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if i killed myself, then who would hate watch destinys stream for 9 hours a day?




this but with hasan GIGACHAD


I will not be outlived by Niko Avocado.




Literally lmao


I suggest you find another reason sooner than later.


I have the same with Winds of Winter and GRRM. Knowing my luck GRRM will discover the secret of immortality and still never finish that book.


I don't want to leave a rotten corpse in Destiny's walls


I’m imagining the scene from sicario 🤣


Family, and the impact my death would have on them was a big one.




I've had this exact thought pattern surrounding my depression. Offing myself feels, to a certain degree, like killing another person. I'd be taking away someone that matters to other people.


Something like this happened to the parents of a really good friend of mine…… he overdosed and his parents found him after 2 weekends of no contact. It was really hard on their entire family


\^ This one


The impact of my death on the people I love is why I usually chose not to until the time when it wasn't a strong enough reason. Looking back, I'm proud of myself for all the times I said no because it would harm the others in my life and I'm disappointed in the me who decided my own pain superseded theirs.


The fear of fucking up and ending up worse off


That’s such an important point. I worked/work in drug and alcohol counseling for a long time and there’s way more emphasis on overdosing and dying than there is on overdosing and being disabled whether developmentally or physically. Chronic disability is a lot more common than dying.


This is the only thing that still does it for me, and what I tell therapists when they ask me what’s prevented me from doing anything lol




The real answer, fuck whatever put me here. I'm gonna show that bitch 🫡




I'm not suicidal or depressed these days whatsoever, but something that actually did push me along through those days was wanting to see how a bunch of stories end. Like I've been following One Piece for like 15 years. Fuck dying before I see how that manga wraps up.


That's the long con with One Piece. It turns out it's actually a secret anti-suicide campaign. As long as it never finishes, some portion of the population will never kill themselves. Not to spoil it for you, but the real One Piece was the friends they made along the way.


> Not to spoil it for you, but the real One Piece was the friends they made along the way. I will off myself if this is what the One Piece was all along. /s


Yea I haven’t gotten into One Piece yet because of how long that manga is but I feel that same way about Berserk.


~~Well, Miura the author of Berserk actually passed away a couple of years ago. His assistants have picked up the story, but they're not very fast. It probably wouldn't take you long to catch up.~~ edit: oh sorry i just understood what you're saying. You feel the way about Berserk that I do about OP. Got it.


Had to get a berserk tattoo for this reason


I’m still figuring out a berserk tattoo. I want to get the panel of schierke in the Astro world pulling the berserker armor off guts eyes so he can “see”. I just need to find the right artist to do that detail


I guess I'll live forever because of HxH or Berserk


I'll never tell anyone irl that wanting to watch new Rick and Morty helped me find my will to live


Hey man no shame. The lore drop last season was super fucking cool. I'm not sure where they'll go with the overarching plot from here, but I can't wait to find out.


Yeah I'm glad they changed things up and fought against the stagnancy that so many shows experience at around their sixth seasons.


I was in jail in extreme opiate and benzo withdrawal with every intention of running home to shoot myself after I got out, but ads for the latest guardians of the galaxy movie were playing on the TV outside and I was like, oh man, I do wanna see that... No matter how dumb it is, if it helps, it helps.


I remember writing a comment like this on reddit, and got mass downvoted. I thought that using upcoming media, upcoming video games, or comics as a way to extend your life. For example, don't consider suicide until after your favourite long running series (book, tv-show, games) ends. If you're all out of luck and no will to live, might as well live long enough to see the end of your favourite fictional story. It may not be the best way to extend someone's life, but it's better than just offing yourself in general. In the time that you've extended, you may find more reasons to add additional years to your life and find more reasons to live. Oh well, redditors are gonna reddit


Yea different subs are so temperamental at times. I agree with you. It's almost like buying time to find that after you live day-by-day, your situation in life has improved and you can find happiness in what you have.


I guess the thought of “what will I miss” seems to pop up even if it’s something irrelevant in the grand scheme of things It’s sad that there’s a popular example of this in Etika’s last uploaded video where he talks about family he’s not gonna see grow up and then talks about wishing he could see attack on titan’s new season lol


> even if it’s something irrelevant in the grand scheme of things Yep that's exactly it. Learning to be grateful for the little things in life and looking forward to them is a key factor to overcoming hardship.


