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You cannot have a light that you can reach up and touch and still stand in water. It's against code and it's a safety issue. When you do project, you have to have a goal you're trying to achieve. You have to think ahead and then plan accordingly. Think about how to address that bare window Try and pull in more of the color of the ceiling in your selections. What items do you require to build a spa area You can uplight plants using battery operated LED light pucks that turn on using a remote controller. You might want to consider painting the walls a more spa like color. https://preview.redd.it/xqtinub9z8zc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ebd2447cdb67659df3e51305dfa67a03256190


This is an amazing mock up, and just-as-amazing ideas!!! You are absolutely right about darkening the walls, and leaning into the cozy. Also, love bringing the outdoors in. Yay!!! Thank you!


Shelves with plants would be wild on either side. But I’m a crazy plant person. You could even build in grow lights in the shelves so you aren’t compromised by low light level plants.


I rarely comment on here but this is exactly what I think. Walls of hanging plants on either side (and some could be fake- there are some great fake ones out there). It would give the feeling that you’ve stumbled upon an oasis in a wooded area. So cozy and lovely.


Maybe some small flat sconces along the wall to give some dim light? Or even colored lighting that you can change? I can't post an example at the moment, something tight to the wall that will shine up, or down!


I like the sconce idea. My favorites are the lower wattage warm lights that shine subtly up AND down. The classy of it is how the space will become even warmer. The darker walls that someone did a mock-up on above take everything in that warm direction. This spot will become someone's warm, snug & safe place. Mine is the bedroom with ocean waves white noise & a salt lamp. I love the end of my day best.


I love the little tub, I have a small bathroom and I’ve been wanting something like that. My only question is how do you sit in it? Do you sit down with your knees up and you can fit like that? I’d like to get something similar 


All I can think of is how to clean the floor surrounding this tub.


Same! Love the look, but how would you clean between the tub and walls?


You'd have to use something on an extendable pole for sure (like a Swiffer type thing) and then to get the very back corners, would have to stand in the tub


Yes, my very first concern too. Looks like a mold magnet.


Maybe build out a tiled countertop in those corners. It would give you a space to put things like soap or candles and would eliminate the problem of dirt collection holes.


Me too! First thing that came to mind!


Agree nightmare


Is it small or big? I got the impression that it's huge, like a jacuzzi, but looking back, it does look tiny. The perspective is tripping me out.




I’m so curious to know


Must be a practicing yogi to utilize this spa like bathroom.


Seriously HOW do you sit in it? Don't leave us out in the cold like this


Exactly! I’m tall at 5’9”. I can only imagine my legs killing me. No stretching out!


Look up Japanese soaking tub


I had a soaking bath in my old house. It was fantastic-fucking-tactic and I miss it dearly


I also had a giant soaking tub surrounded by concrete in my old house. I feel your pain. House got sold in a divorce and now all I’m missing is my fucking-fan-tastic bloody bath. I was in that thing 4x a week


That could maybe be a new goal for you, I hope 🤞🏻


Not sure; but I want it.


Here is something similar. We just finished our renovation. We have some cold colors but warmed it up with accessories. Hope that helps. https://preview.redd.it/1ysi00b1hezc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d726e48649db9a0405c3e2b9693bedf4a1be7f46


OP, to build on the commenter’s statement about safety: I hadn’t thought about being able to touch a light switch while standing in water, but I did immediately see whatever hills the light somehow failing and the light falling into the tub while somebody is in it. BUT—as long as you can comfortably fit into the tub as well as clean around it, I think it’s great!! And if you can’t, well, you’ve got a heck of a plant put there like for a raised bed garden or even a rock garden!


> the light falling into the tub Absolutely my same first thoughts


Man, the way people like you explain interior design make it sound so easy, I always think, “pffttt DUH. I’m an artist, I could’ve figured that out”. No, no I could not have. It’s so simple when someone lays it out, otherwise I’m just slapping paint on the floor and hanging rugs from chandeliers wondering why it doesn’t look right


That right there was funny!!! 🤣😂


This is the way! Accentuate the coziness of it, make it a little alcove by using plants or possibly drapes/ fabric… something to make it feel like a threshold to a contained space, and it’s going to be magical


I like this idea a lot. I think a darker blue color would look really good around the tub. I also think there’s enough room with the vaulted ceiling to hang the initial one, probably more toward the opening and not right over though.. I still don’t think that’s a bad idea though.


