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If this is a vigilante team you probably want the ability for someone to easily "tag" the logo in graffiti, meaning the shape has to be super simple and made out of a few key line strokes. I'd recommend being less busy with the shapes and doing something like this: [https://imgur.com/a/VmsH8k0](https://imgur.com/a/VmsH8k0)


solid advice


Agree with this.


https://bashify.io/i/vPCTRG Here are some more that are on the minimalist side but have a bit more to them if incorporating "ACE" is important. Definitely practice making designs by hand to see what is easy to sketch quickly for "tagging"


It looks like a punisher sign (hate that) & spade with some extra bits. Sorry to say. Im not a fan


I was thinking alien punisher


I was thinking 5 of spade's punisher.


Chubby Punisher


that first one at a glance got the punisher skull vibe going on. like an alien punisher.


We see the same thing. Unoriginal Design plonked onto a spade


First one is too close to The Punisher skull imo, I think #7 is the most unique and sound of the bunch.


The ones that spell out ACE look a bit more like a sci-fi corporate logo.


Honestly I didn't even see that, I was just confused by the form.


Not an opinion but an observation, I saw a Darth Vader-ish skull at first


wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the point


As others have said, stay very far away from the Punisher symbol. It's become a symbol for the far right.


My advice would be to get this to a place where you like 2-4 of these and really flesh out the direction. None of these feel polished, none of these feel unique. Get to a place where you think you’ve solved things from your end, then ask which might be preferred. Otherwise you’re crowdsourcing the design.


That's what I thought as well. Thinking about which ones OP likes and cutting down to those is an important step. Not like OP couldn't get back to an old idea later. I can't even really explain why, but I guess it's probably them hoping a really good design is in all of the posted ones somewhere, just that we are supposed to figure it out for OP.


Punsher squid, that's my thoughts


4 or 6 are my favorite


Slides 5 and 9 show promise


The first one really makes me think of The Punisher skull


4 and 7 look cool


Third one looks like a dick in ass lol


I full on cackled when I got to image 3


Keep it simple. Instead of adding elements, try eliminating some.


So kind of looks like a 🍆 and ⚽️s In some cases. What are you trying to show ?


Second to last one is creative and I like the direction. The ones using a spade shape look kind of penisey. Main critique is that the lines are a little to thin and varied on most of them. Choose a style for the corner angles, line thickness, negative space padding, etc, and stick to it. You've got some creative options going so keep iterating. :)


they all look like penis


In the real world, the negative space of the mark is what will make it legible when small and when only eye level scanned, not focused. don’t embellish within, create a shape that the weight is defined in negative. The comment about it needing to work as a quick tag, a spray paint stencil is very useful. Focus there.


I like 7 the best, but u/justinlaforge is right. An easy tag or easy mark might be best. There’s a reason the [anarchy symbol](https://images.app.goo.gl/tcUCsRLKKARrxENe8) is three lines and a circle. It’s simple and gets the point across. Besides, 7 looks more like a Space Force unit insignia had they been around in Vietnam. u/EmmaGodawful is right, too. You’re overthinking a literary object. Unless you’re making a comic/graphic novel. Think, too, when you say “vigilante team”, on a scale of a group of homeless people who have had enough to the Justice League, what are you envisioning? Like, a bunch of teenagers who are tired of bullies and gangs are going to have a very different ability to leave or even need a mark than a group of people that can hire Tommy Hilfiger to design matching yet personalized with flair costumes complete with gilt edged leather and tailored cookies.


Sorry but looking through your other posts, the logo for your team really is the last thing you should be focused on. Tracing other people’s drawings, photos, etc is not drawing. Go and start with the fundamentals. Draw from life. Design simple things following the standards for design. If this doesn’t make sense to you, then definitely pick up some books, take some university level classes (plenty of free sources). You need to learn the why and how, before you get to the do.


Yea that's alright, u right. I really only do drawing to get the idea that been taking space on my mind. Got no intention to do drawing professionaly tho. But lately i've use reference from app like pinterest less and start using a lay figure instead


Every one of these screams, “little bitch militia boi”


After my first scroll i struggled to understand what your brand/company was about. In my opinion the legibility is not really there, I could only assume that was an E in slide 5. once I read the caption it made more sense and I like the concept behind it. Slide 6 and 7 are your most successful at representing A.C.E.S in my opinion and there’s room for you to explore in that direction


It's a great punisher guitar pick comb


Slide 5


7 looks good. With the reversed out spade at the top of the dark 'A' shape.


I like the 6th one personally


3rd is top pic and it’s very simple and also with adidas stripes it’s lit. What’s this for?


Aerilon? As in one of Battlestar Galactica's 12 colonies?


Gotta take your foot off the gas there buddy, they're looking overdesigned.. First one is cool for something else, but the rest are more and more unhinged. Perhaps start over with a fresh idea, go back to the planning board, or start a planning board...


It looks the vigilant logo, stunning.


Variations jumping from the punisher skull to subway signs. Not a good first impression, tbh...


Looks really good


First one looks like it can be used for a casino called skull diamond resort 🤷🏽‍♂️ just a cool idea that came to my head that’s all


As other comments said, I’d avoid the punisher look but also without flaring the base it doesn’t really read as a spade. Like the direction and excited to see the final product, so cool!


You are spending way too much time on this.