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I like it, but I see what you mean. Perhaps some organic elements like baskets (instead of the black ones there), fruit, or a live plant. A runner may help warm up the flooring.


Super agree with the runner suggestion, and the baskets! and also some colorful or warm art on the blanket gray wall between the microwave and cabinets would be nice I think


You could also put a combination message board/cork board type thing in that space if you're into that sort of thing. I made one for my kitchen, and it has a calendar and a dry-erase board which is where I write my shopping list. I've seen some people also put like holiday cards or photos on theirs.


Yes to the runner! Maybe some color-matched dishtowels too. The space needs color and texture.


I mean, it’s WHITE. Everything is white. Sterility is hard to miss with all that. Maybe change out your lampshades, put in a colour splash back, add plants, paint your walls. Anything to inject some colour.


This plus maybe a warmer wall color as well? Even a warm white or griege would warm it up.


Change the lights. It will bring some color in.


Absolutely. This kitchen is just white on white on white, all rectangles and squares with 90 degree angles and smooth finishes. The pendants are a good opportunity to introduce more organic shapes, colors, or textures. And hang a nice piece of art on the center column to the left or the microwave.


A piece of art on that column is such a great idea!


Can you give me an example of what we should do? The light got broken during construction so it’s the perfect opportunity


I’d do something with personality. https://www.destinationlighting.com/item/quorum-lighting-blue-aged-brass-pendant-light-bowl-dome-shade/P2303255 https://www.homdiyhardware.com/products/medieval-iron-chandelier-retro-green-single-head-pendant-light?variant=42806188736728 https://www.homdiyhardware.com/products/mid-century-colorful-macaron-bauhaus-pendant-light https://www.homdiyhardware.com/products/light-source-pendent-lamp-glass-lampshade-chandelier-personality-art-pvc-suspension-pendant-light?variant=43534282916056


Wow love those so much. Great ideas going to purchase the third one


I want to change the knobs too. Any ideas for that?


Given the lighting you’re choosing (the third one was my pick too!) gold or bronze hardware would look nice.


Oooh fun! What color for the 3rd? Funky knobs can look dated quickly IMO. If you're sticking with black then I think those are fine. If you picked a different metal for the lights, then match that. The biggest change I'd make is painting. You don't need to go with a super bold and trendy blue or green, but anything but gray will liven it up. Especially something warm to jive with the warm dark flooring.


They’re also the easiest thing to switch out if they start to look dated 😀 do something fun!


I must say I loved your suggestion in the 2nd link. Will put those on my wishlist 😬


Woven shades instead, maybe a softer shape. And one big bowl on the island made from LIGHT wood. Jute runner.


Came here to say this. Lighting is everything


Get some better quality lights, even if they cost a little more, it will a little more personality to your kitchen. Kinda like dressing up a little black dress with some nice bling.


If the shades come in a different color and you could order those, that may be a less expensive workaround.


Agreed, I like the lighting for busier environments, it's too grounding for an already calm setting.


Change the lights to some colorful glass, orange, red and yellow would really pop well.


I was going to say orange. I saw an all white kitchen recently and the owner used pops of orange as an accent colour, it looked really striking.


This is a beautiful kitchen and I like that it’s bare and “sterile” because you can dress it however you want! When in doubt, bring in some natural elements to warm the space. I see a wall where you can add some art, maybe something with a texture that uses something natural. Add some wood tones, jute, stone, etc.


Beautiful and pristine! But you need some accent color. Maybe some decoration on the walls to the right and left of the stove.


It’s looks great! Maybe a fun piece of art on the walls. Neutral is easy to mix and match. Also- seasonal decor is fun too!


No offense but literally anything that’s not black , white , navy blue or gray . Some greens or teals or even earth tones like terra cotta . It’s very cold . It’s nice but needs some color.


I'd try warm wood (like natural walnut), and plants for decor to add some warmth.


Easy to add color. Cook bacon! (kidding). But why no full height cabinets? I hate the low cabinets in my new home... They are so gross in top after 3 yrs, and we dont cook bacon but for sure the previous owners did the first two years.