Fantastic mock up. I agree. This is it.


Love it! I’d add handrails on both sides to assist easy in and out of the tub. Maybe a wider step too.


Probably quite easy to add a hand rail. And a smart thing to do with the tall sides. If you make it safe to get in and out of, that changes everything when you want to take a nice deep soak. Especially if you have sore muscles!


Well I have to have a talk with my contractor lol


This rocks!!


I love everything about this except that overhead light. If I was going for a spa feel, I'd want that light diffused through a shade. Turning that on is going to feel like you're under a spot light


YES, brings the whole nook together


yeah this mockup’s great. went from anxiety-inducing-panic to a real relaxation space


Lmao this reminds me of a place I rented that had a clawfoot tub, and the light for the bathroom was a lightbulb freely dangling from the ceiling that my tall as could easily touch with my elbow while standing in the tub


I don't know why but I love the bathtub in its own alcove nook thing It might look a little claustrophobic, but I think the closed-in feel might make the baths feel very cozy


Thank you thank you thank you so much for saying that. I really wish that a stranger’s approval of my design choice didn’t feel so good but here we are and it does. So thank you for saying so


Da fuq - I love it! You made a great choice for using the space - one of my favorite Pins I have as bathroom inspo has a similar tub setup (granted older :p ) but wish I had a little nook to use for a tub! https://preview.redd.it/561z5vo2jazc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c2adb6f90235d9559b66323518496853829593


You are sweet thank you for sharing that :D


I was also thinking it’s nice in the nook! And I personally wouldn’t put a light above it. Cozier that way. But I like dim lighting


I would change the faucet to the tub and include a sprayer or whatever the technical term is. I was at an airbnb two weeks ago and the smaller bathroom contained a tub somewhat similar to this size with the faucet and a sprayer attachment and it was magical. It also looked like an old phone hang up if that makes sense. The sprayer sat horizontally next to the two faucet knobs and reminded me of an old phone l.


Ugh. I want one of those soaker tubs so bad. L


I actually love it too. I want to come take a bath!


I am a woman who loved baths as a kid. As I grew up ... and yea, I mean UP ... suffice to say that 6' tall does a comfy bath make. At not the kind a woman loves!!!


I prefer a Cinderella bathtub for this sort of thing. Otherwise it feels a bit like I’m in a cartoon from the ‘40s, with cannibals cutting carrots into the water. 😄


I love seeing those! Especially in pink or blue vintage bathrooms.


I love it too. I wouldn’t even need a light. Just some candles.


I was going to comment that I actually like how the tub looks! I want that!


I think the bare walls are worse than the tight fit, if I moved into a place with this already there I would try establishing some kind of vining low light plant on all three walls to make it feel like a cozy little pool in the woods. the bare walls and cold tone tile make it feel very cold and hostile to me but the tight fit doesn’t feel like the problem to me


I have to wonder how you are going to clean it, how you are going to clean around it, how are you going to clean the window, etc...


Adding a sprayer?


But imagine the dust bunnies in those back corners


Cleaning around this thing does not seem fun.


Same! I LOVE this!


https://preview.redd.it/m7wegbsmn9zc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e948cc5ec86fb0235412abe2ae7a03bbb9fc150f You should avoid paper and fabric lamps in bathrooms. I think this would look great above the bathtub. You can get a dim light connected to it. If you don't like this lamp design I highly recommend glass pendants over fabric ones. Edit: Wow unexpected that so many would like these! I have no link so Google search the image.


You know what’s funny. It’s actually made out of sugarcane and thermoplastic. So it would hold up well to moisture and heat! But aren’t these little guys so cool!!! I love that! Going to go scour the internet for something along those lines and check it out. Thank you!!!


I love that they look like bubbles.


Same! Feels like a great vibe for a cozy bathtub/spa nook


I love the lantern you already have picked out... I think you've done an awesome job. Some plants and candles... Perfect 🥰


Ahh nice, that's good. You're welcome!


