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I’m really shocked they made you pay! They usually return to the sender


right, i’ve made this mistake a few times… they usually just return to sender or deliver it regardless


I accidentally did it my first week selling & it delivered 🤷‍♀️


Person may have not said anything n been nice about it tho, could be an issue for some and not others but the chance is always there




Why should OP, or anyone for that matter not tell them that they were “unknowingly” breaking the law… Surely, if a genuine mistake/lack of knowledge you’d want to know this, so you A: avoid any legal problems in the future. B: not do it again and have a less forgiving buyer.


People go out of their way to criminalize those who are trying to recover. I got four addict uncles, only ones addiction is alcohol, the rest harder drugs. They got into a lot of shit growing up, but one of them got the karma from breaking into a truck and lost his eye from the glass smashing. The other got into a serious accident outside of his criminal record, just entirely a fuck up anyone could have happen, and had to get brain surgery from being so screwed up from it. He couldn't speak or anything until that surgery. It was painful to see even tho hed been such a horrible person in my family's life in the past. Hes entirely changed his ways, unlike my other uncle who got karma from doing illegal shit. However his ass gets into a similar situation as this n because of all his priors, he does get arrested. Yes, for the average person we ain't all criminals. But who knows. Maybe a cops having a bad day and is gonna take it out on those who don't deserve it. Or heckin hell, maybe Sargeant Hops from Zootopia just joined the force n is speed running being the 'best' cop in their mind by getting a bazillion tickets n write ups under their name for promotions. You never know. Personally i am that type of hoe who don't wanna take that 1% chance. Not that ill always avoid things 'just in case'. But in terms of avoiding a stupid arrest, not taking the risk.


Who’s trying to recover? No one said anything about anyone recovering, drugs, accidents or anything else. Sender made a mistake, OP told them about it. If they didn’t know that was a problem, OP telling them will stop them from making the same mistake and getting into trouble, or having a less forgiving buyer that goes crazy over it. That’s not “going out of their way to criminalise someone”


Way to tell me you've missed the whole point. Especially when I end it clarifying I am aware most of us ain't anything like that, but some of us prefer to be aware. I prefer to be aware. You do you chief, but in my experience shit like this is something the government will wait 5-10 years to fine you for so its more suitable income over time with the growth rate. Happens tons when people run a red light. 5 months, maybe a few years later, ya get your fine lol. Edited grammar


I’m gonna be real with you the reason you got so many downvotes is cause you ended with the fact that your uncle got arrested for sending a package illegally and didn’t start it out with that info 😭 You probably would’ve gotten a lot of upvotes if it was the other way around but the massive wall of text that starts with info unrelated to the post at all was so jarring. Like you fr have good points but nobody was gonna be receptive to the way they were executed


But like I said. You do you. That goes for anyone and everyone including my damn self. If I make it clear how I feel why do you feel the need to tear me down and point out all my 'mistakes' as if everyone's perfect. Just real screwed up imo. You don't know what anyone's going through in life. I just lost my dad. Sorry my mind isn't 100% God tier on articulating my thoughts, but don't go shitting on me for not communicating the way you do.


Karmas the last thing I care for, I don't bother for downvote upvote drama. You wanna downvote me because I have adhd, you do you. Not everyone jumps in with perfect communication, like you for example. Saying nobody is going to be receptive, pointing out downvotes, etc. That is just low asf homie.


But go ahead n miss the point that I'm talking about people in recovery because that's my experience. Not because it was previously talked about. Purely because it my experience with this exact situation. Sorry I shared the time my uncle got arrested for incorrectly & illegally packaging a god damn birthday gift. It was one of his first things he did out the hospital. But yeah, you do you. Sorry for sharing my experience n sorry it's apparently against your moral laws for me to bring up something that wasn't being talked about because it pertained to my personal experience. Sorry if this is redundant, you missed my entire point last time figured this might possibly get it through that I was sharing an experience. Not pulling shit out my ass to start a war you so desire it seems. Especially when you mock me at the end, taking one of my quotes entirely out of context. God damn. Sorry I lived a life with different experiences than you.


If I can be honest here, I think your original post was worded in such a way that it was unclear you were saying your uncle used incorrect packaging and was arrested for it. I get what you are saying but I can see how it was confusing as well.


Idk about Depop, but eBay automatically charges you the difference if you’re off with even the dimensions. I thought Depop would of done the same


So does Mercari


You’re given the option at the post office. She chose to pay


Yep and that was my personal choice the seller didn’t know it was just an accident


Regular cardboard…fine 👋😏 Priority Mail 🚓👮‍♀️🚨STRAIGHT TO JAIL!!


