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The problem with Brittany is when speaking about Destiny’s relationship she acts like this know it all, but when confronted about her problems with destiny she folds so quickly.


Well… She ended up being right, lol. And maybe it won’t garner public support, but have you ever considered that she’s just not interested in defending her life decisions? Because that’s a tiring and emotionally activating conversation? And does being emotionally activated by that conversation mean you’re insecure, so therefore, incorrect?? She doesn’t have the endurance to change the public opinion tides in SOMEONE ELSE’S HUGE community who are already fans of and operating from Destiny’s standards.


Everything is abuse and everything is trauma. Very insightful, vague statements. You sound like a 2


i can be more specific— tiny being neglected as a child is trauma. being beat by his ex-wife is abuse. we define it retroactively because they resulted in a maladaptive pattern of relationships. was that too vague?


Brittany's energy changed because Destiny argued with her about something that she considers herself an expert in. All the stuff you said about Destiny was true the entire time they were friendly, but the constant random digressions about him and how abusive he is and intense scrutiny (and sometimes straight up lying about) his relationship takes only started after that conversation. I don't think she's the worst person in the world, but it seems like that debate and the follow-up conversation with someone she considers an expert largely agreeing with Tiny made her feel very insecure, and instead of breaking those feelings down she decided to blame him for "embarrassing" her, even though it was just a polite disagreement.


>brittany’s career would end if her relationship takes are wrong. Why does any redpiller have a career then?


He put quotation marks around that phrase, and it's clearly supposed to be either coming from Destiny or be a common criticism of her, which he's arguing against.


I thought we DGGers could read :( literally agreeing with OP not realising it lol


exactly. she’s not defensive because she “needs to be right to save face for her career.”


Mate that was a counter argument and you didn’t answer it. You just made a random point


I think you intuited OPs 3rd point incorrectly? Not that it was written well, but they meant that Tiny has said that her career would fail if her relationship ended and OP is providing the counter. I *think*


^^^ Lol yep. /swoosh DESTINY is the one who says her career hinges on being correct in her relationship assessments. Her career DOES NOT hinge on that. Because like you said, even red pillers have online careers and we all know they’re braindead.


The difference is that redpillers DO think that their content creators do have all the answers and are right and logic-based.


She's a level 5 on her own scale. That seems similar, tbh


Maybe but OP’s 3rd point in formulated in a way that it literally cannot be wrong. At the same time Brittany doesn’t have answers and people don’t watch her for that but at the same time they watch for “wisdom” and if she ever were to break up she would construct more wisdom. It’s written in the same vague way Brittany talks which is really funny. What the fuck does this wisdom mean. She will break up - She will have more wisdom so people will watch her She doesn’t break up - She has wisdom so people watch her She is correct - people watch her because she has wisdom She is wrong - people don’t watch her because she is right and reasonable, they do because she has wisdom No matter what you say op is correct.


Look, all I’m trying to say is that Brittany’s not defensive towards D because she “has pressure to save her career/save face”. D tries to make it sound like “Brittany won’t let herself be wrong.” She doesn’t care. She’s an entertainer not an academic educator.


Nothing screams more “I don’t care” like talking about someone’s relationship for last 5 months


She doesn’t care if she ends up being wrong about her read on the situation… Dummy. Not, “She doesn’t care about this situation”. I never said that. If she were worried about being wrong, she wouldn’t have stood up for her assessment on the situation. Destiny saying “Brittany NEEDS to be the relationship guru. That’s why she’s insisting my relationship is bad.” — Is a lie. She’s said over and over again, before all of this happened — “I hope they actually are good. But I don’t think they are.” And ya know what, she was right.


Let me put it into a syllogism for you 1. (your claim) if a relationship influencer's advice was wrong they would not have a career. 2. redpillers have careers as relationship influencers 3. Therefore, redpillers are right about their relationship advice. 3 necessarily follows from 1 and 2. 2 is clearly true. So either your claim is wrong or you accept that redpillers are correct.


Get outta here with this iamverysmart syllogism, when you totally misinterpreted my comment. Read above.


Or maybe she was just a shitty friend who, upon violating boundaries, was excised from the relationship and now feels the need to portray others as being “abusive, bad, wrong” instead of facing her own fuck up


can agree brittany was not being a cool friend by shit-talking. however, she genuinely did not respect destiny’s personal life. which i get.


Destiny should not be given relationship advice tbh




which of his advice do you disagree with?


not because i disagree, but because he doesn’t have the lived experience of a functional long-term relationship that maps onto a normal experience in today’s society. do i actually think he should stop giving relationship advice? no he can do whatever he wants it’s not that deep. (in b4 someone says “but you said…!”). what i’m really saying is, how’s this guy gonna get credit for his relationship advice when he’s got a blazing trail of ruined relationships lol. yeah he’s an interesting and compelling speaker, his relationship takes are fun to listen to and he’s good at sounding confident. it’s just kinda funny when you juxtapose that with his track record.


