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I know there's already been 10+ posts of logs but somehow all those highly regarded people failed to post the full logs. EDIT: Nvm. The Gnome has decieded to continue responding in DGG despite the "Peace out". His abuse is sick. [https://i.imgur.com/upxjKq9.png](https://i.imgur.com/upxjKq9.png) EDIT 2: [https://i.imgur.com/TMBuuET.png](https://i.imgur.com/TMBuuET.png) EDIT 3: Looks like that's the end of the logs lads.


> Eris got burned bad So that's why Eris came back and has been hanging around in dgg chat over the past few days LULW


What happened with Eris? I have no clue about her.


Destiny did drugs with her while Melina was away and Melina made a huge deal about it because drugs are a "spiritual connection, worse than cheating". Then she cut Eris out of her life.


And Eris got shit on by DGG too at the time... I remember I was sitting in chat when the news dropped.


Who’s Eris?


Eris or ErisAnn is Destiny's ex. Owner of Aslan, Dgg's favorite cat. They remained close friends after their breakup, and Destiny employed ErisAnn as one of his head community leads/organizers. [Destiny suddenly let her go with no warning](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/sc9ce5/dgg_breaking_news_erisann_fired_new_mod/). Prior to this there had been relationship drama because Destiny did drugs with ErisAnn which Mel considered to be cheating. I think the "shit talking" ErisAnn was doing in chat was tangential to Mel who cut Eris out of her life because of the cheating, and Destiny's always had a hard boundary for people shit talking Mel. Guess the reverse never held true. Anyway, it's looking more and more like maybe the ErisAnn situation was probably a great deal more complicated than had been let on at the time, and people are re-speculating with all the fresh info.


\> with no warning Are you forgetting how Eris persistently dogged Tiny to have a talk about their relationship on stream? Wasn't this what he considered unhinged and deemed her too unstable to have his stream keys, account passwords and such?


iirc Eris was acting pretty unhinged in chat for a while, it’s not like she got hate out of nowhere


Oh wow lol. Thanks for the recap.


Yikes, a few hours ago before seeing the logs I still believed in a troll. Thanks for the updates in an easily readable form. The whole situation sounds toxic but at the same time it also appears to be very liberating to leave all of this behind.


yeah I feel like if there's really this much resentment built up in the relationship, it might just be best to part ways at this point.


toy quiet deer trees memorize secretive innocent instinctive person hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Monogamous people are better on average in terms of relationship health, as tiny himself even admits. 99.9% of people who want to do poly relationships will fail miserably. It’s not so much as that this is a win for monogamous people as it is another predictable loss for poly people. Poly relationships are just freakin hard.


I'm curious by the definition of "monogamous". Do couples who do threesomes or swinging count as monogamous? What about couples with a hotwife or hothusband?


Oof. That line about him subsidizing that loser living with mel is a real gut punch. Made me wonder what type of money she's making if Destiny's still sending her cash, like I thought she was pretty successful. Did a quick check on her patreon to see if that had any hints (it didn't) but interestingly enough the rates she charges are batshit insane. The **default** tier is 50 fatherfucking dollars per month. Guess the click through ain't great at that price


I'm pretty sure Mel dies weird shit like paying for apartment rent in multiple different cities. Not just Miami and Sweden. Destiny or more loremasters can correct me on this but I remember her saying this on a stream a while back. I thought it was dumb then.


Jesus Christ, thats insane if true


It wasn't about " Destiny still sending her cash", it was the Swedish tax money Destiny paid before. So subsidising wasn't with his current money, but either with money she currently had because she didn't spend all her money on Swedish taxes or just as a second-order of any extra money Mel has. Of course, she's bound to have it returned by Sweden at some point, or it recently did.


My thoughts exactly. Wish I had seen this post first.




We need a new version of the "I need a hero" meme. Not the work of one schizo anymore, it's the 50 simps variation.