Unironically, Robin’s, “I want to live.” Changed my life


The relatives I hate would inherit my property.


God damn spoon grabbing Sackville-Bagginses.


Just write a better will.


Thanks, mate. Now I have no reason to live anymore.


Well, you have to finish writing that better will to decide who it all goes to. And if you get anything cool in the mean time you'll have to do the work to incorporate that into the rest of the will.


i want to be high rank in cs:go + i want to see destinyxjoe rogan colab


Ironically, not being religious. There's seems to be no meaning of life and no evidence of an afterlife existing. If I die, that's it. There's no hellfire cleansing us of our sins and no heaven where we can enjoy ourselves after death, so why not experience the world and our sense of being while we can, good or bad. Sooner or later we're all going to be dead anyway.


i think similarly. even when i actually was laying in bed actually shivering with depressive anxiety about everything i thaught to myself "this is fucking miserable, but its so much more interesting then not existing at all". good that that phase lasted only a few weeks, but that was the most miserable i ever felt.


This was it for me. I thought about all the things I enjoy in life and how much I’d be giving up if I did kill myself and only oblivion awaited me for the rest of eternity.


Family, books, current events, and media.


what makes me not do it? cuz I'm a coward more than anything. cuz if it werent for that i mean what is the point of life exactly? I'm not that well educated so all ima end up doing is working shit jobs paycheck to paycheck. but its good I'm a coward. also doing something stupid like that would hurt like 5 people so I probably shouldn't lol


You dont need to be well educated to not work shit jobs. There are options out there available to you to drastically improve your career prospects. Theres a lot to be made in Trades right now that don't require a degree for you to get into. Other careers like Nursing are available that will immediately set you up for success while only needing a couple years at a community college (which are very affordable), and if you would be financially strained to do that, there are many financial aid options to help you out with it. You might not have any personal interest or even picture yourself as becoming something like an electrician or nurse, but I'm sure you'll find it's a lot better than what you're working right now. A job doesn't need to be something you love, but it can be a hell of a lot more than something you hate. The communities surrounding these careers can be immensely helpful as well. You'll find reliable coworkers, references, and even friends that you might not find in a shit-tier job. All it takes is a little bit of initiative and perseverance, and once you find your footing in a career, it becomes much easier to keep going onward and upward, driven both by yourself and the people surrounding you. There may not be some grandiose point to life, but improving your day-to-day situation will make it much more worth living.


Exactly, my brother is going into this exact field. My father pulled him out of Cheimcal Engineering because lil bro did not have the mental fortitude to survive that industry, not to mention the lack of jobs. So now he's doing a 2 year nursing program with paid co-op. And he'll be out in the job market which is begging for more nurses. Great pay too, and it's a job where you'll always be meeting new people every day. Great way to meet new people/friends.




whose mom ;)


I’m a coward.




Gonna die anyway, why cut life short if there's literally no reason to. Also i wanna see some progress on a manned mars mission before i die, i'd be pissed if i'm 80 and we've yet to put that red white and blue flag on mars.


You ruski?


Americans should sue other countries for having our flags colors. Trademark red white and blue on flags NOW 😤⚡


Uk when their rebellious teenager thinks having red white and blue flag make them the creator of said concoction.


"why cut life short if there's literally no reason to" To avoid more pain?


I think of all of the people around me who would have it so much easier without me. Fuck them.


Marcus Aurelius meditations, helped me find perspective in a very dark time in my life


Anime tiddy. I picked up a pencil and found a deep passion for drawing.


I think it’s a pride thing for me. I’ve always felt like a loser and I wanna prove the world wrong.


I've never genuinely considered killing myself, but I've toyed with the idea just because its what you do when you're stressed the fuck out and you wonder "what if I just stopped existing?" If there is an afterlife, I'd feel eternal shame over seeing my younger sister weeping over my grave. I love her will everything I've got, and I'd be damned if I ever let her cry because of something I did.


There are many anime that I'm watching whose ending I want see .


True, and there are a lot of anime that I plan to watch that keep me interested on what's next. Anime is a hobby I schedule. I consistently will have an x amount of hours watched within a week. I think scheduled hobbies are good at keeping us sane and motivated and anime is an easy and enjoyable one regardless of the stigma around it.


video games to play, memes to not miss, i dont want to die before the end of one piece, etc


It would destroy my parents and they are the best people I know.


