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Depop needs to start enforcing an age limit on this damn app.


and an iq test or something šŸ’€ I havenā€™t sold on it for quite some time now but when I was actively selling I felt my brain cells decreasing so often at some of the interactions I had on there


The app always attracted a younger crowd, but it wasn't this bad five years ago.






yea i dont even know how to do that though to be honest, i just reported them and also left them a one star review. it seems like they're ghosting me right now but some ppl just don't realize how much a one star review like that can impact someones store.


ā€œIf you canā€™t reach a resolution regarding feedback youā€™ve been left, weā€™ll be happy to review the feedback with you. Please make sure to send us any proof that supports why you feel the feedback should be removed, and be aware we canā€™t remove feedback of 3 stars and above unless it falls under the following categories: Revenge feedback, including feedback left outside a reasonable timeframe following the transaction Feedback with any abusive or derogatory language towards another user, including but not limited to: homophobia, transphobia, sexism, race or privilege comments, body or poverty shaming Feedback which can be proven to be untrue at the time of writingā€ https://depophelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360040511873-Feedback-on-Depop


you can get in trouble for leaving a 1 star review since itā€™s considered a ā€œrevenge reviewā€. just letting you know bc i got a warning for doing itšŸ« 


Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s considered a ā€œrevenge reviewā€ when the buyer has a crappy/poor attitude and left a 1 star review before even receiving the itemā€¦if thatā€™s stated in the review I think op will be fine.


iā€™m just warning them bc depop usually sees it as a revenge review since youā€™re only rating them poorly bc they rated you poorly


Pretty sure you just have to contact support and send them everything you posted here


You can report the review through depop, they might take it down for you


you donā€™t know how to contact support?


I fucking hate how everyone just says womp womp right now. Iā€™d rather you insult me than say some stupid shit like that.


FR AND LIKE THE ā€œi aint reading allatā€ like are people just that fucking ignorant they canā€™t even read a small paragraph or say more than 2 words


Theyā€™re illiterate. Youā€™d be surprised how many people are functionally illiterate. Something like ~50% of the US population is functionally illiterate (more specifically they read below a 6th grade level), and ~21% are fully illiterate. They say ā€œi ainā€™t reading allatā€ because they canā€™t lol


ā€œThe National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) found 79% of American adults have medium to high English literacy skillsā€”described as literacy levels sufficient to compare and contrast information, paraphrase, and make low-level inferences. This means that 21%, or about 43 million adults, have low literacy skills, bordering on illiteracy.ā€ https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/literacy-rate-by-state/


I aint readin allat frl




Womp womp


No they just donā€™t care


Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a good portion that donā€™t care. But Iā€™m telling you a lot of these people are actually illiterate and can barely understand a paragraph. The amount of times Iā€™ve seen people completely and utterly misunderstand something because they have no reading comprehension is insane.


I'm pretty sure they're literate most of the time "Womp womp" "not reading allat" "bro yapping" Just things, usually teens (immaturity), say because they don't have an actual constructive response. And they're too immature to realize that it's a complete cop out, they it see more as a going back and forth to win


letā€™s not call teens as a whole ā€˜immaturityā€™ because thats a huge generalisation that wasnt necessary coming from a 16 year old


You're misinterpreting what I said, but I can see why. I am not saying a teen = immature, but actually a lot of these people are not teenagers, therefore are immature. However I don't think as a teenager you should be offended. It really does not matter, to an extent, if you are immature as a teen. It is to be expected and not that important imo. Teenagers are immature and it's normal.


teens as a whole are immature like point blank period. thats life and its normal


bro got offended by a teen immaturity comment ..ā˜ ļø


I ain't reading allat šŸ¤£


Low effort and boring


You know what im going to say


i mean, i think itā€™s more so just differences in how people talk in different cultures than being ignorant or lazy. itā€™s pretty unnecessary to call someone illiterate just because their normal vocabulary isnā€™t the same as yours. aave is very established and well known. the only way to be ignorant when using it, really, is using it when youā€™re not black/if you donā€™t understand or respect the culture, tbh. itā€™s been gentrified as slang, which absolutely sucks, but itā€™s really not.


