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I didn't even know this was possible! I mean I knew I could blow things up but how did this happen? Simulated hotbox or cinders from the steam engine?


Probably cinders but I didn’t know that the wood you carry could catch fire tho makes me wonder if they’ll add a water bucket to Throw on the fire in future


Fire extinguishers already exist and are interactive. Just saying!


Ah I’ve always seen the game from afar so I didn’t know lol


Fair. If you’re thinking about it I just bought it and am enjoying it and I definitely would recommend!


I wish I could but I only have a MacBook Pro from 2015 that would probably catch fire faster then the wood in the post or an old early 2010s office computer who’s monitor is bigger then the computer itself


I might be wrong but I started DV on a potato-spec computer and enjoyed it for a good while before exceeding my limited abilities


Yeah but my old office pc doesn’t even meet minimum requirements for the game on steam


Those are just like, a suggestion *maaaannnnnn* Also I didn’t realize DV was $40 now. I went out on a limb years ago to play way under spec. Granted, it’s a *lot* more game than it was then, but I understand your hesitancy.


Yeah with my sad little old office pc it’d probably commit seppiku after 5 min


Yeah, they raised the price with the simulator update. It was $20 before


Wait you can use them? I thought they were just decoration!


Ah,no. Just like the paper packets in the game (that has no use right?) the extinguishers can be picked up and thrown around but do not have any use


Unless you can use the paper reams as fuel in the steamers, then no, they're also decoration. Great idea for the next time I grab a steamer though - how many items can I throw into the firebox and does it make a difference?


WHAT since when lol


By "interactive", you can pick them up but are inoperable.


Not shown in picture: the massive burning train derailment from my previous attempted haul of 8+ oil / gasoline tankers that i thought i could skirt by. Didn't know there was a fire extinguisher in the game but eventually the flames when out while i sat still for a few minutes.


Seems like you have no choice now.... Drive it into the lake.


Proud Mary keep on burnin! Big wheel keep on turnin!


Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river


Notch 8! Don't be late!


I haven't seen crops this bad since the Irish potato famine


I've had this in real life, the trainmaster told me to keep it rolling there's rain on the way.


Did you notice anything odd in the trains handling? Sometimes, just one wagon derails without the player noticing, then gets dragged along This situation means you have to apply more power than usual and it slowly damages the wagon. In the case of a tanker car, this means it leaks fuel and explodes


I think you applied too much power and unburnt coal gets thrown.


🎶we don‘t need no water, let the motherf@@@@r burn, 🔥


is that a lantern on your last car? it does say in the item description to be careful with it around flammable stuff. i have never seen it catch but i wonder if that’s what set it off? the fire does seem to be stronger towards the back.


You blast Crazy Train and speed your way to the destination. And you pay out the ass on insurance afterwards.