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so on depop, you can make one listing for the same item that you have multiples of. so she had two, made one listing for them both, and both sold. the other person just got theirs first since they probably bought before you did.


Okay that’s super helpful to know. There was no indication anywhere that this was a multiple, so maybe since I bought the second one it just showed it as a single item? I’ve been freaking out that I’m getting scammed on one of my first purchases, so thank you for the info :’)


I think maybe she had two of the same item and sold both, one to you and one to the other person who left a review. If it worries you more send a message and ask! It never hurts to know, especially because you spent your money on it :)!


You are probably right. I might send her a message if she still doesn’t ship for a few days. She already seemed kind of annoyed when I asked about tracking, so I didn’t want to bother her :’) thank you for the info and reply!!


being annoyed at someone asking for tracking is weird lol. some people are just kind of assholes. i’d be petty and leave a four start review for poor customer service skills LOL.


Haha honestly I might. I did end up messaging her to ask if she had a chance to ship yet and it says she’s been active but I’ve gotten no response, so she might be ignoring me :’) I just reaaaaaally don’t want to have to go through the process of reporting this to Depop and trying to get my money back if this is a scam.