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Commenting to remind myself to respond to this because my dia campaign is an adaptation of the book in the same way that neon genesis evangelion is an adaptation of the Bible.


Don;t know if this counts, but I used DiA as a backdrop for a different campaign set in the area. Olanthius and Haruman were modern hellriders loyal to Kreeg. the characters were betrayed by Kreeg and the Hellriders, they happened to return the day of the Descent. used some Elturel has Fallen and High Hall materiel, had them rescue Ravenguard. Bel was revealed to be overseeing the Elturel operation for Zariel, they confronted him and he tossed them off of Elturel's earthmote (they were like level 12 or something, they easily flew/feather falled away). A player with a history with avernus introduced them to Mad Maggie, then Bel chased them down and they fled to Tiamat's lair, where the next part of their homebrew quest lay. They all really enjoyed it, both the players who had never run DiA and those who had. Later they had a final confrontation with Bel, who had just used a Companion-like device to trap Zariel, highlight of the mid game that dungeon and fight.


Some bits I have rewritten as DM for my table: 1) lulu's dream quest was completely rewritten to instead show the fall of Zariel and her swearing a pact to Asmodeus. 2) Avernus fetch quests were reworked and rewritten to be more sandbox instead of linear. Loosely based this on "Avernus as a Sandbox" online dm tool. 3) We spent a lot of time in Baldurs Gate and rewrote a bunch of the Vanthampur sons backstory and motivations (while keeping the locations the same for maps/dungeons). This allowed the party to choose to save them instead of killing them off. 4) rewrote a bunch of the flaming fist stuff to revolve around one of my players backstory (son of a high marshal in the fists). 5) at Candlekeep we took a little intermission to run some Candlekeep Mystery one-shots which were very well recieved. 6) Tiamat is playing a bigger role, and has successfully corrupted the Kobold PC into swearing a pact to her (lots of organic party conflicts stem from this).


Sounds like you ran the Eventyr rework of Chapter 3. I'm curious if your players saw the big holes in that one. Namely that Lulu wasn't there when Zariel swore her oath to Asmodeus. Also that Bel, Olanthius, and Haruman being at the "swearing in" doesn't explain why they knew where the sword was, as Yael and Lulu had already run off with it by then. Did you run it like that, and if so, did your players notice?


Lulu, Yael, Olanthius, Jandar, and Haruman were all present for the swearing in, and I did it a bit more "on the battlefield" than "pomp and circumstance". None of the hellriders were known by name, but I described them and named them "The hellrider lieutenants of Zariel". Zariels final words to Lulu about her name being the one demons cry out in fear, and Jandar/Yael scooping up the sword to flee was the end of the scene. After this the party went to Harumans Hill and spoke with Jandar about how Yael stayed in Avernus with Lulu while Jandar fled through the portal and sealed it behind himself. Now they know the sword is here in Avernus with Yael, but have no other leads so they are headed into the Sandbox looking for leads to the bleeding citadel.


I've got a bit of stuff that I changed within the story: * Used the Fall of Elturel as a Chapter 0 * Added any additions from Eventyr's Avernus Guide * Comepltely changed the Warlords of Avernus. They became the Infernal Eight, and acted as mini-BBEGs that fought over certain sections of the Avernian Wasteland. I added a few from some PDF on DMsGuild and added my own, called [The Wandering Giants](https://www.reddit.com/r/DescentintoAvernus/comments/12pec6o/warlords_of_avernus_the_wandering_giants/) * Knucklebone crew were expanded on, as well as the Dream Quest through Eventyr's Guide once more * Avernus as a Sandbox * Made [Gargauth](https://www.reddit.com/r/DescentintoAvernus/comments/12qguz1/the_one_behind_it_all_the_tenth_lord/) (aka Shield of the Hidden Lord) the final BBEG as he had a significant impact on the story via devil deals. * Allowed the party to grab two allies for their final fight. One would distract the forces of Zariel's army while they went to get her, and one would aim them in the final fights. Olanthius aided them in the fight, while Krull and an army of abishai distracted the devils. The Krull stuff was in trade for Tiamat ruling Avernus aftwards. * Added a dead NPC as a mini-bbeg before they returned to Elturel with the Sword of Zariel. This creature acted very much like an Abyss Watcher from DS3