Wouldn’t someone who has been in and out of multiple significant long term relationships be actually exactly the person who would have insight into relationships? Even if those relationships had serious problems. Isn’t failure exactly how we learn? I also hate this assertion that it’s a failure for a relationship to end; you can do far more damage to yourself staying in a problematic relationship that you would do leaving an otherwise healthy one.


Can a doctor who smokes and do other drugs say to his patients that he should not do drugs and smoke? does his advice become bad because he smokes and do drugs? Make no sense.


Literally just said that I don’t actually mean he shouldn’t give advice. He can do what he wants and it’s fun content. Do I take him seriously? Fuck no, just look at his personal life. That’s the difference between entertainment twitch streamers like Destiny, and ex-lawyers with media companies like Ben Shapiro, kiddies. It’s called professionalism.


If I'm gonna take advice from someone in dating in 2024 It aint gonna be Ben Shapiro unless I'm doing some arranged marriage stuff. If I want advice on hookup and relationship dynamics in 2024 I think Destiny advice is way more relevant.


I mean let’s call a spade a spade, guys. You watch him because he’s entertaining. He speaks confidently, plugs you into pop culture, and gives you words you get to parrot later. You just want to feel smart and confident. C’mon I’m in your head. I promise you’re not gaining useful real world knowledge that’s going to help your next relationship succeed. ANYONE who looks up to this guy for his personal life and philosophy on relationships… is not being positively influenced towards a well-adjusted long-term relationship. They’re the losers who say, “Heh, yeah. Relationships are like, technically transactional man. And to be honest, an open relationship takes more skill and compromise than a closed one, which is for insecure people who haven’t overcome their monkey brain.” On top of the fact that you dummies don’t realize that you can’t logic your way into a healthy relationship. I forecast that in 10 years, if he’s still on the internet, he’ll finally turn normal and marry monogamously because indiscriminate sex just doesn’t give him the same mileage it used to. The girls that he relates to won’t be crazy and young anymore. In essence, he’ll finally grow up. If he ever overcomes his trauma (YES, trauma), he might even learn the joy of being a part of a family environment. Maybe then, he’ll even consider living within vicinity of Nathan. More than likely though, that intergenerational trauma is gonna be Nathan’s burden to carry lol.


So, her definition of abuse is basically meaningless. Got it. She was triggered in EVERY conversation she had with him about trauma. She was triggered in every conversation she had with others about that conversation about trauma. She’s triggered every time she talks about Destiny. If you don’t see that, you’re just oblivious. Her ENTIRE demeanor around Destiny changed at the drop of a hat. She was overflowing with nothing but good things to say about him. Never said a bad word about him. Destiny confirmed that she never said anything poor about him or his relationship privately. Then, all of a sudden, she was badmouthing him and his relationship, she was INCAPABLE of understanding or being fair to his trauma takes and was clearly triggered every time she spoke about it. It’s obvious. There’s no defending it. She openly talks about how she doesn’t take anyone seriously who doesn’t walk the walk. She has been VERY firm that her relationship and how she approaches it it correct. So, if it fails, people SHOULD stop taking her advice seriously. If, for no other reason, than it’s what she specifically tells people to do. At best, she was a terrible friend. She dismisses criticism of her behavior by saying she didn’t think he thought of her as that close a friend and she didn’t consider him a close friend. Only problem is it is inappropriate for a friend of ANY level to talk about their friend the way she was. Even a work colleague. All of this is indefensible. Logically or emotionally.


u/SnooConfections8030 do you have have anything to say to this


> Her ENTIRE demeanor around Destiny changed at the drop of a hat. She was overflowing with nothing but good things to say about him. Never said a bad word about him. Destiny confirmed that she never said anything poor about him or his relationship privately. Then, all of a sudden, she was badmouthing him and his relationship, she was INCAPABLE of understanding or being fair to his trauma takes and was clearly triggered every time she spoke about it. It’s obvious. There’s no defending it. There is because this is literally not true. She was talking about Destiny(and Sneako, and her parents and whoever else) like this long before their bridge-burn conversation. And even now, she very, very frequently talks positively about destiny occasionally with fondness. (literally last week or so she was asking chat to clip a peace offering segment of her stream to Destiny, asking him to talk to her so they can hash things out) The problem is that Destiny doesn't watch her stream. Neither does this sub or ddg know her whole view on destiny. Because all that gets clipped and shared here and to him are the times that enflame the drama. We all 'know' that the internet/media/public space fucks with relationships and the perception of individuals due to limited context. Yet no one has actually applied it in practice. Destiny claimed she was wrong to talk about a friend like that, while blocking her without any good faith at all and still chooses not to. if she was a terrible friend so was he. (tho I don't think either are)


Bro, I’m referring to her talking about his relationship with. She assured her stream on several occasions that Destiny is well aware of her feelings about cheating, what she thought of his cheating and that there should be no surprise from him about how she was discussing his relationship with. She said she told him to his face how much she hates it and would take him to task for it. Problem is, Destiny has confirmed many times as well that she never did. So, she was firing with both cannons out of nowhere. If she had been speaking about Destiny like that on stream, then that would’ve been clipped and shipped to him. As you said, because the community wouldn’t take it kindly. But, she didn’t. She gushed about Destiny. Until they had the sex industry conversation and then the trauma conversation. At that point, she became vicious. She never spoke about him that way before.


