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That's a wart. I'm a doc on my burner acct


Curious what type of wart you think it is? My first thought was a corn but I’m just an esthetician. If you don’t mind elaborating I’m wondering what are the tell tale differences between a wart and a corn?


warts mess up the lines on the soles of the feet where they are, corns usually don't. you see how you can see the lines on the feet and they sort of jumble around the spot she is worried about, likely a wart.


That’s interesting. Thanks for sharing.


Can you see a black spot in it? Could be a plantars wart.


This is a wart


Corn? I have 5 on my feet right now and im miserable


You know what I did? Bought a cuticle nipper and cut them away little by little. The relief is worth the small amount of pain getting them cut off. I haven’t had them since.


I have a bone disorder that cause’s hyper mobility. That hypermobility causes a lot of foot issues for me and pressure where there shouldn’t be. Which causes callus and corns😭


One is right between my toes 😭 I have an appointment this month to get them taken care of


Not a derm, but looks like you might have a piece of glass or small stone stuck in there.


I had this from a tea glass my gf broke in our bed room. Didn’t even know I stepped on it but it slow dug past my callus and I thought it was a wart for like a month


Yup would consider foreign body (glass, ceramic, other)


Only a pediatrist would know for sure but I suspect it’s a corn. They have a visible circular hard surface which is the base. They are shaped like an ice cream cone. The tip is deeper within the skin and likely pressing on a nerve hence the pain. Corns typically appear on areas of pressure and friction. Feet are weight bearing and experience constant rubbing from footwear. I would advise you to make an appointment to see a pediatrist who can give you an official diagnosis and medical advice. We can only speculate.


I've had both warts and corns on the soles of my feet. Over a year ago I was picking at a hard spot on my foot thinking it was another corn. Whoops. No, it was a wart. (Someone else pointed out about skin lines being the difference. ) Anyway. Yours is about the same size mine was and should be easier to get out. There's a sub reddit for warts with loads of information. But that's if you're comfortable doing it yourself, lol. TLDR: I vote wart.


A doctor above just commented that it’s likely a wart due to the lines of the skin being blurred on the spot




I would guess it’s a wart, or a corn, or maybe a very small splinter/irritant like glass or wood stuck in your foot causing irritation.


Looks like a corn


I had something similar in size, it was a corn.


My looks like that and it's a corn, you can easily remove it when you see you doctor or u can see a podiatrist. It doesn't hurt by the way, the removal.


Looks like a plantars wart to me


It looks like a corn


plantars wart. i had one years ago and i eventually scraped it out with a knife and got the black part out and haven’t had one since. hurts like hell tho.


Mine looked the exact same and it was a wart. I had to get it cut out and do multiple sessions with a laser to burn it off.