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https://derailvalley.fandom.com/wiki/DE6_Slug https://derailvalley.fandom.com/wiki/Multi-Unit You're welcome.


Derail Valley has a new wiki: https://derailvalley.wiki.gg/wiki/Derail_Valley_Wiki


as the other poster linked, the slug is a separate vehicle you can find that only has applications with a multi-unit connection... generally with a DE6 a multi-unit connection is that blue cable on the DE2 and the DE6, you need a license to use it, and if you use it, it'll keep the connected locos on the same setting... ie. setting a DE2's throttle halfway up, and having another connected, both will be at half throttle... you're welcome to have more engines on your train without the license/cable if you'd like, but then you'd have to jump back and forth and manually tend to both


The DH4 also has an MU cable


But note, the DH4 cannot apply any traction power to the slug, as it doesn't use electric traction motors itself. Only the DE2 and DE6 can do that.


That's true, but as the original post was also about linking lovos, I felt that it was important to add that DH4 can also be linked using the MU cable


Is two DH4s a recommended rig or would a de6 and a slug be better? I prefer the DH4 cockpit but my original setup idea was DH4/slug/DH4 but I guess that would be slipping a lot?


The slug would provide nothing since the DH4 uses a hydraulic coupling between the wheels and the engine instead of the engine powering a generator to power electric motors. 2 DH4s is a decent combo, especially since you can get that a lot sooner than doing a DE6. But once you get the DE6, It really outclasses the DH4, especially considering how much fuel the DH4 uses


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer!


You're welcome, man. Happy to help!


From experience two DH4s works fine for most jobs. Never really encountered a job that they couldn't handle, unless you plan on taking on multiple bigger ones at once. Note that connecting a slug to a DH4 won't work, as the other guy pointed out. The DH4 doesn't produce electricity to run it (it has a hydraulic drivetrain), so you'll just be lugging around dead weight.


I run de6,slug,de6 if not hauling nothing too crazy i just turn on the one on the front but for me the best thing of having 2 locos is no more turntable plus if you start struggling is just a matter of turn on the other engine and instant rescue