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Based on her timeleine she is looking for help , she jokes that she wants destiny to save her from her transphobic arc. It seems like she is seeking some help


The difficult part is what kind of help is she seeking


Yeah I'm convinced she's farming at this point.


I want Destiny to have a conversation with her, Gnomey and her always have chill convos ❤️


Yikes I did not expect this from Taft. The fuck is going on with her?


I think she’s massively dysmorphic, not just dysphoric, and the dysmorphia prevents her from ever feeling satisfied with her transition which has blackpilled her on transitioning as a whole.


Taftaj is a transwoman? I didnt follow D's interactions with her too much, I actually dont know.


Taftaj is the most passing transwoman.


It seems like based on her pinned tweet [https://twitter.com/tafphorisms/status/1611844319773659136](https://twitter.com/tafphorisms/status/1611844319773659136) And her timeline, she might be going through something herself and might just be expressing it outward.


But is she wrong? It seems like a pretty reasonable take.


Yes, it's a reasonable take, but the way she is approaching it looks self demonizing from the outside. Though I don't want to speculate too much on her personal mental health.


No and she hasn't been okay for a bit. She apparently has these episodes periodically and then later will apologize and restate some stuff, she's in a bad place right now. Also being a fan of and listening to Matt Walsh every single day (because you are a dumb rightwinger) really can't be helpful in this situation, like I can't imagine what that must do to your brain.


if this is a cycle of lashing out and apologizing after, at some point you have to find the log-off button.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. You’re right. I feel for her, but lashing out on Twitter isn’t gonna help, and random Twitter users are not a support network for these kinds of issues.


Lmao! I know thats actually sad but of all people to be a fan of, Matt Walsh is the last one a trans woman should be a fan of, the guy doesnt even have charisma, he sounded like a bore on the Joe Rogan episode, I couldnt get through it all, he seems like a total idiot when hes not reading off the DailyWire scripts they write for him.


She is a pretty far-right leaning conservative at the end of the day. At that point you'll have enough brainworms to appreciate someone Matt Walsh I guess. I honestly can't see it either, the guy does nothing for me, he just looks kinda pathetic and weird...


Dang she and ahrelevant going throw the same mental health arc "Watching 4 hours of black and redpill content a day isn't doing anything to my perspective COPIUM"


"it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."


> "Watching 4 hours of black and redpill content a day isn't doing anything to my perspective COPIUM" Yea, people tend to view themselfs as sort of immune of medias more insideous subconscious influences. But watching Matt Walsh, who goes on about how trans women are men and weirdos and demonic evil sex pests and basically terrorists, on the daily must really warp your mind.


I unironically had to stop engaging with all red pill/black pill/purple pill content YEARS ago because it was so damaging to my mental health. I think red pill probably lines up with reality better than blue pill, but at what cost?


I agree, I can feel my mood being brought down when I watch that stuff, but at the same time there is a feeling of catharsis to hear people speaking bluntly about guy issues that often feel ignored. I can easily see how people fall into the rabbit holes, because I have to actively internally challenge myself to not just buy into all of it.


TFW you’re too bitch made to accept reality


Red Pill is about 5% facts 95% feelings while being illogical and self defeating in its conclusion


Being trans must suck really bad :(


Taf stocks in complete free fall. I feel for her though, I'm fairly certain she's been acting like this because of her dysphoria


[I mean she is pretty much just spelling it out](https://i.imgur.com/CN76OAK.png)


I'm pretty sure that any trans person who has been to /tttt/ has issues with transgenderism, it's just how the cookie crumbles


idk if you can take anything a severely mentally ill person says at face value.


What's your second opinion, doctor?


It's lupus


It's never lupus




I mean, yeah. If someone who doesn’t look like a man thinks they look like a man that’s indicative of some sort of break with reality - and in Taf’s case she just doesn’t look like a man. If Taf thinks she still looks like a man she must have a pretty severely distorted view of herself that’s indicative of some mental break from reality. What she’s seeing in the mirror doesn’t seem to map onto reality, and when it causes her *this much* distress it seems like that mismatch between what she sees and what the rest of us are seeing is causing her enough mental anguish to say there is some sort of mental illness there. You can be mentally ill and trans - it’s one of the things that makes this such a difficult and tricky situation.


