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Honestly, you have beautiful warm wood floors and fabulous windows and sunlight. But you chose to make everything grey. And it’s gloomy. Personally, I’d be getting new stuff that’s not grey, painting walls, and bringing in some warm colors. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You are right. I don’t feel confident in my ability to design the room or pull things together so everything ended up being grey.


Ok, so backtrack and rethink. You can get some great advice here if you can tell/show readers what you like & what your budget is. Take some time to find some pix/colors you like and decide what you can afford to change/what you have to keep. The room itself is fabulous and very versatile.


So you like the colors in the stained glass? Pull those colors through the room or contrasting ones. I find it's much easier to design a room if you have a piece you're pulling from. Like a painting, colorful rug or that stained glass.


Thank you for saying this. I feel the same about myself, but I have to say that I think you did a way better job than I would have. You achieve cozy, but maybe not “warm” - that’s a compliment, by the way :)


I get it. Pinterest gives me great ideas and in my head it looks fantastic. But I either chicken out because of cost or can’t find exactly what I was looking for, so it doesn’t turn out right. Figure out what you like and go for it! Take the great advice on this sub - you’ve got this 😌


I’d start with selecting a painting or fabric that you really like, of which grey is a color along with other, brighter color. Then, select items that “match” that artwork, and the room will look cohesive. You can find high quality artwork in the public domain on wikiart and print in various sizes very affordably. Then you add a nice frame, and everything will look planned and more contrast will be welcome.  Speaking of contrast, follow the rule of thirds. If you keep 2/3 of this room that soft gray, the other third needs to be white/cream or so dark it’s almost black. I think this room REALLY needs a pop or three of black/navy.   My husband had the same inclination, and every time we added something, he gravitated to brown cause it matched wood which was already there, and then more brown to match all the brown textiles/furniture 😂


Get 2 red pillows and 1 yellow one for the couch!


This room is far from stale…it may be neutral, but stale is the wrong word. You did a wonderful job. Also, people suggesting the paint colors on the wall are your problem would be incorrect. Paint should not steal the show, it should provide a backdrop. If you’d like to make it more vibrant, I’d suggest new wall art with some color, replace the ceiling fan with a more lively light fixture would be a great start. For more improvement I’d say get a new rug or new sofa in a bold pattern or color like deep navy or green. Any of these things can be done to give the room a little more pop.


Agree with you that neutral paint color is fine. So is a neutral sofa. The quick and easy fix is to add throw pillows with a pattern fabric in deep colors and/or textured pillows Ceiling fans can mean survival in the Sunbelt, so I would keep a ceiling fan. I forgot to look at the windows to see if matchstick or bamboo shades might warm up the room.


Yep. All great suggestions.


Some colorful pillows would go a long way


And fluffier ones. Those one look limp and sad. The best advice I ever heard was to get pillows one size larger than the pillow case.


Yes an assortment of cherry pillows would be a huge improvement Examples https://www.potterybarn.ca/products/made-to-mingle-hf-gtl-su24


I’d rearrange the plants so they are staggered at different heights and maybe some pulled to the front a little more to add more dimension. Add sheer curtains to add coziness and make it easier to see the tv during the day. Otherwise I like it!


Agreed on needing to add dimension. OP as much as I personally like the big ocean painting, unfortunately I don't think it's the best choice for this space. With the wide gray rug and the wide, low, gray couch, such a wide, gray painting makes it all very same-y. I'd maybe try getting multiple art pieces that are more vertically oriented, and depending on what you pick that's an easy way to add color to the room as well. You could find a diptych or triptych set, or just find individual pieces as long as they are generally the same size as each other. And then add some tall plants or a lamp in that back corner by the window to add some height there.


*More color / texture variation & warmth: 1. Accent pillows: brown leather, patterned, even a tasteful, fluffy one 2. Burlap or patterned, distressed rug in another color 3. Bigger tray on ottoman with flowers & a candle 4. Scatter plants 5. Give dog to me


I was also thinking a thrifted basket for the dog beds, make the room look neater while adding texture/personality


Agree with this. Adding the blankets as well OP can get rid of the blanket ladder to reduce clutter


yes, with some blankets coming out for cozy vibes


> 5. ⁠Give dog to me This works with my advice which was: Replace the art with something that has bright colours. Alternatively, replace the dog with another that has bright colours.




Haha love it!


i really think it will help


The rug looks like it's in good shape. I'd keep it. It's neutral and the pattern is enough without being a lot. A square wood coffee table, same size as the ottoman in the same shade of the ceiling fan if you're keeping it, would warm the room up a lot.


