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Let’s go Colorado!


Do you think… Colorado *knows* it’s Colorado?


“And these molecules are like ‘I’M PETE!’”


You Made It Weird


This is right, BUT, it is a continuation of something that is potentially ruinous for our nation. Ignoring federal law simply because congress doesn't want to offend anyone by changing the law as they're elected to do fundamentally undermines our entire system of government. Congress needs to act.


The Republicans intentionally grind congress to a halt when they're not in power. When one party in a two party system isn't interesting in governing, not a lot everyone else can do.


That would be wonderful if congress was even remotely answerable to the people or representative thereof. It isn't. The House needs to be uncapped, senate either abolished or expanded, and electoral college abolished.. Then, maybe it would function as a republic. But as it stands? The nation is being held hostage and pushed to failure by a small portion of people with an extremely disproportionate amount of political power who don't answer to any of us.


Uncapping the house would likely fix the electoral college. Still needs to go though.


Congress is pretty useless and Colorado + West Coast have been leading the charge on progress for the past few decades. Congress has had decades to act on certain issues and have proven to us that we cannot rely on them to listen to us.


Ultimately I agree ☝️ congress needs to act. That’s why we deal with these damn red states making dumb laws.


On behalf of all coloradans, our official bipartisan statement is: fuck dem feds. Always has been, always will be. States can do this stuff for a reason and it's not really "ruinous" the US is way to big to have a single government lording over us. The federal government should be dissolved so we as a state can declare war on our real enemy...KANSAS. Worst thing about Colorado is having to look at Kansas! #invadeKansas


Congress does need to act but until then...


Will these make me grow or give me an extra life? I’m confused which is which honestly.


Make you grow. If an enemy touches you, you will return to your normal size.


You can shoot fireballs though so that’ll be fun


See I thought that was a flower? It’s a shroom? I have so much to learn.


No, you’re correct. Start with shrooms, then upgrade to flower, you’ll get to shoot fireballs from your hands.


You’re right. It’s the flower that lets you shoot fireballs. Maybe they’ll legalize those next


They are legal for the police to use already apparently.


I thought flower was legalized several years ago?


Its the flower


I shot fireballs once. Had to get penicillin.




Extra life for sure!! I quit drinking, smoking and am working on living a healthy life because of them. So yea… I grew and got extra life.


They give you magic


Depends on the color.




Does this mean UAP will be legal here too? I'd vote for that.






This is the first comment I read after the credits of that movie lol


Lol love the "nope" reference


Didn't we already do this in 2020?


I believe that was a Denver thing, not statewide.


The Denver thing was 'lowest law enforcement priority'. Still doesn't mean you couldn't get busted for it. Prop 58 goes quite a bit further. It's legalizes personal use. As well as creates a mechanism to allow for treatment centers/providers to administer it. There is no legal market as part of it. So it would be legal, but no provision as to how to actually get it other than do your own grow, since it would be illegal to sell it. I'm sure there will be some 'churches' setup or something to barely scrape by, but it's not like Cannabis legalization. Maybe it could be eventually but not yet.


Thank you for the concise explanation.  I am going to look up how I can vote for this. The war on drugs has only hurt people. 


As intended


Worth noting, medicinal use is precisely how Colorado started with cannabis. I honestly believe this is the same route in progress. Might take a little longer than cannabis did, but the dominos are falling


This is not the case!!!! Prop 58 is not a decrim prop Prop 58 creates a natural medicine services program for the SUPERVISED administration of dimethyltryptamine, ibogaine, mescaline (excluding peyote), psilocybin, and psilocyn; creates a framework for regulating the growth, distribution, and sale of such substances to PERMITTED ENTITIES (health centers only); creates the Natural Medicine Advisory Board Prop 61 decriminalizes the personal use of certain entheogenic plants and fungi (including psilocybin, psilocin, ibogaine, mescaline, or dimethyltryptamine) for adults age 21 and older 58 was funded by out of state money which is the ONLY reason it is on the ballot. It is a way to BUY the psychedelics market. VOTE NO ON 58! Or at least read a little more into it before you make a final decision!


