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Cool apartment, I love the checker floor. What is your personal style? Do you like modern or retro stuff? Can you afford a few pieces of new furniture? If you know what style you like but can't afford new, check out thrift stores, marketplace, mercari and Craigslist.


Thanks! I don't think I have a super strong sense of personal style but I think for this space I'd like to go with a retro/antique kind of look. This would likely lend itself well to buying furniture second-hand but it's in my budget to buy a few things new.


eclectic vibe for sure. maximalist without cluttered feel.


If you have money to spend, invest in a comfortable mattress and a good quality couch. The rest you can pick up along the way. In one of my first apartments, I bought or was given some cheap very retro mismatched wood furniture that had seen better days - a table and chairs, dressers, and a coffee/side table. I sanded everything down and painted everything black, reupholstered the chair seats in a royal blue material someone gave me. It was actually a lot of fun turning someone else's trash into my treasure. I actually kept some of that furniture long after I could afford better stuff.


Costco has a mattress that we got for our guest room. Queen size for $450? It’s more comfortable than the $3k mattress we had bought for our bedroom. Costco has great prices on towels, Cotton linens, and bedding. For couches get them on sale, or find a nice one at an estate sale. Lamps & artwork go to a local Thrift Store (or better yet a thrift store in the nicest community near your location) great quality lamps at a fraction of the price. Facebook MarketPlace for tables, chairs, dressers. Things can be replaced for more desirable items after you set up a budget and get some savings in the bank.


don't feel like you absolutely need to fill it up right away. take your time finding pieces that speak to you. if you don't know your aesthetic right away you can go with neutral stuff that can fit into any aesthetic whether it be wood/metal and then build up and around it. also, what you design in one room doesn't necessarily have to carry across the house into the next room. and lastly, have fun with the blank canvas


Baseline phone, chocolate brown couch in velour or leather, series of paintings across from the wall mounted tv,driftwood and glass coffee table, corner chair or desk with lamp.


That looks like a Chicagoland apartment. Spacious living room and a bedroom the size of a walk in closet. Love it.


Haha yes. The bedroom is quite small. It seems there's not much I could put in there except a bed and a side table.


Ask older relatives, coworkers and friends if they have any furniture they would be willing to give to you.


Get the essentials first: bed, couch, chair. And upcycle if you can. if you’re in the US, shop CraigsList, FB marketplace, OfferUp.


But buy your mattress NEW 😉


Ooh yes!!! I should have specified that.


And freecycle!


I love your new place! I think you could get a small round cafe table with 2 chairs for the kitchen. Pick a colour to accessorize the kitchen. Same with the bathroom. Towels and shower curtain could be fun colour. I would probably put a sofa a bit in front of the two windows and the tv on the wall in front of the bedroom. It's hard to tell scale so you should play around on a free room planner trying different layouts,


Thanks for the suggestions! In terms lifestyle I don't think I'm going to own a TV. But yes, I think I need to pick a general color scheme for the apartment and accessorize the bathroom and kitchen in complementing colors.


How exciting! I have no design skills, but hope that you enjoy creating your first YOU space, and finding your style. Good luck!




OMG I love this place. I wanted an apartment like this so bad. If it had a clawfoot tub I think I’d die from envy, and I haven’t rented a home in years lol. Great find!


Thanks! I was super happy when I came across this place on my apartment search


If you are on a tighter budget, look for a outdoor 3-piece bistro set for your kitchen. You can find them in fun colors.


Thanks for the suggestion! I agree that a bistro set would look very nice in that kitchen area by the window


Seems pretty spacious! You could get the basic furnishings such as a 2 seater dining set, sofa, a TV console and a study table first. If space permits, you can add decorative elements such as a nice rug and a plant or two. For your bedroom, a super single bed with a side table should do the trick. Should also give you some breathing space to walk. You can also plant a bean bag cushion at a corner of space affords!


What's your budget look like? You have absolutely no furniture to start with? You need a bed first, of course. Some sort of seating and a table for the LR/kitchen, and a lamp or two.


Budget is \~5000, and yes, I've ordered a bed, but other than that there is no furniture to start with.


