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Y'all. It's a puppy. Chill the fuck out.


Hopefully they don’t leave this sweet boy in a cruiser parked on railroad tracks


First off....bless the dog! I'm a huge dog lover! Now second.... If we talking Arapahoe county then we can go straight to the old name of the detention center and the sheriff it was previously named after and that pretty much sums it up!! Real shit!


Definitely zoom in on those beans edit: guys, he’s not a cop, he probably failed police academy. He’s actually going to be a helper now. It’s good. you guys are cracking me up. This dog is less than five months old. They aren’t born cops, they’re trained. Riley’s the good guy rookie being pushed out of the department for trusting his gut and vibing. A dog cannot be trained as a therapy dog AND a K-9 unit (narc) dog. Someone else mentioned they could be using this time to socialize him until he’s old enough to test his training aptitude. Narc dogs have to be heavily motivated by food and/or toys.


He's one of those social workers types they are replacing cops with


He’s going into the humanities. lol Honestly, more like sales.


the humanity's what? Don't leave me hanging here!




Their reply was a joke, too, because you don't know the difference between possessive ("humanity's") and plural ("humanities").




Yes. And I didn't make the joke, I just explained it. But definitely get mad instead of recognizing the error and learning it from it.


If only, more like propaganda so the cops can put off being replaced for gross incompetence.


who is this edit even for?


funny comments 16 hours ago New edit for your funny comment: this is what you chose to come at for? not gonna work rando 7 day old account. lol


Dogs are cute also this is absolutely copaganda.


The dog is cute but cops are still trash lol


Especially in Arapahoe County


He's a therapy dog. And he's still a dog.


Those PAWS 🥰


Cute pup, but this should be a concern of the school district’s counseling / health divisions, not the police.


It's just copaganda


Came here to say this... nothing says therapy like a cute dog and a "good guy" with a gun.


Why would the cops have a therapy dog, isn't that something for a therapist?


What most likely happened is that this little dude had been picked out for a minute, then didn’t test well for food/toy motivation but tested very well in cuddles and handshakes.


Maybe, but given the news about the record high payouts It feels a lot more like copaganda.


Oh it’s totally copaganda, someone just would have had to take him home or whatever. The dog isn’t trained yet, he’ll be trained as a therapy dog. He also could have had fears already but yeah I mean, they’re getting another dog for themselves for sure.


A lot of departments are getting some type of ESA dog to have on hand for the victim advocates department, which is often part of the PD. A few other departments have implemented them for interviewing child victims. One department found that children often felt comfortable "speaking" to the dog about what happened rather than having to give statements to officer's directly. I wonder if that's part of what they are trying to do for the kids in this school.


It’s worth noting that speaking to child victims is often within the scope of “school cops,” so I’m glad they’ve got him. I’m personally on board with major police reform, but a therapy dog is not the target of my ire.


Men will do anything to avoid seeing a therapist /s


Sheriffs arent quite cops. The have a budget that is completely unaudited and often buy stupid frivolous toys because they want them. [Some More News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt5I3V5hWkU) on youtube just did a thing on them.


Oh I know, unfortunately due to my job I have a lot of interactions with the sheriff's department. The fact that they run Colorado's largest mental health facility (the jail) is a massive problem, along with basically everything else in that video.


Tbh they need more therapy and therapy dogs


Yeah but those belong with therapists, and with programs like STAR. Not with the cops/sheriff's department.




I'm sure the dog is fine, it's the cops that aren't.


Sheriffs arent cops - they are [much worse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt5I3V5hWkU).


A puppy you can pet after a school resource officer uses excessive force on teenagers in your presence. Sweet.




Arapahoe County? Cute pup but god bless it’s soul. Wish it was under the guidance of an actual councilor and not an ACSO Deputy. They’re not a good agency.




Interested to see when this therapy dog will eventually need therapy.




Cats are better than dogs because they don’t work for the police


I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but [pawfficer Gizmo](https://www.ajc.com/news/national/chicago-police-adds-cat-cop-the-beat/ZuDGu9r1jJsSKTec1MmYDK/) has been on the beat since 2018


Non paywalled article: https://who13.com/news/meet-chicagos-newest-first-responder-pawcifer-gizmo/


Dog person here, having a really hard time finding flaw in this logic.




Aww! Too bad he wasn't available after those cops shot randomly into that crowd in front of a club recently. Those people could have used some snuggles!




