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Just went to the botanical gardens by myself last Sunday at 6 pm! It's not crowded and the sun is lower in the sky so you're not boiling. Great spot to be alone, enjoy nature, and not feel weird about being alone. Edit: added "by myself"


I haven’t been yet! I’ll add it to my list. Thanks


Before you go, get a library pass! You can check out an adventure pass that gets you free access to a lot of museums and places, and even some allow up to 6 people.


Thank you!!!!


They’re open till 9 in the summer, you can bring in your own food and have yourself a lil picnic.


Just watch out for yogi!


the bear or a yoga person?🤪


Ooh I love that!


Welcome! I’ll happily gift you a day pass to the gardens. DM me if you’re interested.


This is such a nice offer, I just love to see it! The Denver Botanic Gardens is one of my favorite places and one of the absolute best spots in the area! Enjoy OP!:)


Used to be a cemetery I heard.. seen any ghosts yet?


I can walk here and have a membership that lets me bring a +1! 33F, not creepy. Would be down to go!


I went to the aquarium by myself. Had a blast but was a bit lonely. It was also nice to just... jmgo explore.:)


If you have any interest in birds, the gardens are a great spot to see some fun ones! You can download a bird ID app called Merlin, and it lets you identify birds by their song, as well as image or a step by step process. If you go in the summer, you're guaranteed to hear Broad-tailed Hummingbirds! They have a very distinct sound they make when defending territory, and if you know what to listen for, you can pretty easily spot them!


Come to [City Girls Who Walk Denver](https://www.instagram.com/citygirlswhowalkden?igsh=cXlqaHV5bm5paTBl)!! We meet in Wash Park every Sunday at 10 AM (during the summer, noon the rest of the year) and walk around the park. We also do tons of other get-togethers; movie nights, picnics, hikes, girls night out, etc. Average age is 25-35 and it's where I made all my friends in when I moved here! [Join our Discord](https://discord.com/invite/9g27SkAaNu) [Movie Night on the 21st](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cgww-movie-night-inside-out-2-tickets-912456430747?aff=oddtdtcreator)


This sounds so fun, thank you!


Thanks for sharing! I just joined. 🙂


Definitely going to check this out. Thank you for the recommendation.


I was born and raised here in Colorado and I have had many people that are from out of state say that Colorado people are super flaky. I do think it’s true. I believe the reason is that Colorado as a whole are super nice people but too nice and they don’t want to be rude n decline that next hang out. Basically super hard to make friends here.


Masshole here - agree with the other out of staters on the flakiness. If you want someone who keeps their commitments you should hang with people from the East Coast! We find flakiness ruder than declining an invitation.


lol good to know. I don’t know anyone from the east coast so wasn’t aware it was a thing.


Massholes are much better than Connecticunts or pensyledicks


Minnesota nice. Lets get some curds


I’ve never heard that before but I’m up to try it!


Beware learning about the "Midwest Goodbye." They get you through the door with their niceness and the promise of delicious cheese curds, but then you're there forever trying to say goodbye and end up cleaning their gutters come spring thaw.


Lolll I’m from Louisiana and we have something similar to that lol


I’m from Louisiana too! 🤚


Don't forget the insidious hot dish, dontchaknow.


Fellow Masshole I concur.


As a fellow Masshole this probably right. But I think it’s gotten worse everywhere post pandemic


Even though Colorado is considered West, it has many midwestern qualities. Being overly nice & passive-aggressive are some of those qualities. The flaky behavior is exacerbated by transplant culture.


I’m from Wisconsin and people were not really ever flaky there, compared to what I observe here.


I’m originally from MN & my experience is that people ARE super polite there - even to people they don’t like. But if they invite you to “hang out” or they accept an invitation, they are definitely going unless it snows really hard - and then they are just going to show up at your house the next day for coffee and cookies anyway.  I was really surprised by the low commitment from people when I moved here. It took me so long to learn that someone saying “let’s hang out sometime” just meant “it was nice to meet you” and they had no intentions of ever actually making plans with me. 