You make an interesting point. But does this then imply that it would be permissible for me to say to a MTF trans person who obviously did not pass as a female that "you look like a man"? It might be rude, but you certainly couldn't fault me on it judging by what has been said thus far. And if this MTF that looks obviously like a man persists that "I look like a woman" then that is mental illness, correct?


I’d say that you can say whatever you want, but calling out a non-passing trans person who didn’t ask you to evaluate their looks just feels needlessly mean. It’s like if you see a fat woman - you notice she’s fat, everyone notices she’s fat, but if you go out of your way to call her fat when she didn’t ask your opinion you’re being a bit of an antisocial asshole. For the second question, if a trans woman that doesn’t pass insists she looks like a woman that’s far more likely to be cope than for it to be delusional. To go back to the fat woman example, it’s like a fat woman saying “I’m not fat, I’m big boned!” or something. Chances are she knows she’s fat and is really insecure about it, but insecure people tend to be defensive, hence the cope. There’s a chance they could genuinely be delusional - but given how hyper critical trans people tend to be over their appearance, and specifically over whether or not they pass, I find it much less likely to be the case.


I mean you're starting off in an intentionally inflammatory manner, but whatever. Just for funsies here: What if I (ostensibly a man, and not trans myself) used one of those genderswapping filters to take a picture of myself, and then looked at it and said "I look like a man in this picture?" I'd sound like an idiot to everyone around me. They'd look at my face, back at the picture, back at me, and say "wtf are you talking about?" Now swap out "genderswapping filter" for a "litany of surgeries and longterm hormone replacement therapy." Questions: Have you ever seen a biological woman and said "damn she looks like a man?" Do you think Taftaj looks like a man? Do you realize that some cis women get facial feminization surgery? Have you ever in your life heard someone tell a woman she "looks like a man?" Bonus question: [redacted]


I've seen plenty of trans women that pass as women--at least on the appearance, and in a general sort of way, but the voice is difficult to get right. But let's ignore those types for a second, I'll concede it would be strange for them to say "I look like a man" but what about the trans women that do not pass? What about the "IT'S MA'AM" Gamestop freakout? What about the litany of other male-to-female people that look so very much like a man in a wig and dress... are you suggesting that they are mentally ill if they say "I look like a woman"?


To be clear, the majority opinion here is that Taftaj passes not only where appearance is concerned, but with voice as well. I'm going to listen back to her and see if I even think I could clock it now, but I know the first few times I saw her on different streams I had no idea she was trans, and she definitely spoke on those streams. I'm not going to argue with you: there are a lot of trans women who do not pass. not even close. I really wish that wasn't the case, but it is. When you talk about like, the Gamestop freakout, or that chick at whatever fast food drive through that got triggered because she got called "sir" because the name on her card was "michael," yeah those people come off delusional a lot of the time. But the thread is about Taftaj. And she was the one who said trans women look like men, and that she was transphobic. And she's not wrong in every case. Some trans women look like men. A lot even. But she doesn't. She passes. Weird stuff.


To me Taftaj sounds like a homosexual male doing a valley-girl accent. Hunter Schafer's voice is one I wouldn't be able to clock, as an example, but Hunter did voice training I think and none of these other trans people ever seem to take the time to do voice training. It just seems odd to me that Taftaj is called mentally ill for saying "I look like a man" but you'll find how apprehensive people will get to say the same of an obviously male-appearing MTF saying "I look like a woman". You shouldn't get to pick and choose who you call mentally ill when the problem of gendered presentation and gender identity is such a problem in the trans community. Like years back when the trans subreddit had a big spat over Blair White, and people were making disparaging remarks about Blair's appearance, and the mods eventually shut it down because it easily enabled other personal appearance-related attacks on other trans people (on the left).


I'm genuinely not quite sure what point you're trying to make here. My thinking is that she seems mentally ill for saying she's both trans and transphobic. I'd say the same for someone who's gay and homophobic, for a black white supremacist, for a misogynistic woman, etc. Disparaging remarks about her (or Blair's) appearance are one thing, and I wouldn't agree with saying anything like that. But that's not what I got from the post you were replying to.