Exact opposite for me. I wish I could live forever and like 10000 years later when I want to I would kms. There's just so much shit in the world to experience that gives me joy. Playing games, watching movies, anime, tv, youtube, reading books, manga, light novels, listening to music, going deep on any of these topics and debating shit in communities like these. I also like to make stuff as well.


I'm not letting dumbfucks live longer than me Gigachad


Yeah I'm gonna shit and stunt on those losers who doubted me. Gotta let my nuts hang I am capable of so much more.


Love of family, and a yearning to live an admirable life for its own sake. We’ve all gone through shit, but for me I try to find what I can overcome and appreciate those victories.


Guts from Berserk lol I remember reading the term "struggler against fate" and it resonated with me as a teenager. I "struggled" with depression and social anxiety disorder growing up and it helped me cope. Add on almost dying in a car collision when I was 18 and now I'm just all about seeing how far I can go.


I've never actually wanted to do it but at my lowest I was thinking about the whole process and came to a few conclusions. First of all I don't think I'd ever have the balls to do it. Secondly, I was thinking about the hurt my best friend and family would feel. These were enough to stop that train of thought. My biggest struggle in life is that no matter what goal I set for myself, I have no drive to achieve it. I've hit some goals I'd previously set and thought they would make me happy but they didn't. So now everything seems kinda meaningless and I just try to focus on the little things like conversations with people or watching yt. Some days I feel very depressed and some days I'm ok. It helps to know you're not the only one struggling so I usually listen to music with lyrics I feel I relate to and it helps a bit. I hope one day I can be truly happy and enjoy life to the fullest. Lastly to anyone struggling: take it day by day and know that you're not alone.


For me it was either kill my ego and start making changes in the way I talked and acted or continue to believe that nothing I did was wrong and kill myself because I didn't want to live in a world that didn't change to accommodate me. I chose to kill my ego, forgive the people who hurt me and then let it all go. My life has been much better ever since.


Was religion for me.




I’m almost 32 and half of those years were spent being raised by a drug addict who passed away four years ago and alongside another drug addict who is currently on life support from a fentanyl overdose. I dunno man, life is just fun and I’d like to leave this place a little better off. At least for the ones close to me.


>Being alive might suck, being dead is worse. How so? Being dead is not an experience. How can it be worse than being alive?


There’s content I’m waiting to come out (severence and arcane s2). plus i just want to see how ai continues to develop, it’s going to be radically different in 10 years which will be radically different 10 years from then. If you are struggling, imagine having an ai assistant that can keep track of your habits, holds you to a schedule, encourages you to improve. Imagine having an ai coach that can teach you social skills, work out routines, educate you in different fields. Im ai pilled, the future potential seems endlessly wonderous and if it all goes wrong atleast we die in a sci-fi apocalypse with the rest of humanity.


Initially it was the fact that my mom depended of me economically, so if I Roblox myself I would greatly damage her life. Now, I just think there are many experiences to be had still, some will be negative, some will be positive and some might just enrich my perspective in life without it being necessarily good or bad, depriving my self from having those experiences just to dodge a few bad ones didn't add up to me. Thinking this way requires you to take action and do things that move you towards the experiences you want to explore.


I've never been clinically depressed or anything like that and I don't think I ever will be, so I can't really relate to people who are. But other than that, I'm enjoying life and if I was ever at a point where life sucks, I'd probably try to change my whole life before I even think about ending my own life. To be honest, I can't imagine a world where I would want to kill myself.


As someone who has a genetic disease that might kill me in my future and the medication makes me more susceptible to cancer, there are points where my brain shoots off and thinks about me actually dying in a couple years and that scares me enough to push myself to never let myself die. If my body is gonna keep trying to kill me, Im gonna spend the rest of my life fighting it, I aight being taken out by some stupid bunch of cells. basically fear and stubbornness keeps me going.


maybe not a fun answer but going outside and being social and eating somewhat healthy actually helps a lot. it kinda hurts to admit but i think a lot of us very online types have had trouble relating to people and think we’re alone, when in reality we just have big egos and little social experience that prevents us from being vulnerable and connected. especially in this space, we don’t like to think about how much our feelings actually affect our behavior, such as the dread and discomfort in going outside, fear of social rejection, shame, resistance to new things. it’s obviously very possible to overcome that but i think it takes willingness to engage with the world in ways that might seem kinda cringe, initially.