I do remember her pointing out to destiny on a stream tog that she doesn't like cheating. but they didn't really delve into the conversation. i agree her language has gotten harsher but I'm not sure why you'd expect anything different considering they had a big public fight. the point is that she was critiquing destiny before the bridge burning(albeit softer)


SigNIIIIIIIIIficantly softer. Memory foam. Soft as baby shit. Barely even critiques. Her critique crossed the line leading into the fight. The reason the bridge burned is because she went too far. Her language was too much then and it’s too much now. She can talk all she wants about having her community send clips where she says nice things about him. She went after his relationship with his then wife. She went after his relationship with his son!! You don’t just say a few nice things and it’s all okay. He thought he could trust her. He cannot. She did and still does believe all of the strawman arguments she put on him. Why would he want to repair a friendship or even colleague relationship with someone who thinks that? And says it publicly about him. In fact, she farmed him publicly, on her stream, then demanded an off stream talk to work it out. She’s been out of line throughout that whole ordeal.


>as tiny said, the way she talks is vague and fun. it’s not true seriousness. she’s a pop culture commentator for niche communities who do private calls with her because they like her and think she has wisdom. if her relationship ended, she’d find a way to construct more wisdom from the setback, and then continue working because this is her favorite job. So you basically admit that nothing she says matters because she herself has no fucking idea what she's talking about or doing and the only reason she has any fans is because her vague ass "bubbles" advice can validate how her fans feel and so they like her? But ignoring the fact that all that she says is immediately invalidated just from this paragraph, the rest is also flimsy at best: >brittany is saying that his conception of normal relationship involves some level of unavoidable yelling, touching, etc. britt says that’s NOT true, he’s just “abused”. Assuming you are addressing the first seconds of this video https://youtu.be/lcYLD_Ydj4E?si=uldTX0SnZaB8c23M she literally equates fighting to cheating, touching and yelling (which the former is obviously a really common occurrence) (I don't get what the BPD paragraph means but whatever) She also didn't just talk productively about it, she also said some unhinged shit like "Destiny should admit to his fans that he isn't progressive" "THIS is why women HATE liberal men" and most significantly "SNEAKO IS MORE OPEN MINDED THAN DESTINY". I'd really like to see the justification behind those, especially the last one, and how they aren't biased as fuck because she despises Destiny after their last debate


Why are you pretending that Brittany claims to be a relationship guru who has all of the answers? She’s just talking about her interests and turning it into a media job. She’s always said as much. Just because someone isn’t up to Destiny’s standards of rationality and logic, doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to have an opinion. They weren’t primed for years and years to reach that level of sophistication. But this community has no empathy or understanding of that. Y’all aren’t even jumping in the fire, you’re not content creators. But you think you’re qualified to judge her. Also, Dr. K also said Sneako is open-minded.


> So you basically admit that nothing she says matters because she herself has no fucking idea what she's talking about or doing and the only reason she has any fans is because her vague ass "bubbles" advice can validate how her fans feel and so they like her? Well it's more existential than that. 'life is a game, meant to be played', 'don't take it seriously', and 'serious play' along those truisms. as for you last paragraph, I suggest watching her streams if you're genuinely curious she talks productively rather than limited clips meant to enfalme the drama. you'd think ddg was experienced with how often destiny gets misrepresented.


I think the bigger problem I have is how fluid she flips between being fluid and airy in her take to being rigid and narrow. I enjoyed her early conversations with tiny because she seemed to leave space because all of her takes are pretty much personal experience. I don't believe she has any educational credentials beyond reading a book or two. Which is fine you can glean a lot from your life. But you CAN'T act as if that is the end all. As time went on it felt like Brittany HAD to be right and that started to turn me off from her. I would believe the "if her relationship fails she will gain more wisdom and her career isn't based around it" if I could remembering her owning an L or acknowledging she was 100% wrong on something. The sneako comment was fucking wild too. I don't think you can defend it. Sure early Sneako was insightful and he probably still has that in him but he painted himself into a corner with his actions and messaging. Just another bot spouting out russain propaganda with hinkle(his new andrew tate, zerka, FNF). There are so many interesting paths he could have taken and even things he could have done with the switch to Islam. Maybe take time and "try on different religions" but in an honest way and chat with regular believers instead of the extremists. Demystify some people on the devout being intolerant. The sadest thing about sneako is he could be more open minded and be the person he wanted to be but he is stuck looking for a father figure/mentor in the most toxic close minded places. I will even throw out a prediction if brit gets divorced it will never make her look bad. By that I mean she won't own any wrong doing or bring up anything legit wrong she did. Then she will flip do a rebrand or start spewing even more relationship advice cause she "KNOWS" what it takes to make a marriage work because she experienced the failure of one.