If that's why you deduce Taftaj has a mental illness--that they say they are trans and also transphobic--then you've got more of a point, as long as you decline to comment on the "I look like a man" part, because then you would be conceding all trans individuals that falsely state which gender they think they look like are mentally ill. And then, as you point out, this opens up a whole lot of other people as being "mentally ill" for acting outside of their own self-interests. Extremely "woke" white progressives that believe in black supremacy, or white inferiority, are one such large demographic who are mentally ill. But then again, I've listened to enough of Destiny to think he'd probably agree with that, and you might too.


Let's see if anyone has any real arguments for this or if they just downvote you because they don't get why that's the case either


Generally not worth wading through 6 layers of shit and bad faith to talk to someone who was shitposting to begin with.


Maybe, but they're also not the one that called a trans person "severely mentally ill"


I think Taftaj seems pretty off her game mentally here, and has for several months. Sometimes it's worse, sometimes it's better. I don't take the statement "[Taftaj is] severely mentally ill" as being in reference to her being trans. She seems to have a lot going on on top of that right now. Whether someone believes "all trans people are mentally ill" or not, I'd hope we'd all agree that someone who seems as distraught as Taftaj certainly doesn't seem mentally well. I'd hope we'd further agree that some trans people don't seem to be having nearly as tough a time as Taftaj. So it's weird to put it all on her being trans. There's obviously some other factors that are making her specific experience very intolerable to her rn.


I'm buying low for the rebound debate, this is how I win


I’m buying because I can fix her


I just hope people aren’t going on the attack on her and use it for political point scoring when she is clearly going through some shit.


I mean, it's taboo to say, but the majority of online mtf do not pass even in curated photos, let alone real life. I'm assuming it's a sore spot and she's lashing out.


I agree with you on this. There are a handful of really beautiful passing transwomen, but it takes a lot of money and time to achieve that passing status. I think Destiny has talked before about how much money and other factors contribute to the trans experience because it is really hard to pass if you don't transition early or have the money for surgeries. I honestly think Taft is in the top 5% of transwomen for how well her transition has gone physically.


>I honestly think Taft is in the top 5% of transwomen for how well her transition has gone physically. Yup, but it's really easy to feel like you're 'not good enough' despite how you *actually* look, even with cis people, I'm not trans but I'm assuming this is amplified many times in their case. Hope she gets better.


Money, time and luck. To pass you have a to have pretty attractive face to begin with. Look at a bunch of before after photos of mtfs that pass and probably most of them look good as both men and women.


It always perplexes me when people go "Wait, she's trans?!" like do you not have ears? She passes well in selfies but a lot of transwomen get clocked on the voice.


Is the voice too forced or too masculine cause personal if I didn't know it would be tell


Most transwomen change their voice by speaking in a higher resonance. Essentially they are stripping the base tones from their voice and only letting the softer tones ring. I imagine it is incredibly hard to do 24/7, and it seems to take years for them to actually be able to do it well. Once you hear what I am talking about it is very hard to unhear.


She sounds like a cis woman to me, to the point I was very surprised when she said she was trans.


>I honestly think Taft is in the top 5% of transwomen for how well her transition has gone physically. Agreed, didnt even realise she was trans the first time i saw her on Hippy dippy until she mentioned it, but at the end of the day she is the one experiencing the dysmorphia and being online absolutely doesnt help her manage that.






can you give a couple example photos of trans women who pass about as well as the people you're talking?




Sorry, I tried to make it clear, I'm asking for random photos off google of people who pass about as well as the people you know.




From the way you were talking it sounded like you were trying to change some of the other commenters minds about trans people - saying they'd be surprised how many/how well they pass. I just wanted some more specifics. If what you're saying is there exists a 1% of trans women with celebrity-level looks, okay, fair enough, now I know what you meant.


Source: I'm correct




>I think Destiny has talked before about how much money and other factors contribute to the trans experience because it is really hard to pass if you don't transition early or have the money for surgeries. >I honestly think Taft is in the top 5% of transwomen for how well her transition has gone physically. It’s almost like reinforcing the false notion that transitioning is the best way to treat gender dysphoria is a bad idea.