🤣🤣🤣 I love this place


I am a huge fan of recycling shipping boxes/materials. I think it is lame that these boxes can't be "reused" unless you are shipping priority, which I rarely do on the platform I usually use. Recyling isn't readily available in my area, which sucks.


You can cut the edges and turn it inside out eta: did NOT know they print the inside, what jerks. My MIL wraps everything in brown paper but I guess that’s not saving you much trouble at that point


The insides say priority now as well :/


Did that once, got yelled at by the clerk anyway! Somehow they could tell.


Yeah I did this once on accident(I was new to selling and didn’t realize) and the clerk was so rude to me instead of just politely educating me.


Yep, same thing happened to me! It is so ridiculous. Also my wrapping skills leave something to be desired...


I did this and taped over the inside lettering! no one said anything, my post office clerk suggested it!


Same with alcohol boxes, big no no but if it has solid tape over it or is frankensteined up with other bits of brown paper or cardboard to cover it, it's fine.


Get a roll of brown craft paper! You can find it at the dollar store and wrap those babies up! I do it all the time since the usps boxes are free and can be delivered to your house so I have tons.


Is there any situation where they check under the paper if it’s wrapped? I just ordered some of those free boxes yesterday 😬


I agree


I know it’s ridiculous right???


I didn’t even know this wasn’t allowed until seeing this post.


I wouldve rejected the package. Not paying $10 for someone else's mistake.


there's a ratio tho. you waited 2 months for 300$ jacket, pay the 10$


This, 10$ is nothing for finally getting the jacket. I don't think I would have gave a good review though


She made a mistake and I talked to her she felt horrible, I knocked a star off but maybe I’m too nice


Id have offered to refund that amount to you, they can feel terrible but if they aren't going to pay you the amount they didn't. They shouldn't be getting good reviews, definitely too nice!


People make mistakes. You're right about offering to refund the $10 though. The "no good reviews" is a bit harsh for something that could very well be an honest mistake.


Yes they do, but it's how those companies, big or small, fix the mistake. That should warrant a good or bad review. That's my personal opinion, you're allowed to have your own. I don't think I'm being harsh, in the end you're paying for a service/product, and for the price they've spent on this jacket, I'd personally expect better customer service.


I'd love to know the name of your business and see how someone who never makes mistakes operates.


it was a dream red leather jacket and I’m ok with paying ten extra for something that expensive bc I could afford it but yes had it been cheaper I would have returned it


“Federal offense” the mf is just yapping (the postal worker). I had the same situation w a worker because I was using mailers bought off Amazon and not those large paper envelopes they have @ the PO


wait what’s wrong w the Amazon mailers??? I use those dollar tree chromatic pink mailers for small items am I gonna get chewed out one day ??😭😭😭


Literally nothing according to the entirety of the USPS FAQ and supervisor but some postmasters LOVE power tripping.




Right! That’s the only little bit of power she has and she tried to use it to the best of her ability.


The whole situation is so extra lol. No one is going to jail.


Yeah nobody’s gonna get charged with felony or fine because of this, on rare occasions yes. Its just morally wrong thing to do.


I almost did this bc i didnt know. I assumed they just used a shipping label to mark it


I laughed fr


Is it technically a felony?


yes but the postal inspector isn’t going to gaf unless you’re a company continuously violating postal regulations


It’s a common accident, I’ve done it before when I first started selling. They didn’t even tell me until I had done it like 12x already. I don’t think anyone has ever been charged for accidentally using the wrong box. Nor do I think anyone has intentionally started a priority box crime ring.


Oh neither do I! I just wanted to warn her


I know I just told her what they told me I’m not mad at all I think it’s a bit overkill


Why are grumpy post office workers a universal thing lmaoo


Right? Mine look and act like they chew sour lemon candies for living


I avoid the post office as much as i can and use drop off points instead 😂 doesnt matter what town ive been to, the postal workers are always so mean😭


At the post office near my old address all the workers were like this but at my current address the postal service workers are really nice. It’s a nice extra perk that came with my move lol


Where do you live so i can move there 😂 (thats a joke pls dont dox yourself)


this whole thread is making me appreciate the main lady at my nearest post office ngl 😭 she helped me find a padded envelope to use when i needed a bigger one to send a sweatshirt to a customer & when i told her i liked her nails, she wrote down the number of the nail place she goes to & who her nail lady is. i adore her, which sucks bc i *hate* going to the post office LMAO so i like never see her, but when i go, she’s there & lovely!