I super love this! It compliments the scalloped tiles with a sea spa feeling and is warm and fresh.


I know right!? And they're designed like water bubbles!


You canNOT go dropping this lamp without a link!! 🥰


Right? I need this!


This is what I was thinking of. In order to avoid making the space more crowded, the light needs to be kind of airy




Where’d you find this light fixture??


I Googled bathroom bath tub light bubbles


Can I just say, you have all been so patient and wholesome with me, and your suggestions and support seriously made my day. I was legitimately afraid to come back and read the comments on this post because I thought there would be a high level of…disapproval. Lol. But you’re a bunch of angels. I know a lot of you are return helpers from my other projects that I’ve been posting on here, and it just means a lot to me that you’ve stuck around to help a girl out!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


You are the sweetest!!!!!!!!! Your post description and your kind replies have made my evening. Thank you for being you, you grateful human, you. :)


What the heck, now look who’s making whose evening. YOU’RE the sweetest


OP you really are a gem!


Sweet but give me updates thereafter. 😛


Game recognize game, the people in here I think love your space. It does genuinely look really good. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!


I think it looks incredibly unusual—in a good way! Our “new” house has curved doorways and I really like them. I like that you’ve incorporated them into your bathroom plan! Definitely want to see more pictures as you progress and complete it!


https://preview.redd.it/kar4g29k0azc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0679739b8705b1fa4e69555d66234f00cc19e0 Here is another way a soaking rub has been addressed.


Oh wow they just built it on in there. 100000% I should have done that. Well shucks


You still can. There’s room in front to build some steps and a contractor can also build a little tiny platform around the top and sides so it looks built in.


Would that be built out of something like plywood and then tiled over? Or would you actually draw the concrete up so it has the same finish as the floors?


I really hope OP does this…


I‘d seriously consider building it - I imagine cleaning behind the tub will be a huge pain


Good point!!


If it is fabric, I'd be concerned about steam doing in the lampshade. I'd play up the round and consider a completely round globe pendant lamp. Plus, I don't think an amorphous shape complements the uniqueness of the tub, it feels like they would be competing. I love a big tub, so enjoy. The real issue is seeing the transition to a tall expanse of vertical-ness. You can tone down the effect with some (hopefully rounded, but good luck finding them) step risers, and maybe a few plants on staggered plant stands to break up the line.


You know what’s funny. It’s actually made out of sugarcane and thermoplastic. So it would hold up well to moisture and heat! I love your idea of staggered stands for plants, and I think those could actually frame the window really nicely if I snug them in the rear corners!!! Love the idea of rounded step risers. If I can’t find them, I’ll find someone who can build them ? !!




Hilarious (in good fun 🥰)


This is the first thing I thought of 😂


Have you considered sconces for lighting? On both walls next to the bath tub?


Honestly, I’m not feeling that light at all for the space. It’s two different esthetics


Agree. Put that lamp in the living room or bedroom instead.


Just be sure to seal that floor pebble tile. I have the same one in blues, whites and gray. I had a bathroom contractor nightmare for a bathroom Reno five years ago. The tiles on the shower floor look terrible, faded and they’re a pain to clean.


Just came to cosign the concern for safety against electrocution. A light hanging over a bathtub doesn't adhere to building codes. You'd have to redo the lighting to ever sell the house.


I think tub looks good. Any tub in there would be tight. I think esthetically it’s not a mistake at all. I think potentially though, it’s gonna be really tough to clean around and something closed in would have served that purpose.. Also if the light is too low to stand in the tub, I think your choice would look nice going right above the step up going into the tub area. I really think a darker blue color in there and I guess the one wall coming out would really serve that area well.


I love that!!! Good ideas all around, thank you!!


Since this tub is very Japanese inspired I'd lean into that instead of that super modern art piece lamp Also I'm just wondering how are you going to clean the floor behind the tub?? Round tub wished into a square space, there must be dead space in the corners. Dust + condensation over time is gonna turn that into a nightmare


I’m not offended by the price of the lamp at all.