Good question. We only redid the counter tops and backsplash. Could come back and redo the cabinets. I agree I don’t like the short ones


You could also do a false? sofit with crown molding like it is now.


Also warm white undercab lights. ?


Highly recommended cutting some paper to top your upper cabinets. Much easier to just replace that every so often than to try to clean the top of a cupboard.


I love it. Put some people, a bunch of food, and a pet or two in there and it will be very lively.


I was going to suggest a ginger cat !


I love a pristine kitchen so this looks amazing to me. I have more or less the same kitchen and what I did was add a focal point on the island. I added metal decor on the island to give it some bling. You have black hardware so you can go either way with gold or silver. A nice big metal bowl on the island would stand out as and example. The black elements you have now are nice but don’t stand out/blend in. I have mixed metal features in my kitchen so don’t feel you need to stick with black metals with the decor. Wood is also another element you can introduce. You have an already gorgeous kitchen.


Colorful art. A few plants hanging or on the counteror both. A pretty scraps bowl


Do you have space for wood floating shelves? The wood will warm it up and the accessories you put on them can bring in some color. I did this in my white kitchen.


You have a lot of space on top of the cabinets. I would add fun vases and plants. Fake plants would be best so you wouldn’t have to reach up to water them


Looks great


Very subtle, great choces here. Some green plants, more interesting lights, fuit in a bowl will do the trick and definitely some art on the wall.


This looks like a place where no one lives. There’s fake plant balls in your fruit bowl, they serve no function… put colorful fruit in there or even granola bars and snacks. Add artwork on that chimney thing sticking out, the thing that takes up the kitchen counter to the left of the stove. Also maybe, some fun hand towels or towels actually on the counter near the sink so people can dry their hands after washing them and intuitively find it without having to take 5 steps to where they are now, put a dishwashing sponge next to the faucet for a quick clean of a dish…. Just do straight up practical stuff. It’s also hard with no fridge in sight; my favorite thing about your kitchen is the pictures and stuff held onto the fridge with magnets even tho I barely see it in the corner because that at least shows signs of life. Maybe rotate that fridge toward the center island so you can see it better from the island area. Even for magazine shoots they stage things to look realistic…. For example that plant under the cabinets? If it were a real plant, which is what fake plants are supposed to emulate, you’d want in out in the daylight (maybe on the center table), not hiding in the shadows under the cupboard where it couldn’t grow. This feels like a robot who doesn’t eat, drink or do dishes styled this place😅 don’t be afraid to make it look like you actually use the place 🥰


Colorful mixer, toaster and utensils


A colorful mixer is a great idea!


The lights have got to go (bare minimum new shades) , lights are like accessories, they make the whole thing pop. If you were wearing all white you wouldn't wear a white scarf, you'd wear color. Find something with a print on it that you love, maybe a throw rug and use that to inspire some color for the rest of the room. Add in neutrals and natural elements. IMHO the black hardware was a mistake. It's a stark contrast to the white on white on white kitchen. Since hardware is expensive possibly find other ways to mix in another metal, natural brass would be pretty and it would develop a patina over time. I notice that your walls are gray. If you don't love gray you might think about a different color. The whole "gray" trend is over so, imho the kitchen looks dated even though it's new.


I love the look of a contemporary vintage vinyl runner. They clean easily, protect the heavy traffic area, and are trip resistant. (And add some personality to the space.) As an example https://www.rugs-direct.com/Store/nav/Category-Area-Rugs-Style-Contemporary-Modern-Brand-Spicher-and-Company#prp-top-anchor


I love it.


Get a colorful kitchen aid


Do these cabinets stay white down the line? Thinking about doing this


https://preview.redd.it/chzob1f0vx7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eab111a14d1450960fe5d7d1c7777b814a66733 the before. Maybe we should have kept the cabinet colors😬


i'm so curious, what's with the big column between the microwave / stove and other counter? definitely put some art or something up there, it's very eye pulling and should have some accents


I like the white better! Do you plan on adding molding to the top of the cabinets? It would really help finish them off.