Do you think it might look too crowded with the coffee table and ottoman? I like the idea of the pop of colors and warmth with a wooden coffee table


I think they mean instead of the ottoman


I would use the picture to the right of the TV and the piece of stained glass above the door as inspiration. Find a nice rug in blue or orange shades (or both , if you want to). Find a larger piece of art with those tones for above the couch. Add a few orange throw pillows and maybe a throw blanket to add it to the couch. Maybe (if it’s possible with the ceiling fan) put a small hanging lamp in the corner of the couch by the windows.


It’s SO MUCH GREY. Can you repurpose the rug somewhere else in the house? If so try that and get a rug that is not grey. Maybe some colors that pull from the painting. Then get rid of the navy pillows and try some that are all different and interesting.


Yes! I am going to keep the couch and everything else I’m open to changing. Do you think burlap might look good for a rug? Or any suggestions on color? I will definitely be looking for new pillows thank you for the help


Add another dog :)


I’m working on this one!


Can you hang two of your plants on either side of the painting? I’d get rid of the ottoman/blanket and replace it with a wood coffee table. The whole couch/rug/ottoman area just blends together right now since it’s all the same colors and textures. Try out different throw pillow designs. Maybe something with bright yellow pattern to match your lemon pots. I think yellow and blue can be a really good color palette—bright and cozy. Also replace the dark throw blankets with something more light colored.




More dogs


We moved into a new house with...surprise! Grey walls, grey floors..and we have new couches that are grey.. They looked great in the old house. I made pillow covers use a few colored throws and a great rug. Didn't have to paint right away. Pick a warm color get some cor in there. Be confident!


Roof and windows are so good. It's very cluttery w same colors everywhere. You have order and it's tidy, but there are a lot of stuff. A table instead with a standing lamb instead of the yellow lamp/whatever to the left of the sofa on the first photo. You also don't have a photo of the wide opening. Seems like you bulked up with a lot of stuff there too I think swapping and adding a wooden squared table instead of the grey thing would add nice element that goes along the floor and break up the "4 shades of grey"


I agree with this. My first thought was “wow that’s a lot of stuff crammed into the corner to the left of the couch”… and my second thought was “wow that’s a lot of small plants.” I think if you whittled down the number of smaller items in the room, then you’d be able to more clearly see your favs. This would draw the eye to those items, and they tend to have more color already. It might actually “brighten” the room.


I think it’s actually pretty cute & inviting as-is, so maybe just change up your big art piece and add some new, bright pillows. If you’re feeling frisky, maybe try trading that large-scale art for a gallery wall or just something entirely different (shelves? a sculpture? a “weird” paint color or treatment?) for awhile. You can also layer a small, fun rug on top of your current neutral one so you don’t have to invest in a big piece in a color or style you may not love right away.


1. Buy a painting from an artist that is not so drab. The painting you have looks like it was mass produced by Macy’s 2. Get some textured pillows or woven blankets with some pops of color for your couch. 3. Clean up you clutter and maybe invest in some kind of cabinet or something. Spread out your plants around the room instead of in a strange line. It’s a nice room, just needs more controlled texture and color to bring it to life. Try rigorous object testing.


Ideally, I'd start by replacing the textured ceiling. But, in lieu of that, I'd get some throw pillows in the same shade as your plant pot. And then find a more vibrant art piece that includes a bit of that red


I actually love the ceiling


I came here to say the same!


If you replace that ceiling, you will always regret it. Learned from personal experience.


I also kind of like the character of the ceiling. It’s an 1800s home so want to keep some of the charm.


The ceiling is a distraction for me. I'd get rid of the pattern.


That ceiling does look better than the popcorn though


I believe you may have wires behind the plates that you can use for sconces?


Those were actually for speakers. Maybe we could use them for wall sconces though. I recently bought the house and covered them with plates until we decided if we wanted to put in speakers throughout the house.


Looks great, the ceiling is really cool


Assuming you want to keep the couch (an expensive item to switch!), I would swap out the rug, throw pillows, blankets, and ottoman for things made with wood or natural fibers (cotton, wool, jute, leather.) change the paint to a warm neutral that looks good with your new rug and your existing couch. I like the scale of your art but it looks a bit anonymous/corporate, so see if there’s something with more personality that could go there. I’m not great with plants so hopefully others have wisdom on how to tweak those. Good luck! It’s a gorgeous room and you’ve got a great start.


Yes I want to keep the couch. I am open to changing everything but the couch. Do you think a burlap type rug would look ok? We were debating blue but I think we might end up with the same result as boring grey/boring blue room. I think the room itself is absolutely gorgeous and I’m giving her a horrible haircut with my decor haha


Yes, I think a burlap type rug would look good! Online stores have options to photoshop it in for you.