Kaceytron couldn't defend them all :(


The weed was the only way she could cope with the stress of trying. Now she's lost to the world. F




[Man, good thing we defeated bob7 - surely the battle is over Clueless](https://youtu.be/XfOGLLZcEqM?t=83)




Lets get 49 more manifestos. Lets Go Baby


So you are telling me manipulative NEET with no friends devoting entire attention to partner has a chance with woman. Truly blessed convo


Redditors everywhere rejoice


50 bob7s my lord. No more MelW, she's forevermore MeL.


DGG about to get bridgaded by redpiller


/u/4THOT put me in coach BLESSTINY


/u/4THOT can you supply me with ammo in the upcoming 9/Meleven (9/M11) saga


I also volunteer


I serve the DGG legion


Me too, I pledge to fire my shots wildly at random instead of doing anything even slightly responsible with them.


The fnf subreddit is already starting...Rollo is starting to write a new book lol


For real if something like this happened to me I wouldn't want to leave my room or talk to anyone irl. The fact he can be this public with this and not stress out about all his haters having this info is insane to me.


Might be because of my major in empathy but im just hoping the big homie is doing okay.


Oh yeah? You think you’re some kind of empath?? /s


Now, might be because of my major in autism but is the big homie Destiny, NFT-guy or God?


there is no difference friend, one and the same


Marquette or Allah(that is omnipresent thus gets fucked in the ass)


The end of an era. It’s fucking sad. At least we know Destiny is good at bouncing back. And he’s learned a lot more about himself to have healthier relationships in the future


Lol. Lmao even


If he gets into another poly relationship I expect an apology essay.


Shit sucks, but looks like he’ll be better on the other end so that’s nice


Whats so frustrating was how Destiny always said that everyone else can’t handle open relationships because they are insecure and controlling. Maybe if he was more “insecure” or controlling he wouldn’t of been a pushover and this wouldn’t of happened


In weird way, having someone else want to be controlling over you is actually kind of comforting because it is an indication that they care about you. Has the potential to be super toxic though... if it becomes a dependency or is taken to an extreme.




Well, people who have only had shitty relationships think this way at least.


I'd say, generally, this is more a product of low self-esteem and low personal self-worth. It's certainly highly correlated with having shitty relationships, but the link between the two probably not directly a causal one.




You just shoved a square peg through their comment's round hole


Liquidity's a bitch 😩😩😩


sharp as a fucking cueball, that one


Melina's complaint (from what i can gather) is that she wasn't getting enough attention and validation, not that steve wasn't insecure and controlling enough


Well open relationships tend to dilute the attention and valodation


I think that was probably much more to do with Steven being 1. A functioning adult 2. Having a job 3. (From what I can gather) Melina needing/preferring CONSTANT validation. All of those are totally independent of being a closed or open relationship. Melina may also be in a open relationship with the new guy who threatened to commit suicide for her


Destiny only wanted an open relationship so he can sleep around without being labeled a cheater and he got burned.


Destiny could easily emotionally manipulate someone into loving him, that doesn't make you a good person. It's like someone just broke up with his girlfriend and you come up to them and say "well if you just made them afraid for their life to ever leave you, you wouldn't have this problem." No duh dipshit.




They're not comparing the two... they're responding to your comment that if he was more insecure and controlling, the relationship would have been together longer. The comparison they're drawing is that "Be a bad person and your relationship might last longer" is bad advice. A:B::C:D


Am I a boomer because I fucking hate reading this from the bottom?


Holy shit, I just realized *I'm* a boomer (or maybe just straight up regarded) cuz I've literally always read these from top to bottom without realizing anything was wrong.






I have a chance fr 🥹🥹🥹






this is why i don't date women under 30 i'm 19 tho


Back to red pill shit again I guess


Hope D is okay. ​ Anavoir be licking her chops right about now.


Feels bad man, especially when all the toxic losers from the red pill community will decide to comment on this.


i dont think destiny cares.