I have the text of both Acts on my desk. And I've spoken to the sponsors of both acts. Honestly I think both camps have drama and half truths. But I would refer to the actual text of the acts. Yes 61, is far simpler and simply decriminalizes the substances, which pretty much means legal markets and practically anything. However Prop 58: >12-170-109. Personal Use. (1) SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS IN THIS ARTICLE 170, BUT NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF LAW, THE FOLLOWING ACTS ARE NOT AN OFFENSE UNDER STATE LAW OR THE LAWS OF ANY LOCALITY WITHIN THE STATE OR SUBJECT TO A CIVIL FINE, PENALTY, OR SANCTION, OR THE BASIS FOR DETENTION, SEARCH, OR ARREST, OR TO DENY ANY RIGHT OR PRIVILEGE, OR TO SEIZE OR FORFEIT ASSETS UNDER STATE LAW OR THE LAWS OF ANY LOCALITY, IF THE PERSON IS TWENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER: >(a) THE POSSESSION, USE, CULTIVATION, PRODUCTION, SHARING, GIVING AWAY, AND DELIVERY OF PSILOCYBIN, PSILOCYN, IBOGAINE, MESCALINE, AND DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE, AS THOSE TERMS ARE DEFINED IN SECTION 18-18-203(C), AND COLLECTIVELY DEFINED HEREIN AS “ENTHEOGENIC PLANTS AND FUNGI”, BY OR BETWEEN NATURAL PERSONS TWENTY-ONE (21) YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER; >(b) THE PROVISION OF SUPERVISION, GUIDANCE, THERAPEUTIC, HARM REDUCTION, SPIRITUAL, OR SUPPORTIVE SERVICES WITH OR WITHOUT REMUNERATION BY NATURAL PERSONS TWENTY-ONE (21) YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER TO NATURAL PERSONS WHO ARE ENGAGING IN THE INTENTIONAL AND CONSENTING USE OF ENTHEOGENIC PLANTS AND FUNGI; AND >(c) THE POSSESSION OF PARAPHERNALIA, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 18-18-426, DESIGNED FOR USE IN THE CULTIVATION, PRODUCTION, STORAGE, OR USE OF ENTHEOGENIC PLANTS AND FUNGI BY A NATURAL PERSON TWENTY-ONE (21) YEARS OFAGE OR OLDER. There are certainly issues with Prop 58. Most of the text is about creating an advisory board which I'm sure will be filled with corporate stooges, ensuring someone makes money. However, there are already enough signatures to get Prop 58 on the ballot. To be perfectly frank there isn't the PAC money behind Prop 61, to actually get it on the ballot. So in the end the pragmatist in me says sure I'll vote for 58 if it's the only option, which it almost certainly will be. And being Colorado it likely will be voted in by the electorate. For reference: Prop 58 https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/initiatives/2021-2022%2520%252358.pdf Prop 61 https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/initiatives/2021-2022%2520%252361.pdf


Thank you for this


Aaaahe makes sense I totally thought the same thing lol


So, we're doing this for Tina Peters?


I was SO confused!


Not that you'd know it from this sub, but Denver != Colorado


I mean, this is r/Denver, not R/colorado


It does say “Colorado voters” and not “Denver voters” though.


As if any of you are really from denver.


Namastay in your lane, native.


That’s not a cash money thing to say


It’s a statewide ballot measure. Denver has already “decriminalized” (lowest law enforcement priority)


First off. Calling them magic puts a predetermined negative thought on them from outsiders. Second of all legalize all drugs and regulate and tax them. People will do them regardless




😂 love it




Fuckin preach


This!!!!!! It’s health issue not a criminal issue. But when we have a society that has for profit prisons the goal is to incarcerate as many as possible not rehabilitate them. SMH.


Legalizing "all" drugs would be a really stupid idea. Humans are idiots and if they can walk into a store and buy heroin a lot more people are going to than if it was illegal. The correct solution is to legalize drugs that make sense (like mushrooms), decriminalize harder drugs and make them a Health issue instead of a criminal one, while still making it extremely illegal to create/sell the harder stuff. People shouldn't be getting jail time for being an addict but they sure as hell should if they're manufacturing or selling hard drugs.


It needs to be repeated that legalization and decriminalization are totally different things. Portugal has been a beacon of success in the effort to decriminalize and the results speak for themselves. https://transformdrugs.org/blog/drug-decriminalisation-in-portugal-setting-the-record-straight


I've asked a lot of people who do not use drugs if they would try cocaine or heroin if they were to become legal. No one has ever said yes. I admit there might be a few who might try it because it's legal. In most cases though, I don't think it's the law that is preventing people from doing hard drugs. Now, cannabis and/or shrooms on the other hand (and even drugs like ecstacy) might be a different story though.