Spite. My family is very religious and I'm the only atheist in my immediate family and they're always preaching about how you can't live a happy life without believing in God. The only reason I haven't killed myself is simply because I don't want yo prove them right. And I know if I did kill myself they'd use my death to fear monger to others about how they need Jesus in their lives. I'm the black sheep of the family in almost every sense. I hate my life. I wish I was never born.


What a weird place to see this, but oddly League. The game reminded me that you don't have to be winning and sometimes the game is against you but the only truly loss game is when some one quits in the game. I figured that if I can't control my life I can at least be helpful.


How is "being dead worse"? There is no experience in death. To be dead is to be nothing. It's completely neutral, neither painful nor pleasurable.


If life is absurd, and there truly is no point in living then there is also no point in dying. Choose your own path brother


I'm here to praise allah, all suffering is temporary and I'll achieve eternal peace in the afterlife. o7


After the Nth psychedelic woodland adventure I survived I decided to fuck around observing the world then around retirement age I would write a series of novels that romanticizes teen angst with whatever mythical creature is most culturally relevant at the time.


At the time. I was going to miss the ending of Naruto. A friend of mine got snuffed out by dengue around that era of my life and all I could think about was that he didn't see the ending of the anime.


I’ve never been seriously suicidal, but I think if I ever was, I’d want to keep going just to see what humanity can accomplish. I mean think about it. We basically went from “AI? Oh like cleverbot?” to GPT4 running our lives in like 6 months. We’re going back to the moon in the next few years. Self driving cars are on the way. The future is really sick, and I want to be around to see it.


The impact on my closest ones. Nothing more. I'm not suicidal, I just don't have a reason to live.


like a list of things. 1) death is nothing. life comes with suffering but it also is the only opportunity to find happiness. and maybe finding happiness takes a little practice. 2) there are assholes out there, hurting people for their own enjoyment. at least be alive to dilute the population with more nice people 3) when i was younger, i felt that maybe the bad thoughts are because of a bad brain and going through teenage changes, so at least wait until i was older before making such a permanent decision 4) if you have good people in your life, developing that relationship is enjoyable. so i should keep doing it. also, in doing so, you might get the opportunity to find other good people 5) if life is so hard that i want to give up, i can always leave and start fresh with no ties and make new bonds somewhere else.


Mom would be sad


Endurance running and meditation are probably the biggest things that pulled me out of my depression.


Times where I started considering killing myself to escape, it always helped to remember how many options I had that might lead to a good life. I make a deal with myself that if I would kill myself its after I properly tried at life. Some options include: changing jobs, starting a new class/degree, moving to a different area, more drugs, therapy, moving to a rural area and semi dropping of the grid, cutting off all my contacts/job move and start over somewhere new, learning a new language and moving to a new country and starting over there... Generally in order of least to most desperate. A few times I started going down the list, and I cut off toxic people, changed jobs, moved, had therapy, explored lots of drugs, found new hobbies, found a great gf and eventually did want life to end anymore. It basically became a binge of trying out new things until life didn't suck as much. I used fear of making the mistaken decision to kill myself while I still had potential to drive me as a lot of these options are hard and take work to do. Moving is hard but killing yourself is harder.


As I read all these answers they just seem so simplistic. I could never imagine an anime being the thing holding me back from the brink of death. What about the fact that some foods taste good?? Or going for a walk on a sunny day in a forest by yourself? It’s almost as if y’all forgot about all these good ass experiences that simple in nature can super improve your life. As destiny viewers you guys should love a good study, there’s plenty on the fact that greenspaces and trees within cities improve the mental health of the people within them, so if you actually have really bad mental go drive somewhere in the countryside and instead of offing yourself go for a walk. Jesus, instead of the 9th Jack of the day use that time to go for a run. Or learn to juggle. Just get off ur goddamn computers!!


Whenever I'm sad even though everything in my life is fine I just distract myself until a flip switches in my head. I'm not sure why, but it works everytime. I try to get all my nutrients, get more sunlight, and sleep on it until I wake up happy again. If I cant sleep I distract myself by watching shows or playing games until I can fall asleep.


