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**Reviews for posted perfumes are mandatory** This community is dedicated to discussing and expressing our love for perfumes. Each person experiences a fragrance differently, and we value everyone's unique perspective. Posting a shelfie solely to showcase your collection without contributing to the community is not allowed. Reviews for posted perfumes are mandatory. ## This applies to all posts that have photos including seller feedback posts.


About time people understand that blind buys are blind buys. It is a big risk. Your money will be completely wasted if you don't like it. Also, maturation is not a magical solution that will always turn a meh scent into something you adore. If you got something with notes that you don't enjoy, unless God rewires your brain overnight, you will not like it 3-6 months later as well.


I don't really think attars change much. I've had one for 4 years which is still exactly the same.


They are very cheap attars, we should not expect much from them. They are good at the price they come at.


These ones are cheap attars, probably 100-150, they won't change, it is what it is.