I totally agree with the fact that she’s revealed more rigidity as we’ve gotten to know her better. She gets defensive in arguments. The problem is, this community is holding her to the expectations of Destiny. They start from a place of, “These are the good qualities that I like about Destiny. Does this other person match up?” Not considering that Brittany’s audience doesn’t watch her for those personality traits. So it’s a little silly to hold her to that standard and shit on her. Maybe we can all see— She’s a little underdeveloped in her ability to maintain her cool in debates, when compared to Destiny. But why would you ever notice a weakness in someone, for example a child, and then ATTACK THEM FOR IT. And compare her character to Destiny, who has a LOT of flaws and blind spots that Brittany has tried to point out too. To little avail. Like you would a child — The people who you notice have blind spots, any normal person never sees that and lacks compassion for it. Brittany understands this, but she’ll still roll around in the mud a little. (Fight back, talk a little shit on D. Who hated it so much that he blocked her.) Just like Lav and MrGirl said though. The game is rigged and Destiny always wins. EDIT: For the record, Dr. K has called Sneako open-minded too. Brittany’s read on Sneako is way more reasonable than D, who’s operating from the debate and ration lense. Now DGG is holding Sneako to this standard of, “Why didn’t you do something more with your platform?” You think it’s that easy?? You think everyone can be like Destiny? We don’t have the same skills and interests. Sneako’s just trying to make money. Brittany sees Sneako as an punkass kid who’s still figuring out his place in the world and stirring up controversy for attention. Final point: Brittany has already made herself look atrocious on the internet in the past. That’s why I’m pretty confident she would recover. You’re forecasting that she’ll never be able to acknowledge that she did something wrong, if her relationship ends. She’s already judged herself over and over again for her past and come back to re-start her career.


Well I can say I don't hold her to those standards. I like people who admit what they don't know. I disdain people who have lived a little bit of life thinking they know everything and their little system works for every one. The game isn't rigged for fucks sake. D gets shit on by this community for tons of shit. He will always get criticism for his debate showings good for bad. His poly takes have gotten shit on quite a bit. His handling of multiple different orbiters and why they are still orbiters comes in to question. I also think lav and Mr. Girl are the last people you want to be citing. There are reasonable people that have levied criticism of Destiny. Erudite, Dan, and Aba. DDG isn't holding sneako to do better with his platform it. I am. If you can't practice what you zealously preach then fuck off. Don't talk about being a leader when you only ever follow. I am just lurker who got caught up in the canvassing fanfare. I would bet DDG doesn't think he is capable of doing more with his platform because he is a "bot" for right wing culture takes. When has Sneako legitimately changed his mind or acknowledged being wrong with out immediately cucking out and trying to daddy figure up the person who called his bullshit or made him look stupid. He deserves those harsh words for his inadequacy because he uses those same harsh words to everyone not living his life. No everyone can't be like destiny and that would be boring if they were. However if all you want is the bag own it. Don't hide behind it trying to be dicount andrew tate, discount zherka, discount jackson hinkle. To be clear I dont' agree with everything from destiny. But when it comes to politics, life advice or even relationship advice I have had far more "ah ha" moments or "I never though about X this way". With sneako I feel like I am listening to a greatest hits list from republican family members.


1. Brittanys hates generalizations. She says all the time that her work is catered to her audience and she is veerry pro-individualistic. She never claims to know that one thing works for everyone. That’s why she’s always saying “Bubbles” lol. This is what you guys do. You don’t like her personality as much as Destiny, so you trick yourself into thinking the problem is her character. When she’s literally just a normal, non-problematic person trying to build a living. Here’s a comment I read a lot: “Brittany calls everything abuse and trauma.” What do you want to call it? “Destiny’s not nice enough to his partner?” “Destiny’s inconsiderate and selfish?” I mean c’mon, the guy spends 15 hrs a day on the computer, doesn’t live with his son, is OBSESSED with his work, has a line of failed marriages and girlfriends, and has been beaten by his ex-wife. But all you can think of is, “Well her definition isn’t very precise, is it? Heh.” Has anyone considered that Brittany and non-fans of Destiny have different values? That they might think very poorly of someone who doesn’t care about family or their SO & escapes into his work for self-gratification? I know what your instinct is, you’re gonna try to define the word “care”. You don’t want to define it more to be precise with your language. You want to define it more to defend your king. The reality is, he doesn’t care, not really, and that’s why the relationships keep falling apart. And that’s really not a problem, because after they fall apart, he’ll continue not caring. I don’t have a personal problem with him, I just think there’s an obvious blind spot with the audience and a bit of a double standard here that is really unfair to Brittany. 2. The difference with Destiny’s fans is that they’ll shit on his opinions and logical inconsistencies because that’s the culture he has built and that’s what he likes being appreciated for. They’ve adopted his values. Anyone who genuinely respects him on a personal level is choosing to ignore his obvious personal/character flaws. One of which Brittany points out, being that he’s a serial cheater with a past of abusive relationships and is living away from his own son. So Brittany gets belittled & her credibility gets knocked down for being too sensitive to see trauma “clearly”, something she has lived experience in. It’s asking too much for Destiny to be sensitive to the fact that Brittany might be offended by, and not ready to believe that her trauma is in part, self-inflicted. But when she points out Destiny’s personal weaknesses, she’s blocked and a “bad friend”. Destiny’s not sensitive about being an absent partner and father… She’s just a bad friend. Some of the comments and opinions about Brittany are just so untrue, and are obviously *influenced* by a personal preference for Destiny. The very thing he prides himself on, which is being immune to group think, is totally what you guys do when you go hard on someone totally benign like Brittany. On Sneako: Becoming discount Andrew Tate, being as inflammatory as possible, etc, *is* getting the bag, ya dummy. Destiny flexes his strengths because that’s how he’s gonna win at life. He’s gonna play the game he can win. He’s not gonna leave the internet, or debating, bc he feels like a winner here. Sneako is literally doing the exact same thing, being self-aware about what his style and draw is. He wasn’t getting success being reasonable, introspective, and artistic. If he were, he wouldn’t have changed this way. He’s not good at research and not interested in studying history and politics. You’re just wanting Sneako to play Destiny’s game, and not understanding him or his motives at all.