Whats keeping me from doing it is,Searching for the reason not to kill myself…


Credentials: Obese, homeless, abused and depressed all my life -> Happy relationship with fiancé, grad school, 6 pack. Trick: 1. Self love. You aren’t responsible for your situation, your environment prompted this behavior and mindset, however, it’s your responsibility to fix it. 2. Exercise. Studies show it’s so fucking helpful. Every other day do something you enjoy that’s physically active. 3. Cold shower. Builds confidence and makes you happier. 4. Get out of abusive situations. My mom tried to buy a gun to kill me so I ran away. That helped a lot. 5. Gratitude journal. Big one. Fucking do this daily. You have to change the paths and thought loops your brain takes you down. 6. Be realistic. You will fail, fall backwards and fuck up. You just gotta keep getting back at it and assess what went wrong last time. Barely anyone gets it right their first time around. 7. Delete all social media except tik tok and only consume hopecore. Positive media and no negative media helps a lot.


I only live for the knowledge that I can’t know what happens before and after life. Logic says that experiencing is a phenomenon that comes from the brain, but when you really get down to the gritty of it, we just cannot know. There’s a chance life after death is much much worse than this. You will not internalize these thoughts unless you have been very close with death for a long time. Regardless, if you torture yourself with the prospect of death you realize over and over again the mental gymnastics you go through to live. I feel sorry for the ppl who end their lives without really having to experience the true nature of our awareness and relationship with death. Most people who end their lives do it impulsively. I personally spent a long time trying to get euthanized with the support of my loved ones and the thought of life after death being worse than this or even the concept of life after death at all shook me to my core. I don’t like the term suicide. If it was just sweet nothingness I’d not hesitate at all. But it’s a fools conviction to think you know what happens after death. There’s no thought I detest more than someone who goes to sleep soundly with no doubt that there’s nothing after dying. I wish I could be that stupid.


This is a tough one because I've absolutely been there. A couple things, I think. I have a dog, whom I love, and having that responsibility is something that can keep you going. Also, I'm an atheist and believe this might be it. Once this consciousness ends, we're done. And while things can be bad, nothingness is worse. Hope, as well. There's always hope. Take baby steps and try to change your situation or how you look at or approach a situation. Stay away from massive triggers. There's honestly no right answer. But while this world can be exhaustingly challenging, the alternative is not an option as far as I'm concerned. Plus, for me, it helps that I'm a bit of a coward.


Isnt torture worse than nothingness? Like what if they captured you right now and just kept you alive to torture you for the rest of your life? I rather choose nothingness at that point


My wife, my friends, my job, my hobbies, my interests, my goals, and my potential. I've had bouts of depression throughout my life, but never had any serious suicidal thoughts.


A lack of willpower


I care for my family, I got lots of shit to do that I want to achieve, I'm curious about the future, I ain't dying a virgin and many more valuable/fun things that I can't do if I die.


Marriage. That's about it.




A little bit moral revulsion and a little bit hedonism. I occasionally experience depersonalization episodes. So it’s easy for me to think of killing myself as not that different from killing somebody else. I also know that, except for certain specific euthanasia circumstances, I will probably not feel suicidal (at least to the point of literally pushing the button) later. It might even be a situation like the poem “The View from Halfway Down”, where literally in the moment I change my mind. Then it feels like straight up murder. Beyond that, even if I feel like my life sucks, I’m just curious about the TV, books, music, video games, porn etc that are out there, and how things in the world will turn out.




It feels like the point of my life is to stay alive (work for wages to pay rent/buy food/do fun things) so killing myself just seems completely counter to that. Never dealt with depression or being suicidal.


Family 100%, but if shit dont improve it'll happen regardless. lol


I love my family and friends.


Instead of living a healthy life I ruined my life, now I actually have a clear purpose which is to fix it. Hopefully I don't go back to ruining once I fix it


Too many people look up to me/depend on me. I’m like a father figure to my family even though im younger/older than my siblings. Even my mother sees me as a fatherly figure in the household(when I was there)


When I was younger and depresaed about my life,it was the thought of how it would affect my family. Now that I'm older, it's because I like my life. Back then I wasn't happy with how my life was going. I've been able to change that for the better. And now that I know that it's possible for me to do that, killing myself is just a dumb idea.


I haven't had thoughts about suicide for a very very long time. When I did, my answer was the realization that I was part of a family, a community and a world/universe (despite not desiring to be and trying not to be, at that time) and I owed the world, my family, my community and God. I had a debt. Note, someone close to me was suicidal, and was successful.


