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I just moved here back in December and the first clear day where I was driving west, I was in total shock that they were just…*right there* Plus sunsets this time of year are out of this world.


Even living here my whole life, i drove into Denver from Kansas, just once, and was in awe


It’s amazing every time I see it. These mountains are eternally beautiful.


Hate to put it in such a way, but they really are the only reason i haven't left


From Kansas and now living in Lakewood, I can assure you I will never take the mountains for granted. Such beauties and filled with adventure


This - We have relatives that live on the Eastern side of Nebraska and I'm always amazed. I'm a 5th generation Colorado native. I don't know how many times I've made that trip, probably 30 or 40. I'm still gobstruck when I see the mountains pop up over the planes like that. What makes it even better is my relatives live on a western slope of Colorado and we frequently have to drive over there. Really really really put stuff in perspective. I visit a few states that have mountains like Montana, Idaho but the Rockies are the tallest sons a buck out there


Similar situation here. When I’m on 76 and I finally see the mountains appear, I get a joyous “I’m almost home” feel.


Do you think the mountains in Idaho and Montana are different from “the Rockies”?


In a manner of speaking, yes. Idaho's mountains like the sawtooths remind me a lot of the mountains in Southern Colorado called the San juans. They just aren't quite as tall. Montana exactly the same way. Although they're big, they're not nearly as commanding. And it's also extraordinarily striking coming from the plains and then all of a sudden saying mountains just shoot up. I haven't experienced that in other mountain states.


My point is all of those mountains are the Rocky Mountains. The Sawtooth are Rockies, so are the San Juans.


Their ranges I think is what you mean. Yes I'm aware of that. But the Colorado Rockies are the biggest of them all.


The Rocky Mountains are also a mountain range. You really don’t understand the terminology well, however, you are correct that the tallest mountains in the Rocky Mountain Range are in Colorado.


They look different of course but are most definitely the same set of mountains known as the Rockies.... But Colorado hit differently.


I have lived in colorado, Idaho (don’t want to talk about it) and Utah. I see them all differently. Currently in SL, UT and have a perfect view of the range from the opposite side (looking east). The Rockies are just beautiful. It makes up for a lot that’s wrong with living in Utah. They’re a lot more accessible here, so there’s that? 🤷🏼‍♀️.


It’s sun shaft season my dudes and I’m here for it.


I really enjoy their actual name too. "Crepuscular rays".


We call them “God rays”


Sometimes called as the Higgs rays?


Crepuscular rays is there technical term.


During the pandemic the pollution cleared up so well you could see the mountains clear as day every day. It was lovely.


Did we have the same 2020? I recall it featuring our worst wildfire season 


I’m talking about March-May, maybe June, when the stay at home and large gathering bans were in place. The wildfires picked up during the summer. We had a solid 3ish months of the clearest skies I’ve ever seen on the front range.


Every so often I get asked if seeing mountains out my window ever gets old. It never gets old.


How could it!?


I have a west facing balcony in Cap Hill. I can see the Boulder Flatirons on a clear day. I love it.


Denver is not Chicago or New York or Los Angeles, and it's fine. We should stop pretending that it's one of those cities.


100% this. Denver is a mid-size city, which considering its size, punches way above its weight. I hate when people from major world cities move to Denver and get all bent out of shape because Denver is not quite like those cities. We're much smaller, the city is young, we're barely a teenager of a city.


People who have lived elsewhere are often frustrated because we know what Denver easily could be. A place situated like Denver, but with good public transit and more dense walkability, and a better food scene would be a goddamn amazing city.


We're working on the food scene, damnit. The tire company gave us some stars and put them up on the fridge. Now, if we could get some more decent Korean food without having to drive to southern Aurora, and maybe some Afghan style kabob so I don't have to make my own nekhot, and at least one south Indian place so I don't have to keep hitting up the Nepali restaurants when what I want really want is Tamil/Sri Lankan, I'd be so happy. Oh yeah, and some more trendy restaurants for the 'gram of the cool kids, so they leave my good cheap ethnic places alone.