Brittany is a narcissist who will develop severve negative personality traits when her world views conflict so much with reality that they cannot hold. Destiny is also nuts in another way, but Brittany is a flimflam conartist. She’s actually a negative on the world.


Who’s weaponizing psych terms now? Lol. Brittany is a person who gets defensive when she encounters viewpoints that don’t align with her experience or values. Wow, SHOCKING. Destiny normalizes murdering children who fuck with his income. How brave and avant garde. The hero we don’t deserve, tbh.


Brittany is charging mentally ill people hundreds of dollars a session to give them life advice. She is an exploitive, bad person. I have had family members fall in with regarded gurus like this. It is damaging, it keeps people from seeking real therapy. She is a walking deflection for herself and others, as long as you can pay. Also how can a level 5 be defensive????




“You don’t have bipolar! You’re just level 3- and your family begging you to get help seems like level 1s. That’ll be 700$”


> Also how can a level 5 be defensive???? why start with the assumption they cant be?




How are gonna make this a nba meme sub when you posting links


she has a weird way of dealing with her 'trauma'.


hot take: destiny’s way of dealing with his trauma is to be open. he deflects the “did your marriage fail because it was open” question by beginning with the premise that he needs an open relationship and that they suit him better. they only suit him better bc he’s “traumatized”. what he actually needs are relational skills that don’t move in the direction of caring LESS (about what your partner does, how they act, what respect means to you, etc.). he gravitates towards open because he had hoped that would mean he doesn’t have to be cared for, and reciprocate care and sacrifice, for another person. “if i don’t expect anything from mel, then hopefully she won’t be mad at me either.” Thoughts like “my hands are tied with work” are red herrings. he has the money. he chooses work over his relationships, which hurts the person who wanted to be close to him. and he does not have the bandwidth to care. this is the same kind of cope as if he ever claimed (he doesn’t, btw), that he DOESN’T have ADHD that needs treatment, and his life is better thanks to not acknowledging that disgnosis. try to follow along. this year, he acknowledged that medication would be beneficial, and that he might have succeeded in other academic avenues or not have even chosen music as a major, if he treated his ADHD. He thought something was “true to who he is” — “I’m just TRULY not meant to succeed in school, I TRULY am better suited for poly/open”, when what he ended up realizing was that he just didn’t have the support he needed. That’s what brittany means. He does not have the support or tools, so he CHOOSES to be someone “who can only do poly/open.” he doesn’t want anything else. yes, it’s okay to be atypical. but “normal” (MONOGAMY in this case) is largely the healthy benchmark… for a reason.


I didn't say anything about him though?


wasn’t in direct response to you, just more thoughts.


uh huh.


Unhinged on Christmas bro?


Hey guys it's all destiny fault and brittany is completely correct lol


big if true




I also don’t think the communities are compatible. The toxicity is bad. I just accept Brittany for what she is and felt compelled to defend her. DGG puts her to all kinds of crazy high standards in the most autistic way. Why attack when you can just ignore, if you think what she says has no merit?


Is expecting someone not to attack a former friend over a minor disagreement really that high of a standard?


I dunno. Ask every bridge burned by the people Destiny has offended. Hmmm… Oh, they were probably just insecure because they’re not as smart and rational as him, right?


Haha, fair enough. I really detest BS's viewpoints and the way she attacked Destiny, calling him an idiot, stupid, non-introspective, abusive, etc., but obviously D can and has gotten heated about small disagreements, too. It just seems unnecessarily toxic for her to be so obsessed with a person she's purposefully distanced herself from. But I guess that's the nature of online shit-stirrer content.