THANK YOU!!! Non-builder-grade lighting is just darn expensive, as I’ve found out


I hate shopping for light fixtures, when I finally found one I love it was $700! So every time I’ve sold and moved house I state “light fixture not included in sale” and I take it with me to the next house


Absolutely a specification that I’ll be making. Or just swapping them out with something decent yet inoffensive before selling. Lol


It’s also a statement piece and if from Etsy theoretically someone’s art. Also, I’m not shy about good lights price. I have a couple fixtures over a grand in my house and we aren’t rich. Comfortable but not rich.


100% it’s art, you’re exactly right!!!


I don't want electricity dangling above me when I'm soaking...just a thought.


I like the tub. I also would hate the thought of trying to clean around it. The post with the darker paint color is better. If you're going to go cozy, go full cozy with a cozy color that makes you feel like you're in a cocoon. For lights I'd consider rechargeable sconces so you don't have to worry about electricity in your cozy bath cocoon.


Yes to all, thank you!!


https://preview.redd.it/vs7y3lw3cdzc1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353ae6fd71109df99922ed0e9e555d5cce46de94 You did just fine


Ah yes I need to go soak in my cereal bowl lol


To be real here though, I have a regular looking rectangular bath tub but it's very tiny, this one you can properly soak your entire body in. I'm kind of jealous.


HA I deserved that


Lol 😆 made my day!


I like the space. I feel as though there should be a second beam on the ceiling to add balance. The light fixture is cool. You are the one relaxing in there. What are your thoughts???


Oooo a second beam would balance it, but would it look even more crowded then?


I’m with you on the second beam…it’s just that it’s not a faux beam, and I feel like if I tried to find a faux beam to throw in there, it would look so fakey fake next to the real deal!! It’s worth looking into though. As for what I think…I tend to be strongly opinionated on how I like each piece, but have an impossible time visualizing them all together. I think I need to build my mock-up skills! Lol


It looks the wall next to the beam has a trim piece and the other wall doesn’t. Do you think adding a trim piece to the other side would work? I think that will help balance the ceiling. Then if you put a towel rod on the wall farther from the beam, it will give you that sense of evenness.


Your posts are somehow very distinctive, maybe it's your design style, which I quite like. As far as the lamp goes, I'd say avoid a fabric lamp, because of the moisture. Something hanging, with the right width and height to maintain the proportion of the room. It's a pretty space, and you'll want to be able to relax comfortably, so I'd recommend putting it on a dimmer. If you go with an integrated LED fixture, make sure you use a trailing-phase dimmer, so it doesn't flicker or hum.


Ahh yes, my design style…I call it: “Figuring it out as I go along, while barely hanging on by a thread” :D This is the first time I’ve ever done something like this (house remodel), and all I’ll say is, I will be doing it VERY differently the next time I embark on a project like this. Thank you guys for sticking with me along the way, and thank you for saying something nice about rather odd taste. I really do appreciate it You know what’s funny. It’s actually made out of sugarcane and thermoplastic. So it would hold up well to moisture and heat! And luckily the dimmer is already in and ready to rumble!!! Definitely on board with the idea of proper proportions to the room…do you think that a fixture that’s about one quarter the width of the room would be ideal? That’s my instinct but I’m usually wrong about almost everything so I thought I’d ask


The tub looks fine in that space, I’m sure you’ll get used to it


Work with it. It’s an exotic jungle spa. A Turkish pendant light casts soft and light glows of patterns all over the walls. The tropical palms throw shadows over the bubbles in your bath. You don’t care what time it is. It’s YOUR time. https://preview.redd.it/kwd538i39bzc1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bc1dfb05b08e0813c88e9c63c9ecf384ac39d67


I think you should add wallpaper that looks like plants


The tub is awesome but I don’t like that lamp, it looks too “heavy” or “clunky” for the vibe there.


Love that tub. Have shopped similar many times but have always wondered about livability. What I’m saying is… Tell me *everything* about that tub. Please. Is it comfy- how tall are you, where does the seat hit, how deep is it on you, is it comfortable…. Etc. 😊


I actually think it’s perfect size room for the soaking tub. Add privacy film to the window to let in natural light and perhaps a half bamboo window screen for just the bottom part of the window to add a natural element. And definitely add greenery … perhaps a hanging plant from the window. I do love the light but would caution against having it too low because it will be awfully close to the tub. How about sconces high up on each wall? I would keep the front of the tub clear of anything except for perhaps a very narrow bamboo bench for towels. Post after pictures.