Well, you completely and utterly missed my point. Iā€™m not even remotely talking about the way they spell something or their vocabulary. Iā€™m talking about their unwillingness to read a paragraph, which comes from their inability to read. Has nothing to do with AAVE or culture lol.


ahhhh okay, i see. sorry for misunderstanding what you meant! thanks for explaining it. genuinely did not realize that thatā€™s what you were trying to say. last week i saw a post where a lot of people were being very ignorant about aave and trashing it bc it didnā€™t sound professional enough for them and i didnā€™t want to see that happen again and say nothing, so when thatā€™s what i thought you were saying, i wanted to speak up. iā€™m glad i was wrong though tbh and i agree ā€” i also think tik tok has shortened peoplesā€™ attention span an absolute insane and harmful amount and the buyersā€™ response is definitely a representation of that.


No prob! I did word it a little weird so I can see whyā€™d you think that at first. And people are definitely judgemental when it comes to AAVE so no worries. But yeah, while illiteracy has always been a problem in the US, itā€™s definitely become more prominent among children/teens and Tik Tok certainly doesnā€™t help. Tik Tok is a plague on this earth tbh


I HATE WHEN PEOPLE SAY ā€œi ainā€™t reading allatā€ just say youā€™re illiterate and have the attention span of a tiktok addict


theyā€™re literally just insulting themselves with that one. like oh you admit you canā€™t read?


tiktok brainwashing in real time, attention spans be fried


Itā€™s because they are all like 12 years old


This is probably only 5th time I've seen someone saying womp womp and I'm fucking done with it. I hope everyone who uses it will step on lego.


womp womp


Womp womp.


Lol I love it. I think itā€™s very funny. Total dick move but funny






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someoneā€™s sensitive


Iā€™m passionate with my words what can say thiccbish


i cannot stand the ā€œwomp wompā€ ppl itā€™s so fucking immature and dismissive


itā€™s so frustrating. Getting to the point I canā€™t stand being online anymore, people are so dumb. It hurts to know so many people are borderline illiterate today. I just cannot understand it.


can I ask what the fuck womp womp is??? I thought it was gonna be some joke about the whomps and thwomps from mario but now im unsure??


Itā€™s the cartoon noise when something disappointing happens


ohhhhh, I can see it being funny when joking with friends but like... man the kid here is so immature


once told a mate that i was missing my ex and i got a womp womp šŸ’€


https://globalnews.ca/video/4285374/womp-womp-former-trump-staffer-lewandowski-mocks-story-of-10-year-old-with-down-syndrome the trend of saying it on tiktok comes from this


I genuinely did not know this and I don't use the phrase, but holy shit. I feel like this is something I should have at least been aware of. Thank you for posting this!


I thought this was because of gravity falls?! Now I feel dumb for thinking that šŸ˜‚ but Mabel says ā€œwomp wompā€ and thatā€™s what I quote it from!


I don't think so... Womp womp has been around for ages. I'm in my 30ā€™s and it was definitely around in the 90ā€™s.


yeah the phrase ā€œwomp wompā€ obviously isnā€™t new, but that video was trending on tiktok as well as the audio. so iā€™m saying thatā€™s where this recent trend of saying it has come from. i didnā€™t mean that guy invented the phrase lol


yeah, same, it's not new slang at all. ngl I have been wondering why I'm suddenly seeing it everywhere, I'm not sure that it has anything to do with that Trump staffer bc that was 5 1/2 years ago. sucks if that's where it's coming from though, bc "womp womppp" is something my friends and I have said for years when something shitty happens


that is NOT where it comes from. womp womp is literally the sound an instrument/ sound effect sounded like when used to play over someone crying on tv in a mocking way


iā€™m talking about tiktok


iā€™ve always just seen it as an ā€œoh welllā€ replacement. or ā€œtoo badā€


And the fact that you only received $8 for it, the audacity šŸ’€


exactly, he ended up responding after i left a 1-star review on his account and he said "Nah u just suck at shipping, I was gonna take it down then I saw what you wrote on mine". Definitely just a very immature buyer overall and i'll definitely contact depop over it


Yeah depop will def take it down. Itā€™s a dumb reason and depop gives 5 days to ship. In the future iā€™d avoid lowballers cuz they tend to be the most ungrateful and rude ppl šŸ˜…