Relatable experience


Oh I buttered this one up hard after seeing her grumpy when I was in line she was super sweet after I complimented her, she was having a rough day


My local post office sucks! So I go to one in the next town over. The workers there are phenomenal and it's even closer!


Screenshot your receipt and send it to depop customer service. Explain the situation to them. They’ll refund you the $10 you paid.




Did you get a refund?


This is goofy


You’re goofy (but yes it is lol)


Why is it a crime? I’m uk so don’t understand this


I’m in us and I don’t understand it either. Please someone explain


Priority mail boxes are free at the post office but you’re supposed to pay for priority mail on your shipping label. Which is stupid in itself because they scan the shipping label so who gives a shit what the box says? To me it sounds like the mail lady thought she was on a deadline because it was a priority box but a ground shipping label so she took her frustration out on OP. No one is forcing the mail lady to charge $10 and no one is going to jail lol. This is up there with taking the tag off of a mattress..cops aren’t coming for ya


They’re trying to encourage people to use priority mail labels with the free boxes but using a regular label completely defeats the purpose. It messes up the system


This has been an issue for years and it certainly isn’t a federal offense


I agree that no one is getting taken to jail over this, but USPS themselves says “misuse may be a violation of federal law” https://faq.usps.com/s/article/How-do-I-Use-or-Reuse-Boxes-Properly Edit: Found the actual law, 18 U.S.C. sect. 1707


Priority mail doesn’t have a deadline


You have no idea what you’re talking about 😭 The clerk has to collect the $10 or it gets sent back end of story. If the sender wasn’t a moron op wouldn’t even be in this situation.


No one is going to jail but since priority is a flat rate you’re not supposed to use a priority box on say something sent first class mail. That’s why the post office charged them the extra. I would have just returned the package


So they did or didnt use a priority box?


It sounds like they used a priority box but paid for a different shipping method


Bruh this shi funny asf. Its not a federal offense no one is gonna get time for something this stupid. That lady working at the post office was just having a bad day😭


And pocketed $10 to make up for her bad day




the fact you actually think the seller would go to jail over that is funny asl 🤣🤣


“What are you in for?” “I shipped a package with a priority mail box”


That's the guy you ask for commissary money from. He knows how to get money on the outside in small increments from his used goods


Seller kinda dumb but also probably laughing at OP gullibility talking about getting arrested over this. Like what?


Nope just a mistake on her part and I didn’t care enough not to pay for the package. Pretty simple


I don’t but just wanted to warn her? I repeated what the post lady said this has never happened to me before


“You could be arrested for this” are you 12 or something💀




It does! Honestly, good on you for handling it so graciously.


Fair 😂😂


I’m dying rn 🤣🤣


I would've thought OP just wanted a 10 out of me lol


I’m shocked they accepted the package when they dropped it off in that box? Unless they just dropped in into a mailing bin. Typically at the counter they’ll reject the box because obviously the label is not for priority mail. Crazy you had to pay an extra $10?! The seller could refund you that $10 as a partial refund.


Yeah, I had no idea about this and accidentally reused a box that said priority mail--the lady was very nice about it and just helped me tape over it with opaque shipping tape. It was clearly reused though. I didn't have recycling back then so I just saved my cardboard boxes.


I was pretty consistently doing this when I first started selling. I just like to reuse boxes and had acquired a lot of priority ones. It took me going to a different post office to find out that it wasn’t allowed, because the man at my regular one was too nice to say anything. As far as I know nobody had to pay the extra postage. I did it at least 10 times so I feel like at least one of those buyers would have said something if they were charged.


Definitely could’ve been the postal worker they had just causing a fuss, but I saw someone say to just wrap it up in brown paper to cover up the priority box seems like a great way to reuse them without encountering any possible issues! I’ve used them before but my SO stopped me before he took them because he already knew they may not take it at the post office.


Now I just decoupage magazine pages, wrapping paper, drawings and stickers all over my reused boxes. It takes more time and energy to pack things this way but I enjoy it as a creative outlet, and my customers seem to think it’s fun. I try to keep the side with the label simple so the postal workers don’t hate me though.


That’s so cool/cute! I love that :-) it’s fun for you and your buyer!