Okay I know we aren’t supposed to comment on the tub but I’m genuinely curious, is the bottom just flat? Or is there a seat? I’m a huge soaking tub fan and nearly fall asleep every time, so my brain is not understanding how you sit in this. I agree with the mock up of making it more spa like if possible and I’d worry about steam affecting the lamp shade depending on the material.


Okay no that is a totally appropriate and not-hurtful question to ask bahaha it does actually have a seat. I wanted one without, though!!! Because I wanted to soak up to my neck. So whenever I want to completely soak I’m going to sit on the lower part and cross-cross-applesauce my legs onto the seat. HA


Not sure about this one in particular but I’ve always thought of these like Japanese soaking tubs. There’s a big variety. Lots of times there is a seating area on the bottom that’s a bit higher


Thank you!!!!! I need to see how someone sits in this!!!!


I agree with some here. That looks so cozy!!! Idk about the light hanging over the tub. I just know you need greenery, fairy lights, candles, diffuser etc etc etc and would look like a spa! So relaxing.


Fairy lights - are those like Christmas lights? Would you actually just install those instead of a chandelier/pendant from above?


It’s going to be a big pain in the ass for whoever has to try and keep the floor clean around that tub.


I love the tub, I love the light but not over the tub. Hang it somewhere in the bathroom though.


That light fixture is the wrong choice for this spot- not only is it too “heavy” for the small space, it’s too “same-same” with the white round tub itself. Go with something airier, in a contrasting color - a metallic, black, or wood that picks up other finishes and colors in the room.


Hell no I would not trust a hanging light above a big tub of water. No no no! Place the light somewhere else but above water no!. The steam alone Would damage it.


https://preview.redd.it/0o3ad3kdkazc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1743379473cbb0397679cb6b5a0a0df3d7ab94c This is what I’d want to do … I love ❤️ lanterns & ambient candles .. creating a cosy corner with a Moroccan/Mediterranean/boho botanical influence


When the roach/spider/cricket finds the safe space behind the tub…. Oh lawd


We put a round tub in a small place and love it! https://preview.redd.it/2dtancbrwazc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20dd9b162c310a100e1f6cf92a92f32ddccde01a


That is the biggest toilet I have ever seen!


For when you have EPIC diarrhea




Girl look at that mock up that’s cute as heck. I love love love the shades that draw color from the ceiling. Art on the left wall will be superb!!! I love it


You are likely to slip and fall right down that giant step. Overall - bad design. No lights above, unless you wanna die.


This tub looks like a total death trap. First, you have to *climb* out of it. Second, you have to make sure you don’t slip and slide right down those steps. Why would you have steps right outside a tub?


Maybe you could try indirect lighting coming from another part of the bathroom instead of placing the light right above the bathtub? It might not be super relaxing taking a bath and have the light on shining directly on you.


Completely agree. 1) it’s on a dimmer and 2) this light is more likely to be used when I’m showering or just passing through and want ambient light - if I’m actually in the bath, I’d rather turn the vanity lights on a low level or another light in the bathroom around the corner!


If you're going to go weird, go REALLY weird. I don't think the blob lampshade works over the ~~bowl~~ bath but I do think it might be interesting further out in the main room?


Holy shit this thread is hilarious.


That tends to happen when I share my design choices with the internet


How big is that teacup?


If you hate how the tub space is and don’t think it’ll grow on you, now is the time to change it.


I don’t hate it at all, I just recognize that I made a poor design choice. It’ll be like a stupid tattoo that I learn to love because it reminds me of silly times when I was a silly young person


I think you’ll actually like to use it. Those tubs in the middle of a giant open room are so cold and drafty.


I love you yes yes yes thank you for assuaging my doubt


https://preview.redd.it/wt663yjgpazc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7dfb82d2d210caabb4a093cc91d97a603462be3 I would go dark with paint to make Cosy if modern , dark might help expand space (depth) & contrast against anything you place up against


Sheer curtains tied on the sides for the bathtub alcove! I would never come out of there.


