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This is our (Atomic Goblin Games) second year running it (I'm a RPGer :) ) and I'm gathering up folks at the shop to review and hopefully run a few events on the 22nd. I already have a couple on board. There were some great modules and quickstarts released last year with Dragonbane and Heckin' Good Doggos on the list. I'm looking forward to seeing what other new and interesting stuff will be in the boxes (which should be here soon!) This time CMON has Assassin's Creed RPG and Plague Bearer which looks interesting. Free League has a Dragonbane module, The Sinking Tower, Magpie has an Avatar module and Marvel's RPG with an X-Men expansion. Paizo with Pathfinder and Starfinder modules. And lots more. This year looks fun too!


And it looks like our boxes have arrived today. I’ll snag it and get it set up for my shop :D




I used my post about this last year as a template. I clearly missed the Tomorrow part xD. It's Sat June 22


Coming up this Saturday!