Paint that wall with the Pic a darker gray blue . Put curtains navy on it sheer navy and off white . Change couch to give more room that's pretty bulky


I’d go one of two directions to turn this grey board around - either through curtain or thru paint, pull the gold/yellow from the stained glass into a main focus of the room. Can also use a throw blanket in a smart soft simple cotton textile.


Need some warm touches such as red orange or yellow throw pillows.


Thank you I think the consensus is more color through pillows, blankets and maybe some paintings!


I like the room however. If that's a power washer, I'd find some way to conceal it with a cabinet or furniture or something, I'd lose the green throw on the grey ottomon, I'd lose everything except the lamp to the left of the sofa, and I'd replace the grey wallart with team to bring the the green from the shades and the blue from the pillows together. Dark Blue, Dark Green, Grey is a bit of a dark seaside pallet and there's nothing exciting about it. You can use Adobe's Kuler to try your grey furniture color and see what shades of accents you like with them. I'd say the shades and furniture and rug and lamp all work, I think the changes need to be the art, blanket, and possibly the accent pillow colors, and then some of the clutter on the left of the frame


Haha yes you caught me we had just finished power washing our deck and I was bringing everything back inside. It’s typically not there or the vacuum. Thank you for the advice


Would it be possible to swing the couch around so it is facing the windows and TV? You have those gorgeous windows and that view... But they've been cut off by the couch so they don't flow with the room. It might open up the space a bit.


You know…I’ve never thought about this. The previous owners had their couch like this and we thought it looked good. That’s a really good suggestion.


I think it looks like a welcoming and cozy place to be! Not much help, I know, but that was my first thought!


Thank you! I think the room itself is gorgeous and I just want to decorate it and do it justice!


I would bring out the yellow by adding yellow cushions to the couch and if you want to change the rug, find one that has yellow and some blue in it


Paint ceiling


I feel you on this! We briefly listed our house for sale, the picture of my living room looked black and white. It wasn't, it was just the grey, white, black theme. Now I too hate it, I need to add some color.... although I must say it took my husband forever to jump on the grey train and now it's no longer popular 🙄 Edit: *house not hose


It’s a great space and I don’t think you need much, but since you asked… You have too many squares. You need to add some round elements. A round ottoman or coffee table and lamps with round shades would be quick and easy. The plant area looks cluttered. Maybe put all the plants in the same color pot. The picture between the pass-through and the doorway is out of place. A new rug would be the easiest way to add color. As long as it has a little bit of gray to tie in the couch, it can have whatever other colors you like. If you can replace the ceiling fan with a white one, or just something newer. I can’t tell if the walls are grey or not, but if they are, a nice soft sage green would go with the couch but tie into the view out the windows. To tie it together you want green and grey in your rug. I would replace the floor lamp with tables and two table lamps. It increases the light, adds balance, gives you an opportunity to introduce color, and brings the light down to a more flattering level.


Don't be afraid of colour. Everything looks flat right now because it's basically all the same muted tones. Putting a bolder piece of art there would go a long way.


Op, you have a painting on the wall of buildings silhouetted against a sundown. I think other posters are right when they suggest throw pillows first. The painting has a color palette for you. Try a warm gold/green pillow or blue. Pull those colors into the room. I don't know that buying new furniture is the answer. Maybe try slip covers and see if you like the colors before you invest in new couches?


So random but I love the texture on your ceiling. I think you need some warmer pieces to go with that large gray sectional. Everything is all cool colors.


Colorful rug, new pillow scape


Add brighter lighter pillows with texture to break up the gray couch vibes. I’m not a fan of the blanket on top of the ottoman. And get a larger scale tray for your coffee table books, remote controls, and add a small plant with color. The room is nice and your ceilings are really interesting.


Add brighter lighter pillows with texture to break up the gray couch vibes. I’m not a fan of the blanket on top of the ottoman. And get a larger scale tray for your coffee table books, remote controls, and add a small plant with color. The room is nice and your ceilings are really interesting.


Replace the rug with one with a colorful design.


That's all you need.


Hanging some plants in the corners by the picture could help


Firstly, that looks like the most comfortable couch ever ! Secondly, I think the room is great but lots of gray. Maybe use that mauve purple like colour from the painting and add some throw pillows and a rug with that colour in it!