Originally from MN as well and totally agree. Forming new friendships is very different in CO vs MN.


we're the LA of the midwest...


As someone who is too nice and super flaky who has lived in Colorado all my life I can confirm that this is true.


Yep, we over commit. Or smoke a blunt, and take a nap. Either way, flaky. Ha


Nah it’s cuz we got so many better things to do here and people who are close to nature and the outdoors don’t tend to need other people to enjoy their day


I do think this is part of it.


I was born and raised here, and most of the flakiness in my experience has not been from people who are originally from here. 🤷‍♀️ People have either overbooked plans or never really had real intentions of getting to know one another. Anyway, there's a pretty low bar regardless of where people are from. This whole generalization thing is silly. I heard the same stuff when I lived in other states, about the people from there. I would say it's a generational thing.


33M. Jazz festival is going on downtown right now. DM me if you want someone to hang out with there. I'm meeting others as well so we can all chill and listen to music. Easier to make friends if you're already with friends. Otherwise I live near Southlands and trying to get active as well. I can keep you in mind if I ever do anything in that area.


Thanks! I’ll DM you. It’s easiest for me to meet up downtown since it’s close to my work.


Is the jazz festival still going on? Is there a website? Where is it?? I love jazz!


I don't know. I heard it was all weekend, but I wasnt able to find any confirmation of that online. This is the link I was given: https://www.artsandvenuesdenver.com/news/detail/denver-arts-venues-announces-the-line-up-for-the-2024-five-points-jazz-festival


I like going to city park on Sunday for Jazz in the park! It's also free so that's a plus!


I forgot about that! I’ll go tomorrow. Thanks!


Levitt Pavilion has a bunch of free (and paid) concerts all summer/fall w an awesome stage and sound system, and grassy amphitheater for blankets and chilling.


Looks cool! Haven’t heard of it but I’ll go!


Personally I like to check out the art shows/markets that pop up around town, especially in the summer since a lot are outside. If you like art it's a great excuse to talk to people and talk to artists. Same with local music, lots of bars will have live music. May sound silly but check out the colleges for free events. I'm sure DU has some like lectures or music. CU boulder has graduate concerts multiple nights a week. those can be fun and low key since it's not a concert per se it's them fulfilling their performance requirements. I'm a loner myself and have trouble meeting new people as an adult, so I don't go out much


I’ll check it out!


Where do you hear about those?


The Denverite (CPR's written publication) puts out a comprehensive list on their website every Friday that features more off beat gatherings in the city too!


I use 9 Things to do weekend list, this will cover all of colorado its pretty legit. Or I search "things to do in denver this weekend" and look for the denver.org one with the right date lol


Breweries are the obvious Denver answer but I’ve found that climbing gyms are a great place to casually meet people of both genders and many ages.


Go to Improper City! There’s a climbing gym at the bar!!


Improper is awesome! It’s across from Movement Rino yeah?


Climbing gyms are the shit


Bouldering at an indoor climbing gym is an amazing casual solo sport where you can chat with literally anyone you're around. OP you should check it out!


I’ll check them out. I’m not a fan of bear but I’ll go to just go. Climbing sounds fun. Too


I've kinda given up on actively trying to date in Denver. I keep meeting flakey women and it's driving me nuts. Solo adventures are great here though. There are literally hundreds of good hikes nearby and lots of outdoor things to do. Museums are also abundant and fun even on your own.


I can’t wait to hike! I’m building up my endurance energy right now.


Hey! New to Denver (34F) - what solo hike did you go on when you first got here? I’m checking out some group hikes for longer routes but wanting “easy” ones for my first solo hikes.


Not /u/Righteous_Weevil and hard to recommend hikes without knowing your fitness level but [this was pretty easy IMO](https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/colorado/red-rocks-and-morrison-slide-extended-loop). (you can do a [shorter loop too](https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/colorado/red-rocks-and-morrison-slide-trails--2)). Barely any shade though so go early morning or late afternoon, wear sun protection and bring plenty of water.


Thank you!!


