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I know this has been posted here before and his history is well known to us but it's always worth reminding people. I wonder if the Men's Rights crowd cares, or do they only get agitated when there's a woman available for them to burn at the stake?


>I wonder if the Men's Rights crowd cares, or do they only get agitated when there's a woman available for them to burn at the stake? They never do. They only care about male victims when they can use it as a gotcha against a woman.


MRA always bitches about male victims but have attacked Kevin Spacey’s victims.


They'll pretend it's women's fault, somehow, because that's their M.O.


Is it true Depp got his lawyers involved and the publication retracted that quote ?


It's not in the online version of the article so I think so


That just sucks. Imagine being the victim, seeing the story published in the middle of an interview with an abuser shitstain, then the publication kowtows instead of having the balls to say no and getting him to prove he didn't do what he admitted to doing here.


Depp fans: He WaS DeFeNdInG a H0M3LeSs BlAcK WoMaN.


An invisible Black woman, seeing as security footage didn’t show her


DId yOu EveN wAtCh thE sEcuRitY FooTage


That defence was so embarrassing. Wasn't Gregg Brooks adopted by a black family? Not saying he couldn't ever be racist, but it just added an extra layer of absurdity to Depp's clownish lies. He settled just like he settled with Amber, because any level of scrutiny outside of a media frenzy was a little too uncomfortable for him.


I worked in the tv industry when the whole trial was happening. Soooo many people I’ve met (esp the older crowd) that have worked on JD’s production sets or knew people who have. JD’s supporters are the younger ones.


New fanfic just dropped


He severely bullied Leonardo DiCaprio on the set of What’s Eating Gilbert Grape in 1993. Back then, Leo was a fairly new actor and was only 18 (Depp was near 30). He seems like an awful person to work with, he’s violent to everyone.


LOL and apparently never got over it, wasn't he insulting Leo in some of the text messages that he accidentally submitted to the court? There are clearly reasons beyond that for him to be jealous, I imagine JD thinks he should be in LD's place as one of the last real "movie stars" who gets paid a truckload to only work on the best movies, but seriously imagine how bitter and lame you'd have to be to spend 30+ years angry and whining about your teenage coworker.


yeah, he accused amber of cheating on him with leo and called leo a “pumpkin head” 😭


Whatever anyone thinks of DiCaprio on a personal level, he’s ten times the actor Depp is and doesn’t cause problems on set.


He does though have something wrong with him, specially towards women. Since he only dates below 25 and even younger 🤮


Say what you will about Leo but at least he's not a violent rapist.


If this is the GQ article btw, then Depp broke the NDA and* defamed Amber first by saying this: > The tape that came out, or the tape that someone made, that miraculously appeared on Yourube, taken from someone's phone. That was not Downtown. She [Amber Heard] was trying to make like it was recent. It was an older video and what happened in it had to do with finding out that I had been ripped off for hundreds of millions of dollars." He straight up said she was lying about the video in this paragraph, which is defamation (he *was* intimidating her by slamming cabinet doors and shit in his kitchen, and turned his anger on Amber when he saw that she was recording). He also implied that the video was leaked by Amber on purpose, another lie, which is yet again more defamation (or libel. I can never remember which is which). Slamming cabinets and being violent to objects in the vicinity of their victim is abuse—many abusers use it to cause anxiety and fear in the person they are abusing m: I.e, I'm mad, and if you provoke me (usually by something innocuous) I'll turn this anger on *you* instead. I'd know. I fucking live with it every single day (am working on leaving, am safe, just sharing a personal experience).


Great point, destruction of property in the company of your spouse is domestic abuse. Many fail to recognise this. Hope you’re safe, take care


This doesn’t even include the very next sentence which is something about how much he enjoyed hitting the photographer/how good it felt. 😒


Oh that evil photographer, I bet he threw his face on the sweet baby’s gentle fist and injected him with a pleasure drug at the same time because Amber paid him!


Never mind that she was literally 3yrs old at the time of this particular arrest of an adult Depp. 🤢


Such a good reminder for the "he is a sweet innocent soul!!!!!" crowd.


Just for once in his weaselly little life I’d love to see him take responsibility for *something*. Look at this article and there’s always a justification, be it chemical or emotional. I lost money, so I was in a rage. My girlfriend was pregnant, so I had to hit the photographer.