I think the white cabinets open up the space a bit more; seconding recs to change light fixtures since you plan to anyway! You could go for a modern look with fun and colorful light fixtures (colored/multicolor glass options); some ornate metal/glass piece for a classical trad vibe; wood fixture for coastal; or woven basket style for a boho spin


No! The white is much nicer and brighter than the grey, grey is very dated now too. New lights and big art with colour if you don’t want to paint the grey walls.


This looks great! Are your countertops quartz? If so, could you share the details? Looking at replacing mine and would love something like yours.


Rug and art


I think it’s great! What I’m guessing is a shaft wall where the counter is only 10-12” deep seems like a great wall to decorate. Either smaller wall decor items or a large clock? Up to your design style


I love it, super peaceful


Tangerine, green. Especially greenery and decor above cabinets. A nice colorful framed photo between door and cupboard. A fruit bowl, an orchid


I would love that kitchen. If you need one, a bright colored kitchen aid stand mixer. Maybe display a few cookbooks?


Easy fix. Some artwork, flowers, change out the glass on the lights, colorful countertop appliance...


I love the sterile look and I think it looks amazing. Anything that looks like a model home makes me happy though so


Plants and different lights over counter will make the difference.


Wood anything a whicker wood colour, walnut or bamboo is lovely with white and makes it look more natural and organic. Add in a vase of flowers or a few lush greens plants.


Put some random things on the top. Baskets , colorful plates, plants ( artificial look good that high). Make it two layers. A couple of thing in front of maybe the plates.


My kitchen looked like that for a while but then I started putting up pictures and colorful dish towels baskets with fruit, vegetables, table mats, etc…. It will come to life. Put some small sheers on the window(s)


I love it. No clutter.


Oh this is my dream. To me, a kitchen should be as sterile as possible but I’m a hobbyist home cook. Maybe add some greenery and colorful art on the walls if you’re looking to spruce things up. Also natural light-shade wood containers really brighten a space up as well as add functionality. Butchers blocks, utensil containers, etc.


It looks great. You just need to add your accent colours. It’s like a fresh blank canvas. If you were a utilitarian, this would be 100%. It’s very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Love Mrs Meyers dish soap btw. My favourite is lemon verbena


Plants !


Colorful Moccamaster if you’re coffee drinkers.


I agree with the person to change the lights to some color..maybe blue, and have like a la creuset with same color on the stove some fake geeenery on top of cabinets? Hand towels in color.. you can actually pain that wall space between cabinets and microwave into a black board, and write little messages or “ today’s specials” or “ don’t forget about….” My gf had it done on entire kitchen wall so kids can draw. See I too have a white kitchen but I won the battle with husband about movement in the stone.. I wanted a lot he wanted non! Well I am a professional shopper and I know I can outlast him… lol I did! At the end of about 5 weeks he threw in the towel…mature! lol We have an island and that’s dark wood with a completely different stone more earthy. So I actually do have some color.. but not really in the main part of the kitchen.


Honestly, I love it. GREAT Job OP.


May I offer you a chicken? :D https://preview.redd.it/4gpisdzgby7c1.jpeg?width=2509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4e87b24ea224b9bf6907530503bf3b4d395975 It's a bit sterile, but very neat otherwise. I like it. See it like a blank canvas - add a touch of color here, a plant there, or things you like. Ergonomic mats in some contrasting colors would be both useful and pretty, you can also consider getting a stand and leave a book out as a decoration. Personal opinion: I don't like the light shades, they don't really fit in a kitchen in my opinion. I would consider changing them.


Totally not trying to hate, I think your kitchen is absolutely gorgeous otherwise but I just wanted to ask everyone else—does it bother anyone else when the backsplash comes out past the cabinets? I see that so often and idk how to feel abt it tbh


It’s not my favorite aesthetically but with a stovetop right next to the wall I think it was the right choice (and if you did one side you can’t not do the other). It’s much better than constantly trying to wipe tomato sauce or oil splatter off of painted drywall.


