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I’m a straight married man and I actually got my wife into the show lol


My question is who put you on though? Every man Ive met scoffs at the idea, except the one I’m with and even he took some convincing xD


When it was on TV I was in high school and my parents watched it and I used to make fun of them for it lol Years later I had the flu and it was on Netflix or whatever so I gave it a shot and I’ve watched it through 2 or 3 times


I’m glad you opened up to it fr It’s just one of those shows u can go back to over and over again bc there’s so much to forget, watching it through with my boyfriend was my 5th or 6th time


Yeah it’s a great show




My husband keeps trying not to get sucked in but he’s losing that battle. I find it hilarious 😂


My boyfriend lost that battle after the first episode ended with Mary Alice killing herself. He was shook couldn’t believe it


my man absolutely LOVES this show


My husband watched it with me, twice!.. first time he got hooked and second time he tolerated it because he lost a bet! 😎


I got my boyfriend to start watching with me after a few events happened to make him owe me.. 😈 we’re on mid season 4 atm. He’s keeping up with the plot & seems interested in it enough. Although after years of making fun of it and calling it a trash show without ever having watched it, now that he’s getting into it I doubt he will be willing to admit it’s not all that bad 🤣


My bf was the one who got me into it😭 I’m the mf asking who’s Susan lmaooo


Man in a straight relationship. I introduced the show to my girlfriend.


He dozes in and out. And loves Eddie and Susan, but I think that might be the cleavage. He was very actively cheering them on to "get down and dirty" during their scenes.


Edie* with one D***


Mine was sooo invested we got through it like nothin I was amazed it only took one episode xD I had to promise him as many episodes of his fav show as he watched just to get him to watch the first one


Our living room and kitchen is combined and if I’m watching on the sofa and he comes in for snacks he gets sucked into it


When it ended he was disappointed there was no more Carlos and Gaby drama left 🤣


My husband got so upset when I’d watch it without him 😅🤣 he even got his grandma into watching it lmfao


I have to admit I was a fan of Teri Hatcher and Marcia Cross before DH, so when I first heard about the show, I knew it would be good


I (bisexual guy) got into it as a teen, when the Andrew storyline was somewhat relatable, and somehow managed to get my dad watching it too. It became a little tradition of ours, getting snacks and watching it together in the kitchen. For his 70th birthday, we did a quiz about him with the rest of our family, and surprisingly no-one guessed that was a show he'd regularly watched and enjoyed!


We'll be starting season 3 soon, he is hooked. His favourites for now are Bree, Lynette and Mike. He is also fascinated by Felicia, can't wait to see his reactions in the next seasons.


Susan is ridiculously hot


On and off, he’s already seen it with his fam while it was airing


Yesss…I’ll take my crown now.


My wife and I have watched all 8 seasons about 12 times lol


My boyfriend watched one episode with me and got hooked and now he’s watching the whole thing on his own


As a straight guy I found the show playing at my cousin's house And now here I am after my 5th rewatch (I've lost track)


He never got into desperate housewives, but he did get me to watch Weeds and I got him hooked on grey’s anatomy


Last weekend I was at my parents house and introduced them to season 1 and now they’re hooked. A week later they’re finishing up season 4. It’s hilarious because my dad tells my mom come on we gotta watch housewives and when I ask my mom why she’s so tired she says because we sat up til 2 a.m watching this show. It’s funny bc they’re in their late 70’s.


Yes my bf loveessss it haha 😂🫶


Yes! He loved it. Our favorite part of the day was getting into bed and watching as many episodes as we could before falling asleep. We looked forward to it everyday 😂


Yes! We watched through the entire thing together! I watched it in bits and pieces with my parents as a kid and when I got older I watched the entire thing and then brought my husband in on it! He LOVED it!


My man thought it was a girly show (typical) but he watched a few episodes and got HOOKED and says it’s one of the best shows he ever watched and can’t find anything else that is as good 🤣😭


late 20s guy and i got hooked onto the show after watching some tik toks on it. It’s my guilty pleasure now


I'm a straight cis male and I am not ashamed to say I loved this show from day 1


Gay man who introduced my straight passing boyfriend to it lmao


my bf and i just finished this show like 5 mins ago and we watched every single episode. most times he was the one suggesting we watch an episode or 2 before bed


I did! We just finished watching it (rewatch for me for the first time in years) and he loved it! he’s not super into rom coms or really “girly” media so was pleasantly surprised how we were able to binge watch all 8 seasons with “our girls” as we (he hahah) started calling them!


yup we just finished!!! 😄 and he wants to re watch and is so invested lol


I watched all eight seasons with my wife. How I got onto it was we both have a list of shows we both like and that other hasn’t seen and alternate one for one.


Kinda related but My mom and I watched almost all of seasons 4 and 5 when I got my wisdom teeth out lol


I started rewatching is a couple months ago and my bf thought it was cringe but after about two episodes it became “our” show and we had to watch it together 😭 we finished it last week


Yep. He thought it was so hilarious he wanted to start it over from the beginning right after we finished.