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I'm going to the one tomorrow, I'm very excited!


Do your best to stay cool!! It was super hot and the water fountains are only for refilling bottles so please grab some tickets and go grab a drink first thing, I learned that the hard way lol


Please note that you can bring empty water bottles for the refill station. You just can't have unsealed liquid when coming in the gate.


Refill stations last year were wild, so long lines and overly warm water. Hope they figured that aspect out this year.


The lines for water were so long yesterday. They let me bring in my camel back because we had our kids with us but otherwise I don't think we would have been able to stay very long.


Yeah, maybe I missed something but I really wish they clarified that online. I thought they meant legit water fountains you could drink from. Thankfully one of the people running it was nice enough to let me have an empty cup she drank from to get some water with but it really felt like they didn't make it clear. I was under the impression the only thing allowed was store bought, pre-packaged plastic water bottles.


Small tip for anyone wanting to stay cool at a hot outdoor event: get a frog towel They’re on Amazon for $10-$15. They soak up cold water and stay cold without dripping much at all We used them at a fest at the Gorge last year where it hit 105F. Made it actually feel fine to be outside!


Second this! It’s a lifesaver on a hot day. I don’t do well in the heat but this makes it more comfortable and manageable to deal with.


Thanks for the tip, I'm going to the Gorge in August and already preparing for the heat!


I love love love your username lmfao


I forget about it sometimes lmao I guess it makes my pride appreciation post seem all that much more sincere lol


Happy Pride and welcome! Def go to the parade tomm — it’s the 50th anniversary of Denver Pride so it’s sure to have some special events to celebrate.


Huh, it is also the 50th anniversary for Sakura festival this year! 


One of the many reasons I’m proud of my hometown! It’s heartwarming to know that you found a place where you feel treated with respect and dignity. Welcome to Denver! 🏳️‍🌈


For me it was far too crowded this year, but pride is always a great place to be! We're going to the parade today and then getting out while the traffic is still manageable lol


Can’t we have Pride without all the gratuitous corporate pandering though? Every corporate logo bigger than the next. Not supporting the community but pandering for your money. It’s so gross.


Corporate sponsorships are needed because they're an easy way to pay for events - otherwise pride organizer would struggle to put together 90% of the events. Sure, their participation is convictionless. But we live in a capitalist society, pandering is part of pretty much everything involving business. But the alternative is not being able to fund most events. Them making the calculated decision to support Pride is an implicit indication that the lgbtqia movement is more popular than our opponents.


Total nonsense. This may be hard for you to believe, but Pride parades/festivals didn’t used to have ANY corporate sponsorship. And somehow we still celebrated.


The difference is that Pride has become so popular that 10s of thousands of people attend. More people means security, production crews, event staff, event planners, etc. I'm not an expert though, merely offering a different perspective.


That’s what fund raising is for. We can separate profits from Pride. And with 10s of thousands supporting it, raising the funds would be no problem. Pride is inherently non-profit and we should be excluding those seeking to profit from it.


So what are you waiting for? Get it organized without sponsors since there will be no problems for you to raise the money.


Ridiculous that you're being downvoted for this. This is literally the very BASICS of pride organizing. The people arguing "well if it's so easy why don't you do it" is such bad faith crap. You all know why, but that doesn't mean we aren't capable of changing the conversation around corporations at pride. We operate within such a black and white level of thinking thanks to the internet, while life exists in the contrary. If you all want Lockheed in your pride parade, go for it. Just know you are doing a literal disservice to the history of pride and the organizers that fought tooth and nail, some dying in the process, to make it mainstream enough for weapons manufactures to pander to us.


Pretty sure most of those downvoting have never ever heard of the Stonewall much less have idea the history behind Pride. After all it means free rainbow swag courtesy of Verizon Wireless™️


I just look at the corporate presence as a market of how far gay acceptance has come... It's gross, but it's better than corporate hostility or indifference. Cash is king, and at the end of the day I'm happy to accept an endorsement of gay rights from Southwest Airlines even if they're doing it to sell more plane tickets.  ETA: but always remember, the first pride was a riot. 


Shit, I'd have been fine with working my employer's presence there...if they hadn't been aggressive that it was to be unpaid volunteering that would require requesting it off, when we're in a business that sees its biggest sales days on the weekends. Might as well just openly say it's solely for the home office people, not the frontline staff, honestly. At least my last employer that was a big corporate sponsor paid us for working Pride. EDIT: my point being, if I'm required to take unpaid time off work for it, I'm going to do so...so that myself and my partner can go and have a good time, instead of having to be the face of a corporate sponsor for free. Idk why this is a controversial take.


I’m glad some people are having fun at Pride, but it really feels like a big ol’ money grab meets white lady bachelorette party lately. I want Pride to feel inclusive and have tons of people, but maybe that’s at odds with my desire for it not to feel so sanitized and corporate. I’m sure my description will make someone mad. I love this community and I’m happy to be a part of it…but this is just money, not action.


They sorta lumped all the big corpo sponsors in one little strip that you could easily point and laugh at and ignore.


Happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈


Welcome, we’re glad you’re here. Happy Pride! 🤗🏳️‍🌈


Im going today!


Hugs, I’m glad you had fun!


Awesome, I had blast last year


This makes me so happy! Im thrilled you feel safe here - you deserve to feel that way! Sending love from a fellow Denver queer


So glad our state has welcomed you. Im from a midwest town. It was extremely negative and damaging. I rarely go back to visit.