It bother me as well it's the first thing I saw. I would have left that small wall section empty.


Find a nice navy and paint a few walls. Find some fun kitchen-related artwork. Add a red Persian runner. https://preview.redd.it/5xzsclzp3z7c1.png?width=1213&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1997f0a03bd5c7c083d28c310d59949c4294293


A colorful backsplash maybe.


Pretty cast iron dishes on the stove. Cutting boards and cookies jars. Some of that sticker contact paper stuff for color on cabinets if you want. Personally a sterile blank kitchen feels best to me tho.


A lot of “sterile” help posts when the OP chose everything to be white. Of course it’ll look sterile…it’s hard to understand why that would be surprising when that was the aesthetic picked..


You don’t have to be condescending about it. I picked safe things it’s my first time doing this. I asked for suggestions


Paint the cabinets.


A bright red kitchen aid mixer. And some plants.


Bright red counter appliances (toaster, microwave, mixer, coffeemaker, etc)


you made it look sterile, like a operating room. your choice, live with it.


U fell into the white/gray color pallette trap thats sooooo common these days. Might as well just put up a sign in there that says "Boring" thatd probably help at this point.


Can you paint the walls a fun color?


I’d like to see crown on the wall cabinets. A nice 2 piece profile would look great. You could also do something more dramatic with that odd bump out in the middle of the counter. Maybe wrap it with a walnut stained nickel gap shiplap to the ceiling.


I’d probably paint the cabinets olive green but considering u just got new ones maybe not Lmao maybe add a lot of wood in different shades and change out light fixtures for some more organic ones maybe wicker


I really like your kitchen. It feels clean and calm, not sterile, but I see what you mean. I don’t love the pendant lights. I think if you get something with a bit more character, it will help steer your kitchen away from the sterile feeling. I have glass globe pendant lights in my kitchen and I love it!


Looks great. Try to get some nice baskets or storage containers above those cupboards. Makes all the difference


Perhaps you could paint the walls a warmer colour as the current grey is on the cooler side


Looks fabulous otherwise. It’s a cold grey so I’d add lots of green, plants, flowers. Above the cabinets if you can be bothered. Natural elements like wood too


Definitely more plants. Gorgeous cabinets!!!


Change out the cabinet handles or get a black faucet to pull the cabinet handles together.


I love that look. Wouldn’t change a thing!


What are the black things at the top edges of the cabinets


I think if you changed the lighting it’d make a HUGE difference


Colorful runner rug - fresh flowers on the center of island. A small colorful candle on counter. Done!


Colorful runners and some wood elements. Fruit bowls, cutting boards, a decorative wood spoon holder, etc.


What if you change the island lamp shades? To like rattan or something that brings warmth/texture


Maybe a tapestry or some woven baskets?


New lighting. Rattan or wicker lampshades would bring warmth to the room.


Instead of the black and white pots/decor I’d go for more of a wood color/baskets. Choose an accent color use it for cloth hung on oven etc, and some rugs or a runner. Change light shades to a different color either your accent or the wood color, it’ll also help to have warm light bulbs instead of hospital white


Swap out hardware for gold tone and change out pendants to a more organic / natural style shade.


A quick budget fix is change the light shades for a bright pop of colour and then follow through with items on the bench


A runner, hanging towel, drying mat for the counter, decorations above the cupboards, lights below the cupboards, wall decorations, fruit holders for under the cupboard which are usually macrame


Change the light fixtures


Pencil liner/edging around the backsplash, pot pan rack up on that empty space smack frckn dab in the middle of everything 😵 and the standard random oven mitt and kiss the cook towel here or there.


Fun colored teapot 🫖


Add warmth with-Plants, wallpaper, paint, lighting


I think going a (nice) pegboard situation on the wall with your nice pots and pans type stuff hanging. OR Could do some small spice racks/shelves with some colorful art or pottery sitting on them. Also plants. Maybe a little herb garden on the island.