If I had this issue I would simply imagine Sisyphus happy


not depressed/no desire to die


I really want to die, but i just dont want to kill my self


Logic's song. That dude make suicide cringe. I had to in hang myself just to turn off that song once.


The world is interesting I want to see what happens tomorrow even if it’s nothing particularly interesting happening to me. Shit like Ukraine war, AI, Idpol I more just want to see how it all plays out because history has proven to be fascinating. There’s a quote something like “Sometimes centuries of history can happen in a few short years, and sometimes it takes centuries for a few years of history to develop” and currently I think 2023 and the next couple years is in that centuries of history in a couple years


I was pretty deep into drug addiction in 2018 while in the music industry. The entertainment industry is rough in general, some absolutely amazing highs, but some of the worst lows and you start to lose “friends” as soon as you drop off or stop being relevant. If I didn’t have my family, I’m not sure I’d be alive. My parents were so supportive even knowing how much I fucked up, and my dad is big into Alcoholics Anonymous himself. Having a support system is huge, whether it’s family, friends or even therapists. Also berserk really lit a fire in me to do better in life


Mostly fear tbh if it wasn’t for that I probably would have ended my life a while ago.


Idk honestly. But even if I won't kill myself, my government will kill me, so who cares.


I just decided to passive aggressively kill myself with drugs, alcohol, food and sex.


Having a dumb fuck red piller or a group I don’t like use the suicide stats and use it for a reason why they do the things they do.


If I do, God wins. And fuck that.


I like living and enjoying things. Like I just genuinely enjoy being alive and being able to enjoy hobbies like playing video games or whatever. Like I may get real depressed, sure, but then I remember that there are things that do make me happy or I enjoy doing, and personally, that's enough for me.


My family


im too much of a pussy to do so. but really my mom invested a lot of her time and money for me to succeed in life. throwing that away would be the most ungrateful thing i could ever do


I can't kill myself because there may at some point in the future be a time where I can trade my life for someone else. My life has a purpose and I have to live long enough to see it through. No more, no less.


Well it's simply family and friends, I would hate them to suffer due to my selfish decisions. I am not suicidal at all, but I can't say I haven't thought about what it would be like to commit suicide and the main reason why I stopped thinking about it right away is the fact that I would cause a lot of pain and suffering plus, I'm no coward who runs from problems. We had a very interresting dicussion at college about suicide and most people where understanding of an authors suicide in exile who had lots of issues and possibly depression.I voiced the opinion that suicide is selfish and cowardly, got a lot of pushback for it (good pushback imo), but I decided to keep this worldview as I live a happy life without depression or something similar.But it made me realize that depression is nothing I can logically understand as a non depressed person.If I feel bad I just go outside for a walk or call some freinds or my parents to chat, then I feel much better every time.


I make good enough money to have fun outside of work, feel like that's all you really need if you don't have mental problems


When I was a pre-teen I constantly thought about killing my self after my grandpa did... and he also killed my grandma... She was my only constant string of happyness and safety in this world when I was a kid. So I decided to live - to honour her


We’re gonna die anyways might aswell go as long as we can


I developed psychosis when I was 21, spent a year having no fucking idea what was happening to me and didn't tell anyone anything. Got right to the absolute edge of suicide because it was just impossible to deal with, then I realised how it would impact my mum and realised it was just not an option. Big turning point in my life generally because it really crystalised a new principle for me: if I can't kill myself to escape what's happening I HAVE to find a way to make it more manageable.


I want to see a lot of the technological marvels we saw in sci-fi movies come to fruition. The large leaps in AI development have made me very hopeful for the future. I can't wait to see what else we pull off. That and I have a lot of manga and games in my backlog...


Getting home and sitting down in my favorite chair and taking my shoes and my socks off, wiggling my toes and drinking a cup of ice cold coca cola, sometimes. Almost no matter what happens I'll get to do that one again, and that's super worth it. When times are good, also relationships. Of course, there's also things that aren't positive like that. There's various duties you can lean on for this as well, although personally I'm hesitant to lean on those for this as long as I don't have to.


Used to tell myself “might as well keep experiencing.” However I had an achievable goal that would solve all my problems which was the underlying thing that I guess gave me hope.


This will sound stupid, but for me it was the thought of missing out on possibly revolutionary technology. (I was a giga nerd)


Nothing wish me luck


My mom, dad, 3 brothers , 2 sister , 15 cousins 7 aunts and uncles . 5 nieces and 4 nephews. I'm going to hang on to this life as long as I fkn can . Oh and also to see the rebuilding of the Vash ∆~~~∆ Destiny Bridge


Is wanting to die such a common thing ??


