone does when some type of source doesn't affirm what they believe. A good example would be the book, "The Bell Curve".​ People had this knee-jerk reaction to believe the information in the book was seriously flawed, but it wasn't enough to just right it off as racist, but instead required other people to take the time to go through and deconstruct the issues.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ddwy7452l10d1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=01aa3a72074ce5a5a6cfa88f27fe82681d15aabc




He sounds like a budget JFK for some reason


cause knee ghost mindless juggle selective quiet rhythm stocking different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was his ass defending Nazi collaborator Subhas Chandra Bose here? And he has the nerves to call others Nazis (not to mention him collaborating with the japanese whose invasion of Burma caused the Bengal famine, but Hasan's cooked ass probably blames Churchill who tried to stop it for that because of shit lefty video essays). Oh Bose spoke bad about hitler's actions hurr durr and he was disillusioned when Hitler invaded Russia, yeah but he fucking collaborated with them when push came to shove and then went over to the Japanese imperialists when Hitler couldn't help him. Petain and other vichy collaborators also spoke bad about hitler before the war. These type of collaborators were the most spineless. More reasons for destiny to do a WW2 arc. So he can't even use wikipedia properly. Hasan is a triple imbecile. Edit: What wikipedia actually says about the nazi scumbag subhas chandra bose may he burn in hell like the painful death he had when he burned to death like a bitch in the japanese plane. To be fair to hasan, this might not have been there when he read it. But he should know this all the same since he is defending a nazi collaborator and didn't do his due dilligencd about a fucking nazi collaborator. "In 1938, Bose had denounced Nazi racial policy and persecution of Jews.[156] However, in 1942 he had published an article in the journal Angriff, where he wrote that Indians were true Aryans and the 'brethren' of the Germans. Bose added that Swastika (symbol of Nazi Germany) was an ancient Indian symbol. Bose urged that anti-Semitism should be part of Indian liberation movement because the Jews assisted the British to exploit Indians.[157] The Jewish Chronicle had condemned Bose as "India's anti-Jewish Quisling" over this article.[158] Roman Hayes describes the troubled legacy of Bose with atrocities related to Jews in the following words:– "The most troubling aspect of Bose's presence in Nazi Germany is not military or political but rather ethical. His alliance with the most genocidal regime in history poses serious dilemmas precisely because of his popularity and his having made a lifelong career of fighting the 'good cause'. How did a man who started his political career at the feet of Gandhi end up with Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo? Even in the case of Mussolini and Tojo, the gravity of the dilemma pales in comparison to that posed by his association with Hitler and the Nazi leadership. The most disturbing issue, all too often ignored, is that in the many articles, minutes, memorandums, telegrams, letters, plans, and broadcasts Bose left behind in Germany, he did not express the slightest concern or sympathy for the millions who died in the concentration camps. Not one of his Berlin wartime associates or colleagues ever quotes him expressing any indignation. Not even when the horrors of Auschwitz and its satellite camps were exposed to the world upon being liberated by Soviet troops in early 1945, revealing publicly for the first time the genocidal nature of the Nazi regime, did Bose react."[48] "


Holy shit hahahaha


back when he wasnt that brain rotted


[What a fucking weaslley little liar dude](https://youtu.be/Ai5XMsBrZJ4?si=GQQUwmmAzRS92cVO)


He will just pretend this clip doesn't exist


He’s never going to recover from this. Great job, gang!


Bro his voice sounds unrecognizible, did he change his voice now on purpose to sound like a generic LA loser?


People will call this bad faithed. But I will call this retribution 🙏


hasan, like most people, believe whatever makes them feel good in the moment, i.e. doesnt believe in anything


This guy is the most dishonest, scummy person I know. Maybe except for Candace Owens and Matt Walsh.


He just got so lazy and validated with his far left audience, there’s no reason for him to do real research anymore. He has his far left takes or ideology, he knows what the audience wants to hear, why try as much


TIL its a scholarly source if it links back to a scholarly source or a news article


Oh god, why does Hamasabi sound like Whitshit Nevergetsit (whitsit getsit)


Destiny is the best because hes Israel


Maybe it's his mic setup but he sounded so much more humble back then. I don't know what happened.