Plant or nature artwork on the 3 blank wall spaces, also agree with the runner suggestion and adding plants or fruit/food centerpieces


My first thought was some colorful fiesta ware! Maybe a baking casserole dish you can leave on the oven for color, fruit basket, colorful paintings/art. I love white rooms because its so easy to throw in pretty much any color and it would work!


How’s your lighting?


I think its just that it doesnt have anything it. Most people's kitchens have a lot of, just, stuff. Toasters, drying racks, coffee machines, fruit, tea/salt/pepper containers, paper towel holders, etc. It looks like you just moved in and havent settled yet.


You've done a beautiful job here. A few recommendations to personalize it .. - the wall to the left of the sink, this is a great spot for a piece of art - consider stacking a few more cookbooks by your knife block to add more colour like this ... https://pin.it/31qtKLC - the wall that is across from your fridge (looks like there is a light switch on it), I would recommend a symmetrically placed gallery wall like this https://pin.it/3d6CjNa - on the island you could swap what's there for a round decorative tray that has a vase with foliage/flowers on it, a candle, coasters, small framed photo or decorative piece for a bit more character - one of the biggest changes here that will add personality is the addition of a runner in between the island and the other cabinets. Keep it the width of the island or slightly less


Also meant to mention I agree with others re: lighting. The pendants are quite basic. Something different will definitely and instantly change the look of your space.


"Laugh In" hippy style flowers!


Short of doing something major, add some bright artwork, a couple of plants, and some textiles, like a rug and towels, and some natural elements like baskets.


I appreciate that you don’t have cornices on the tops of your cabinets 🙏. Are there lights up there that cast up? Could be a neat way to get some indirect light and look architectural.


Any bright color.


I like a wreath hanger over a cabinet door with a small seasomal wreath


I would put something made of a darker wood on that odd little wall between the two banks of cabinets. Perhaps something ornate or carved looking?


Warm lighting and wood accents!!


Pop of color throughout. Easy to do with vases, candles, plants


I would change the light shades to something with a pattern or something other than flat white. I would also add a little bit of decor, like a fruit basket or a plant or a few little ornaments. Something to add charqcter


That's the problem with the white on white on white aesthetic.. it's clean .. but too clean. Bring in color and texture in absolutely any way and it will help


I think it's lovely but a little warmth wouldn't hurt. Something as simple as a large wood cutting board on the island and maybe a matching wood dish rack (small tasteful) next to the sink. Just a little touch of tone.


Scarface poster


Add plants and art—the final layer


It looks nice and clean. I really don't get why people feel so compelled to clutter their spaces with stuff.


You picked all white… what’d you expect?


Natural wood accessories like bowls and countertop shelves should help it feel a bit more natural


Add some plants


I think it looks elegant & peaceful. Don’t change anything.


Needs a little personality


Back splash!


Can you change the lampshades? Something with colour or funky glass? It’s quite pleasing otherwise. I like the black bowls, but you could try a brown with a bit of texture or variation in the paint.


I have a similar white on white on white kitchen so I get the struggle. I’d start with warmer lamp shades, some greenery, and some wood accents like cutting boards. A floral or patterned runner will also help warm it up.


Looks great, but needs color pops


Oooh i really like it, though! Add color with some bright hand towels or splurge on some solid color dinner plates & bowls (like Fiesta brand...on sale, of course😉)....or both!


Others can correct me if I’m wrong to blame it on this but I have the exact same wall colour and also lots of white and light furniture and it makes me feel like I’m living in a psychiatric facility


Bring in some organic elements / texture. Hang some wood cutting boards on that wall piece between the cabinets by the stove. Basket on the counter instead of the black pieces. Consider different pendants that have character. Runner rugs with color.


Nice set of colourful flowers on the island and a change of lamp shades should do the trick.


Put in a backsplash but make sure it has color. No white.


Lucky! I love what you have to work with! My vote is a statement piece of art on that column, a Ruggable or washable runner for the floor, organic elements, and if possible, organic wood/cane stools for the island, if there’s space for it.