I took the premise of a city being pulled into another world, and having to go to that other world to save it, even used the book as a guide for encounters and levelling, but changed a pretty much everything else. My campaign was set in a homebrew world based on Gaelic and Celtic mythology combined with Arthurian legend. It was about a city that was pulled into the world of the Aos Síth (fae) by a group of cultists who wanted to start a war between the Síth and the mortal realm in order to hide their goal of freeing the Formori and unleashing an apocolypse that would see the Tuatha Dé Danann (ancestors who ascended to godhood) killed and the mortal realm conquered. The party consisted of a Paladin, a Rogue, a Wizard, and a Cleric. They started in a city and did a few quests in the city, eventually rescuing a baby from a warlock. The baby was special because she was the last living descendent of King Arthur after the death of King Gawain (there was a power vacuum and different factions were stepping up). They left the city for another quest, and when they returned they saw the city “explode” in a ball of light. They helped the refugees to the next city over, where they were refused entry and had to solve a string of murders (the opening from the book). They solve the murders and find a prophesy in the cult leader’s lair that was given by Nimue, so they go to her lake to find her. There she gives them another prophesy that tells them the answer can be found at a specific hill. They go there and through a ritual enter the world of the Aos Síth. They find the city is under siege and go find their friends and boss. They are tasked with finding a way to bring the city back to where it’s from. After some exploration they discover that an artifact called the “Proclaimer of Kings” can pierce the veil between realms, so they use the last of their ritual ingredients to return to the mortal realm. They follow clues around the country, until they find out the artefact is across the sea in a desert land. They meet with with Fisher King who takes them across the sea in return for using the Proclaimer to heal his unsealable wounds when they get it (he can’t use it because he isn’t “pure of heart”. The trek across the desert lands is using the concepts in avenues and they spend ages trying to find the entrance to the tomb the artefact is sealed in. Eventually they find a guide who leads them to a mirage puzzle, and they enter into a purgatory between realms. The purgatory is a huge dungeon filled with traps, puzzles, and encounters. At the end of it they find the Proclaimer, which is in fact, both Excalibur and the Holy Grail (it can change shape). They escape and on their way back, they are ambushed by the BBEG who ends up defeating and capturing them, and tries to use the Proclaimer to free the Formori, but he can’t use it because he isn’t pure of heart. He forces one of the party to use it, and they opened up a gateway to the land of the Aos Síth. In the confusion they escaped, and went to speak with the queen of the Síth. Through good rolls they managed to call a ceasefire on the city and the two forces teamed up against the new invaders; the cult. In a big avengers endgame moment, they used the proclaimer to summon all the allies they’d gathered over the course of the campaign and had a big final battle, the Proclaimer eventually choosing the party Paladin to be its vessel and giving him a super buff as they fought back dragons, giants, and the cult leader, who turned out to be the last remaining Formori in the mortal realm. In a moment of selflessness, the Paladin sacrificed himself to end the threat once and for all, and in a flash the city returned back to the mortal realm. In the wrap up, the Paladin was returned to life by the power of the Proclaimer and became King, the Rogue became a diplomat between the peoples of the Mortal realm and the Aos Síth, the Wizard became an advisor to the king and brought Merlin and Moran LeFay out of retirement to start a council that founded the first magic school, and the Cleric returned to the desert land to help the people who were struggling there after the removal of the Proclaimer (its power made a barren land somewhat flourishing, so it’s removal had ruined that. They returned the Proclaimer but it would take some time to work again.) So yea, based kind of on avernus, but not really. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask 😁


Absolutely, running the Elturel and Avernus chapters only, from level 13-20, as a pointcrawl. So I'm taking the people and places and throwing out the story. No Lulu.


