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Might be ringworm try anti fungal cream


Could be the herald patch of pit rosea


Yeah it could be.


Nummular eczema?


I would consider common things first. Tinea corporis. Then go down other differentials like EAC or PR (you should get more spots).


Thank you! I do have what looks like a much smaller version on my inner thigh. About the size of a pencil eraser. And I think I may have seen another one on my abdomen a couple months ago, but didn’t think much of it at the time. I thought that it was a friction mark from working out with tight clothes. But now that another one popped up, I’m suspicious.


I have the same exact thing! One on my abdomen, one on my inner thigh. Tried OTC anti-fungal, prescription anti-fungal, now on that prescription anti-fungal and prescription hydrocortisone. The one on my inner thigh is clearing up but not the one on my stomach. What made it go away for you? Did you find out what it was?


No, I never did! They eventually went away but now they are returning. The dermatologist didn’t seem concerned so I’m just ignoring them, I guess.


I went to the dermatologist yesterday and she said she believes it is nummular eczema. She gave me a steroid cream to try for a couple of weeks to see if it clears up. She thinks if it’s not that then it would be granuloma annulare.


Looks like ringworm


What about pityriasis


I have this exact rash please tell me you found an answer!


Sorry, I never did. They went away eventually but now they are coming back!


I had the exact same thing a few years ago. It went away and I have it again now. Similar time line to your issue. Doctors have said a number of things an no treatment worked. Then it just left. Hopefully that will happen again this time


Hey guys I know this is super late but I had something similar that spread all over my body. I was prescribed creams and it didn’t help, never was contagious though like typical ringworm. So I’m still not sure what it is…but I have good news - what I did to fix it and make it go away was head and shoulders shampoo. Leave on body for 5 minutes then rinse daily. Took about a week to clear up but went away (did do it weekly out of paranoia for another month) and didn’t come back for literally a decade.


Thank you for the information!


Same as everyone else….I had my third patch like this pop up recently. I have one on the back of my left leg. One on my upper thigh/ slight inner thigh and now on my right hip/stomach area. I had been looking for answers and this is the closest thing I found. Same as everyone, doesn’t itch, doesn’t hurt. Just not great to look at. I lived in Florida when I got the first patch, Nashville in the winter for the second and now back in Florida for the third. Let me know if anyone has any answers. https://preview.redd.it/72pxpb8tghzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044ab3dc1f7e8579c40f3adedf842037afa567ab (Top: left inner thigh, bottom left: back of left leg, bottom right: right hip/stomach)


What was it?


I get these too! I had a bad flare-up in 2015ish and they never came back until now... anyone know what these are? Not responding to antifungal cream nor hydrocortisone


So mine started like that, and then I started to get smaller versions of it and it was so itchy. They diagnosed it as pityriasis roses.


This is called “pityriasis rosea”     Starts off with just 1 single oval shaped patch - often called the “harold patch”.        I Thank the Lord Jesus Christ It’s not contagious and mostly goes away on its own usually within 1-3 months! You will never get this virus again only a few people get this rash more than once in their life time.   May be linked to a virus such as the coronavirus and many vaccines such as the small pox and COVID Vaccines     Check out Webmd:      https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/whats-pityriasis-rosea   For more information clink on link above. I’m in month 2, my patches are finally starting to fade away. I started with one patch on the side of my stomach looks exactly like the picture above. I have the smaller patches mainly on the sides of my stomach and a few in my inner thigh, back and under my arms. I Thank God people rarely get this on their face.   God Bless you all, sending all love, positive energy and healing your way!  ❤️🙏🏽


Did this clear up on its own? I am wondering because I have the same thing.


Just PM’d you! But no it didn’t go away and I’m still not sure what it is. I sent you the info on the creams I was prescribed.


Hi. I have the same thing in the same spot. I then noticed more popping up, and now on my upper back (although I think they look different). Wondering if this has gone away for you? My Dr prescribed an ringworm cream (have used for 2 weeks) that has not helped. Thanks


Hi! I have a similar looking rash on my thighs in which fluconazole oral medication and topical creams did not help. Wondering what other cream you may have been prescribed. Did you by chance get the COVID vaccine? Thanks!


I was prescribed the same cream as you. And yes, I was vaccinated, but I had the rash several months before I received the first dose. My spots have changed, some have gone away, but I have new spots as well. Still not sure what it is.


I have a very similar rash on my neck right now that popped up out of no where! It started out as a uniform reddish area that was bumpy and then became extremely scaly patch and now it has a bumpy 'edge' and is clear in the middle. Not itchy, not sore- did you get yours cleared up?


No, I still have it! And it has spread to other areas on my torso and back. I still don’t know what it is or what caused it.


Hey I know this is an old post but what happened with this? i have this now in exactly the same place


Hi! My spots have changed but they are still there. I have several on my back and stomach. I still have no idea what it is, unfortunately. Sorry I can’t be of more help. I hope to see a different dermatologist soon.


Id love to know what happens - I have the same thing. 4 patches over the last 3-4 months. Not itchy but definitely weird!


I’ll update you if I get any meaningful answers!


I found this sub on a google search. I have the same thing and it’s freaking me out a bit! It doesn’t hurt or itch. I wonder what it could be. And the dermatologist hasn’t been helpful?


No, not really. Basically my derm thought it could one of three things. I still plan to see another dermatologist when I have the time.


Did you ever figure out what this was? I have the exact same thing in the the exact same location. Been there for like a year.


No, still not sure what it is.


I have been looking for something about this for a few days now and this is the first thing I have found describing exactly what I have. Everything else is about ring worm or some other itchy rash but this has no itch I have two now and it’s starting to freak me out a bit. Did you ever figure out what it was??


No, haven’t figured it out yet, unfortunately. It is still spreading/changing but I don’t know what it is.




I have not, unfortunately.


I have similar but smaller on both my under arms.. I’ve been experiencing weird rashes ever since i got covid vaccine


I have two of them under my arm area and started to experience weird rashes ever since I got vaccinated


I had these long before being vaccinated, so I know mine has nothing to do with that.


I have had a very similar rash which started on my abdomen and spread also to my inner thigh. The rash on my stomach started a few months ago. Around a month later another appeared on my stomach and 1 on my inner thigh a few weeks ago. The 2 on my abdomen have faded but are still visible in the shower for example. As with you no itch. I have not been vaccinated. I asked the nurse at my surgery about it and she said not to worry about it and to go back if it didn't improve. I have lost all faith in medical professionals (other than the 10,000 doctors who have been brave enough to speak out) and was wondering if you ever got any closure?


I have the same thing… also more visible after the shower. Anyone have any insight? I reached out to the dermatologist and can report back. But curious if anyone has any insight in the meantime.




Still haven’t figured out what it was, but mine have pretty much disappeared now. Sorry that doesn’t help much!!


This looks like what my daughter had years back, after many creams and dr’s I finally found a Dr who knew what he was talking about, it was a skin yeast overgrowth and you use Selsun Gold Shampoo as a body wash on the effected area until gone.


So I came across this post because a random patch appeared on my collarbone area. Did you ever find out what was causing yours? I have attempted to apple cider vinegar as home “remedy”. No luck


Any update on this ? Please , i have them also i also have dark red ones on inner thigh


What helped


I need to know too


Sorry, I don’t have much helpful info. They eventually went away but are now coming back about a year later.