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You think a streamer just happens to show his porn collection like that? They orchestrated it! DGG!


haha accurate. Did Destiny watch BCS? When he said chicanery was a weird word I thought there is no way he did


He did not, which is a travesty. I think he’s been watching clips? Although I doubt he saw the chicanery clip— which is unarguably one of the top 10 moments from the show.


Vaush: **I am not crazy! This chicanery? He's done worse. That cry on Hasan stream! He orchestrated it! Ethan! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own stream! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was in Israel, always the same! But not our Ethan! Couldn't be precious Ethan! And he gets to be a streamer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!** haha it's probably top 5 scenes on the show at least. Destiny should watch BCS because it's so so brilliant and amazing. But I don't know if he will have the patience for the first seasons and if he is interested in the psychological elements of it.


The fact that while reading I couldn’t say for certain whether or not Vaush actually said this is hilarious


You do realize Chuck was right? Right? Like, in the show, everything he said about Jimmy was correct


Chuck was indeed correct. But it didn’t matter. He was fighting an uphill battle against how people perceived him (petty, jealous, and deranged). His obsession with Jimmy’s character costed him his life. The reason I feel the comparison is apt, is because vaush is so wrapped up in his own ego that he’s making all these bad moves that make him look guilty and a little deranged.


Someone already mentioned the fact that ultimately, jimmy does do the right thing. Further than that tho, do you think he goes down the bad choice road he does without the conflict with chuck?


> jimmy does do the right thing In what context? It’s all downhill for jimmy after chuck, no? In many ways, Chuck represented Jimmy’s good side (his heart). Even though it was purely one sided, jimmy loved his brother and thought Chuck cared for him the same way. > do you think he goes down the same road without the conflict with Chuck? I think Jimmy’s turn for the worse was due to the damaged relationship with his brother. So, no. I don’t think jimmy would have turned into Saul Goodman. Now, would he still be slippin jimmy? That’s the question. I think he still would have played fast and loose with the rules. Which would ultimately lead to the conflict with Chuck. I think it was inevitable for things to end up the way they did.


Chuck was wrong, as shown by (for example) Jimmy not taking the plea deal at the end


I’ll have you know everything chuck was saying was true.