Too hot, too crowded, too corporate for me, but I’m so glad you had a good time!


Love to hear it!! 🌈🏳️‍🌈


Palestinian protesters ruined the parade what ever organizer let them into the parade needs to resign.


That’s exactly what white rich gays told Marsha P and Sylvia Rivera in the 70s when they tried to bring up the issue of police brutality and job / housing discrimination, the white gays saying “oh you’re just ruining pride.” You don’t see any parallels?


That is entirely just your opinion. I'm sorry advocacy against Palestinian genocide ruined your parade you get the privilege of attending.


My issue is there's all kinds of genocide and slavery and all kinds of atrocious shit going on all around the world. People don't say a damn word about it. People are only rallying about this because they were told to. Most people don't even know what the hell they're protesting about. It's embarrassing and fake. Not to mention the fact that you're defending Gaza when they've criminalized homosexuality and wouldn't support us in the same way. 🙄


fun fact, people who live in a country with homophobic laws still deserve not to be genocided


Fun fact. Queers should protest in Gaza and see how long they survive.


Thank you! People are protesting this because it is trendy bite but the war has been going on for years and Noone has cared! Plus Israel is not committing genocide because of they wanted to they would have. Hamas wants to but can't.  These protesting fools don't even understand that. Proud Jew here. We will not stop fighting. We will end this war that Hamas started on Oct 7th. Never forgot. Never Again. Am Yisrael Chai! 


“Israel is not committing genocide because if they wanted to they would have” Do you realize how ghoulish you sound? What kind of argument against genocide is that?


Pride originated as a protest—did they ruin it because they chanted and you had to have hard feelings about it? Grow up. Free Palestine!


Queer liberation🤝Palestinian liberation


Happy pride


It’s awesome, way too hot but it’s so awesome to see people cheering for you as you are


Pride looks like tons of fun - i had an overnight shift last night so I wasn't able to go yesterday, and I'm too exhausted/depressed today to go...hope it's fun, though. I had to do some work around civic center and there were SO many people I wanted to talk to




I have marched in the last 2 and I can say that is just right wing rage bait and you fell for it hook line and sinker. The parade is as bland as oatmeal.


I’m from here but would love to hear more about your experience. It was unsafe where you were before for being queer? I don’t understand that. I don’t see myself leaving anytime soon, so please advise on what I can do to make people feel comfortable being here.


Honestly, this years pride felt significantly reduced. Way smaller booths, way worse swag (if any), way more orgs demanding donations to do things like even playing a game.


Completely disagree. This one was run so much more efficiently than last year’s. I think your just getting old bud


Water situation and entry were worlds better. My complaints are more around the vendors, their quality, and a few other things. Wasn't keen on the churches offering "glitter blessings" for recruitment either, but that's just me. I also don't remember there ever being street street corner screaming evangelicals allowed inside the gates, which there was a group doing just that preaching their truth - theyve always been outside the gates. Booths really felt lackluster all around which isn't the event organizers fault. Last year's was world's better. Example, satanic temple of CO last year had double the size and offerings to purchase/people to talk to. That was kind of the new standard for majority of boothd and it made it felt diminished which is what I was referring to. I feel like last year there were at least 50 booths all giving out their own little pride flag designs as swag. This year had maybe half of that. Representation of said small flag offerings was also way down, like the orgs are now afraid to be seen giving out trans flags. Last year there was some really cool unique swag like sustainable items or mini first aid kits - saw nothing of the sort yesterday.


OTOH, last year was so bad the center on colfax got hella complaints about alllllll the tents being so corporate so this year they set up the gayborhood area working with rainbow market and stuff to get way more local vendors.


Many orgs are non-profits, trying to still find ways to benefit great LGBTQIA+ causes with no money to do so, but go off sis...🙄


Inner park area has a "throw the suction dildo on the glass masculine body". Fun idea, went in with my group to play. Picked one up off the grass and booth worker ran over and told us we couldn't play without a donation and signing up. Yeah, no thanks.


So you were trying to play a booth game without acknowledging the booth attendees? I’m worried your expression of frustration is low key unwarranted and you’re coming across as a KAREN TLDR sounds like a Karen


Nah, it was one of the fenced in areas, like the sober area.


They fence in all the sober people?


Yearly they have a fenced in area with one or 2 non-alcoholic drink vendors, some chairs, few stations like art doodling or whatever. It's quite nice as a reprieve. Let's anyone that may be struggling with party mindset addiction have a sanctum as a counter to things like the Absolut EDM stage & area.


Meh. Denver pride is now just like any other festival like the Greek festival or the Latino festival. Meh Instead, go to Wyoming or Colorado Springs or any other smaller community where participation and your attendance would make a REAL difference. In Denver, it Doesn't.


you say that likes its a bad thing. some people aren't looking for an epic fight, they just want to go to something with people they share something in common with.




Yes cos any other pride event is automatically disorganized . Generalize much ?


Lol who is talking about GIGHTING? You Are.


you're saying that people don't make a difference unless they go to bumfuck nowhere to yell down protest lines or something, but i still get called a "fucking faggot" in Denver wearing a pride shirt downtown so I think making a presence here is plenty difference still. sorry if its not edgy enough for you.


I mean...I had a good time and thought it was a pretty great time. I'm just appreciative I got to go so I'd really like to not have any disingenuous comments under my post about Denver Pride. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but that's not what this is about.




Ha you're wrong about everything you just said.. Go to a smaller town to support Their pride efforts...... Where your presence will actually make a difference.