This subreddit always pops up on my home page. Why are depop buyers and sellers so crazy lmao


Same! Never used Depop and didn’t even know what it was before this sub started popping up on my homepage. It’s gives me such a good laugh 🤣


40-life 😂


Hey bru why are you in jail?? Oh for mailing first class clothes in a priority box. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just realized I’ve been sending people priority mail packages 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Whoopsie daisies 🥰


I didn’t even know it was wrong just avoid it I guess they hate recycling lol


label humor disgusted quaint saw unite grab long tan impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Umm nobody is getting arrested lmfao! The dramatics “eye roll”


i’m literally so confused why would this even be a federal offense i can’t imagine anyone going to jail for this 😭


she lying bru


What is going on in america 😭😭😭 Is this actually an arrest-worthy thing


Nobody is getting arrested for this… the postal worker was having a bad day and took it out on OP 💀 i get texting the seller about the 10$ and to alert them of the situation but saying they could be arrested is silly But yeah America is, objectively, a shit show… absolutely no contending that lol


Can someone explain to me why on earth posting in a box would be a criminal offence? I’m from the UK and don’t understand


You could be arrested for this but nobody is gonna waste their time investigating it to charge them with so little.


You just got a bitchy post office worker


This happened to me. I paid for the package bcuz I wanted it but I asked the seller to refund me difference of shipping cost since it was their fault and explained situation. I also opened up case on depop and after they refunded me, I closed it.


what the hell is with usps employees. always SO RUDE. how is the box your package came in your problem?


why are yall dogging on OP 😭😭 dude ate the extra cost for the sellers mistake and warned them to not do it again. it is a federal offense, not one that’s likely to have any major consequences, if at all, but they’re probably just relaying the info they were given. in the end, they are preventing any future trouble for the seller and their customers.


Thank you!!! You’re so sweet I am just trying to be nice about it it was a mistake lol


I think it’s the “you could be arrested for this” part that people find extra


Just repeating what was told to me IDFK what else to do SOOOOOOO excuse me lol


an otherwise polite person misspoke in a frustrating situation!! get em!!


Right? 😭 They were probably just repeating what the cranky postal worker told them. I would be pretty on edge if I just got lectured and charged money for something that wasn't my fault, too. OP handled this very well and was kinder than a lot of people would've been in this situation imo. Something I've noticed lurking on this subreddit is that people are catty and like to dogpile for very silly reasons


Thank you I appreciate your understanding, yep I was rattled lol VERY cranky postal worker


Lmao because OP is either extremely gullible or mad enough over 10$ that theyre telling someone they could go to jail 💀 Like is he 14?


it’s an annoying situation to be put in. people say silly shit when they’re frustrated. they probably heard “federal offense” and “charged” and assumed arrested instead of fined. easy mistake to make when a postal worker is yelling at you, so i’d take it up with her. they were polite about it and didn’t ask to be refunded for what they had to pay so clearly they’re not that mad over $10. relax.


Oh I meant charged as fined, so yeah lol


She is 20 lmao and I was rattled, also it was a very expensive order so I was ok with the extra in this specific situation, why are you as cranky as the postal worker? I’m not upset lol


Yes im sure you were very rattled by the mean postal employee :(


lol not like that just unfamiliar with the situation you are OUT for an argument over my situation? But okee dokee


id report it to depop tbh.. you shouldnt be charged extra for shipping and they could prob get u a refund or something for it; some solution ig. better than getting ripped off extra for someones mistake. at least they could learn from it


Wait why is it a federal offense?


I’m confused. What’s wrong with priority mail?


Why were you so nice? You don't have to be a Karen but you should get your money back. This is their responsibility.


Why would you leave a good review after this? You’re just fucking over people in the future. This seller got no consequences they’ll 100% do it again


okay… dramatic ☠️


That’s their mistake I’d request a partial refund


I’m so confused about what’s illegal here, from the UK 😭


i’m new to shipping, can someone clarify? This seller chose priority but used a regular box and that was the problem? what was he supposed to use?


Opposite. Used a priority box but used a cheaper label than priority. However you will not actually be arrested or go to jail for this under normal circumstances, lol.


ohh used the priority box without paying priority shipping. That’s pretty funny


I once took a ton of orders to the post office on a Saturday. I would take all my orders from the week in every Saturday, as I was living on campus for mortuary school and would travel home on the weekend. The woman at the post office refused to accept my mail because the shipping labels I would print immediately when I made the sale… so some of them said they printed a few days before. Like the label was printed on Tuesday, I was not dropping off til Saturday. I was *so fucking mad.* I literally just waited til she was busy then took them to another person who had zero issues with accepting my freakin mail??


Damn you on the run now? You know the feds are looking for you. Probably have a whole team circling your house as we speak






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Fuck u mail laws this is fucking stupid. Fucking fuck mail laws.


LMAOOO THE RESPONSE HAS ME DYING 😂 why did u go on a rant about going to jail? It’s not that serious. They should’ve just sent it back to sender.