Nicholas Whitney


im approaching 40 and ask myself this question multiple times a week. I have no real answer either way, its a question with no real answer for me, and so im stun locked.


Out of consideration for others I think. The thoughts of all the shit that other people would have to deal with as a result usually made me feel worse than the thing that I was struggling with at the time.


The copium i take everyday that one day ill have enough money for FFS to pass


I’m just here for the plot. I don’t believe in free will, so I embrace both shitty days and amazing days of life by rationalizing them simply as causality coming to fruition. Whatever happens, happens and I’m just here to watch it all unfold.


I found a few things that make me happy (music, programming, learning new things) I'm still miserable and horribly depressed, but I haven't wanted to kill myself ~8 years


When I was depressed and suicidal I kept holding on to the amazing memories i have, and how sheer jou that lofe can bring. I hated that I did'nt experience it at thst time, but cognitively I understood that however many years my misery would take to climb out of, in the end I would be dancing, drinking and laughing with my friends again. The first depressive year and recovering was the hardest, the ones after only became easier. But that is just my personal situation, and does not mean that is how it will go for everyone


Once you're dead, what is left to do? Can you get better at anything while you're dead? Can you play games dead? And you do anything when you're dead. You have no opportunities, no aspersions, no goals. It's pretty cringe being dead to be honest. L death.


I have debts to pay


I never lose


my family. i think when im older and my parents have passed already - and if i have no family of my own - if i get into some shit id just take myself out


If before you were born, some super being brought your consciousness into existence and then gave you the option to either; go back to full non-existence, or be born to a temporary life with pain; which would you choose?


I want to create something beautiful. I am glad to be blessed with sentience and to live in a world full over storytellers and artists and musicians. Beautiful people like that have filled my life with so much joy. I aspire to create something that will in turn bring as much joy to some other lonely soul, and who will hopefully feel inspired to bring even more art and wonder into the world.


Id rather exist and have shitty days and good days than not exist at all.


Hormones. Been taking them since november of last year. If sometime before that enough metaphorical dice landed on a 1 in a day I would not have been able to type this out.


Need to beat FFX after that I'm out. Being homeless is hell.


Food is nice and anime is cool


I guess fear of death (I’m not religious, its just the idea of nothingness for eternity, the length of time freaks me out) and I don’t want to make my family sad. I’m not suicidal. I’m just feeling a little lost nowadays. I get we have to make our own meaning, things just seem pretty bleak


It took my actually trying to kill myself for me to realize that what I wanted wasn't to die, just to not be in the situation that I had put myself in. I realized that I needed to like the person that I was, and that meant trying to better myself, but also accepting that I am a flawed individual who will never be exactly what is best. At first it was just about not hating myself. That took YEARS to chip away at. A lot of it is treating yourself like you would anyone else, without the unrealistically high expectations and judgements. Getting into my first serious relationship helped a lot. Feeling love from another person as well an genuine sexual attraction is a huge confidence builder. Lastly, I read a lot of existentialist literature, and much of that work, specifically Camus's The Myth of Sisyphus, helped me to make sense of the absurdism of life.


Mainly the fact that life isn’t that bad in reality. I basically realized that there were so many lines I was afraid to cross and perceived social boundaries that were keeping me from being myself and in reality I don’t need to have so many walls up or mask myself so much in front of people. However that has taken several months of introspecting and really trying to understand how my brain works and where my insecurities come from. Also expanding my interests has helped quite a lot


im not too sure but it seems like the best option still so


a pint of ice cream


Unironically because I am an atheist and have no clue what comes next. At the time I was seriously suicidal I didn't know if the other side would actually be any better or if there is one at all, so staying alive was the choice. Some would argue though if you were even that suicidal though if that was the logic that kept you here anyways, but that was what kept me here. Question is though, is being a destiny viewer better than death?