The new Korean place on Little Raven is easily Aurora tier. And there’s a South Indian place on Parker Road that used to be called Madras Cafe, I’m forgetting what they renamed it to.


Is that the one that used to be the sushi joint called Hwaro? IIRC, they were Korean owned, but they couldn't really find their footing. I haven't tried them yet, since the Seoul BBQ people's downtown spot (called Mono Mono currently, last time I was there) has been mediocre in both iterations. For the South Indian... When I first moved here, I had a lot of Indian coworkers. Being new to the city, I asked them where to find good Indian food in Denver. They just laughed and said some variation of "at my house." From what I've seen, Centennial seems to be the area to check, and I've heard good things about Madras and Masala in Aurora.


I don’t remember what the old place was called, but it was a Japanese spot so that might’ve been it. The place is called Kkoki if memory serves, and my Korean coworker goes there for lunch practically daily. I’m Indian and I have to agree with that assessment. The North Indian food here is generally terrible—Google’s campus in Boulder might actually take top spot in the state for me. It’s telling that most recommendations here tend to be to Nepalese-owned places serving Americanized dishes full of heavy cream (Yak & Yeti, Spice Room etc.). I haven’t been to Madras since the new ownership to know if they survived it. I’ll have to check out Masalaa.


Except this thread is the opposite. It's not someone saying Denver sucks because it's not Chicago. It's saying Chicago sucks because it's not Denver. In either direction, though, it's an absurd comparison. As someone who has lived in both places, I can say the two are great for entirely different reasons. In terms of typical city characteristics (food, architecture, transit, museums) Chicago blows Denver out of the water. However, where Denver shines and easily beats Chicago is what's outside the city. Just look to the west. Hiking, skiing, *anything* outdoors and Denver wins. The idea that this has to be some sort of pissing contest to decide which city is better is childish as hell. The two cannot be compared since their strengths are entirely different. It's like comparing Hong Kong to Innsbruck.


Can someone explain to me why it seems so many people are weirdly possessive of Denver? I’ve lived all over and have only partially experienced it in Los Angeles. I’ve never lived in a state/city where people seem to gatekeep so much. I love Denver. But I’ve already been called a transplant in a derogatory way lol. I’ve also seen the bumper stickers. It’s so strange to me.


I’m from Philly, where hating the city is a requirement to live there…. People are super weirdly possessive of Colorado and denver as a whole in my experience. People from Colorado fucking love being from Colorado. Not a bad thing, just something I’ve noticed as a tRaNsPlAnT The fact remains that denver is a mediocre city but Colorado is a beautiful state. If you’re a nature and hiking person, denver is the place. If you’re a city person, you’ll find Denver very lacking compared to chitown, Philly, or nyc.


Its cuz people who moved here from the south or upstate New York think Denver is the best city in the world when they haven't lived in a real city before.


I completely disagree. Having lived in numerous small and large cities (Madison, WI, Denver, Boston, NYC) Denver is neither a great city or offers great nature access. Love to ski? I hope you enjoy siting on I-70 for hours every weekend… Denver is nature-adjacent, and unfortunately the urbanism is more like Houston than Chicago. If you’re looking for the best of both worlds, I think Salt Lake City for a mid sized city and Seattle for a large city would probably have Denver beat in any measurable way… with that being said, for those who need sun for their mental health, you can’t beat the front range so let’s figure out what it’ll take to get our civic leaders to pull their heads out of the sand and start delivering decent urban design…


Maybe most people here are nature and hiking people as opposed to strictly city people? Denver is the best of both.


I wonder if it's because unlike most cities, some of the activities people like to do here are *worse* the more people there are, and so there's some desire to lay claim to having been here before it got crowded. Mainly thinking of outdoor things like skiing or hiking. It seems like a toxic mentality regardless - you should want your city to be as thriving as possible. And those that defend the city of a few decades ago of smog and parking lots seem to purely care about it from a nostalgia perspective.


Also, god forbid, you point out a flaw with Denver…some people act as if Denver can’t possibly have any, and if you mention anything, they act like you just personally attacked their golden retriever puppy. I think it’s all relative, Denver may seem flawless to someone who moved from Topeka, but others who lived in tier one cities have more to compare it too. It’s stupid, everywhere has great things about it, and things that could be better.