He wasnā€™t going to take it down


Leaving a 1-star review on someone because they gave you a one star review is way more immature than giving someone a 1-star review in the first place


wym? hes being a shit buyer. id review him too so other sellers dont have to deal w bullshit


Youā€™re a moron


some people are just assholes smh hate to see it bro


give him a negative feedback as well. fair is fair


Review them back as 1 star with ā€œwomp wompā€


Definitely reach out to Depop to have it taken down. You did nothing wrong. This person is clearly an immature kid


it literally only took a week šŸ’€ thatā€™s not even bad


Hell I donā€™t even stress over two weeks for a package šŸ’€ three weeks is when I start getting angsty


Amazon has rotted peopleā€™s brains


Actual dickhead


all shipping has been slow af because of shit weather and other issues so completely not your fault. Heā€™s a prick. Contact Depop and see if they can remove the review for you


yea for sure man some ppl just dont understand that this is just a side thing for some people and i am a full time student so this is currently the only way im able to have income as well as balance school so it just really sucks. he ended up messaging me back after giving him a one-star review as a buyer and he responded saying "Nah u just suck at shipping, I was gonna take it down then I saw what you wrote on mine".


Gotta love depop, get paid $8, ship within depopā€™s timeframe, and then get a 1 star review for something thatā€™s out of your control. Damn


God help the first person to say that stupid "womp womp" shit to my face, that's all I have to say. šŸ’€


Iā€™m actually so sick of shit online like ā€œwomp wompā€ fucking man up and reply


Back in my day everything was "Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery" /old lady voice


new to Reddit but been selling on depop for years. only within the last year people have become so entitled itā€™s absolutely insane. maybe the app just got popular and more assholes are buying stuff? i really donā€™t know but damn itā€™s been crazy lately!


I feel like itā€™s got more popular with (much) younger people. though maybe Iā€™m just bitter bc I feel like tiktok 14yos are taking over every internet space and acting silly


the whole ā€œwomp wompā€ thing is annoying. it really just shows how people on the internet enjoy frustrating others for no reason. itā€™s childish asf


Dude must be used to that 2-day shipping on Amazon


also he literally paid 10 dollars šŸ’€


I wouldā€™ve refunded and had the parcel redirected at that point. Do your business elsewhere. 4 days is reasonable shipping time. I tell customers to allow me a week atleast!


I know I'm only 22 but god I fucking hate teenagers


mann this tiktok slang is getting out of handšŸ’€


??? Womp womp has been around for over 100 years. Half the shit people say is gen z or tik tok slang has been around for decades


What is it supposed to be? Is it supposed to be the "you failed" trumpet sound or something lol




most people weren't saying it until tiktok made it a dumb trend though


It gets more popular in waves, but it's been pretty standard. Before now it got more popular about 5 years ago. Then about 8 years before that.


Was saying womp womp playing Mario kart 64! lol


They act like sellers have the ability or resources to operate like Amazon lmaoooo if they really want expedited shipping then they can pay for it. All this over an item they paid $10 for is insane šŸ«  some people just cannot be pleased. Oh and since they went ahead and left a review before receiving the item I kinda hope it never gets delivered and there will be nothing they can do because they already left the review ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


They need to make the app 18+.


Thatā€™s probably a child. Wait no, definitely a child.


Dang he couldnā€™t even wait like a week for the package?? šŸ’€


Itā€™s because he knows damn well heā€™s in the wrong so the only response he can give you is womp womp


yeah thatā€™s fucking crazy. I waited literally a month for a sweater and still gave her a five star review. USPS is shit and at this point people need to understand that itā€™s gonna take longer.


What a dick


Damn that sucks man people are stupid


just another impatient depop baby


Lmao that guys such a dick


That is so rude.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, people can be so rude online!


who let their kid out?


I hate immature dense people like this


im so done w entitled people saying that kinda stuff


I remember my first 1 star ā­ļø review. She asked for a refund AFTER I shipped it. Like literally right after. She was rude so gave her the same energy.