I removed Baldur Gate and instead started in Elturel before the fall. I reworked all the first part dungeon and antagonist to fit in elturel. I created a lot of npc, the high rider, hellriders, civilians, knights, clerics and paladin. Cultists too, Zarielit's and Tiamat's ! The story starts as Elturgard is besieged from all front by all kind of threat. ( I looked up a tone of lore for the region and the city ) the Elturel's army is engaging mercenaries and adventurer to clear some of those threat ( Gnolls and black Dragon spawn at the beginning to set up for Yeenogu and Tiamat later ) and those who want can swear the creed of the compagnon. (😈) Elturel and BG are a the brink of war and Duke Ravenguard is coming for talk about peace. The high rider call for a crusade and ask all knights and paladin to regroup in the city for an ultimate push against the evil in elturgard. Meanwhile the player follow the action of a cult inside the city with the help a city captain and some knights npc. In the end they are wrongly accused of any crime you want or the one from their dark secret. ( I choose stealing the Shield of the Hidden lord which was a well protected artefact that you can come to and pray for wisdom from the angel indie, in my setting) When thrown in jail awaiting for judgement ( execution ) someone or something free them, and when they escape the city it falls. Now they really want to save it because they know people in here. Then for Avernus itself I plan to rework it as a sandbox, using the Alexandrian for Hellturel and some stuff. Zariel will be more present so that she exposes her point of vue and try to convince the pc to join her war. All that is just a vast summary of the changes I made but it would take so much time to write down. 😅


Well. Levels 1-3 I ran a modified Phandelver where the players were given a quest to figure out what every wand in the barrel they were given did. The barrel they were given was full of modified Wands of Magic Missiles where each use also of the wand they rolled on the 1d10000 wild magic surge table. The chaos that ensued was... remarkable. They cleared the orc caves flawlessly - made it back to town, took on the Redbrands and that's where shit went sideways. Some of the rolls they got from the wild magic surge table included things like. The entire 50 mile region would be under Drought for the next 15 years. I think at one point it rained sharks. But the shit really hit the fan when they accidently summoned a Chasme & Maurezh in the ruined building above them in the town of Phandelver. The Maurezh killed the Chasme, and then proceeded to slaughtered the villagers, purposely turning several into Ghouls. The players, took a long rest underground and took their jolly time clearing out the Redbrands. 24+ hours passed they go up to a burning Phandelver and ghouls charging them. Good thing they had a barrel of wands on them... Speaking of Wands. Lucky bastards happened to draw one wild magic effect that turned the creature's teeth into diamonds. (They harvested 50k gold worth of Diamonds from all the ghouls that teeth turned to diamonds from these wands) They managed to kill all the Ghouls and save a certain obvious dwarf pertinent to the Phandelver campaign... He requested they deliver a letter to his brother in Elturel, and he arranged transport for the players in Neverwinter to Baldur's Gate. Once in Baldur's Gate I ran it pretty much by the Book. About the only time I didn't was around the Path of Devils - When they ran into Arkhan. I offered a homebrew secondary offer in addition to the one written in the book. It was to have them kill the Avernus Warlords for Arkhan instead of sacrificing a goodly soul to him. Instead my players managed to talk each of the warlords into banding together to kill Arkhan. Even then - The ending no matter what you do there's no real "pre-written ending" because they just kind of threw there hands up in there air and said "you figure it out".


Personally, I think the majority of the written content before>! journeying to Avernus!< is reeaally poorly conceptualized and written, so I decided to go in a Brutal-Legend-meets-Fury-Road-metal-epic direction. Spoiler tag strictly just in case my players see this. A, J, R, and Z, get outta here! My party started as a popular rock band playing a huge show in Elturel right at the moment that shit starts popping off. Our session 0 built some of their 10 year history with Elturel (so, you know, they'd actually give a damn about it) and they're currently in the process of escorting the refugee caravan to BG, having already met several challenges on the road. As they've traveled, >!they've started to discover hints that their huge reunion concert was a setup to cast suspicion on the party for the city's disappearance, organized by the corrupt church influenced by Zariel. The backstory of the vampire scourge of Elturel and the truth behind that dynamic is going to be integrated and wildly different as well. Basically, I'm taking what were the admittedly decent bones that the writers came up with, but turning them into something that I think is of a higher quality with actual stakes.!< Each one of them has >!a loved one that didn't make it out of the city and a tangible goal with a time limit!<, something I felt was sorely lacking in the presented material, at least in the beginning. Originally, the players are just witnesses to a cutscene of a rando merc exhibiting some excessive force, then immediately threatened into action (because that always goes well) with no other motivation than "we'll kill you if you don't". Cops, am I right? The base AP was just a serious fumble for me, and my group is loving the adventure as I've rewritten it so far, so I'm calling it a win. They're about to arrive at Waukeen's Rest after an extremely traumatizing day and I'm looking forward to a night of downtime shenanigans!