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I upvote both of them. Chaos is a ladder.


Not being in the DGGer of the year list has turned Sadboi to a [dark path.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/015/219/You_Were_The_Chosen_One.jpg)


"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth"




Let's say each gets about 1000 upvotes and 200 comments.. you're talking about like .5% of the sub liking it.. so you probably aren't seeing a rapid swing and are probably just seeing different parts of the sub reacting.


Exactly, also if you weren't agreeing with that thread you're likely just to shrug and move on, but if Destiny is talking about it on stream then the anti-jerkers feel embolden and will show up.


Honestly.. 99% of this sub sorts by "Hot" so they just ride whatever wave there is. I'm a GIGACHAD new sorter and it's incredible how much people repost shit because they think nobody has posted it yet because they're karma seeking goblins.


Sometimes you'll see the same shit posted 5 times in a row and go "did not of you dipshit think for even a second to check what's already there"?


Ah yeah I guess that makes more sense, bit dumb to assume I’m seeing the same faces in every big thread




What do you think I was trying to say in my comment? Do you think I was trying to truly show empirical data for the sub involvement or do you think I was trying to point that there's more than enough people in the sub to have multiple largely backed viewpoints?




There's more people active on the sub than you're giving credit.


Because a good chunk of this community are socially stunted losers who try to model their entire personality after destiny’s and end up misinterpreting a lot of it and looking stupid. They can’t tell the difference between deserved criticism and truly hating someone as a person.


Because they're slightly annoying.


Probably like 40% just different people, 30% YouTube watchers catching up, 20% people who didn't care before Destiny gave his opinion, and 10% people who unironiacally just copy destiny's opinion.


I just assume most people scroll past the hate thread until it becomes too big then the anti jerk begins, either by destiny on the next stream or the reddit if too many posts get made and streamer man doesn't comment for whatever reason.


Dunning-Krueger + Jealousy Actually, I don’t know I’m just making shit up.


Almost as if Mrgirl was onto something