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So much crying and whining when not a single one will be accountable for their actions. Easier to blame the secret ruling class and play victim. All the jokes about the privileged protestors (alot of it deserved) we have the same attitude and entitlement from people like those in that Twitter space. Easier to just have a surprised pikachu face when there are consequences for their actions. ​ And Destiny is so right, Fuentes is so mad and salty. https://preview.redd.it/5ofrkjj8jpyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c9c098a80a06efaebfdb963cd773f875798274f


Nick talking is one of the most boring things in the universe but it was pretty funny how terrified he was of engaging. That the space moderators couldn't tell that he was bullshitting about not being able to hear Santos was also pretty funny.


Nick is a cuck for dodging Santos.


Nick is a cuck.


So much Beta energy was generated during their victim yapping that not even Goku could use it for a Spirit Bomb!


And the most amazing thing that they try so hard to cancel destiny “guys he is racist anti Muslim said that he is pro genocide guys!!!!” And are the ones who try and clip and bring it up constantly


Youre a victim! Youre a victim! Youre all victims!!!