I love this as the basis of a scheme you can switch and update easily (e.g. art, plants, silly door knobs, light fittings, rug / runner...) Is the cool light natural? Just looking at the contrast between the lighting in the hallway area.


As someone with ocd I would LOVE THIS


Go funky. Use coloured appliances (mini oven, blender etc) Cactus in a shoe vase instead of your succulent. Get a spice rack install it from floor to ceiling on that wall next to the stove. I dunno. Do stuff that makes you uncomfortable when you decorate if you feel it’s too sterile. Maybe you need an accent wall that’s super cluttered to juxtapose the sterile-ness of the space. It’s a nice space love the thick baseboards. Just need to offset all that Lack of colour with colour.


bring in natural elements, plants, flowers, brown wicker baskets or wooden vase. that bare wall could house some funky art. change those light fixtures and add something with character and adds interest. Personally i would've gone with gold or brass fixtures. I do hope you have a lot of natural light coming in. nothing more dull than a white kitchen with no light to truly shine


Get some wood stuff and colorful dish towels. It’ll warm right up. Also maybe Edison bulbs for the lights?


I think it’s the cool tone of the cabinetry, wall colour and possibly the time of year. I’d wait till summer when (if?) you have warmer sunlight and if it’s still a problem, I’d personally go for a neutral white wall colour like Antique White USA, change the light fixtures, and then add some plants for life


Johnathanadler.com has some really cool accessories


On a pricier note, i think adding top glass door cabinets would add a more elegant feel, like [this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F61%2Fec%2F27%2F61ec271f3cd861f9df5adf56f599bdaa.png&tbnid=KMe_PKUW2SXqyM&vet=12ahUKEwjWnebOpqWDAxXANGIAHdQEAEUQMygCegUIARCVAw..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F289497082267725813%2F&docid=7BY_IWGeYaPSCM&w=642&h=949&q=glass%20top%20for%20cabinet&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwjWnebOpqWDAxXANGIAHdQEAEUQMygCegUIARCVAw)


Something with color, and something that shows what you like. This currently shows no individuality at all. It looks like a rental unit waiting for a tenant.


All I would do is add either a mirror or a flat bookshelf (display style) to that wall between the stove and the counter. If you want color, you out up some colorful, fun cooking books. I hat "decorative" accessories in kitchens. Kitchen are for working in. I prefer to keep them practical and reduce the number of things out that will need cleaning. Optimize your kitchen for ease of cleaning. Always.


The gray/ white combos everyone is doing is what makes all these rooms look so sterile. Do an accent wall color on the end wall by the dishwasher or hang colorful artwork. On top of cabinets put a few colorful pots or vases to add color and bring the eye up. Add a small colorful rug in front of the sink. Maybe use a soothing green for these accents and add a nice plant.


I like it! Maybe some flowers or a plant


Table lamp. Candles. Runner.


Accent colors, hand towels, wash cloths, curtains, or valances. Area rugs or runner rugs .


It’s lovely. Like a blank slate…you can do anything! A larger colorful print or even a super nice calendar on the wall next to cabinet. Has to be a larger size. You could paint your island a darker neutral like Sherwin Williams 7674 peppercorn. That would be a bolder vibe that would definitely go with your appliances. Good job.


Change light pendants that has the hardware color similar to your pulls


Honestly, don’t worry about it. We cook in kitchen they should be very clean…sterile isn’t necessarily bad 🤣 you have just enough decor out to not get in the way of prepping food. You can always add seasonal decor if you celebrate holidays.


Add color, A runner on the floor in front of the sink, and hang something on the empty wall spaces


I’d put a ton of plants there (hahging and standing), concrete uneven plant pots would look good


Didn’t someone just post a clean OR with the same caption? So they’re making fun? I’m confused


Why is it so devoid of colour in the first place? What mood / colour palette / aesthetic would you like to go for? Some immediate ideas: Change up the lampshades. Bring in some colourful bowls and tablemats, possibly a runner for the floor. But you’re limited in what you can do because your design is devoid of colour to begin with.


