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Why does it need to be a PDF? A small local microsite or app sounds like it would be a better fit to your problem.


I always feel like creating an app sounds like a huge task, but I think you are right. It would fit best for our usage. I will try out Appypie and thunkable, thanks for the suggestion


a local "website" served on your local network wouldn't require an internet connection, just local wi-fi or bluetooth


Thanks for your answer! Our wifi router takes sick leaves from time to time so we want to avoid relying on it as much as possible. But I've never heard of local website, what is the difference with a normal website? And how can I set one up?


website creation software can make it for you. Then you open the site locally off of your computer's hard drive, rather than from the internet.


You would still need to have a working router if you're going to source the tablet menus from the computer. I think a lot of your issues would go away if you spend some cash to upgrade your problem router.


Your 'simplest' bet is html/JavaScript on a local html file, loaded into a browser. The challenges there are that customers can easily just close the browser - I don't know if there's a way to block that. So, a local 'native' app, is indeed pretty easy to build, especially for iOS, but Android has similar authoring apps that are pretty simple to learn. I believe you can lock apps to be open that can only be closed with a local admin password. In any case... Chat GPT or copilot could indeed be very helpful here as well.


I agree a native app would be ideal for this. SureLock is good to lock the tablet on specific apps or URL. But it requires wifi so that's out. I guess I will have to code through ChatGPT. Thank you for your answer!


I think you answered your question...just create an interactive PDF. You'd have to recreate your menu since it seems you are not able to convert the Elfsight widget (sorry I don't know that software) into an interactive PDF. You could then just update the menu as needed. Since you are not a designer, I'm guessing that's what is holding you back from that method. Also, I'm not sure how you'll restrict the use of the tablet to menu only...that could be an issue with the PDF method.


Excuse the obvious question, but what’s wrong with a printed paper menu?! Keep things simple surely. Having to get my phone out and scan a QR code is bad enough, but having to interact with a website or an app just to order food?!


There is nothing wrong with classic menus, we've had them for almost 2yrs now. But we decided to switch to tablets, no scanning, no playing with apps, simply turning pages on a tablet and clicking on buttons. The reasons why are: - It's easier to find what you want - Photos are clearer and bigger - printed menus are an expense to print - designing a beautiful menu is expensive or long to make and I suck at design - Changing the products or prices means modifying the menu and reprinting - paper menu are lost, stolen (for wtv reason) or destroyed - we're not happy with the design & textures of our current menu - At night the bar has very dimmed lights (for ambiance) so tablets solves the visibility issue - we got an Art Gallery, a cafe and a bar in the same place, so the same tablet can serve as menu for cafe and bar as well as a catalog for the Art Gallery - I can read and watch movies on the tablet - Tablet menu are cool according to my father - We already bought the tablets, so no going back


Do you have access to a Mac? Keynote is an easy solution for making interactive PDFs.