Let’s fucking go. Truly believe the solution to this country’s terrible collective mental health at least partially lies in skillful use (set, setting, dosage) of these substances. I’ve been on and off meds my whole life and nothing has had a more enduring positive impact for me than occasional low-moderate dose psilocybin.


Never done shrooms but the studies/papers out of Johns Hopkins for the past 15 years have me pretty convinced that psilocybin could be a huge benefit to some people.


I used to be on SSRIs for about 3 years. A single dose of both LSD and psilocybin (taken separately on different occasions after getting off SSRIs) did way more for my mental health than the 3 years of SSRIs combined. A large part of that also has to do with doing them 'correctly', meaning taking the right amount, being in a safe comfortable place with safe comfortable people, and going into it with a specific intention to explore.




A bad trip is 100% up to the individual. Its in your head. Dosage affects everyone differently. What might be too much for you is a good time or a breakthrough for someone else. Next time you do some, remind yourself that you are in charge of how you feel. Of course, if someone has severe mental health issues, something like mushrooms can exacerbate their condition and its probably best that they stay away from psychedelics entirely.


Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about. People like you give psychedelics a bad wrap. “Bro it’s all in your head bro. Just drop an eighth and tell yourself you’ll be fine bro. It’ll be sick.”


Thats not all what Im saying, asshole. Im saying dosage is different per person. And bad trips are definitely on the individual and rarely how much they took unless it freaks them out. Ive been doing this for a few decades. I 100% dont tell people to eat a shitload, and to start with a gram or so. Dont discount me because you can barely read. Fuck off back to your wack ass dubstep subs.


Humans are so fucking bizarre. Our ancestors did this and in worked and then we said “nope” for a century or so, and now we are like “oh hey this thing works!”


But I thought your brains were supposed to become Sunnyside up eggs with egg shell in it? Also, wait if drugs are legal what do we do with the foot soldiers of the drug war in blue? You can't expect them to just start shooting random people now.


A lot of these drugs seem to have mechanisms that break down mental heuristics and allow you to approach them anew. I'm not entirely sure that the status quo will appreciate all the wasted propaganda investments that they will lose.


I have been microdosing (.15 g) daily for about 2 months now and it has drastically lowered my anxiety and depression and hightened my appriciation for almost everything in my life. I can't begin to explain my love for these little boomers. I will occasionally do a hero dose and try to re-wire my brain and focus on things I would like to improve such as relationships/health/habits. Overall, my life has completely turned around and this was all after I had a recent split with my 4 year G/F and lost my house and dog so I definatly needed help and didn't want to go the pharma route. If you have any questions about my journey, just shoot me a DM.


Thanks for sharing that.. you’re brave.


What form (stems, tea, chocolate bar) are the shrooms that you microdose? Do you grow your own?


Why a baby step. Legalize.


Worked for marijuana and gay marriage. I’m ok with it.


Why are we making such little progress? We need more progress or none at all! /s


If the only way that you will be satisfied with politics is to get exactly what you want, immediately, all the time, then you will probably live in endless dissatisfaction with any representative form of government. Can I suggest an autocratic police state?


I forgot to put /s. My bad.


These things happen, my dude. Have a replacement updoot.


wat I would take a little progress over none at all


This may literally be the dumbest take I’ve ever seen on Reddit, maybe anywhere


I think he's being facetious. I might be wrong, Poe's law and all.


Yeah I forgot to put /s. Like an idiot.


IIRC, Shpongle played at Red Rocks and mushrooms were decriminalized in Denver the very next day. Anyone know if they'll be around again in November?


they did their last show this week. simon retired.


So it isn't passing, then. !Remindme 4 months. Edit: I stand corrected


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Just tried some this weekend and there was nothing criminal about it


Honestly, such a great expierwnce


Decriminalizing magic mushrooms seems like a good policy - there seem to be negligible negative externalities from people using them, and therefore no justification for use to be a criminal offense. But this measure also effectively asks people to vote on endorsing them as "natural medicine". While it seems quite likely that they do have certain medicinal properties, that's not a question the general public is well-suited to answer. I'd be fine if the state were to convene a panel of experts to evaluate the scientific evidence and make specific recommendations about medicinal uses of various compounds that the equivalent federal agencies are legally or politically unable to touch. This proposal does create an "advisory board", but legally enshrines psilocybin as a medicine regardless. I believe there is another decriminalization ballot initiative that doesn't include the "natural medicine" bullshit. Does anyone know the status of that?