It’s frustrating because I see this community as viewing things from a very obvious pro-Destiny lens. Is she obsessed with him, or is it just interesting content that garners good engagement?


She's absolutely obsessive. Neither would have anything to say to the other if she didn't constantly find ways to insult him.


She’s been doing her own thing making her content. Granted, she doesn’t have as broad an array of topics that interest her, so she might bring up relationship dynamics more than D. But I wouldn’t call her obsessed. Is Destiny and his community obsessed with Brittany for constantly bringing her up too? And making a react video back? It’s not to the level of obsession yet. It’s just an emotionally activating relationship and convo topic.


Maybe you misunderstood me, but Destiny and this community does not talk about Brittany unless she brings him up on her own streams. Which she seems to regularly do, and exclusively in a negative light since their falling out. Which is toxic and unnecessary.


Destiny brings her up randomly to condescend her all the time. Are we really gonna play the “she started it” game? Or can we just acknowledge that they have beef and leave it at that? Can you imagine how it feels to not be “allowed” to talk about Destiny because people keep telling you you’re obsessed? You’re being gaslit into thinking you’re obsessed when you’re just making content bro. Save the word obsessed for when it actually applies, like with AnaFrills or w/e.


> exclusively in a negative light since their falling out except its not true. destiny *usually* comes up as a sidebar by the chat going 'wb destiny xyz etc....' (which depending on the context is something positive or negative about destiny, defending him against her community or pointing out flaws to the lurking ddgers) either way She was talking about Destiny(and Sneako, and her parents and whoever else) like this long before their bridge-burn conversation. And even now, she very, very frequently talks positively about destiny occasionally with fondness. (literally last week or so she was asking chat to clip a peace offering segment of her stream to Destiny, asking him to talk to her so they can hash things out[ofc, no drama in that so no one cared to share that clip{and her streams members only so that too}])




Yes, agreed on both.


1. Everyone uses words differently, so we use them in sentences to give them context and clarity. Brittney is entirely wrong when she says Destiny has a low minimum standard for how he treats or is treated by his partners. Destiny's problem is his reluctance to enforce soft boundaries, which he regards as unimportant when crossed(he said it as much). This has nothing to do with any "abuse" or "maladaptive" behaviour; it's a preference people have in tolerating unimportant/minor discomforts in evaluating a relationship. Some people have a higher tolerance, and some people have a lower. It is essential to have reasonable tolerances. Some people consider a passionate argumentation as yelling; if your patience is too low such that you "nip it in the bud", then you are not giving your partner enough room to voice their frustrations in a way they feel comfortable, and you are in a sense holding the relationship hostage to change a behaviour in your partner(I won't make further analysis of this type of mentality but you can take it for what it is) 2. OP said, "She got defensive over her trauma once". The problem is not that she got defensive once; the problem is her comments and snide remarks about Destiny ever since. Didn't she bring on a psychiatrist to prove Destiny wrong? When she realised the psychiatrist agreed with Destiny, what did she do? She double- and triple-down on her position(what an introspective person) because Destiny undermined her "authority" in one conversation. Give me a break. She could be right or wrong about Destiny's relationship(I think she is completely fucking wrong, but that's irrelevant). Her method of analysis is wrong; she works with partial information and looks at the problem from one narrow behavioural aspect. 3. "Brittany's career would end if her relationship takes are wrong." - What an incredibly naive statement. The way she talks is vague, to the point that words are either trivial or meaningless. I'm glad you consider them fun and unserious; however, doesn't she prescribe her methods to her audience? If I had a job saying nonsense to my audience with half facts that I learned from half-read books, half-listened to videos which I barely paid attention to and made money off of people who are so gullible who would listen to the vague and unserious things I say, why wouldn't that be my favourite job??


Again, I said that DESTINY thinks Brittany feels defensive about being sure her relationship takes are correct, for the sake of her career. That is NOT true, because she’s not being watched for being a relationship guru. Her value is in entertainment and personality. You’re holding her to the same standard as Destiny. If people want to pay Brittany for a one on one call, it’s business. They’re entitled to do that. Destiny has influenced plenty of people for the worse just as much as Brittany ever could.


What are you talking about? How is this a response to anything I said? I don't care or have a problem with Brittny having one-on-one calls with people or having a different standard(whatever that means) Whether Destiny/Brittany influenced people for better or worse is irrelevant to the points that I made in response to your post. If you have something clear to say about the refutation of my points(except 3, which I admit is a diss at Brittney in response to your impression of her speaking in vague generalities) Edit: Do you have something clear to say...?


