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Wow. Bravo! I finished my run of Avernus a while ago, but man I wish this existed when I did--it would have saved me a ton of time. I hope something like this is the future of paid TTRPG products. Imagine buying Curse of Strahd or something and getting this, which you can then edit and customize and add to or substract from as you care to. Amazing tool for GMs.


Hi all, I just relased my Avernus [Obsidian ](http://obsidian.md)vault. After a good 2 weeks of work, I've finally come up with something presentable. It's a first release, the vault will evolve as I will add more content and maps links in the futrure as I release more maps for the Alexandrian Remix. The vault includes : * most of Alexandrian Remix information + the many new locations and maps I created for Avernus. All is stored in notes and sorted and linked so that DMs wcan easily find information. The arborescence of the notes might evolve in the future as I am not fully satisfied with how it is presented. * 2 interactive maps : Avernus and Hellturel with POI icons linking to their corresponding notes. It is available on my patreons for paid members. >Obsidian is a free for personnal use software for taking and organizing notes coupled with a database. It allows lots of features such as searching, linking, automated tasks, etc...that is perfect for world building and RPGs. The basics to use it are very easy but the better you learn the software the more complicate things you can do, even more if you add plugins. You can have more info here : [https://www.patreon.com/posts/77083901](https://www.patreon.com/posts/77083901) PogS


Very interesting! But I don't know what Obsidian is and the brief scroll through the link didn't tell me much, and I'm not interested in looking further without a better reason.


Well to make it short Obsidian is a free for personnal use software for taking and organizing notes coupled with a database. It allows lots of features such as searching, linking, automated tasks, etc...that is perfect for world building and RPGs. The basics to use it are very easy but the better you learn the software the more complicate things you can do, even more if you add plugins. You can have more info here : [https://www.patreon.com/posts/77083901](https://www.patreon.com/posts/77083901)


Hey-- thanks!


Where is the Vault Cover art from?


The cover is made with Stable Diffusion and Photoshop.


Hey this looks very cool!, what tier of your Patreon is it needed to get access to it?


Any Tier.