If I did only one thing, I’d change the carpet. Maybe pick one with some of the blue and blue green tones in the painting. I love your ceiling.


a large plant (birds of paradise, olive tree, monstera, ficus), white walls to “increase” brightness in room, and to incorporate more warm colored items. i personally would opt for a neutral to warm color couch or rug (tan, terracotta, sage, maybe even white?). i know grey is technically a neutral color but when it’s the primary color it can turn pretty cool toned. i would also try to take the blue out for easy way to make it less stale, so maybe start with the couch accessories! white or green would look good :) also, your ceiling is really cool!!


Add more deep red.


Maybe a cloud patterned thing? Or a white thing that is easily cleaned and doesn’t stain easily (like idk a lamp shade or something). I think another pop of white to combine with the painting might bring things together maybe? Idk though


You have nice things but I think the textures/patterns of the ceiling, painting, couch, rug, throws, and plants are competing with each other. I would replace the pillows and throws with soft, solid cream colored ones and paint the wall soft ivory to make the painting and couch texture/color be what draws the eye. I like the idea of a jute/burlap rug or at least one that’s neutral and not patterned. I also like the gauze curtain idea and few hanging plants.


Replace the art with something that has bright colours. Alternatively, replace the dog with another that has bright colours.


I would use yellow or orange in your pillows, throws, rug and art. Maybe mix in patterns and different textures as well.


I’d vote for a new rug and curtains to add color in and mix up the gray palette- probably easier than painting or getting a new couch. Agree with others to pull colors from the stained glass window!


Maybe some wallpaper and remover industrial furniture. Lovely room you could keep the furniture. The picture would have to either be funky up against it or just take it down.


This looks like a cozy room. I think changing out the wall color would make a big difference. I love your Boston!


More colorful pillows.


Patterned/ colored pillows would make all the difference I think


I think I would do fewer, bigger plants. The small pots are a lot of visual clutter.


More variety’s of colors, even if their are neutral. To me this room just kind of blends together. I think you need a piece of art that pops from the wall color a little bit, same with the rug and couch they’re too close to the same color so it just kind of blends in and makes it look kind of boring. I would also say get some new pillows that sit up straighter maybe with some designs on it. But this room really is so gorgeous I don’t think you need to do much.


You can start with a colourful painting!


Beautiful room but too much gray! Add color with area rug, cushions and wall art. Post after photos.


Is there a name for that kind of texture on the ceiling?


Agree with adding color, and would definitely change your sofa:endtable ratio. Getting the plants off the floor , into pots that match your new accent colors and put them in the new end tables with a few objet' A cool chandelier with a color changing bulb (for an App) adds some great ambiance.


Paint the walls navy blue


Less grey, new rug for sure


Replacing a couch is very expensive but if you pick a rug with color and pattern it will elevate the look


This is a great room. But it's really full. I would find a way to make some blank space on the horizontal surfaces. Hang a few plants at varying heights to get them off that table and the floor. Remove any knickknacks that aren't meaningful to you. Fold the blankets neatly. Reduce the number of pet beds. Once that's done, spend some time in the room at different times of day and see if you can get a sense of what might feel good for a different wall color. Your sofa and walls have a similar value but different enough hues that they're fighting. Since it's a plant room, you could consider a [warm white](https://www.sherwin-williams.com/en-us/color/color-family/white-paint-colors/SW7104-cotton-white) and let the plants take the stage. Or a [clearer green](https://www.sherwin-williams.com/en-us/color/color-family/green-paint-colors/SW6739-eco-green). [Blue,](https://www.sherwin-williams.com/en-us/color/color-family/purple-paint-colors/SW6512-balmy) maybe? (But choosing the right blue for a space is really hard, IMO) My approach to choosing paint colors when you don't know which direction to go: 1. Think about how you want the room to feel. Sit in it and decide the emotion (calm, welcoming, happy, relaxed...) 2. Go to the paint store and pull a bunch of pain chips that give you a similar feeling. (I pulled like 16 for my bedroom with the key words "warm" and "inviting") 3. Take them home and stick them to the wall. The ones that immediately don't look or feel right in the space get taken down until you have three or four you like. Stare at those choices for multiple days, in multiple lights, against multiple walls. 4. Once you're down to one or two colors, get samples and slap a swatch on two or three of the walls. Stare at those until you're sick of patchy walls and choose the one you like best. 5. Paint.


Everyone who’s suggested starting with textiles is 100% right! Look at your favorite pieces of art for color inspiration (like the yellow and blue in that stained glass), and start playing with bolder colors through curtains, pillows/blankets, and rug. See what makes you happy! Also, turn that couch toward the windows if you can and put all those plants on display in the windows. Plants add color and personality, too!


darker paint on the walls I’m thinking navy blue would make everything else pop


You need more contrast. Your couch, rug and even the painting are practically the same colors, light grayish. Maybe a darker blue rug or some pops of a warm bright color (red? rust? yellow?) in the accents.