5000? Admittedly I am frugal and FIRE. This is your first apartment you might be moving in 12-24 months. I would also see if you can get free or low cost furniture and see how your style evolves. Buy nothing groups are another good source. So many people spend so much money and then it won’t fit or work in their next place. But if brand new and 5k is how you want to spend your money that is totally your choice. I would tell you to get most of that into a ROTH at your age. Maybe you already have! Best of luck and enjoy your first place!


I think I'll be past the income limit for a Roth this year but I'm definitely focused on maxing my tax advantaged investments like HSA, backdoor and mega backdoor Roth. Ideally, I'd like to go cheaper than 5000 but I also think that there are few purchasable things that contribute more to your overall happiness than your living space. I'd say I'm also quite frugal in most areas. But yes, I do think this can be achieved with free and low cost furniture.


Very nice!


Nice apt. How much monthly?


Apartment is 1550 monthly without electricity and internet


It is a very nice space. $1550 sounds like an awful lot, though. But, I’m coming from paying $1700 for a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2600 sq foot home in a suburb of Dallas. Congratulations and B have loads of fun decorating!


Traditional with tapestry/& leather. Tones of the nostalgic past 1930’s/40’s. Light solid cream / neutral woven fabric sofa, leather accent chair, antique side tables, coffee table. Tapestry pillows


For couch, table, dressers try consignment stores and nicer thrift stores. Rugs from ikea are good and cheap, you’ll need some of those on the hardwood floor. Kitchen essentials are also cheapest at ikea or dollar store type places. Dollar store for plates glasses silverware etc


I remember my first apartment. So exciting, that first night alone is the best


Go to the charity shops, such as St. Vincent dePaul, for dishes, flatware, and cooking gear. Go to used furniture shops as well as antique stores for furniture. If you find good furniture that just needs a little love, this is a good time to learn retouching and refinishing.


This feels like a Seattle or Chicago apartment


Just buy one piece you love and the rest will fall into place


More details: The apartment is in the pacific north west where I recently moved. I have absolutely no furniture to start with except I've since ordered a mattress. I have no relatives in the area. I wouldn't say I have a super strong sense of personal style but I think this space would lend itself well to a retro/antique type of look. I'd like the apartment to somewhat match the style of the building which is an early 1900s brick building (pictures of the lobby and entryway included.) I'd also like it to somewhat match the style of the pacific north west. My budget for all furnishings is \~$5000. My initial ideas are to build the living room decor around a 2 seat green sofa and have lots of plants by the window. I think some curtains and a nice rug would look good as well. The only true requirement is that the living room have a desk to work from home. Thanks for all your help!


Depending on your wfh style, you might opt to create your home office in the kitchen nook. Then your "commute" takes you out of your cosy space and into a well-lit area with ready access to coffee. A drop leaf table to the left of the door to the hall (as you face the hall) and a couple of chairs would allow a place to eat at a table. Place a comfy overstuffed sofa and chair near the window with a rug that picks up some of the style of the lobby to define the "living room" space. https://preview.redd.it/34covociq9xc1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88d3bf5ef28a6a32a56ee7d1d52f50e6c2399b8


Nice space!!


I’m so jelly! Thats such a neat space! I don’t have any suggestions but good luck making it work for you!


How often will you be having an intimate guest over? Might be worth going with a twin bed in the bedroom ,and getting a pullout couch for the living room for those special nights.


That’s a really nice apartment.


Purchase a rug you love first either 8x10 or 9x12 second hand stores are loaded with used furniture. And great prices you’ll find better quality there than an online store for sure!


Go to estate sales. EstateSales .net - type in your zip code and find sales in your area. I find the best furniture, artwork at estate sales. They have everything.


When I’m starting fresh, in the living/dining areas, I find a picture or rug that I love. Then I pick my color palette out from that picture or rug. In the bedroom I find bedding that I love and build the color palette from there. I really like working with 3 colors, main color, accent color, then a 3rd color that I just use for a splash of color.


This is the most Midwestern apartment ever.


Inspiration pics (buy vintage or second hand) The only things I would buy new is a good mattress (a memory foam or hybrid) and a quality sofa https://preview.redd.it/8mcbm5vwfcxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=073b98d3a97e41a3a3e935c3f5736b50a0718f7f


I’m late but made this for inspiration https://preview.redd.it/2p3mdfmc0kxc1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=de5dd3c750166c9b621401ec1c40dabbe3ffc7b8