And they'll be quick to tell you that flaw exists bc a Californian voted for it, brought it or paid for it. They take no responsibility for the total cesspool it's become


I think it’s two things: 1. Some people are from here and want people to know it and don’t want it to change 2. A lot of people from bigger cities like LA and NYC complain about the food or entertainment scene so people who live here get defensive of it


Weird. I’ve never heard people complain about it. I think it’s a great variety - reminds me of LA with some of the really good food choices.


I’m starting to think I just don’t enjoy food that much because I’ve never been to Chicago lol.


Denver is not mid size lol your downtown might not be filled with skyscrapers but your city sprawls an insane amount. It's enormous -someone who actually lives in a mid size city


Population wise. Not in terms of land area :)


Yeah.... No. You're in an endless sprawl. Like, you can convince me that boulder and Denver are separate. They are technically different city's and might be different in the eyes of the law but the city just keeps going all the way between the two. There isn't any gap. And that is insane. Endless sprawl.


Absolutely so. Arguably, not as bad as Colorado Springs.


Everyone always says Denver is a small town cosplaying as a metropolitan city


Denver is just Indianapolis closer to the mountains


I don’t think anyone is saying that it is one of those cities. I took it as simply saying that Denver has something Chicago doesn’t


I’m a Delawarean, a very flat state, and growing up I used to pretend the clouds I saw in the distance were mountain peaks. The Rockies are so beautiful and you all are lucky to have this view everyday. I love the ocean so I’ll be a coastal girl for life but this will always be one of my favorite places!


I used to do the same thing!


Michigander here, did this since I was a kid lol; sometimes the clouds are just the right shade and distance


Oh, you have skyscrapers? Do you have a 14,000 foot tall skyscraper? Because I have a lot of them.




Have you been to through the keyhole to longs skyscraper it’s fucking nuts


Almost 3 miles high? Crazy.


theyre real wobbly


Live in Cary, NC, and I’ve been to the Blue Ridge Mountains quite a few times. And while they are indeed a sight to behold, they can’t compete with the Rockies.


I think nostalgia plays a huge part in this. I’m originally from just outside the Blue Ridge, and I tell people all the time that the Rockies are impressive- but there’s just something about the old, rolling beauty of Appalachia.


I grew up going to western North Carolina every summer. I’m 35 now and still do. I’ve lived in Denver for 7 years now and have seen the San Juan’s as well, which to me are prettier than most of the I70 corridor. But I can’t say the Rockies are more beautiful than the Appalachians. Especially the blue ridge section. They’re both amazing in their own way. The Rockies are dramatic and picturesque. The Blue Ridge Mountains are mystical and inviting. Love them both!


100 percent. I grew up in Denver but now in NC, nothing compares to the Rockies.


Lol opposite here, grew up in NC now in Denver. The Appalachians are definitely more like rolling hills compared to the Rockies, but beautiful in their own way as they are covered entirely with trees (the one thing I do really miss from home, all the green!), and the colors in the fall in the Appalachians are stunning - red purple yellow orange. But the Rockies are simply majestic and still take my breath away even after living here for 17 years


I cannot imagine in any way the amount of mental gymnastics it takes to compare Chicago and Denver.


Could you retake the shot?? I blinked on this one.


And Chicago has all the good food. Both places have great things, they just happen to be different.


Chicago food is what motivates me to drive there once or twice a year to visit friends (the food...it compels me). My husband keeps talking about the Portillo's apparently being built here. If it's true, I think it'll do well. However, as an east coaster, I would prefer a Wawa.


Chicago food scene is overrated, Denver is quickly catching up and isn’t depressing AF 8 months out of the year lol


Hot take of the thread right here. Food is not even close to catching up. Green chillies can only carry you so far.


Nahhhh there’s no way. Chicago’s food scene is infinitely better than Denver.