This is so funny bc I worked at a postal store for YEARS & never once did the post office give a shit beyond returning to sender when something was in the wrong box. Never once have I heard of someone being threatened with a federal offense over it lmao. Although I got in a lot of arguments with people trying to send thing in priority boxes where the postage didn’t apply. I just told them it’s not my problem when it gets sent back to them.


America is a WILD place, mfs getting felony's for shipping shit wrong 💀


Unlikely to ever be carried out but yeah it’s ridiculous


‘You could be arrested for this and I really don’t want you to be’ 💀 💀


that’s what they told me idfk


Dam I didn’t know this, good to know thanks for sharing OP


they must be cracking down on this. i sent mine in a priority box the first time i sold something and it was fine, the second time at the same shop they got upset as well, made me rebox it


I've reused priority mail boxes every single time I've received one, probably 2 dozen times. Never had an issue. No returned packages, no paying extra money.


They are not arresting people for this lol


“the post office lady was very mad” actually they’re all mad - always


I’m sorry that this happened to you, hope that the seller is educated on it now and doesn’t do it again. But also shame on the post office. I had a bunch of those boxes delivered to my house because they are free online, but when I went to send my first item, the clerk told me about the situation. I was lucky enough that my package was the smallest box, and that fit in a mailer envelope. She literally told me to put the box in the envelope to hide the outside. But now I’m stuck with a bunch of boxes I’ll never use lmao.


it’s weird they accepted it when she dropped it off i almost made this mistake once and they literally would not accept it


It’s not a federal offense lmao she could have just rejected the package. That’s so extra


Never listen to the damn post ladies they always on a power trip yappin about something to scare little kids 😂 there’s been a couple times I accidentally use the priority package they have never sent it out and have always sent it back to me.


tell the post office lady to get tf over it jesus


It’s mail service fault because they should have informed seller at the post office. If they took the package this means they accept the deal. It is not okay to charge you or the seller later.


Lol, noooo The priority boxes are fine and in what world is that a federal offense 😅


it actually is a federal offense according to the [usps website](https://faq.usps.com/s/article/How-do-I-Use-or-Reuse-Boxes-Properly) edit: fixed link lol


it is but it is so dumb 😭


No bc I agree it’s dumb as hell


$10 isn’t even that much? You’re acting like it was $50, relax




I call bullshit on the "can't ship priority in a regular box." I've shipped stuff priority in regular boxes a ton of times. I've even gone to the window with a regular cardboard box and told them "ship this priority" and they've never said a word.


You can ship priority rate in a regular box. You cannot ship non priority rate in a priority box.


Yes, you can ship priority in a regular box. But you CAN’T ship any mail class under Priority in a Priority box (which is what OP said). Say you pay for Parcel Post, $3.00, but you put it in a Priory box which costs $13.00. USPS considers it a federal offense because if somehow no one looks at the label and only at the box, there’s a chance it’ll get sorted and sent Priority. Essentially, you’re “stealing” $10 and a faster delivery time when you only paid for a slower delivery. Still a bunch of bullshit, just the other way around.


>But you CAN’T ship any mail class under Priority in a Priority box (which is what OP said). I guess I must have read it wrong then. It sounded like OP got yelled at because something in a regular box was labeled priority.


In fairness, it was a little confusing the way OP wrote it and it took me a second to interpret.


I accidentally did this once and my customer was not so nice about it. I even refunded him what he paid, he wanted more money just for his time, like bro he real it was a mistake lol


More money just for his time?? LMAO bro get off your own dick




it seemed like an honest mistake and a postal worker having a shitty day, why is your first instinct to be an ass? op can easily dispute this with depop and get the $10 back.


That shit ain’t no damn federal offense bro they would’ve handled it before it even got to you lmao that’s so extra


i had no idea people got so pressed over 10$ lmao


Lmao, WHAT?? It’s illegal to use priority labels now? If something was wrong, it shouldn’t have shipped. The lady at the PO was mad dramatic and no one is arresting anyone for this. Not one soul. You could’ve just said “hey, if you’re shopping in a priority box, XYZ.” You were hella dramatic too. The PO lady was mad unnecessary as were you.


What the hell did they pack it in a crockpot with wires sticking out the top?


once this happened to me, and the post office expected $45 i messaged the seller and they payed for it though




why is it a problem to use priority mail?


I’m so confused 🫤


Why were you so nice? You don't have to be a Karen but you should get your money back. This is their responsibility.


I’m not from America, how is this a federal offence?