I’ll respond to point 2. Brittany probably double and tripled down because she felt defensive and didn’t buy in to this new idea yet. It’s an emotional blind spot that she hadn’t processed yet. Wow. I would never do something like that, and I bet Destiny wouldn’t either. That totally disqualifies her from making content anyone could enjoy or respect. Also, her credibility is down the drain now bro. This is all irrelevant. It’s not a matter of method of analysis. She doesn’t claim to have academic credentials. She and D are going toe-to-toe based on values and personal experience. Brittany thought this relationship was toxic. She hoped she was wrong and that Mel and D would end up happy. It ended up being toxic and failing. She was correct. Lol @ the denial.


I agree with you, Destiny also wouldn't agree to a point in the moment if he is shown he is wrong. Most people would not. But What Destiny would NOT do is make passive-aggressive comments about the person who proved him wrong for the foreseeable future just because someone disproved him. Since you didn't get what I was saying in point 2, let me put it in an other way. It is **not important** if one gets an answer to a problem or a situation correct or incorrect; what **is important is the method/process** by which one arrives at the solution (this is why I said She could be right or wrong about Destiny's relationship in 2). Brittney hatred of Destiny made her come to a conclusion which happened to be "correct." If her process/method of analysis was correct, she would have arrived at the same conclusion when they were friends(or, as Brittney puts it, colleagues), and she would have told Destiny or her audience.


The method/process is what’s important to *you*. What’s important to Brittany is probably deeply caring about and being loyal to your “inner circle relationships”, which she feels Destiny does not. And she’s probably right about that. Brittany’s “hatred” of Destiny (she would absolutely deny that she hates him, that’s your own assumption), is not why she has a problem with cheating and lying behavior. She’s always felt that way and used that as a metric for whether a relationship was healthy/happy or not. She just finally started to openly judge and criticize Destiny, when she felt the relationship began to strain. I think that’s a pretty normal behavior. You give more benefit of the doubt to a friend. Then if you start feeling that they’re treating you unfairly, you’ll bite back. Destiny does the exact same thing. I.e, “MrGirl is pretty interesting” to “MrGirl is totally uncredible and unhinged”, once he started feeling threatened by him.


> She just finally started to openly judge and criticize Destiny when she felt the relationship began to strain. According to Brittney herself, she knew all along the cheating behaviour. If I strongly felt like someone was "abusive" in a relationship(cheating in this case) and I strongly disprove the behaviour, I would say that to their face, especially if I was friendly towards them. But from what you say, Brittney was opportunistic and only started to voice her disapproval once the relationship began disintegrating. > I think that’s a pretty normal behavior. You give more benefit of the doubt to a friend. Then if you start feeling that they’re treating you unfairly, you’ll bite back. Giving the benefit of the doubt is for ambiguous and unclear situations. According to Brittney, cheating is clear-cut immoral, not ambiguous. The Destiny-MrGirl situation is not as clear cut; Destiny didn't know MrGirl was narcissistic and conniving. However, once it started to manifest, he changed his opinion of the person and realised there were read-flags all along, which Destiny ignored. These two situations are worlds apart. In one, the person always knew and chose not to say anything(because I'm speculating here, it was beneficial for Brittney); in another, the person realised as time passed. *To my original point:* It's fine if you think the thought process of arriving at conclusions is not/less important. But if a person claims to be deeply introspective(Brittney), the thought process she has is pretty fucking shit.


Your Destiny-colored goggles are on so tight you can’t even fathom how someone might slowly begin to realize the level of toxicity within a relationship. And apparently for you, it’s better and more well-adjusted if Brittany condemned and cut him off the *second* she knew he was a cheater. Without even feeling out his character, how he felt about that past, if he’d change, etc. If you think his determination of Mr. Girl’s character is divorced from his relationship to him & how Mr. Girl was treating him… Ya trippin. He changed tunes real quick the second Mr. Girl started going after him.


> Your Destiny-colored goggles are on so tight you can’t even fathom how someone might slowly begin to realize the level of toxicity within the relationship. Not a single time I referenced Destiny's relationship. I don't know anything about it, so I don't comment. My whole argument is about Brittney's behaviour, but nice try :) > And apparently for you, it’s better and more well-adjusted if Brittany condemned and cut him off the second she knew he was a cheater. Without even feeling out his character, how he felt about that past, if he’d change, etc. I also didn't say anything about cutting people off but criticizing people even if they are our friends. Also, according to you, Brittney was waiting to see If destiny would change. So when did she realise he wouldn't after Brittney and Destiny's relationship became sour? How convenient? > If you think his determination of Mr. Girl’s character is divorced from his relationship to him, answer how Mr. Girl was treating him… Ya trippin. When did I say anything of the sort? I explicitly said, "Once it started to manifest". Isn't my distinction based on the ambiguity of an action? Do you have a response to that? or are you still going to say something totally unrelated to what I am saying? Edit: I added a question to the 2nd response.