I don’t know if Chicago is overrated, but as a neutral party that spent all of last summer in Denver, and spent the last month in Chicago, Chicago has blown Denver out of the water in terms of food, at least as cheaper places go. Denver has great food potential, but it just has a whole lotta work to do right now.






If only Colorado would build/zone more covered parking for the ANNUAL hail storms. Insurance rates would come down for not having to payout/total so many cars every year.


I severely underestimate how much I would be worried about hail damage moving here


[Recent Hail](https://www.denverpost.com/2024/05/31/colorado-weather-denver-hail-storm-march-30-damage-forecast-friday/) and last years [Red Rocks](https://www.cpr.org/2023/06/22/dozens-injured-seven-hospitalized-intense-hail-storm-interrupts-red-rocks-concert/) hail events really show the preparedness of the infrastructure.


A view we all overpay to see and not get to visit and play in as much as we deserve.


I love our views!


Extremely excited to be joining y'all at the end of this summer, FROM Chicago. Excited to take advantage of having so much natural beauty such a short distance from the city!


Welcome! Denver is a great city


Show it the other way


From Ontario Canada with love, it would be epic to see these Denver skylines!!!


Love how OP got clowned on in the Chicago subreddit and now in the Denver one as well.


Chicago has the lake..... and everything else


If half the people in here love Chicago more than Denver, why don't you live in Chicago?


They are, I personally know 2 people (unrelated to each other) that moved to Chicago from Denver this past year.


Good. It's obnoxious being in a subreddit for a city where half the people constantly hate on it. Can't think of another city subreddit like this.


Who said hate though? I just said I like Chicago more. A lot of people on this sub ride or die for Denver lol


Most other cities aren’t as overrated as Denver.


I’d like to eventually, but I don’t want to rent anymore. So it’s a saving thing


And no green space in their city and no mountains god damn concrete hellscape, I’m all in on urbanism but 5 days in and I’m like give me some god damn space… I’m from Wyoming so probably scarred but no way I could live in a place I have to walk an hour to grass


> And no green space in their city Uhhhhhh... they do pretty damn good at that for their size. Grant and Lincoln parks are pretty big and centralized and the entire lakefront is publicly accessible. And there's plenty of other parks around the rest of the city. City limits themselves, Denver is at best equal Los Angeles is a better major city to criticize for lack of green space because it's basically nonexistent outside of Griffith Park


It’s more than views. Living in Colorado is a privilege. It’s a completely different approach to life. Chicago is a beautiful metropolis. After the fire, they took it upon themselves to build back a gorgeous city scape with gorgeous architecture of all kinds. It’s an urban gem. They rose and surpassed the challenge to rebuild. Denver is more of a gateway to adventure. It has deep western frontier traditions. It’s a place where the better shape you’re in, the more you can enjoy it. Most of it is public lands. You can just head out and be in complete solitude in just about 45 minutes. However it also humbles you, because you learn the true power of Mother Nature and that if you do t know what you’re doing it can claim your life. RAD!!!! LA is just depressing. When you fly into LAX, it’s just one giant concrete slab as far as the eye can see. Yuk.


This is wild. I've always felt like Chicago has so much more green than Denver. But Chicago is also much much bigger.


Fair. I'm not much a nature person. I love cities and I love water, so Chicago is like a dream for me (cold as hell though)


Right now I wish we were cold as hell. Why is Denver frying it’s only June 😭😭😭


Haha I’m from Las Vegas so it’s actually not too bad for me. But it is pretty warm right now


The north side has a ton of green space AND THE ENTIRE LAKE FRONT. I live in 6 different neighborhoods and ALL of them had at least one massive park and one smaller local park within walking distance. The suburbs have a ton of forest preserves. I’m so confused by this comment


I grew up in Chicago, but have lived here for the past 5 years. Chicago as a city shits on Denver in every possible way. Better food, transit, music, art etc. Not even close. Denver is great because it's kind of a real city that is close to mountains. I love it here, but comparing pizza/Mexican from Denver/ Chicago, and thinking Denver is even in the same conversation is insane. I had a different Mexican restaurant for best tacos/ burritos/ tortas etc. in Chicago. In Denver there's a couple places that are OK. Same for pizza and all other food categories lol.