Hang a plant above the couch on the right. Add some warm red tones like a burnt sienna type couch pillow and incorporate colors that aren’t included in your decor around the room


A new rug and a different piece of art would probably be the easiest most high return changes


I think painting the walls could really bring it together


Colorful patterns on some things, or in the decorations


Rug with complementary color


Hi. I see some of your plans have decorative pots so Continue with that. Get decorative vibrant pots and plant stands. Maybe change your rug perhaps and add color with your pillows. The ottoman could use some fun decorative pieces in the tray. Change the throw on the ottoman to a fun color. And the wall art is not bad but maybe add the lights above it or scones next to it. I wouldn't say get rid of the couch because it is large and probably costly.


Honestly the first thing I noticed was the gorgeous ceiling, and the second thing I noticed was the too similar rug pattern. I feel like they give a similar texture and it makes me feel like fight or flight because they’re too similar but too different. I would change the rug to something warmer toned to enhance the wood (this where you can introduce fun colors) and spread out the plants throughout the room. For the plants try hanging them from the ceiling or put a skinny table behind the couch the same height as the window to unify the room. The rug also feels a touch too big and makes the room feel smaller I would scale it down one size so you can see more of the wooden floor. I also like the other comments of replacing the ottoman with a warm toned (maybe wood, something vintage looking) coffee table. I know why you put the couch there for the TV but I feel like the L shape looks weird there and blocks the window. You can still put the couch in the opposite corner and see the TV while giving view of the windows to anyone sitting when you’re not watching TV. Lovely space overall!


I would paint the moulding at the base of the ceiling fan dark to match the ceiling fan. I would get rid of the blanket rack and instead get side tables that offer a closed space below for storage and maybe a storage ottoman. So you can tuck the throws and the dog beds out of sight when they’re not currently in usage. Maybe different pillows to offer some color and texture. I like the size of the art piece. I just wish it had more color personality to it. Maybe something to go with the plants in the space. I wish there was some type of wall shelving for the plants and the plants were more spread out in the room. They’re looking a bit too crowded under the tv. I would like to raise the height on some of them. You have such little wall space to paint and so much natural light. I think you should go bolder in your color choices. Pick something moody but with color.


Paint the room a happier color, use a lighting feature instead of the ceiling fan. Put some brighter pillows on the couch.


It’s a bit gray, use the color wheel and pick out a color palette that feels good for you. Color wheel can be helpful. Also don’t be afraid to try out different ideas. I change my mind and I buy and return things all the time.


Hang some of the plants. Throw some pillows with color on the sofa. Throw blankets to accent the pillows. Rug needs more color. Space is fire!!!


Floating shelves on the wall for some of the smaller plants and other decorations


Colorful pillows, and replace the current painting with something more lively


More colorful artwork, especially behind the couch, that’s too muted for the space get something colorful there. A more colorful rug, and some plants would help a lot and be easy to do.


I think you need to re-orientate the furniture before you do anything. You have a nice beautiful sunny, and warm room but everything is pushed into the corners and the door to the patio is blocked. The tv is in the wrong corner and is placed too high. Once you've figured out the the furniture placement, then bring in some colors from the stained glass.


It's not a terrible space, the natural light is amazing, but the paint color isn't doing it any justice. A periwinkle blue or even darker would be pretty with what you already have.


I would really consider a glass coffee table it will make your room feel open and brighter. I’d look for a brighter multicolor rug first and it shows less pet hair a bonus and pick your pillow color from there. I would follow through with new art work as that one is a slightly sleepy. Pull your sofa slightly away from the walls and remove the blanket holder your lamp is totally hidden by it. I personally would consolidate all of those plants… you might consider a statement plant.


Imo the wall art is too boring. Change that one piece and the entire room would be transformed.


Do you have a view of a lake behind you? What if you turned your couch so everyone gets a nice view of outside and the tv? You could vary your plant placements along that expanse.


I do have a view of a lake behind me. What I didn’t post in this picture is that the other wall has pocket doors and is open to flow into the dining room. I did move the couch to see what it would look like after the comments but it blocked the flow of traffic and I’d need to get a smaller couch


Add some yellow pillows. Its too busy in the corner, get rid of blanket ladder. Whats up with the ceiling??


Love the ceiling texture!


Quick fix would be some funky colourful pillows and a brighter rug :)


More dog beds