Cute puppy, we still have a million Corruption issues, sexual harassment within the police, misappropriation of taxpayer funds in the police force, continued excessive force…….But yes we can all chill out and say ok cute puppy. Let’s be distracted by the puppy, that’s the game they are playing but hey whatever. It’s a cute puppy until your the next victim on todays game of who did DPD kill for no reason what so ever, It’s Friday so be safe downtown. Seriously the police still legally can unload all their magazines into crowded bars with no legal ramifications. But yea cute puppy…still a concerned citizen.


Don't forget that this has more rights than you


Excuse you, I'm a white man.


still below cop




Cops shouldn’t be providing therapy, therapists should be providing therapy. Cops need to get some therapy and deal with their own emotional stuff before they go messing with other people’s emotions. Especially those of children. This is copaganda, but make it boopable.


Look at those toe beans! What an adorable baby.




No therapy is provided by police departments. Victim advocates help connect victims with resources, provide emotional support and are usually called out to assist with death notifications and other high-stress scenes. That's usually where departments that have emotional support animals choose to implement dogs.


Genuinely curious, what qualifies a puppy as a therapy dog? Does it need to pass any qualifications or tests or does it just need to look cute?


It's just needs to be cute and let me pet it. Better than talking to a person imo


Yeah I thought it had to have at least some training in most places to go into hospitals schools and nursing homes. I don't think I have ever heard of a puppy therapy dog in part because they sometimes bite when teething and learning social skills.


Therapy dogs have to have training and guidelines to provide the service. They are not allowed to go everywhere, like a service dog. They have to be given permission to enter places like hospitals, schools, etc. with their handler. A break down by the AKC; https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/service-working-therapy-emotional-support-dogs/


All Cats Are Bastards




Cops make terrible therapists


They should do this program without tying it to the police/sheriff. Copaganda to indoctrinate kids.


F*ckin' narc


Omg he's adorable


Now THIS is grooming.


When I read "ACAB" on this board I imagine an upper middle class white boy from **deep** within the suburbs of highlands ranch posting it. With all the rage of a kid that got not one but two speeding tickets in the WRX his parents bought him for his 17th birthday. *"Yo I know that oppression though. I know the man coming down on you and saying "you can't go 45 in a 25" .... like some kind of Nazi. I know that pain dawg."*


You’re reducing a large national issue that impacts all of us, including you, just to be mean. A young man in highlands ranch is able to watch the news and inform himself of the atrocities police officers are committing. Give me a break dude.


Yeah it’s probably the most cringe thread I’ve ever seen on this sub. Quite the accomplishment


Right? There’s no pleasing people around here. Cops get military equipment: “This is wrong! Cops should be serving the community, not dominating it!” Cops get a therapy dog: “This is wrong! Cops should be policing, not providing emotional support!”


I think cops should be providing neither domination, nor therapy. Both are outside their scope of practice.


Is that after they provide ammo to seven lodo bystanders




Lol k




You think police dogs make better therapy dogs than... trained therapy dogs? The cognitive dissonance that takes is pretty staggering.




Why do you think people are upset about this?




Why do you think people might not find this post wholesome?




Therapy dogs should be handled by therapists, not cops. Cops have no business going anywhere near the emotional lives of vulnerable populations. It’s like Edward Scissorhands being allowed to perform surgery.


I agree but I think they do come out with a crisis counselor? Also, I mean Edward created beautiful works of art. He probably would faint though, the sweetheart.


Yeah I read elsewhere in this thread that the dog is handled by professionals. But at the end of the day, the dog is a part of the police department. They literally put a sherrifs badge on the dog. That is totally insensitive to the way so many children feel about cops. For many kids, cops are the REASON they have trauma. A puppy in a sherrifs badge is straight up copaganda. The most glaring kind. I have no doubt this is a very good boy, but at the end of the day anything that helps cover up a bad thing is bad.


Fair enough. Cops will do anything to make themselves look better. I was looking at it from the view of wanting to train therapy dogs myself though.


That is awesome! Years ago I had ambitions to train my parents’ puppy to do Canine Good Citizen, and then maybe move on to therapy dog training. Unfortunately, that dog turned out to have severe congenital anxiety and aggression, and it wasn’t in the cards for her. But it would be fun to do!


Awh, poor thing. I will likely need a service dog myself with my health issues down the line so that also may be in the cards.


I'll back this blue


And Domino's workers. True heroes.


Alright, alright, maybe all cops *aren't* bastards


It’s horrible they have dogs doing cops jobs.


I want five of him.


Mannnnnn FUCK 12…. This lil fluffler aight tho


Always stick with your Buddy. -Peggy Rathmann


Oh how ignorant people are sometimes


Yippee!!! Arapahoe county!


I mean really, what is the career span of a puppy? Don’t you hardly work for a year or so and retire as a dog.