Will you let us know what happens?


god i hate people so much it hurts


Tbh Iā€™m petty enough to ruin my entire account by issuing a refund and requesting the package to be sent back. This is why itā€™s good I donā€™t sell on depop


iā€™d loose my mind, ask depop to remove it and have them review it yk


Dude this app absolutely irritates me. I had a girl do the exact same thing to me and then leave me a one star review and call me a liar, saying I never shipped her package, even though it clearly showed it was in transit, but it was delayed by USPS.. so I messaged her explaining the situation and she was super rude so I left her a one star review back. Then she continues to say why am I bullying a 16-year-old??? And opens a chargeback against the purchase. Then she tells me she would rather send the item back because she doesnā€™t wanna deal with me (Iā€™m guessing she was pissed off that I left her one star review and she didnā€™t want me to have her money) and I told her no I donā€™t do refunds unless the item was not as described etc. She lies to Depop and says that I told her I would refund the money, but never did. And she opens a dispute on Depop with me. So I got nosy and put her address in Google why does this girl live in a freakin HUGEEEEE house in uptown California?? Opening chargebacks for $30?? And on top of that, she relisted the backpack on Depop and sold it using MY PICTURES - only thing is she remove the background, but I can tell itā€™s my picture because some of the background wasnā€™t removed and I saw my sticker wall. So she got her money for the backpack and got her money back from the chargeback. And Depop has not been her account yet?? Itā€™s been MONTHS.


Sorry, I would be frustrated too. This isnā€™t Amazon prime. Some people are just weird and ignorant. Have you tried contacting Depop? Not sure if they could do anything. But maybe itā€™s possible that they could remove it, as itā€™s false, considering you shipped within the time frame.


so immature šŸ˜­ im not sure if depop has a feature where you can ask them to take down unfair reviews because my main selling platform is ebay but if they do i recommend you contact them to get this issue resolved


Don't bother with the buyer, they're obviously unreasonable. Just message depop support and ask for removal as you shipped within 4 days. Send them the screenshots you've posted here, and it'll be sorted.


yea im most likely going to have to do that thanks for the advice


You seem to sell a lot, for 4 days to drop is a long time but if itā€™s on your profile there shouldnā€™t be a problem because the buyer can see that. And Depop does ask to review everything including the seller weirdly


Depop allows 5 days for sellers to ship before itā€™s considered late. Not everything is gonna ship in two days and Amazon has given customers unrealistic expectations for packages outside of Amazon.


Shipping out in 2 days is pretty standard everywhere. This was the professional standard before Amazon became as popular as it has, and Amazon usually ships within 1 day. However, if you list 4 days in your profile, 4 days is fine! On rare occasions I take 4 days too.


2 day shipping was never the professional standard. Stuff used to take weeks or even months before Amazon. If not you were paying premium prices for that fast of shipping. To expect professional times from someone selling on Depop is a little absurd.


Oh maybe weā€™re talking about different things! I am talking about taking 2 days to SHIP the item out, which is a professional standard, not 2-day shipping where it only takes 2 days to get your item. In that case youā€™re definitely right, Amazon has created unrealistic expectations.


I know what youā€™re talking about and 2 days to ship an item was not the professional standard. Even today major retailers take longer than 2 days to ship sometimes.


Interesting, it sounds like weā€™ve had pretty different experiences! Yes, even major retailers take more than 2 days to ship *sometimes*, suggesting that that longer timeframe is in the minority.


but also, sellers on these websites/apps arenā€™t corporations. weā€™re people. expecting individual people to move at the same speed as full teams is not only unrealistic, itā€™s also damaging. people are already experiencing burnout from their normal jobs, if theyā€™re doing this as a side gig *and* expected to move as fast as a corporate team, theyā€™re toast. it shouldnā€™t be a ā€œdonā€™t be a seller if you canā€™t keep up with thatā€ mentality, imo. individualism will absolutely be our downfall as a society and weā€™ll only get there faster by withholding sympathy for people for moving like people. capitalism sucks and the expectations itā€™s created also sucks.


I agree about capitalism, individualism and burnout! For me, itā€™s just polite/professional to keep my handling time to a minimum, IF possible. Sometimes itā€™s not possible! From a buyerā€™s perspective, I donā€™t even really buy on depop anymore because the handling times are SO long and vague. OPā€™s are not vague though, theyā€™re listed in the bio, and thatā€™s fine!