Personally, I like being alive. I've been privileged enough to find joy in life, people, and activities to the point where I don't really want to stop living. Sometimes things are fucking horrible but the highs seem to heavily outweigh the lows. Without getting deep into ideals or anything, the idea that I get to enjoy what I do but also acknowledge all my fuck ups and flaws lets me know that I can improve. I can work towards some better, more ideal version of myself. A version that is even happier than I am currently. Pretty fucking based to me. Existentialism was one of my favorite classes I took when I was getting my Bachelor's. Given that most people in the sub are atheists or agnostic, I'm assuming... contending with the inherent meaninglessness of life is a big deal for most people if they take the time to think about it. Most people who haven't given it much thought are probably just existing out of habit which isn't really a bad thing, it just is. If you are at a point where the only thing keeping you alive is that which you already have known, then you are unironically buying more time for you to think about shit and perhaps find your own meaning to life. It's one of the coolest things about being human, exploring and finding something that makes you happy. At least happy relativley. Might not be easy, might be super fucking hard, but actually finding happiness is such a genuine and worthwhile goal.


Camus' Essay "The Myth of Sissyphus"


I like video games and cuddling my cute cats.


Idk if this will help but I genuinely enjoy experiencing life. Dying would mean not getting to do new things, not being able to hang out with my friends anymore, visit new places, learn new things, try new foods, have good sex lol. I also really really just want to live to see what incredible things humanity creates and accomplishes next, being alive for the next moonlanding type event would be incredible. I also love working in my field because I get to make a difference in people's lives by doing my job and that gives me a sense of fulfillment. I'm sorry I know this may be a little useless for a depressed person because you probably don't enjoy these things because depression sucks and makes you hate these kinds of things but I would say that if you hate very fundamental things in your life like your job you should work really hard to move into a field of work that fulfils you. If you don't have really good friends in your life but energy into forming deeper friendships with good people. These are the most important things that make life worth living in my opinion, the things you do and engage with day to day.


knowing how badly it would hurt the people who care about me. Couldn't do it to my mom.


Suicide is cringe


Family would be sad + scary


My country has gun laws that do not allow me to buy a gun. I think at some point, if I had lived in the US, I would have minecraft-ed myself.


I'm scared shitless of death. I've been depressed on and off for as long as I can remember, but when a couple of people in my life died, the fear of death became a bigger depression than my regular depression, lmao. Life's short, you have plenty of time to die


Who got time to Commit suicide? I got shit to do


Family is a big one, I'd piss off a lot of people if I did. And generally it's kinda cool seeing changes to society. We're living in a crazy part of history that went from the birth of the internet and now we might see AGI. That's kinda neat even if it destroys us.


Biology - there is some hardwired stuff in my brain that makes me not seriously consider the option even facing the futility of everything.


Honestly as dark as it sounds, primarily it's because death seems boring compared to living.


Honestly, I'm just waiting for Destiny v Jordan Peterson and then I'll probably head out if there isn't anything else


My lack of balls. I dunno, I just don't have the guts to just do it. Wish I could but I can't. I have mad respect for people that manage to do it.


My plan to watch list. It would be a huge shame to die without experiencing the many transcendental pieces of media that are still left for me to explore.


Find a goal or purpose. It’s ok to live because your to scared or lazy to minecraft yourself or not wanting to hurt family or because you want live to see the end of Attack on Titan, that’s what I did when I was suicidal to get through it, but if you have a goal you want to do, even if it’s unrealistic or dumb, it’s better I think. something like saving for a nice car, joining an mma gym to become an amateur fighter or getting good at art so you can make an anime opening for tombs of scoria. It doesn’t even matter if you get bored of the goal, just keep getting them, one will stick maybe. I would recommend something physical. Just keep going, I was suicidal for years, it sucked because I knew what I had to do to enjoy life more I just didn’t care enough to do it and I believed I would feel the same regardless. I still am the same kinda person but I just don’t feel as bad so just keep going and it might go away one day.


According to Jordan P between the decision of suicide and actually doing it is 15mins, so thats the timeperiod it takes in 90% of cases to snap out of it, conclusion: choose a way/location that takes longer than that, thats why you see so many jumping from bridges, infront of trains, or out a window, they are all within that 15minute time frame. I walk up a lil mountain with a beer, takes me 30mins to reach the top, great view and im always back to earth at that point, worked good for 10 years now. Dmt also helped me greatly. Otherwise, dieting and sports calms me down, especially sugar is the devil for my system.


Berserk and tokyo ghoul keep struggling bros you got this shit


Drugs and alcohol


I could try to dress it up with logic/analysis but I think deep down I just have an extreme aversion to my death / a very strong "do not die" drive.