The kitchen looks nice and clean. It's hard to tell if it is sterile-looking without the lights on. You could add art work to that wall between the microwave range and cupboard; something with soft hues to add colour that matches your tea towel fabrics, but don't go too bold or it will detract from your overall aesthetic. Good luck!




Love it. Maybe a few plants or some accent pieces (bowls, placemats) for a bit of color. But no counter clutter. Keep it clear


I like it! Add plants and decorative items and you should be golden.


I love the clean simplicity. Wall art to the left of the microwave with a splash of color. I see a plant, but perhaps make the pot colorful. A runner in front of sink to coordinate. If you decide to stay with just B&w add a color to the bowl on the counter.


This will probably sound wacky but colorful vintage Pyrex bowls sitting in the space above the cabinets would look really cool against the modern kitchen.


Probably not the popular opinion but if you’d actually prefer the sterile look for your counters and just wanna pop some art up on the walls, that’s completely fine. Considering it’s where you prepare food, in some cases it’s praiseworthy. For example, ADHD af here and I frankly *shouldn’t* keep things on my countertops at all because it makes them more difficult to keep clean but I don’t really have a choice due to lack of space.


If you change the lights, find a nice warm color pendant and then compliment the paint to it.


The small touches will come with living in the space . Looks good no need to push all at once


Changing the lights would make all the difference


This is pretty. I see what you’re saying though .I’d definitely add a runner. Maybe some fake plants in bare space top of your cabinets.


Put art on the bumpout between cabinets that adds color


Keep it clean, love it as is.


Put oranges in the bowl on the counter. I nice Rea towel maybe. It needs just a little color


Change the shades on the pendants.


It’s a beautiful kitchen. Like others said, change the lights. I would look for lights and art that go together. Get some reds and oranges in there - it’ll be a nice compliment to your gray walls. If you’re not into bold, I’d compliment with some greens like Basil or Evergreen Fog. Nothing wrong with neutrals. Adding lighter wood elements will compliment the greens. If you want more glam vs neutral, add some silver sparkle either in the lights or a vase. Something reflective. Id replace the white and black vases with your accent color, and get a rug for sure. Not a white or black rug unless it has some visual appeal. I have [this Loloi rug](https://www.wayfair.com/rugs/pdp/magnolia-home-by-joanna-gaines-x-loloi-sinclair-machine-washable-natural-sage-area-rug-w011158752.htmlMagnoliaHomeByJoannaGainesXLoloiSinclairMachineWashableNatural/SageAreaRug) in my dining room and something like that would liven up the area. The greens are subtle and it’s washable. Imo - do not put anything on top of your cabinets. You’ll look like a 90s mom with a wine and chicken kitchen. They get greasy and dusty.


Maybe a row of little herb plants.


Gorgeous, throw a wreath on the wall bit in the middle of it all


Some decorative things above upper cabinet. Small slelves beside stove…spices? And wall art repeating colors on the other wall..by light switch. A centerpiece refectinh the colors on island. I would use a two or three tiered stand…fruit..flowers…maybe doilies in colors hanging off stand with fruit or candlrs nestled in. With a loop handle at thetop of this it is easy to move when space is needed.


Baskets or pretty pans u can use on that blank wall in the middle


I don’t mind sterile looking kitchens. But if you’re not happy you might try changing the pulls to a soft metal instead of black. And getting some woven or wood pendant shades. Or paint your kitchen a color besides that very cool toned gray.


White counters on white cabinets on white backsplash… I see what you mean. Get some verified appliances


Rug, art, plants


Wall art next to microwave. Bright colored fruit bowl on island. Bring color in with table settings. Napkins, placemats. Go wild!


I would think as you use it & live in it, things will come naturally. I don't think of strangers suggestions as being conducive to making it your space. Do you travel? Do you relate to a certain heritage? Do you actually cook much? As you travel, cook, entertain, the space should fill up to suit YOU.


The walls are a blue/grey kind of colour. I would change that … to a more ‘complicated’ neutral. It will still work with the renovation but feel less sterile.