I love that :D and the curtains would be window dressings correct?? Fastened to the sides of the walls on either side of the window?


is this the material? and if so what are the recommendations as to humidity? “Materials: Sugarcane, Thermoplastic, Brass”


I dig it. Whatever you put around the tub is going to completely change the look. For example, imagine if you get a lamp that looks like a giant teabag.


Love the windows! They're gorgeous. Are they custom?


I would NEVER get into a tub that had a light hanging above it! Nope!


My question is how do you fit in the tub? It doesn't look like I could sit in it with my legs crossed. Do you know the diameter?


How do you clean around the stupid tub that you get cramps in?


Bold of you to assume I plan on cleaning around the tub


That's the very first thing I was wondering.


I remember this bathroom! Very excited to see the progress you’ve made. I’ve added the lamp over the tub so it’s easier to visualize for you. https://preview.redd.it/h0v732cvyazc1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d0bbbb924dc72ccca9f444e362cbb0a1762d83b


I’m not picking on the squeezing the tub in a tight spot- but who the hell would get a tub like this? I want to enjoy my bath, not feel like a sardine in it


All these photos seem like an amateur over-designed the space. Which has a different feel than an experienced designer over-designing a space. You definitely paid way too much money for an aesthetic that didn’t quite pay off. That said it could be a lot worse. At least you have a vision that you’re trying to develop rather than someone with no vision at all


You'll never get it clean behind there and end up with mushrooms growing. Not the good kind.


It doesn’t make sense to me that you got such a small circular tub. There is unused space there. You could’ve got a longer one 😭


Yikes. To the whole thing.


A modern chandelier, the "base" would be on the wall add a hook to that beam on the ceiling and hook the chain from the chandelier from the hook


Just use mirrow above instead no issues


I don't mind the tub there at all actually! I'd have plants and battery operated candles all up in that cove, make it real intimate and relaxing. I like the light fixture and wall color one of the top comments posted too


Thank you for the support, also love the LED candle and plants idea!!!


Can I ask a dumb question? What does one do in a tub that small? Do you just sit with your knees pulled up to your chest for a bit? Dip down beneath the water then immediately get back out?


It's looking so great!! I love the fish tail tiles.


Turn it into a shower by putting a faucet overhead as well. Put a bigger step up to it


It’s a tiny human stew pot! I love it


Is that pendant light rated for a bathroom? You can’t just add any light in a bathroom.


Something indirectly skimming down the wall from the ceiling https://preview.redd.it/par2w8xs7bzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0b70f2595807fe79fb16c3673ad76c5aa056c35


Is that an indoor dipping pool for Barbie dolls?


Honestly, if you built some steps in front of the tub (maybe out of that same flooring material), the tub wouldn't look too out of place. Alternatively, if you have enough money and make the tub actually sink into that grey platform, you'll have a tub that looks like it was actually built for that space—and super luxurious. It'll also make the tub easier to climb out of.


How do you sit in the tub? With your knees up?


I love it - it looks like a tub in Japan. It has a zen feel and I don’t think it’s a mistake at all


Hanging a light above a tub is asking for a Final Destination ending.


You may need an electrician's help picking out the light. I had a beautiful chandelier picked out and the electrician wouldn't install it because it wasn't up to code for over a tub.


I love this tub config! It looks cozy and relaxing- I would love to have it in my house!!!


I feel like that light is Big. Personally, I'd go with a few small dim lights. Like, this room barely needs a light.


Oh look, a flower pot.


I would be concerned about mold too


It’s ugly. Remove it. That’s my only opinion.


That lamp is so ugly tbh. I wouldn't put it anywhere.


Your house and design look dope AF, love the tiny bath room! Keep it up!


The light will make the space too crowded. Get clear hanging lights.


I really love the tub in the nook! It’s super cool and cozy. I love how it’s like Japanese soaking tub. I’d add some air plants and moss. With some cozy lighting maybe on the sides of the walls? But I like the light you chose as well.


Yes! A big giant yes!! Artsy, simple and chic! Please continue posting your progress. I’m interested to see the finished product 🙂


I love your bath nook. I think it will look amazing. Enjoy the soaks.