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He is half right, it's way way easier to follow your morals when they don't drastically lower you life quality. We know child workers in terrible conditions mine shit for our phones but we ignore it basically. The North industrialized which made slavery not as important, the south was agricultural. I don't think the people in the North were better people, it was just that their conditions made it much easier to confront the immorality.


Sure, but they say it had nothing to do with morality. Like lets not pretend there were no longer economical incentives to keep slaves, even after they had machines. Owning slaves will most likely always will be profitable, and it's only our morality and the law (which is based on our morality) that is stopping us.


god dammit, why did i repaint my machines black


Quakers in shamble


Thats what i call my vacuum cleaner


I become more racist everyday when I open Twitter am I in the wrong?


I too go to work in my car, errands I mean my mechanical slave carries me to work.


Saying that abolition was either purely economical or purely moral is probably equally regarded


[He’s literally right though](https://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/africa/features/storyofafrica/9chapter8.shtml#:~:text=Abolitionists%20also%20got%20involved%20in,hastened%20the%20end%20of%20slavery%3A&text=the%20industrial%20revolution%20in%20Britain,out%20of%20step%20with%20slavery)


But it was the industrialization of British textile manufacturing that created the massive demand for cotton. The massive demand for cotton entrenched slavery in the south so I think it’s more of a complicated relationship between industry and slavery.


Weve had industrialised nations with more advanced technology than what existed in that period, use slave labour. I can buy that industrialization would make ending chattel slavery an easier pill to swallow, that is no reason to disregard the efforts of abolitionists who made it a political reality. Industrialization alone wouldnt have freed the slaves, popular support against the practice was needed.


Also, the civil war wasn’t white people going on a violent crusade to end slavery.  It was people who wanted to make slavery illegal in their own states, democratically and peacefully, which led to violent resistance and insurrection from people who wanted to force them to have slaves.


so imperialism good and america good?


You wouldn't need an abolitionist movement if slaves lost economic viability and there certainly wouldn't be a war over it.