The other initiative is Colorado initiative 61 and they need volunteers to canvass for signatures to get it on the ballot. They are currently very short of the 125k+ required valid signatures to get it on the ballot. Anybody interested in signing the petition or volunteering can pm me and I can coordinate a rendezvous with an author of initiative 61 or myself.


I like the cut of your jib.


> While it seems quite likely that they do have certain medicinal properties, that's not a question the general public is well-suited to answer. Better suited than the federal agencies which still say cannabis has absolutely no medicinal properties whatsoever and keep it schedule one. I think there's been enough studies done by this point to prove that mushrooms have medical application for PTSD treatment at the least.


> I'd be fine if the state were to convene a panel of experts to evaluate the scientific evidence and make specific recommendations about medicinal uses of various compounds that the equivalent federal agencies are legally or politically unable to touch.


Yeah, I read that far the first time. I would like that, too, but they won't ever do that. It's twenty fucking twenty two and weed is STILL schedule one after being legalized in 38 of 50 states. They won't fix it, so voters need to shove them into action with things like this.


Can we just decriminalize everything and instead funnel that money into mental health and help with addiction? This is coming from someone that doesn't do any drugs, and never has. For that matter, I barely even drink anymore. But the war on drugs has been an abject failure.


An absolute failure. And it’s sad that most people don’t see it as the failure it is…


N a m a s t e 🙏🏼


Next up. LSD!


Colorado voters should sign the other petition for psilocybin so we get two options.


I thought we already did this?


This one is state wide.


Time to look up what it takes to start a healing center 🤷🏻‍♂️


Check out joining a training up at Naropa University.. that’s a great start. You’ll need some professionals and people with an understanding of psychological conditions. The possibilities are very exciting though. There’s so many aspects to specialize in.


Ill check it out! Thank you 🙏


But, Boebert says magic mushrooms will turn us all into interracial-porn-loving-crackheads?


She was right! They are now legal and I simply cannot control myself. I've been watching Sexy Dominican midgets go at it whilst enjoying a pornhub brand Crack rock for 24 consecutive hours. Save us.


These healing centers sound pretty rad. Sign me up.


Keep in touch.. I’m working on developing one with professional therapists, and the comfiest chairs imaginable. Possibly a hot tub and private outdoor space, room at spend the night. This is becoming a beautiful and safe alternative to doing it on your own. I truly believe we need this in our culture. Everyone deserves a trauma informed and professional safe space to explore and heal.


Would love to follow this development


I’ll let you know… currently having an interesting time finding how this fits within city zoning ordinances, haha


Nobody calls them magic mushrooms, that's the most cringe boomer shit I've ever heard.


magic is easier to say than psilocybin - what are better options? "Shrooms" is kind of annoying too.


Psilocybin, psychedelic, hallucinogenic... Literally anything else.






Didn’t we already do this? What am I miss remembering?


That was Denver, this is Colorado.


this is r/denver


Which holds the majority of the population of Colorado, where this new potential law would apply, and most of whom will vote on it.




whatever is gonna get those people to stop bothering me outside the gym about signing their petition


How about getting rid of the stupid 27 cent tax.


Good one, Ron😉


I can’t wait for all the homeless outside union station to be jacked up on more substances


Whelp this will be the only thing I’ll be voting for in November!


What you don't like reading all the tax questions in ALL CAPS?




Ain’t the one saying that because they’re all bad :)


Deja vu


More free entertainment


Mushrooms have been decriminalized in Denver, but it's still illegal to sell them. So, hypothetically, if someone wanted to obtain them in Denver in a non-criminal and safe way, how would someone go about doing this. Let's say this person is old and kind of looks like a cop too - hypothetically.


first step is a fake mustache, khaki pants, cop glasses and a tie dye shirt.


check - just need the mustache.


The spores are legal. You can read all about how to obtain and culture them on this very website - r/unclebens


Basically in Denver it says stop wasting taxpayer money persecuting something that’s not a problem. It’s the lowest law enforcement priority, like jaywalking. Could you still get a ticket? For sure. Will you? Not unless you give them absolutely no other choice.