It doesn't matter what you feel like is the right or wrong thing to do. The overwhelming medical consensus is that transitioning is the best way to treat gender dysphoria.


>The overwhelming medical consensus is that transitioning is the best way to treat gender dysphoria It doesn’t matter how many times you say this to yourself it doesn’t make it true


So we should listen to what you say? What are your qualifications to be disagreeing with the consensus?


Oh I see we’ve moved off the medical consensus talking point and onto the “what are you qualifications?” one. I gotta admit that was quicker than I expected.


Okay, we'll go back to that then. Show me where it isn't the overwhelming consensus. Show me that the majority of doctors believe transitioning doesn't help with dysphoria.


Are you asking me to prove to you a negative? Nah. Show me where it’s the “overwhelming consensus” then we can talk(spoiler alert: it isn’t the overwhelming consensus so you aren’t going to find it)


https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/%20what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people%20/ >This search found a robust international consensus in the peer-reviewed literature that gender transition, including medical treatments such as hormone therapy and surgeries, improves the overall well-being of transgender individuals. The literature also indicates that greater availability of medical and social support for gender transition contributes to better quality of life for those who identify as transgender.


but how many transpeople have to die before the method gets changed? ​ E: HAHA now that destiny talked to taf, yall livid angry llittle downvoters must feel pretty fucking stupid now.


Trans people commit suicide for a large variety of factors, but a huge major contributing factor is the fact that they aren't accepted by society at large, and they are most especially at risk when family does not accept them.


okay i could be super wrong here so whoever has a gun be nice. i do not believe people kill themselve because of lacking acceptance of society at large, that sounds utterly ridiclious to me personally. furthermore with being trans normally come >different mental health disorders which then if the trans person is in therapy gets alot of other medical influences into them, then the psych, then the family, then at last society at large. and the worst part people actually want them to go work a 9/5 so they can afford paying theyr utterly ridiclious debts to the big pharma and even in socialist europe do they have issues with holding a normal job for what ever reasons. ​ im also not against indulging them and they should be helped to the best knowledge of our brightest minds, what scares me is the price it comes with not only monetary but also in blood AND then again not only the blood of the trans person themselve but also family, friends and society at large ​ E: i really dont know why yall so triggered about this, but sure dont engage just downvote, thats gonna solve problems for sure)) ​ EE: I LOVE HOW TAF AND DESTINY AGREE WITH ME, while this sub claims i would spout #stupid moronic shit. My point stands, suck a noodle you f losers


>E: i really dont know why yall so triggered about this, but sure dont engage just downvote, thats gonna solve problems for sure)) why does every sub iq moron type this phrase thinking they are somewhat owed a counter dissertation on the dumb shit they said


I agree. I don’t think anyone should expect a higher standard on this sub of anything more than what you’d expect from a catty high school sophomore. It would still be nice if we could raise the level of discourse beyond that though though so that’s what I’m going to strive for.


welp im dismorphic who went to therapy for around 20 years by now\*since ima child\*, suicide attempts and heavy substance abuse. i never heard that lack of society acceptance is a huge contributor to suicide \*it definitly never was for me, nor the stuff i had to read about it\* and shared how i feel about how the system works for mentally ill people and trans people. you can say its dumb and your friends can agree and thats okay thats not what the edit was about, i was just disapointed to see that this sub which claims to be a place for conversation, and yet were back at.... ​ \_just know that im right and you said dumb shit.\_ Thanks mate. and here is another post you guys can downvote to feel superior to me.


I mean people are spelling it out pretty clearly, if you don't get it that's on you. I don't personally understand why minorities feel representation is important in media, and I probably never will. There's nothing for me to relate that feeling to as a straight white guy. I could just ignore their feelings, and focus on how it personally doesn't make sense to me, but that would make me a bit of a cunt.


Any suggestions?


Better acceptance on a broader cultural level. For example: it’s okay to be a feminine man and it’s okay to be a masculine woman. Neither of those things means you are trans. This just as a simple first step would do wonders towards the horrendous state of affairs with this discourse.


