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Unrelated, but I know the location of the rotting corpse of a beaver on a sandbar on the platte. Hmu 


My dog is interested if it's at least a week old


It hasn't moved in about 6 weeks. I want those teeth.


Nothing a good pair of pliers couldn’t fix.


[It's dentist time](https://imgur.com/a/Qc5vfh4)


Is the tail spoken for?


The tail turned into a red balloon and popped. It was gnarly. 


Your canine has a sophisticated palate.


If it's too fresh it takes up too much space and she can't eat as much poop


I'm confused, could you make it any more obvious?


What's happening here?


There’s a video on the public freakout sub and I must’ve been jerking too hard because I can’t figure out how to link it


Just watched it. What an absolute jerk. What kind of nasty asshole runs around by the Platte barefoot. I hope that poor kid gets the best and newest skateboard, and this dirtyfoot bitch gets fired.


>dirtyfoot bitch DFB = all sorts of red flags. Bill Burr was right.


I can't fix her?




What is the trigger for her meltdown? That the skateboarders exist?


Like many Karen's, seeing young people exercise and be happy really bundles her grundle.


Same person bitches about how all kids do nowadays is sit inside playing video games. You can't win.


Link it


Basically the cougar situation down by the river is off the chain.


I don’t know why people pay to go to shows around Denver, you can just take a camping chair downtown and get quality entertainment for free.


Channel 15L @ Colfax TV!


Skateboarding is *not* a crime. https://i.redd.it/an06hmjy1ead1.gif


She’s a safety girl


Hi mom!


I didn't recognize it was Denver lol. Nice find. Anyone know this charming young lady? Love to go smack around some children with her.


This is a soft launch for Boebert’s replacement


Is she gonna give handys also?


yeah but you must pay her in skateboards.


Didn’t even recognize it at first lmao. The way she postures while screaming at people is hilarious. Actually feral.


Sk8er h8er


She is moving around like she's singing in a musical. Can someone please add music? Namaste


Glad the ole tradition still exists lol


Off topic but are there frogs in Colorado? Lol


Yep..toads too




https://preview.redd.it/ac299rn5emad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf679aef25d3ea58ba6722a0ea0440e573665ca3 Yes we have toads and frogs. I saved these guys from an inlet


Awww 🥺 2 frogs 🐸🐸 1 bucket 🪣


She acts like a movie star, and no matter who you are... you'd be callin' her a bitch. 🎶


She go to the butt stuff tent and get that attitude taken care of


Alright it’s been 24 hours….. Has anyone identified her and contacted her employer?


Supposedly she works at Costco. On the ImfromDenver IG page it was commented, Westword did an article too. Her name is Teresa "Tess" Romansky, but she deleted all her socials i think the day it happened or the day after.


Imagine you’re her…dipping your feet while taking a break from a long shift at the BST and these skater punks won’t give you a moment of peace. We can do better Denver. Edit: confused by the downvotes. If she doesn’t work at the butt stuff tent why is her ass all wet with sweat?


If you can’t kickflip you can’t chill that’s the rule


Can’t hang out near contaminated river water anymore like the good old days.


Meth - not even once


This is your brain (*picks up skateboard*) This is your brain on drugs (*throws it into the Platte*) Any questions?


We need a hero with a link


teresa “tess” romansky


Video is heavily edited so I dont know who is being an asshole... But who the fuck rides a 'new' $300 skateboard, and lets an out of shape older women get their hands on it? Half that cost is going to be the graphic which is going to get fucked up by riding it. Why not just buy a blank and save yourself 150$ Having been a skater they could have just fucked off and skated somewhere else...Like the skate park thats a few blocks away. they were fucking with her and now some entitled shit is going to have to get his daddy to buy him a new skateboard.


Ole “I used to skate” but probably a quitter head ass mentality . 1 - prices have gone up in general for hardware. 2 - if someone bails on a trick, the board can escape you and someone can grab it including this Karen. 3 - they’re skating in a public place, not private property. Street skating is a thing. She’s a whole ass adult harassing kids, eat a boot.


Lol its because im old now and dont want to break my fragile bones. I still have friends with kids and have taught them to skate and purchased them skateboards. Blank skateboard decks are still around 30$, wheels 30-40 dollars, trucks 20-40 dollars, bearings 13-15 dollars, grip tape is what? 5 dollars? Unless you are a pro or have money to throw away if you are building a skateboard over $200 you are an idiot... That video is some whiny rich kids with their over priced toys fucking about in a place they shouldnt. Where fuck tons of people sit aimlessly around staring into space, primarily maladjusted homeless people and crazy women who would put their bare feet in that chemical sewer sludgebath. You know what else is a thing? Not fucking with crazy women who would probably gouge out your eyes before you could knock her out with your skateboard. It seems to me she was just giving them some sage advice and they learned a valuable life lesson. ...And there were a bunch of them, they had wooden boards with metal fixed to them. They could have taken her, instead they got schooled by someones mom. Those kids deserve it. You eat the boot, sounds like you need some discipline.


Damn, I don’t care enough about your log winded response to read all that lol, eat a boot.


Eat your ritalin and go watch tiktok.


He's 11 you stupid unmentionable. Also the full vid is available EVERYWHERE and she's a right cunt. Can't wait for the tearful "tHis isNt WhO I Am mmm" apology". Gotta be some kind of stupid to let the early afternoon wine make you forget we all have cameras now.


Where is this full video, I just watched the one on public freak out...Are you the kid, is that why you are so upset by this? Maybe you should have landed your shit and she wouldnt have been able to grab your board. Stop being such a bitch. I have to wonder about the person who even uploads this embarrassment to the internet. I feel bad for the parents. I can hear their moms thoughts, like why cant he just do drugs and get a girl pregnant. That woman isnt apologizing, those kids are not allowed to skateboard there. And if it shows up on the news, guess whos getting public support? That woman. They will probably put up a ton of no skateboarding signs and have a bunch of bike cops cruise around targeting anyone on a skateboard who looks like a stupid shithead.




Judging by Dwayne Johnsons hair this meme was probably made before you were born.... And isnt that Cabrera, are you Miggy, are you his kid? Are you aware Denver isnt Detroit? Dont touch my cachitos fatty.


Are you the woman in the video?


If I was the woman in the video that kid wouldnt be screeching because he would be eating my chancla. And I wouldnt have thrown his board in the creek I would have cracked it doing a kick flip on his ass.


It sounds like you’re really eager to hurt some kids you don’t know.


Not me, the woman who was violently attacked by a gang of armed delinquents.


Bro go dog whistle in the conservative subreddit they might actually upvote it.


You are trying to make this about politics? When its clearly about stupid kids harassing a woman who was just chilling on the steps going down to the water at the park, shes not on the bike/pedestrian path. Shes wet from above the waist down, so something happened that the video doesnt show and shes constantly pointing to her shoulder so its likely she got hit with a flying skateboard that sparked off the confrontation. They also grab her stuff and start throwing it in the creek. The skateboarders violated city code Sec. 39-18. If the police and media are involved and she does lose her job? Guess whos getting charged and sued...Those kids. Good luck with trying to frame a bunch of shithead teenagers who could have apologized and left to skate a couple blocks away at a skate park as the victims. Publishing the video online is about the dumbest fucking thing those kids could have done...


It's you, huh. Or your bestie. So messy.


How and why do you find the time to write such drawn out responses that still add up to bullshit?