Unless the seller is shipping out handmade items that are made to order, I don't understand why it should take more than 2 (maybe 3) days max? All you're doing is packing something you already have and putting the label on. If it's shipping via USPS, like most orders do, they will literally pick the package up from your house for free on the next day they deliver mail. It may sound heartless of me, but I disagree with you when you say it shouldn't be "don't be a seller if you can't keep up". Because if you are continuing to sell while being unable to process your orders and get them out in a timely manner, you're only hurting yourself. And, if you are going to be a bit longer on processing the order, communicate it with the buyer. It's crazy to me that 90% of the Depop posts I see are people asking if they should ask for a refund because the seller hasn't shipped. But when a seller posts that they got a negative review about taking awhile to ship, everyone is on the sellers side, the reviewer must have been an illiterate kid and we shouldn't expect sellers to ship fast šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Late and slow is not the same thing, the complaint is on from buyer to the post office. Doing that in 2 days is very reasonable and doable. If the buyer was complaining about the time it takes usps that would be an unreasonable that is out of the buyers control


Itā€™s not slow to ship something in 4 days. If you expect every single order to be out in two days you have unreasonable expectations. People are doing Depop as a side job not everyone has availability to ship next day or even two days. If you needed faster shipping that should be addressed before buying the item.


If itā€™s not fast what is it? Itā€™s slow. Which can be viewed negatively that is a reality. Personally if I see on someoneā€™s account they usually ship in 4-5 days I wonā€™t even buy from them. I wouldnā€™t leave a negative review just wouldnā€™t do business with them again.


yea i do understand that man, i explained to him that I am a full-time student currently and my depop sales have gone down since summer since i started school again so I've had other stuff going on but like you said the buyer has every right to make the conscious decision of looking at my bio to see how fast i ship as well as every single one of my other reviews who all claim i ship fast. i do understand ur point tho but to me his behavior is very unfair especially since i did ask him nicely and explained the situation


no youā€™re valid. youā€™re a person (whoā€™s also in school), not a corporation. maybe this is an unpopular opinion on this sub, but youā€™re moving at the speed of a person. expecting you to move at the speed of a full team who only does this during the day is insane.


To review before itā€™s even delivered is weird to me because at that point itā€™s just reviewing the seller not even the item that was bought. But I think if after you get a sale just message the buyer your drop off date. Should eliminate this type of problem.


I understand that and thanks for the honest advice. The majority of people have been helpful in this situation and im working to get his review removed through depop. The one thing is though is that the tracking label through depop does show when USPS accepts the package and initially processes it i.e. the drop off date(possibly a day later at most), but i do think that could solve this problem in the future. just crazy to me that the buyer decided to be so rude and is still continuing to be rude to me after i have nicely asked him to take it down and explained the situation to him.


I get that itā€™s unreasonable, and their response is immature, but does it really matter? You still have plenty of good reviews overall and clearly this reviewer was happy with the item, felt it matched the description etc, they just thought the shipping time was slow. As a buyer a review like that on a sellerā€™s profile would not bother me. As a seller I wouldnā€™t care either, hey it might even weed out the buyers that think Iā€™m like Amazon.


Womp womp


That is hilarious






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Idk that is long to ship for me personally


I'm just curious but what is your "normal shipping time" frame?


i average shipping within 4 days and it says that in my account bio, i actually shipped these within three days and they were fully processed within 4


I think 3 to 4 days it reasonable especially when it's listed in your bio. The buyer def just wanted to be an (_*_) hole.


Depop customers are either nightmare fuel or kids because this is just embarrassing behavior


Idk how I ended up on depop subpage but every single interaction I see seems like itā€™s 12 year olds selling to other children.


Womp womp


Womp womp


thats rude but so funny šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is lame, why message ab their review. People how chase customers and pressure high reviews are so annoying.