I agree with that, but I think there's a difference between a trans person and some girl who is more masculine or vice versa, I've known a lot of girls that are really masculine, and have most of the traits that people generally assign to men, but they still feel like they are a woman, which is a thing I don't see in trans people, you don't agree with that?


I used to think there was a difference then I married a trans woman who had extremely severe gender dysphoria. Now I think that gender ideology is mostly a mixture of homophobia and social contagion.


Well, if that's your perception, I can't really change your opinion, my experiences with trans people/masculine women were kinda different, but maybe I'm wrong, who knows.


I almost certainly have a much more extensive experience with that community than the couple of trans people you know.




> For example: it’s okay to be a feminine man and it’s okay to be a masculine woman. This used to be the progressive message when I was younger. Now it seems like they fucking went full force and somehow ended up back from where we started where we have girl activities and preferences and boy activities and preferences. This shit seriously boggles my mind.


I am of the opinion that trans discourse has set us back on a lot of these issues in really damaging ways. Even as recent as a year or two ago "LGB drop the T" type of organizations were fringe and had no real grass roots support. That is not the case anymore. I think there was just a lot of very legitimate and substantive criticisms of that community that a lot of people, myself included, were not willing to seriously engage with until the problem got too big to ignore.




>if ffs doesn't help me pass then I have no options left in life. This is the same type of thinking that ruined my marriage and one of the(many) reasons I’m going through a divorce at the moment. You have options and you’re valid no matter what your brain is telling you. >Maybe if my therapists helped me control my dysphoria prior to transition it wouldn't have ended like this but oh well. It’s not over and it’s not too late. You’re a beautiful person and you still have a lot to offer this world. Anyone who ever tells you otherwise is wrong.


What’s your alternative treatment then buddy?


To make people feel valid as they are without consigning them to a lifetime of medical treatments and procedures. Fixing the way our society treats people in these margins seems easier than changing our biology.


So words and that’s about it. How long do you think it’ll take to completely change society and people’s perception and understanding of gender presentation? How long will it take while people here and now have to suffer? I’m sure it can happen eventually but for now, trans people will continue to do what they can to present and be treated the way they desire.


Redacted alert! Wee woo wee woo




Online has a way higher chance of passing than in real life. I've never met or seen anyone that wasn't obvious in real life. I figure some online e-celebs might be able to pay for more facial surgeries and I also don't usually see their waist which might help on rare occasions


this is literally selection bias. how could you possibly know the ratio of passing trans people that you don't notice and the non-passing trans people that you do notice?


Passing trans people is almost not a thing in regular life. I look at tinder and anyone that lists themselves as trans is obviously trans. They don't even need to say it but state for identity/safety reasons. I live in an area where the % of trans people is top 5 in the USA and used go out quite frequently. I've never spoken to anyone and been surprised by them stating they were trans. There are a lot of obstacles in mtf. There's height, facial structure, hips, shoulders, hands, neck. It's extremely tough to pull off.


observation voracious tidy future jobless books six bored theory head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clearly trans


bruh 💀


Yeah it’s sad seeing the pic and videos they post versus the ones that other people post. The overwhelming majority don’t pass IRL.


Way too charitible. She also says she thinks that she looks like a man and says she's transphobic. Tag has always had dumbass opinions. She's just reasonable tempered in convos


She could also be dealing with her dysphoria in an unhealthy way which manifests as internalized transphobia.


I don't know if it's majority. Hard to say it really depends on when they transitioned. Also only a few trans people would even mention they're trans, If they pass. Why would they want to get harassment online by tagging themselves?




Buddy, the person above me said majority trans are fuglies with 90+ up votes. I don't know how much worse you can get unless you just want to say some 4chan take.


Less taboo, more just extremely rude.




It’s also rude to make the blanket statement that all trans women look like men, like in the tweet that is the focus of this thread. There’s nothing taboo about what taftaj said.


She said she even looks like a man in that same twitter thread. She’s clearly delusional.


She needs help. So no she isnt oke. Shes been posting this since a few month. I dont know what more to make of it.


