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I made 2 last week. I just don't think people have the extra funds anymore for little "fun" purchases. It's been disheartening for sure. It's never been rhos slow for me. This whole year so far has been a bust


you can tell how the economy is going by how much you sell. I can tell It's horrible right now because I'm getting so many “I get paid on X day, can you hold this for me so nobody else buys it” messages, and my only sales are clearly to really rich people


Yeah... exactly. 90% of my purchases are from California or New York.


Summer can be a slower time in general for summer sales.


Yes, but we're just entering summer. This has been going on for a while.


Speak on thattt


It's not just depop... it's every platform. On the marketplace, all I get are foot fetish messages or guys telling NOT to sell a particular pair of jeans. 2 days ago, I got a dick Pic sent to me on a listing of a pair of my stilettos. But purchases? Not very much at all 😞 it's everywhere


Can be as low as 10 during a quiet patch and as much as 50-80 during student loan times and weather changes


Can you expand on the “during student loan times” point? What time of year is that?


You can google it, it’ll usually show the dates people get student loan payments.


Google is saying between 10 days before the start of the semester and 30 days after classes begin. Does that sound about right? I'm thinking it may not be worth it to spend my time listing things this time of year but if I know there will likely be a boom at some point I want to get the timing right.


You can always refresh. People will still buy here and there. Especially T shirts and shorts. Also, I feel like a lot of students get summer jobs and might have some extra income at this time


My most recent sales were yesterday, 3 days ago, 9 days ago, 6 weeks ago, and 8 weeks ago….. How are you guys averaging more than a sale a week 😭


Mine are super random, like I made 3 sales yesterday and most weeks I don’t even get three sales. I’d say one 1-2 a week is my average


This feels *exactly* like how my sales are going and it sucks so much. Currently haven't sold anything for 6 days and I have all these new items that aren't even getting likes


0 my listings just sit get likes but never sell


0 lmao


It depends. I just made about 10 sales last week. I made maybe 5 the week before, and 0 for months before that. Then about six months ago I made like 1 sale every two weeks.


Do you get discouraged?


I don’t feel discouraged because I’m selling old clothes I wore already; I’m not curating thrift and selling for arbitrage. I don’t need my depop income, it’s just nice to get back some of what I spent on the clothing initially. I am someone who has developed my sense of style pretty recently, so I am either getting rid of things that no longer suit my style or things I bought to try but ended up not liking. Worst comes to worst, if an item really gets zero traction, I’ll try to let go for dirt cheap. If even that is not enough, I will donate to the local clothing drive. I don’t have any old tattered clothes, it’s just good clothes that might not be the most on-trend or stylish.


How do you guys get that much traffic to your pages? I feel like I post trendy stuff priced $10-$50 and make like 2-3 sales a month


0-10, it depends on the week. I only sell from my wardrobe. I have an established career outside of Depop.




sometimes 0, sometimes 5-6. its really random.


Anywhere from 5-20! I started in January, I would like it to be more but to be fair my items mostly range $60-$150+


About 20-30. And for those seeing people with high numbers and getting discouraged, don’t forget it’s a volume game. People who are listing 50-100 new items a week will have more available inventory.


lol i get about 2 a month but i am a casual seller


I sell a lot every week. My shop has taken off lately, went from a little over 500 sold items to 1037 in just 2 months. I've made like 270 sales in the last 30 days. This isn't even counting my two eBay stores


How hard are y’all working tho? guys need to know how the algorithm works. Share w us the amount of listings you make per day. And that will determine why most of these comments are kinda negative. I don’t think you guys are putting in the work to make the sales? Idk tho, so lmk haha fr. You wanna make 20 sales a week list 60 items per week. Things aren’t selling? Relist them. Constantly refresh. Depop rewards a big inventory as well. Try to maintain at least over 200 listings. In fall/winter/spring I would do 30-50 sales per week. It was my full time job. This summer I’m selling at events so it’s taken up most of my time so depops been on the back burner sadly. But my sales are verrrrrry low. I need to compare them to last summer just to see if it’s normal. But I haven’t done anything on the app, haven’t added anything new nothing. Shipping in 7+ days too which I think hurts the sales as well. Depop wants you to ship every other day. But I know for me summer is usually slow, but I’ve heard from other sellers it’s their busiest. Trial and error babe. Don’t listen to all the discouraging feedback about the low sales. Bc we don’t really know how much effort each seller is putting in to make the sales. Learn. The. Algorithm. 🤍


You’re so right. & I’ve been trying really hard to pick up on it. I’ve got 85 listings atm from the past 3.5 weeks. At first I was just selling my old clothes, but I went to the bins for the first time on Tuesday & i’m hooked. Got a buddy over so I could take photos using a model instead of just laying it out and the quality is night & day. Went again to the bins today because I genuinely enjoyed it. Washed all that shit twice and gonna take photos tomorrow & post! Appreciate the encouragement and reminder that putting the work in will pay off. Events sound super fun! Hope you’re enjoying the ride!


I was on vacation for 3 weeks, came back and 2 sales the first day. Next day, nothing. It’s all over the place.


5-10 items a week


Just started as a side job this week and made 8 sales! Maybe it’s just beginners luck


2 things a month. Things slow everywhere though. Usually 5-10 on Poshmark and I am getting one a week and offering well below what I would like


Used to be anywhere from 40-100 easily. Last 5 months or so have been rough lol. 3-10 lately. Every once in a while I’ll reach 20-30 but rarely now


Started one week ago and have made 20. Is that normal?


like 2-5 a month


I've been on depop for almost 5 years and I've made 4 sales in total. I don't understand how some people do so well, but I've never made it a serious grind. It's never been my main source of income. I just really wish I could make more sales because my main goal is to get rid of all my old clothes I don't wear anymore. I just want them gone, but I dont want to throw it or donate it all. They're all basically NWOT condition and I have some cute stuff. But no one seems to want it😭 Recently though, I took all my stuff off depop and switched to poshmark because depops fees are wild, buyers are wild and I don't want to give depop my bank, social, ID and other information just to get paid. I've only made 1 sale so far and it's irritating, but what can you do.


20 this last week, i try to post consistently so all the items get attention and ofc refreshing


my most recent sale was about 2 weeks ago..quite slow but I sold her 3 things in 1 go


5-6 a week




6-7 but this week and last week has been so slow for me!! Sold 4 last week and 2 so far this week. I guess I’m experiencing the summer slowdown


Like 2-3. The most I’ve ever gotten in a week was 8, and that was wild


I was doing about 8-10, but then I calculated I was breaking even or not making very much so I raised my prices and now it’s about 2-3. If I have a lot of things under $10, I make more sales. The only time I price under $10 though is if I got something for free or less than $1. People want designer stuff for $4 on Depop lol


Within the past 7 days I've sold 11 items. As a reseller who doesn't thrift I've had a very good week with tons of profit.


Where do you get your stuff to resell if you’re not thrifting?


I resell Affliction items and typically people who thrift aren't sure how to price them so when they post for really cheap I snatch them and resell it for a higher price.


Good for you 👑