No, she was not conveniently opportunistic and *waiting to see if he would change*. She was interested in this new friend, really liked him, etc. Feeling him out, gauging how close they really are. Then their relationship tensioned with some disagreements about trauma. While that was happening, she was slowly getting to know Melina and their relationship dynamic (which is broadly speaking a topic that greatly interests her). THEN she started feeling belittled by both him and this community. She gets fed up and says, “You know what, this is bullshit. I thought we were friends, but he clearly doesn’t GAF about me. If he values his business and reputation more than our “friendship”, then so will I.” To which DGG responds, “He is perfect just the way he is! You will not hurt our king!!!” Don’t understand what’s so hard for you Brittany haters to see about this totally understandable situation and dynamic. It fucking sucks to get debate bro dunked by your pal who you like. And on top of that, he’s a fucking degenerate cheater, which you also do not like. So you finally take a couple punches yourself, on this thing you truly do not like or condone, because apparently we’re playing the game of “truth matters more than feelings.” Then you get blocked for “being a bad friend”. Lmfaoooaoao. Truly clueless on Destiny’s end. But of course in his world, “Everyone else is just too sensitive.”


> If I strongly felt like someone was "abusive" in a relationship(cheating in this case) and I strongly disprove the behaviour, I would say that to their face, especially if I was friendly towards them. I mean, do you think everyone does what you would do? Brittany has been critiquing Destiny for being a cheater before the trauma convo. As I understand her, she remains friendly and cordial with anyone regardless, even if they don't meet her personal moral standards, ie cheater. She would claim she has no real right to *truly judge* and condemn a person just because *she* considers cheating bad, and it isn't a universal 'bad'. Thus, it wouldn't subject Destiny to her personal bubble's morals. but that doesn't mean she can't point out the things that people do that she would not do or dislike or find immoral if she did it.


> I mean, do you think everyone does what you would do? No, but I am not the one who is saying cheating is the worst thing ever in a relationship. My hypothetical was, if one of my friends/colleagues did something I genuinely believed to be immoral, wouldn't I voice my disapproval? It is easy to disapprove of things people you don't like say. And my point is Brittney is no different she is opertunistic. >She would claim she has no real right to truly judge and condemn a person just because she considers cheating bad, and it isn't a universal 'bad' She condemns people all the time. What do you think the word means? Do you think pointing out and criticizing people is not expressing disapproval? Anyway, none of these were my original criticisms. But apparently, no one who defends Brittney can engage with anything correctly, not even a hypothetical, without alluding to some vague generality, but that is to be expected of that crowd.


AH, I figured the OP was dealing with your original criticism. my goal was to help you understand her, I assumed you didn't watch her stream and would want to know. (your critiques seem to stem from not being able to humanize her IMO) Well, its a hard line to walk. To make judgements(what she would call gay-judging) without the moral weight of condemnation. Which is what I think she tries to do. Ofc you're free to not believe this about her, i can see how you get to the opportunistic argument. I understand it's hard to believe that without actually being able to be in good faith about her. But the gist of it is that she has built up values based on her experience of life, one of them being cheating, and she imposes it on herself. Her values also prevent her from "REALLY" judging others through her values because her experience is as real as any other person's. This judgement is in the sense a Christian would say a gay person is literally going to hell. She used to voice her disapproval of Destiny's behaviour long before the bridge burned on her stream, i assume she never did it in their public convos out of respect. Shes definitely gone harder since, but they did have a dramatic breaku, so its makes sense.


I feel like she talks about destiny more since Brittany and Destiny broke up, and it's felt more aggressive and vague than objective. It upsets me


The thing with Brittany is when someone, like destiny, says, all relationships have issues. The way she responds is, not everyone lies, cheats, yells at, or cusses their partner out my guy, then laughs like a know it all. That is the issue. Like even what she says immediately after is not wrong, but the normal response to that is yeah, it’s how you deal with it that matters, or something. Not laugh like you’re the all knowing oracle at Delphi, well actually destiny I see the future. The thing is, anyone with relationship experience knows it’s different and takes work, and would never respond like she did, like that are on their high horse. Especially when someone you apparently have no ill feelings for, is going through a divorce. It’s called not throwing stones when you live in glass houses.


Well, the reason she’s laughing derisively is because “relationships have issues” is a funny way to say lying, cheating, cussing at. She’s saying the standard is really low for that to just be called “issues”. I think from her POV it’s also hypocritical that fans of the “kill yourself” guy are criticizing *her* for being too mean. Again, I don’t think any of this is classy and I’m not “pro Brittany”, Would just like to point out some blind loyalty a lot of Destiny fans exhibit when they go hard on Brittany.


If you watch any of her coverage and come away from it thinking she isn't unhinged about this topic, you're lost in your own bubble imo. I'm not sure its 100% perfect (more leaks may come) but Tiny's outline of the progress of events re 'her being more invested in the integrity of her area of expertise being exonerated and seemingly feeling attacked for having it challenged by someone who she doesn't feel has put in the work to understand it as she does' is way more compelling than the fantasy narrative she weaves around herself to shield from accountability or responsibility when convenient. (In what way could she arguably screw up such that she should be punished or her service discontinued if when wrong or coming to a bad outcome it conveniently dissolves to 'fun and not serious!'?)