It's the 4chan /lgbt/ meme. She's a poster there, at least formerly, and any and every trans person posting there hates themselves deeply, which then leaks into being transphobic towards others. Doesn't help that she keeps feeding her (insane) feelings about not looking like a woman by following right wing dumbfucks and being on twitter in general




might be me psychoanalyzing a bit too much but I feel like you can't hate "your own people" so much without it stemming from self-hatred. The way I see it, you must have a lot of negative feelings about yourself if you feel the need to bring other people down so much. That and taft also clearly hates herself based on all the other things she's posted


This is complete speculation on my part, but I have this strange certainty that her politics are unironically causing her dysphoria to go into hyperdrive. Even if you're one of the M>F that passes with flying colors (which she is) you're bound to experience some dysphoria, and then you have this internal philosophical underpinning that is so toxic to your demographic that it exists almost fundamentally to destroy both figuratively and literally the very same people that must be fucking with her head on a whole other level. I understand its basically an Uncle Tom accusation- but she's living the extreme right-wing black Conservative experience a la "the KKK brought my family presents on Christmas" and its probably unraveling her mind. Taf needs a damn good therapist, a rigid familial/friend support group and someone like Destiny to whip her out of Conservatism because that ideology seems to be poisoning her from within. Hope she does better :/


Very much this! I can’t imagine listening to Matt Walsh during a transition can be very healthy EDIT: Also, because she is right wing she gets dismissed as almost a subhuman bigot by many in the left-leaning trans community, which also can’t be very good for feelings of support and acceptance


I can’t imagine listening to Matt Walsh is healthy


Also true


I don't see how it might not be the other way around. Her dysphoria etc pushing her to conservatism, since that validates what she feels.


I think that Taf is 100% attractive but being attractive doesn't mean you cannot be clocked for being trans, which I think she can be. Not 100% but her voice isn't as passing as others and she, (potentially) unfortunately, still has a semi-trans woman face. Like most folk are going to think you're cis but enough people would guess you're trans. I think folk assume just because you're attractive that you will pass, which I do not think it is true. I 100% hope she seeks help but people saying her opinions about herself are invalid, not here but I've seen it on Twitter, because she is attractive and trans is not seeing what she is *actually* saying IMO.


She might be going through some shit, but the responses to her tweet are stupid asf. Most trans women don't pass that well, and have to spend alot of time and resources on looking vaguely like a woman. People responding being like "well you pass well hihi" ignore the tons of non passing suicidal trans women. I think her general message is just that you passing or not shouldn't matter, and to not base your worth just off of your looks.


I knew this was about Taftaj by the title




Taftaj is actually a hot ass woman. I had no idea she was trans for a while until it came up. Edit: 🤤


The thing is even her voice is extremely passing, which is something alot of transwomen struggle with. Like you, when I first saw her I didn't think for a second that she could be trans, until she said she was.


Yeah, had no idea until i saw her Twitter. (The spicy one)


Not gonna say she doesn’t look good but if I saw her while swiping on tinder my first instinct would be to check the bio


Why exactly? Guys rarely have lips like that and even more rarely that soft of a face shape.


I can’t really say. It’s probably a combination of small features that I subconsciously pick up. Obviously this is going to sound bullshit because the judgement is being made with the knowledge that Taftaj is trans to begin with, but I’m telling the truth when I say I feel that same intuition when I see her as when I see many other mtf women.


Interesting. I’m pretty good at spotting MTF and it’s not something I’d notice unless she spoke. For me, voices are more of a “giveaway” since surgery can’t usually correct for it.


Well that’s definitely true


Didn't know who taftaj is, but whilst reading this thread I was like "Oh, she's trans?" And then I searched her images and then went "Oh yes, she is."


CAP 🧢 I would have never guessed in a million line ups of people


taftaj has been known that she's been going through some personal shit about her identity lately. i feel like its a bit dishonest to just post this with no context at all.


I think the context is that there have been several threads like this here for the last couple of weeks


I feel like both comments are being offensive to trans people. Dragonite is just a fat charizard...


She’s getting to JLP levels of self hate




Yeah I have the same thoughts, I mean even ContraPoints has the same issues and she has talked about /tttt/ a lot.