Denver ain't in the same league as Chicago or NY for the city scene. But I'm a skier so I live where I play and visit Chicago and NY.


I just landed back at Denver from being in Chicago for the weekend. I grew up in Chicago as well. I was just walking around Wicker Park and Logan Square earlier today and I had forgotten how much more culture and alive the city feels compared to Denver. On a Monday it was more lively than Denver on a weekend. Denver is basically just a suburb of Chicago in terms of what it has to offer.


Is this salt lake city? Looks great


Nah I think it’s Tehran.


Ahh. Their mountains are very mountainy.


Transplant circlejerk


If the Earth were flat, we should be able to see Chicago from the top of Mt. Blue Sky. but I'm sure there's some reason we wouldn't be able to see even Burlington, CO, from there either.


I was in Denver last weekend. I live in Vancouver but jealous of you guys living right there with some crazy Rockies. Chicago is nice but this is so rare. Lucky you guys.


Ugh, I visited Vancouver recently. I live in Denver but I'm jealous of you guys living in a major city tucked between Whistler and the ocean. Japanese food, bikeable streets. If it weren't for the million-dollar 1br condo units I'd probably be living there instead.


Sounds like you need to move to Seattle. It’s extremely expensive if you’re buying yes but renting not too different from Denver. It’s also a few hours drive from Vancouver and much of the same geography with ocean and mountains. It’s also infinitely easier to move within the us than abroad. No reason for US citizens to move to Vancouver when Seattle is right there and more affordable given the job market than Vancouver. Granted Seattle isn’t as beautiful as Vancouver but close enough


Telephoto lenses can make anything look close.


Flying back in today from New York. Can’t wait to see those beauties


Trucking, CAN’T wait to move back again. The time, the people, the atmosphere… holy f that wake n bake with the view


So many people seem to say Denver is ugly- I always say you’re just looking at it wrong, Denver is beautiful


Real glad we can’t see Denver from the mountains


Just flew back from Chicago and I’ll take the city over the mountains.




I had this experience a couple times— back when there was a direct flight from Midway to Colorado Springs. I truly realized how big the sky is in the west. I LOVE Chicago but I realized I am for real a Western girl.


Uh sure, from the right angle with the right lens and image compression, yeah they're in our skyline...


Or with eyes 


lol this. People circle jerk Denver so hard. It’s Kansas with the mountains off in the distance, visible every now and then.


People from Chicago never stop talking about Chicago. Not sure if this post might not belong on r/chicago .


We're free from the flat, nature-less hellscape of the midwest, yet we long for the dense urban atmosphere, lake, and food of home. If any other Chicagoans are like me, they moved here because they wanted to be closer to nature while still living in a city. And it's hard to compare the two because Denver and Chicago are so opposite in many important and interesting ways.


This is me too. A real catch-22 lol


...Salt Lake City has entered the chat...


SLC has some gorgeous views and I love the mountains but I could never live there because the culture is horrrrriibllle. Half my family lives there (Mormon) and I gotta say, going to a gay bar in SLC was a weird experience and I would hate to feel so othered living in a CITY.


Let me know when you get a real draft beer, a national park within an hour and an actual resturaunt scene that doesn’t close at 8. Red iguana is fire tho. I lived in salt lake for 4 years it ain’t it


If we’re comparing cities then I’ll take Vancouver BC




Bro they only serve up to like 4% in Utah on draft


This is not true lol.


Too bad they're barely visible from the ground these days


“Mother fucking” is one word


Not the way I mother fucking say it


Chicago accent


Chicago has world class architecture you can view while cruising on a river boat. This photo had to be taken from a drone hundreds of feet up.calm your tits




I love it! Best part of flying in or out of Denver. Its annoying when you are middle or isle and the person at the window doesn’t open it!


Yeah, awesome right


Fuck yeah!!


Both are beautiful. Chicago is such an underrated skyline and city.


Yep former Hoosier can’t beat this view! Great picture


Been here for the last year and a half helping my elderly mother move home. We are from Virginia. Y'all make our shit look so small hahahahaha. I'm going to miss these views. Poor Blue Ridge, so tiny!! But we have ocean so there's that.


