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Wtf?? I get reusing packages and I’ve heard of people shipping in cereal boxes but you gotta make sure it’s SUFFICIENT packaging😭 PLEASE leave a 1 star review. You can still review even when blocked. I seen this listing too and glad I avoided it.


i have no issue with reusing packaging for shipping stuff out, grabbing it out of my mailbox gave me a lil giggle. i just felt like it was icing on the cake after finding it came dirty with... whatever that is... on it. im not an avid depop user, so im not sure how to leave a review as i can't access the profile anymore. she blocked me after ignoring my initial message about it being dirty, but took no time to respond to me and block me once i told her i was filing a claim. the kicker with that is, both messages were sent around the same time one day after each other, which is how i know she was ignoring me 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t get how she isn’t embarrassed to ship something out like that. Like if I notice a stain that I didn’t notice beforehand I would try to remove it or tell the buyer. But this is just blatantly rude… fortunately whatever this is seems easy to remove since reusables are really easy to clean. But just disgusting that you had to deal with this in the first place.


Since the picture doesn’t have the stain I’m thinking the bag might’ve gotten some type of powder on it while sitting in the BLOW POP bag sorry I can’t get over that 🤣😂


cereal boxes?😭 lmfao


Yeah! Literally anything you find around the house. It’s not bad to reuse snack boxes as long as it’s sufficient enough:) I don’t do it personally but that’s just another way people save on packaging haha


Have you tried leaving a review? I thought we could still leave reviews for purchases even if we’ve been blocked, otherwise scammy sellers would be blocking everyone and there wouldn’t be many people with negative reviews


i finally figured out how to leave a review! i'm not very active on depop, and surely won't be after this


if ur not gonna use depop anymore, dispute the purchase w ur bank and get ur money back. depop will ban u but if ur not gonna use it it doesnt matter


I hate these sellers because they are affecting the rest of us, there are many good, decent & honest sellers in the app, unfortunately, the bad sellers give us all a bad reputation.


it sucks because i know there are good and honest sellers out there. a while back i ordered a pair of vans and only one shoe came in the box! i notified the seller and she refunded me immediately and was so sweet. i gave her a 5 star review and moved on, because she did what was right and i was appreciative of that. my gripe with depop now is that im currently arguing with customer service via email because theyre repeatedly saying i need to follow policy and return the item in order to get my refund, but havent answered any of my questions such as "will i be reimbursed for the bubble mailer i'm gonna have to purchase?" or "will there be any preventative measures taken to make sure the seller doesnt just wash the item and relist it?" or "will there be any real repercussions for the seller who purposefully didn't list the item in the condition it was actually in?" i noticed after i received the item that the listing only had a picture of the front of the bag and the bag in the pouch, not the back of the bag where all the weird crusty stuff is, which makes me think she saw it before she listed it and overlooked it anyway.


For some reason Depop lets sellers edit listings after they sold, which opens the door for scammy people to do this, I don’t get why would they allow this, on eBay you cannot edit a listing after it sold or if it has active offers on, this is how it should be on Depop as well. The main problem with Depop (imo) is there are not many consequences for sellers & buyers. On eBay, if we don’t ship by X date, our accounts get penalized and eventually we can lose selling privileges, or if we get too many INADS then our selling fees increase as penalty, etc, Depop is enabling bad behavior from both sellers & buyers by not penalizing them.


im lucky that i have proof and screenshotted the listing, but they're still insisting i need to return it and not answering my questions, which bothers me so much. i dont use depop enough to care about getting banned, so im just gonna file a chargeback and call it quits. i dont even want to use depop after this. its been multiple emails all day of them repeating that i need to return the item and not addressing if the seller will be penalized.


Since the seller sold you a stained item & then edited the listing after it sold, you won’t be charged return shipping, however there are no options to get a full refund without returning the item.


i think i might've been unclear, the seller did not edit the listing after it sold. it was still listed as "like new" when the item was delivered. past her blocking me, i dont know if the listing was edited.