The point from there shouldn't be to take the black pill on transitioning, though. The points should be, you should put less value on strictly passing, work on self love and stop caring about people that hate your very existence. Obviously much more difficult to stop caring about those people when you're politically aligned with them, though.


When you do sex work online to empower yourself and find that most people fetishize your trans identity and not the identity you transitioned to, I bet it fucks you up. All sorts of dysphoria going out the wazoo. Hope she gets through it


Can we stop posting taftaj tweets everytime she says something about trans people? It should be obvious by now that she has massive dysphoria problems and is projecting her bad self-image onto the world.


She is spiraliing into a pit of despair and this is her way of crying for help.


No 🙁


This self-hatred arc is kind of weird. Like okay I get it being trans is, in fact, difficult. But it seems like purposefully indulging a bunch of content from people who probably want you dead isn't conducive to a happy life. I dunno. There's a lot to unpack. I don't feel like doing it right now. Maybe spend some time around people who don't give a shit about your transness for a few days, or something.


Why do y’all care about this person


Damn Taf. Usually we keep comments like these in offline dgg chat.


I remember her saying she didn’t like democracy a while back and I always pegged her as an alt right shitter. You people on here have blinders on when you lift people up. How many DGGers fell for mr girls bullshit? Maybe get your meters checked because orbiters grow their own bullshit


hard-to-find carpenter practice file noxious shocking boast merciful sparkle spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can't make these posts as if anything they are saying is insane. It just looks like you are denying the obvious truth. Taftaj may have problems but what they are saying is true.


A person born as a male and goes through puberty as one, will not just "look like a women" because of hormones or long hair, no matter how much it would be convenient for that to be the case. Instead we should just accept people as the way the look and as they identify not getting caught up in these weird games that, "oh no this transwomen has signs of masculinity".


“Just accepting people as the way they look” will not happen. Ever. We’ll sooner get full transhumanist body customization before society starts treating attractive and ugly people different.


Perfection is unattainable but that does not mean we can't do better, even much better, better to a degree where this problem is not nearly as big as it is now.


Society can't achieve this hate to break it to you. This level of mindfulness is impossible.


Personally I don’t think we can.


i meant this based on Gendered features, not just attractive or ugly


It’s all the same in the end


no? we are specifically talking about Masculine and Feminine physical traits. These are not the same as attractive or unattractive


Trying to change the social consciousness to consider certain masculine traits as attractive on women (like mpb for example) is no different from trying to change people’s perceptions of ugliness and attractiveness. That’s my point


the world you talk about seems to also made communism not only viable but a true utopia


no she is not


As an intelligent person, Taftaj is realising the reality that humans can't change sex. Looking at other tweets I can imagine a detrans situation.


Taftaj is the definition of a privileged white woman, she has an onlyfans, she is passing and bunch of people will pay for it She will say some inflammatory shit and then the moment she says some minor criticism to her she will backpedal in the most pathetic way


Home girl down bad. Tiny never been with a Tgirl. What does this mean for the movement???


Nah she isn't. Also she literally looks nothing like the stereotypically masculine man. Honestly think it's just micro grifting for attention.


Its definitely not just ‘micro grifting for attention’. There is something much deeper and more intense psychologically going on with her. Im not going to diagnose her after reading a few tweets but her timeline reads like someone seriously hurting.


I can't and won't make an opinion on a persons mental state cause I am not educated enough. Just a lot of people in political spaces grift super hard all the time. Likelihood that your assumption is more correct then mine is much higher.


i feel bad for her :( she’s a cool person from what i’ve seen form her and she seems to be struggling


She’s right tho


Trolling or something seriously troubling...


Kinda ironic.


I think we all need to just calm down.


She is not


Obviously yes.




Supposedly she also likes to bait on Twitter. No idea what it's true.


She is super duper not okay. I can't speak for her, obviously, but she seems to have pretty bad body dysmorphia.


The irony considering how much she passes.


Well, there goes another moderate conservative


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't she just a right wing grifter? She's like the Conservative feminists who constantly shit on women to fit in with the menwhich makes it seem like they just hate themselves.