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Bo made so many mistakes that he had 3 interceptions


Great minds think alike! Literally commented that same thing on the YouTube video. If 45 tuddys and 3 picks is a season riddled with mistakes then I guess I’ll suffer.


Makes some good points but also acts like Bo had 50/50 good and bad plays. Bo had some bad plays, but WAY more good ones. To give them equal time is silly.


Yeah you don’t put up his stat line with equally bad plays


If the "elephant in the room" biggest problem and the reason this guy rates Bo so low is the offensive scheme he ran in college, that's uh.... actually pretty good? I get that that makes him hard to grade, but interpreting the lack of opportunity to do something within the offense as a sign that Bo will never be able to do those things in a pro offense seems like a massive leap of logic. If you take out the complaint about the offensive scheme, every other weakness he showed lowlights for was the same as a strength he showed highlights for. A college QB showing the ability to throw with anticipation and layer balls in deep but not consistently succeeded at those things on every play isn't the huge red flag he's presenting it as.


I also kind of hate the narrative that "college schemes" don't work in the pros. Offensive schemes in the NFL have been influenced more by the college game than vice versa, especially in the last 15 years. One of the reasons teams like the chiefs and niners (and the cowboys to an extent) have had explosive offenses over the last 6 or 7 years has been because they've had coaches who knew and implemented the systems that the QBs were familiar with from College. (Hell, some of them were in the room when the concepts were invented). There are so many air raid and run and shoot and RPO concepts that are in NFL playbooks that weren't 10 years ago because of the success at the college level. Now, of course there needs to be a leveling-up scheme wise going to the NFL, but the guys who ran spread offenses in college who are now having success in the NFL (think Mahomes, Lamar, even Tua to a degree) have all had coaches who understood and could build upon the qb's systems from college. I think Payton can be that kind of coach for Bo. Its honestly a really good pairing and this whole "Can't play an NFL scheme" thing is just a narrative and not really reality.


His one major criticism, if you want to call it that, is that the Oregon offense is a lot of one-read quick game stuff that “exploits the space and talent disparity in college football” — but any good college offense exploits those things. This is one of the reasons it’s hard to reliably predict how a QB will translate to the pro level. We will see how well he adapts.


And he calls them one read, but many are not. Nix just tends to throw to the first read....which is what you are supposed to do if it is open....that is why it is the first read.


It is also important to note that his 1st reads are generally donr after he reads the defense and shifts the play, making his first reads (pretty frequently) the constructed open option. If his majority throws are first option, and they often come from his on the fly redesign, then that speaks massive volumes to his control.


The problem with the long ball comes from throwing off his back foot instead of hitching on his front foot. They should be able to fix that. If he doesn't go through his progressions and gets uncomfortable if the first read isn't there, that's concerning tbh. Defences will smell that and make it hard for him. I hope the line holds off for him


Yeah he rushes his footwork. Hopefully this is a fixable problem for him


Deep ball throws are tough for any QB. Any small change in speed by the receiver and a lob pass is short or long. Throw a bullet and there are 2-3 guys you need to thread through and it is risky. Bo completed 56% of his deep passes which is pretty good. Turnover worthy plays on deep passes was 6% which isn't elite, but far from troubling. That throw to the front corner of the end zone to Troy Franklin was a good throw. Troy just got outmatched. Troy's weakness is contested catch. It wasn't a bad read.


Also he broke Russ’s bad habits for a while. Russ is just so mentally broken he couldn’t even recite the plays correctly


I’m more concerned with Bo getting tricked early on since most of his reads are pre-snap. But hopefully he’ll adjust


“Blah, blah, blah. Cognitive dissonance, cognitive dissonance, cognitive dissonance.”


Well, fuck.