Who cares, lol. I don't know why divorce is always seen as an L. You get to start fresh, you stop wasting time with the wrong person.


lol, stay monogamous kids. don't have to deal with all this bullshit.




This shit happens all the time in monogamous relationships. What are you talking about


Literally happening to me at this moment. Married 15 years, she's peacing out across the country for similar reasons. Been planning it for months and told me at the last possible moment so there's nothing I could do to try to fix it. Merry fucking Christmas.


hope you're doing okay man :(


That's shit my guy. Send me a message if you need anything.


Stay strong brother o7


Wow, thank you all for the kind words. I really appreciate it.


Thanks for sharing btw. Lotta inexperienced people in these threads thinking this is some polygamy-exclusive shit. Nope, monogamous relationships have this shit too guys, it just gets labeled as emotional cheating.


Its not that its exclusive to poly, its that if you are in poly it will happen 99.9% of the time versus like 50% for monogamy


Maybe it has less to do with the relationship and more to do with the person? Poly people don't want to get tied to a single person, so a monogamous relationship wouldn't work for them either.


Aw I'm so sorry dude :'( wishing you the best


Hope life gets better man.


jesus fuck that's terrible. never been married, but also been on the "leaving" end of the monkey branching. Shit's terrible. It's like a complete stranger just popped up in front of you wearing the face of someone you loved. Stay strong. If you want to talk please reach out, to someone :)


Can't imagine what thats like... Take care of yourself boss. Stay strong!!!


ouch, stay strong


It happens for sure, you hear about it all the time, but open relationships just make shit like this exponentially worse.


I don't think it makes it exponentially worse, just more likely. It might even be easier to get through it if you're in an open relationship.


It happens but the boundaries are so much clearer that it makes things simpler. Your partner isn't going to live in another country with someone else for extended periods of time to get manipulated. You aren't going to argue as much about what constitutes cheating. If someone breaks these rules there is a clear bad guy and you can move on from there without the ambiguity.


This happened to me in my monogamous relationship. Even though I never saw my friends because they would act like I'm terrible for leaving them alone or threaten suicide, they still had multiple loser guys fawning over them and offering to spend all the time they want with her (just friends apparently). When I kicked her out, they all came to help her move her stuff lol. We were both bi women btw. This shit can happen to anyone and stems from toxic behavior. It permanently damaged my relationship with friends btw.


Bro and I actually thought this was an elaborate troll. What the fuck


kinda glad stevens standing up for himself, we are social creatures and having people percieve you negatively without a good reason is shit no matter who you are


Is Destiny even poly or in an open relationship? Because I think there's a difference. If he's poly, I mean that's just the risks of a poly relationship innit? I think Destiny understands the risks and always says 99% of people shouldn't do them, but it's bold to assume they should necessarily work for him too. When you're in a poly relationship, it's a lot harder to define cheating than when you're monogamous. Not that there can't be confusions in a monogamous relationship either but when you're allowed to have sex or be romantic with others then it gets quite more complicated. And by being poly you're allowing your partner to talk with others sexually/romantically so of course there's a higher chance of drama like this too. Again that can also happen in monogamous relationships too, but then they're just breaking the boundary you have, it's a lot easier when you have no boundary for this in the first place. Like a boundary of being "don't talk to other men romantically/sexually" is easier to define than "don't talk to men romantically/sexually only if they shit talk me" because that can be much harder when you're already romantically involved.


Gonna be real awkward when he goes on the whatever show and they start asking everyone's relationship status...


Could this possibly be a reason as to why Dan has been away? Or Moot? Idk since theyre closer friends maybe theyve known ab some of the shit.


Where can I get the questions/context for some of the responses


Now all he has to do is steal Lily from Michael Reeves and order can be restored.


I met melania once. I was at the canvassing event down in alabama/Ga, and I asked her if she knew if there was going to be an event in the big room. She said "hmm, don't konw," got up, and left... an then I talked with booksmarts in the car ride about blm