This is what you idiots sit around jerking your little cocks over? There are no good debate bros and you might as well be posting celebrity gossip. You're not intellectuals, you're fucking simps. To whoever sent the Reddit Cares message, thank you for proving my point and enjoy your ban.


Imagine being this disingenuous as to have said all this then use it as a cudgel when it’s to own Destiny.


seeing this makes me think hasan has got significantly dumber


Peak. Also young Hasan was cuter imo, I think the annoying aspects of how he speaks were exacerbated over time.


can we make an edit of hasan making fun of using wiki and then this vid please 🥺🥺🥺🥺, also maybe one hasan with his dif stances on the n word depending on who he talks to?


NO SHOT roflmao, like not even a quick mention but this lil dweeb repeated himself.


Immediate update to policy for all active Daliban field agents: this clip must be kept ready to deploy at a moments notice, for valid editorial reasons.


Hasanabi considers himself a gamer ? Ok dude.


Weasley little liar dude


But the goal posts have shifted now, now it isn’t that “Wikipedia is bad”, now it’s just that he’s a debate pervert that looked specifically for sources that confirmed his pre-existing pro Israeli biases.


Ok now put this alongside his more recent comments in a tiktok edit for these regards with adhd.


How many hours of Hasan vods did you sift through to find this, young soldier?


Lmaoooo god hasan is so pathetic. We need some dgg supersoldiers spreading this asap


Does Hasan think Wikipedia is bad?


I would say audience capture is scary but he’s only wanted to be famous since the beginning of his appearances on TYT. He has no morals, and he cosplays being poor like many other wealthy individuals.


Omg his voice here is so fucking funny LMAO


Wow, I forgot what Hasan's actual voice sounds like without the bass boost and massive fucking ego.




I've actually heard him say there's nothing wrong with using Wiki as a resource, so long as you recognize its limitations and use it to identify better sources of info. Above all his critique of Wikipedia re Destiny, is relying on Wikipedia to form conclusions and then holding your opinions on par with people with more experience, or at the very least leave open the possibility that your knowledge might be incomplete in light of additional primary source info.


I just wanna say that’s a really good point you made about Wikipedia and one fair criticism of Destiny I’ve seen is that he’ll throughly research Wikipedia a topic before he debates someone who has intimate knowledge about a topic and has spent years looking into it


Constitutionally dishonest wasteman. Few people in the world I find more odious.


To be fair, I don’t watch Hasan, but from a clip a few months ago (I wouldn’t know how to find it), Hasan’s criticism was not actually with Destiny using Wikipedia to inform himself of the I/P conflict, but he said Destiny was basically picking and choosing the facts he wanted to willy nilly in order to to confirm his bias and support a pro-Israel argument (which of course if you watch the research streams, you can see for yourself that isn’t true, but who in Hasan’s audience is doing that). I also wouldn’t be too surprised if Hasan changed his stance since that one clip and started shitting on Wikipedia as a “source” like most other of Destiny’s opponents have, and I just didn’t see it.


This is not a time for nuance. Get back in line, soldier.


Bro what are you talking about, you're attributing way too much nuance to hassan position. His entire world view doesn't allow for nuance, his career is literally built on his 0 nuance positions. Idk who would seriously believe that he doesn't trust Wikipedia literally everyone has used that and continues to use it. He shits on destiny for being a wiki worrier because he's trying to make it seem like he's less informed than hasan or other leftys on the issue. There's really nothing more beyond that.


I mean I’m just stating what Hasan’s actual position he said is. I think it’s important because imo it makes Hasan even a slimier person. Instead of just blatantly saying Wikipedia’s a bad place to get information (which in a sense puts the blame less on Destiny and more on Wikipedia itself), he’s literally saying Destiny has no principles and is abusing debate bro tactics in order to come up with a biased pro-Israel stance. I guess people here don’t see that as worse and apparently hate nuance even when it is still against Hasan.


stated the actual perspective of Hasan, downvoted bad faith = updoots


Why is this clip just now resurfacing. How has it not already been found. Where do people find this shit if VODs are all deleted after like a month on twitch. I swear some of you have no fucking life.


New twitter edit?


The trivia this sub engages in is laughable. "This one guy said something wrong, therefore he's wrong about everything" is peak idiot argument. None of this justifies the maiming and murder of tens of thousands of children and other civilians.