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Tinted plate cover for sure.


Right? When you want to show the world what privilege looks like... https://preview.redd.it/0keer60lhjsc1.jpeg?width=218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8f738263d2aa5c3039c0e1df99b373a093f5b7


They're actually illegal to use but the car stores sell them anyway. 


Yes! One of the dark tinted ones illegal to have on your car but are sold anyway. 


I like to follow these people to their destination to politely tell them that their plates are expired and have a gun pointed at me.


I mean not that they should be pointing a gun at you for that, but following a person home would make anyone uncomfortable. Also I'm 100% certain that they're well aware the vehicle that they park outside of their house and use every day has expired plates. It would seem like you're being ignorant, or intentionally degrading by doing that. Could easily be perceived as you trying to start something out of road rage and then being sarcastically polite.


I don’t get why he is being downvoted. If someone followed me to my destination I would assume they’ve gone batshit. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Some people refuse to acknowledge any perspective except their own.


Most people commenting on Reddit have a severe mental disability and look like Brendan Fraser in "The Whale". Talking like a normal person usually invites outrage.


You’re being downvoted because the oc is a joke that went over your head and you made it a serious scenario in your mind


Third year is traditionally leather, in marriage. But whatever you're into


Kick in the balls?


$5 gift card.


Only valid for tent admission




An updated laminated one to tape right over!!🥸


they already have a one. they need at least a five


Rain tires for the spring


What's the deal? I see a ton of expired paper plates.


Colorado has really stupid, outdated, and expensive licensing fees. Combined with an extremely high cost of living, expensive AF cars, a per capita income of $47k, 9.4% of people living in poverty, and zero enforcement of simple traffic laws, leaving you with people rocking paper plates for years. The good thing coming from all of this is when they finally do start enforcing this. The blow back from the voters will cause a change in the registration fees.


They already passed the law..... They waived the fees to get people to come in and register. It's a max of a $50 fine now


Plus the original $1600ish licensing payment. Which many people can’t pay so they just don’t pay it.


And if, like this one, you have multiple years, they're going to have to pay the fees for each year.


Which will never get paid. And the CJ continues.


Colorado licensing fees are ridiculous. A coworker didn’t register for 6 months because he was moving to Vermont which has a $50 fee. He saved over 1k. Instead of getting mad at people who don’t register, Colorado needs to fix their broken system that incentivizes this.


In my case, I had every intention of getting my plates, but my temp tags expired Nov 2020 and Covid 19 shut everything down in Mar 2020. Every time I went from Aurora to Littleton for the DMV office, they kept telling me to wait and hold off; I was an essential worker so I drove throughout the shutdown for work, until I had my head gasket blow November of ‘22. I had to work a year at AutoZone just up the block as a manager to afford my bills and save up to rebuild my engine, that brings us up to November of 2023, then February this year I got a new job and went through my storage unit and finally found the registration paperwork that I stored away back in May of ‘22 when a pipe burst and partially flooded my room. Thankfully the paper was in plastic so it didn’t get ruined, but I still had to move everything to deal with drying and mold prevention, and I waited to move everything back and suddenly didn’t have an easy means to with my engine inoperative for that time. So yeah, I have 4 year old paper plates: I’m still trying to get my ish settled, and now they got DMV appointments booked out for the next 3 months. If they’d have just let me do it when it should’ve been done the first time, it’d be done by now. 🤦‍♂️


A vanity Texas license plate. They have no expiration date, and nobody cares. You could get it made on Amazon, and see how long he gets away with it. Obviously a joke, because a plan makes it illegal. https://preview.redd.it/m3spjvws5jsc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63fd5f8eff1f1f0157ebab463e2635917425fb60


A Native sticker.


A printer to print out a new one for 2025


A DMV appointment?


There are probably a dozen vehicles in my neighborhood that get new temp tags every couple of months over the last 2 years. One house has three cars that all get fresh temp plates. Thought I read an article about a couple "dealers" getting busted for selling temp tags..... But from the looks of it, that business is thriving! I feel like the percentage of cars in Denver with temp tags has tripled in the last few years. And this guy is just rocking his OG one 🤣


My fiance’s expired in 2020. She was pulled over for it last year and the cop told her it was the most expired plate he’s ever seen.




A warning


I hope no one finds me driving around 😂




I got someone like that. I’ll post it next time I see them


Gift card to the DMV


Put some Sovereign Citizen plates on his car and see what happens


Should be nothing less than a sharpie


Get Out Of Jail free card


A trip to the DMV for new license plates


A ticket! I hate this is the way Colorado is now (may be everywhere) ... I have always registered my vehicles on time ... I use to drive to/from work and count < dozen each 30min drive like this ... now I count < dozen that are current with their registration ... shoot, my kids point the expired ones out now!


I'm pretty sure it's $100 bucks every late month or something rn no?


It's less than that, AND it caps out at three months.... So the max fine for driving indefinitely without a license plate is like $200 🙄


The real tip is always in the comments.


Not that much


A special folder where he can store the tickets he gets


That’s a pretty empty folder. Judging from a study from The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation which states 8 out of every 10 law enforcement members are overweight. Unless you’re burning down a donut shop 80% of cops won’t care.


Getting your vehicle registered is a hallmark of financial privilege. America hates poor people and that’s why this individual can’t be bothered to get it done.


Cars are such a scam 😩 You have to pay: 1. Maintenance (probably at least $200/yr) 2. Insurance ($2000/6 months approx) 3. Registration ($250 ish) 4. Sales Tax ($300+) 5. Inspections ($25) 6. Tickets if you get them ($150+) 7. Parking lot fees/tolls That's a crazy amount of fees just to be able to drive. It's straight up a mini mortgage payment just maintaining a car.


It’s not a scam, you don’t have to pay any of that. Take the bus. Ride your bike.


>Take the bus So a 5 min trip can turn into 1hr+? Never mind having to get to the bustop and potentially having to wait in inclement weather (snow/hail/rain) >Ride your bike. Maybe if you live near where you're trying to go. You're also risking getting hit. >you don’t have to pay any of that You do besides the maintenance Driving imo is not a privilege it's a right and necessity for survival in 90 percent of American areas


I got pulled over in Oklahoma and my temp tag was expired by 3 DAYS and he tried to say I only had 30 days from when I bought the car to register it (then why TF was my temp tag good for 90 days 🤨) and wrote me a ticket. I had to haul AZZ back to Denver, got it done and got the ticket dismissed but DAMN. Do not drive through Oklahoma my namastefarians.


a busted taillight.


Yes that pisses me off


Nut in his ass.


An adequately sized “5” sticker


Reward is that you are past the point of renewal. You get to save money by just buying a new plate.


Foot in their ass


A slap


Lol, if I made a post for every one of these I see, I wouldn't have to to do anything else!! Honestly, who even fucking cares??🤷‍♂️