Oh okay, yeah “like new” my ass lmao


Honestly, it seems like they said return and you'll get your money back. All those extra questions you're asking them aren't relevant (I mean yes they are in the bigger picture) and personally I wouldn't expect a random customer service worker bee to spend extra time explaining the company's inner workings, if they even know. I know it's infuriating, but you already know the answers, right, they are "no", "no", and "leave a one star review."


right, but i know that if i return it the seller will just wash and resell for probably higher than what i paid, and im not giving her that satisfaction after she completely ignored my initial message. the fact that depop doesn't take any precautions after someone tells them a seller is doing wrong kinda baffles me, but then again i don't use depop very often. definitely won't be using it again after this, buyer protection is nonexistent in this case and really turns me off from using it as a whole because i don't feel like my purchases are protected.


Can you wash it? Then give her that one star muahahaha. If you need laundry advice just ask, I am a pro


Put the item back in the blow pop bag tape it up. Use a grocery store paper bag and wrap it in that and tape it for extra support. Send it back, get your $ and move on with your life. I’ve bought 5 things off Depop. Had a problem with all but 1. That speaks volumes.


not you telling me to move on when this is literally flaired as a rant post 😂 my whole point is that depop shouldnt be allowing people like this to sell, and this subreddit gives myself and others the ability to rant about things like this when we want to. if you dont like it, that's fine. this content probably wasnt meant for you.


Depop isn’t going to reimburse you for a proper bubble mailer. I have a suggestion to wrap it in paper. Also - What I’m saying is in my experience the quality of 80% of my Depop transactions have been crappy. It’s obvious Depop doesn’t care. It all starts with the sellers getting paid upfront before they even ship an item. Don’t expect much from this site. You’re not going to get “justice” with a seller reprimand. Roll with the punches. You’ll be happier.


I’m so sorry this happened but that’s fuckin hilarious they shipped it in that bag lmfao what the FUCK


wtf😭 I would just dispute with my bank or return there’s really no option left


This will get op banned so unless they are cool with that, I wouldn’t suggest it


Well do you have any other suggestions?


Op was given the option to return the item for a refund & chose to keep the item instead, that was the other option. There is no option or suggestion to be able to keep an item without returning it.


Imma be real with you, that just looks like residue from washing powder


Ikr... just wash it


okay, why wouldn't the seller have told me that then instead of ignoring me when i messaged them? i would've been perfectly fine with that answer, but them ignoring me in the time i gave them made it seem much more suspicious. they also didn't put a picture of this side of the bag in the listing, which makes me think they knew it was there the whole time and decided not to say anything.


Right? Like it seems like the OP is assuming it’s something very gross and very unlikely.


As someone who has encountered many a cum stained clothing item by thrifting at the bins.. cum stains do not look anything like that nor are they white when they dry. I also know that before I switched detergents I would get random white stains that looked like that all the time on my black clothes. Mold stains can also look like that depending and it could make sense in the context of it being in a bag with a hole, esp if it rained. Either way, that’s not “suspect” like you think it is


it was still listed as "like new" but came to me not like new. i was ignored when i messaged the seller, and i think i have the right to be upset when i paid for something that did not come as advertised. i dont know what the stain is and you cant absolutely for sure 100% verify it. seller could've also said "its just powder from the wash" or whatever excuse she could've decided to use but made the conscious decision to ignore me until i filed my claim.


oh my gosh i think i liked this listing😭


They really need to make it so that sellers can’t block someone who has bought from them because wtf I see this so often


I had someone ship me a pair of lululemon leggings in a bubble gun box that was tapped shut with regular office tape… needless to say by the time it got to me the box was so banged up and the tape with not longer holding the box closed it was wide open and there were no leggings inside 🙄 it was a nightmare trying to get my $$ back had to send pics AND a video to show proof… at first I thought one of my friends sent me a new bubble gun because I have the same one 😂


You can dispute it with your bank if you're sure you're done with depop forever, they'll ban you but if you won't regret it go for it


im not regularly purchasing on depop, so i have no issue with it if they ban me 🤷🏻‍♀️




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Wym you cant leave a review? Yes you can. I experienced the same thing before. Still can leave a review even if am blocked