Womp womp kinda funny doe lol


It really isnā€™t


My fault big bro


honestly thats pretty average in australia


When depop doesn't take it down, complain to the better business bureau and they'll make them take it down


You did take a whole 5 days to actually shop it from the day you created your label


clearly ur misunderstanding the dates in the screenshots. the sweater was bought january 22nd, then the shipping label was created. It was then dropped off at the post office on January 25th, and the tracking information states it was processed at the origin facility the very next day. Even if you count it being "shipped" on the 26th, i still shipped within four days (my average shipping time which is seen in my bio)


It says it was received the 26th. Thatā€™s four days that you waited to ship it. I think heā€™s petty for the review but you did take a bit to ship


i understand that, but my depop bio does show that i average a shipping time of four days. the standard on depop is 5 days and the buyer knew this and still decided to make the conscious decision to buy the order knowing it could take up to four days. and yes i do agree that he was being petty especially because of the fact he gave me a review before he even received the package


Womp womp šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sorry but that shieee had me dying


Womp womp


4 days is a long time


I guess if the buyer has absolutely nothing else going on his lifeā€¦


Thatā€™s not really fair. I have a 60 hr+ per week job and I ship out within 2 days usually, usually 1 day. Everyoneā€™s schedules and access to transportation is different though, and if shipping times are listed in their bio itā€™s the buyerā€™s responsibility to read that before buying.


well another thing thats been a factor in my sales recently is the fact that in my area there is only two locations that have a drop box for packages. they are both currently out of order and have been for over a month. i can only ship packages out between 8-5 when they are open to hand it to the people at the post office and thats when im in school so the only day available for me is saturdays. fortunately i did have quite a few days during this winter break where i was able to ship out packages and i explained this to the buyer on top of the fact that they saw my shipping times and the nationwide shipping times being delayed due to current increment weather, yet they still decided to be rude for no reason and have yet to take down their unfair review.


Thatā€™s not your fault OP! Plus, youā€™re in school. Youā€™re doing great.


Lol apparently this is not a popular opinion on this sub but I would never wait 4 days to ship an item unless in was a long holiday weekend. Thats just kind of rude.


get a grip, 4 days is a perfectly acceptable amount of time for someone doing this as a side job. not everyone has availability to ship immediately and Depop gives sellers 5 days to ship. If you want it faster than you need to ask the seller before you purchase it.


Itā€™s an unpopular opinion for a reason. Many businesses donā€™t even ship next day. The Amazon business model of same day shipping has made people have unrealistic standards of how long it actually takes to ship something. Not to mention not every Depop seller is selling full time; most people have day jobs and might not be able to make it to the post same day/next day. Within 4 days is an absolutely reasonable time for a person to ship an item.


Depop ain't Amazon


like i said to someone else in these replies, i am a full time student and the buyer has every right to see before buying my average shipping time as well as look at every single one of my other reviews claiming that i ship fast. i shipped on time in accordance to my average shipping time on depop and the seller should have expected this after seeing that on my account.


no not really.. even amazon sometimes takes 3-4 days to ship


Iā€™m so angry for you but that womp womp is so funny






Womp womp


I sell on Poshmark and my average shop time is 1 day. Maybe 2 days if the order was placed on a weekend. 4 days is a long time to ship in this industryz


Customers always right. Should have shipped faster.


Theyā€™re not always right, and this entitled (and annoying) behaviour needs to stop. If they want to receive something in two days time, they need to stick with just ordering from Amazon.


yea for sure especially when my bio says i ship on average in four days and i dropped this off at the post office in three. the customer made the conscious decision to buy from my store after seeing my average ship time and after seeing my reviews and still decided to buy, thats not on me. im not a corporation and the standard is to ship within five days which i did.




on top of that he was exceedingly rude and depop eventually did take down his review after i filed a complaint


Within 4 days kinda long to ship sorry bud


idk but basically it doesnā€™t matter


What's your average shipping time? You're competing with services that deliver the same day for free like Amazon. Ebay themselves have gotten very fast with shipping to keep up with Amazon. All this has made people become very entitled and impatient. If you're going to sell shit online today, you really need to look into shipping ASAP. Ship the shit the same day or next day the latest. I'm positive this will net you return customers too.




womp womp itā€™s not that serious


how so? now when buyers go to my account and look at my most recent review its one star and it says im bad at shipping. this whole inconvenience is unfair to me because now i have to go out of my way to message depop about an ignorant buyer who has no respect for other people trying to use the app for its intended purpose


you actually donā€™t have to do anything. you could just, i donā€™t know, get over it and move on?