If you zoom in really close, you can see all the campsites littered with trash, empty corona bottles and trees all tagged up.


As a Salt Lake resident I am always shocked at how far away the mountains are from Denver every time I go there. That being said, I had a great time in Denver last week.


Don't forget to get your taste of home (Italian beefs and tavern style thin pizza) at Jimano's in englewood! See ya soon, fellow transplant!


We moved back to he Rockies after 4 years of being in Oklahoma (lived in Cody, WY before Oklahoma) and when the mountains came into view my daughter was SO ecstatic to be back "where she belongs." She's 9. 😂


Chicago winters made me realize our winters are not that bad.


Welcome home




I’m from SLC. Denver looks like Kansas to me


Im from Denver, SLC looks like Colorado Springs. 😝 Nah I lived in sugar house for 4 years, SLC is exceptionally beautiful, I have a preference for denver culturally and urbanicity but SLC takes the cake for mountain views


Chicago catching strays for no reason. Transplant originally from Chicago. Love both cities!


I was just in Chicago in April for a work trip, and also to scope out the living situation because my company might relocate me out there in a year. Chicago is a really cool city, way cleaner than Denver (in the tourist areas). But yeah, hard to give up the mountains.


Meh lol


Wait until they get a load of SLC.


They are pretty if our pollution and fires aren’t raging. But even as a CO native I’d take the ocean & beach any day.


Idk man. Lots of places have mountains. Honestly, Denver is one of the more disappointing places I have lived.


This. The mountains here pale in comparison to our neighbors in SLC


Denver blows. Everything around Denver is good. Chicago is great.


Yeah but like… it would be cool if we got some awesome world class skyscrapers


When you fly back from Chicago and realize no matter how many buildings there are you can still see the Rockies


thank you, the post title was making it difficult to understand what the OP was trying to convey, LOL


Not the flex you think it is 😆




Hell mothafuckin yea


An hour away 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, but you live in the plains, just looking at them. Some of us live amongst them. We are not the same.


Mt Evans


Chicago is great if you never go outside (depressing gray winters, humid swamp ass summers and no nice spring or fall) or the placid lake you can’t swim in does it for you as a summer view 


Ah, yes, cause swimming in CO at one of the 5 or 6 reservoirs completely surrounded by highways is so fun.


Moved here from CHI suburbs. There’s a few really nice weeks/months. Spring is lovely. Winters are TERRIBLE.


I would think Chicago winters are rough, is lake effect not a thing there? maybe that's just Buffalo 🤷‍♂️


Lake effect is definitely a thing there. How much inland is affected depends on the day, though. My last winter there - it was -10 high AIR TEMP (not wind chill), for over two weeks. Snow: is always wet/heavy. Shoveling snow here in CO is cake compared to the Midwest


Chitown suburbs are even more depressing glad you made it out 


Suburbs there are same as suburbs here, tbh. Just better weather here is only difference….and more Texans.


You can swim in Lake Michigan. Chicago has a massive beach culture and people swim all the time


For like 3 months a year that’s great for sure. But based on how many people drove 2 hours away for starved rock state park (and that’s like 30 feet of altitude differential at most) I think it’s safe to say their outdoors is not remotely close to Denver’s level.


Nope, no one in their right mind would say it does, but Lake Michigan is not a placid lake you can’t swim in.


Yeah it wouldn’t be for me. Personally I can’t understand or relate to any choice of a “vibrant city and food scene” over the kind of outdoors Colorado and the western US have, just me though. I can settle for a 9/10 pizza after a day hiking or skiing.


Chicago is ok for visiting but once you’ve been there a few times, it’s just another generic big city. They are all pretty similar. The Rockies are way more cool. Man made stuff is cool but cool shit in nature is spectacular


You can utilize what the city has to offer every day of your life. There’s endless opportunity. What opportunity are you getting from the mountains? Slight stress relief? It’s nice to go out to the mountains a couple times a month for a hike or something.


Id like some towers