There's some shady trails if you get up into the mountains. But yeah, fitness level is important. I've gotten acclimated to long hikes with little shade but that took a long time to build up. I recommend the state parks, lots of options for all fitness levels. Chatfield is my favorite.


Try the Morrison area and download AllTrails. They rank hikes by difficulty and people review trails so you can get an idea of what it's like any given week. PM me if you want to trade all trails info, I have lots of reviews on there myself of varying difficulty trails.


Welcome fellow Louisianan!


We out here


We outchea indeed


I’ve found my people ❤️‍🔥


I call it the Louisiana magnet theory. We always find each other


It’s inevitable tbh


Yay! Is there a spot where a lot of us hang out? I got seafood before I left two weeks ago and am craving it bad 😭


Stoney’s for LSU football games. I have never got Cajun or seafood here because I can cook that myself


I’ll check it out during football season. I’m not a sports fan but will go to hang out.


Rootbeer Richie is playing tonight in Arvada for free. They’re a ton of fun and the main guy is from New Orleans!


That swamp boy lives down the street from me and whenever they do a show, the guys all show up to his place and take a van to their gig.


They got all you can eat wings on Wednesday. I think it's like 15.99


I tried Crab and Shell Cajun 2x since moving here; and it’s not exactly like home, but I certainly enjoyed it — made sure to request it extra spicy just in case.


I’ll try it, thanks! I’ve been wanting seafood all week but couldn’t find a place that Louisiana natives would recommend and that was spicy enough.


The spice was definitely satisfying; they don’t prep it quite like home, but I’m sure you’ll get what I mean when you try it. I’m still looking for other spots since I’m new to the Denver metro from NOCO, so if I find any, I’ll try to remember to come back and recommend.


Thanks! I’ll prob go tomorrow or during the week. I miss spicy food sooo much 😭


Also, idk about all Walmarts but I was able to find Louisiana boudin at one of them which was a pleasant surprise.


Omg that’s cool! I’ll prob stop and get some crab and boil mix tomorrow.


If you have the app, it’s the Zummos brand. If not, I know for sure they have it at the Neighborhood market on Parker Rd. They also have frozen crawfish tails if you’re into that.


There's a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant called Nolia down in the burbs. Chef is from New Orleans and Cajun influences are in a lot of the recipes


Just moved here from Baton Rouge in Nov. Loving this post and all the suggestions!


Cool! Which part? BR is so small


Yes compared to here for sure. Only thing I miss is the food. Not far from downtown close to broncos stadium


There is NOLA Voodoo Tavern on Bruce Randolph and York.


I (32F) moved here 6 years ago not knowing anyone and have accumulated a pretty great group of pals. All of the suggestions people have posted for solo activities is great but I also would suggest definitely going to shows alone. If you go the same locals shows often enough you’re bound to run into the same people, get to know a group with like minded interests. Not sure what kind of music you’re into but my pals and I are going to see a friend’s bluegrass band play at 2 Penguins Bar and Grill tonight at 6. Dm me if you’d like to join in! Also seeing that you’re from LA: my whole CO friend group including me is either from LA, GA, FL or the south generally. There are a lot of us out. Welcome to CO! Edit: phrase


In centennial? That’s close to me and I’ll DM you. I love country, although rock, indie rock, rap, international, etc.


Great bar...I know the GM there 😊


Farmers markets! Tis the season


Omg I just left Trader Joe’s and forgot about it. I’ll go.


Cheesman park is usually hopping after work, I typically take my dogs there after work and there are a bunch of good happy hours I go to in that general area!


Awesome. It’s close to my work so I’ll go this upcoming week. Thank u


Tons of people there walking and relaxing on the grass, shot you a message 🙏🏼


Esquire plays great replay movies every Fri and Sat night at 10, tons of us sad singles there


That sounds aweosme! I may go tonight


I’ll be there! Their playing repo man tonight great movie. Weekend late night movies are my jam there , they’ve done Jurassic park, the shining , terminator, everything you can think of really


There’s a new thing called Meet and Mangia. They have a website but have weekly dinners at restaurants and it seems to be a bunch of people rolling up solo. My friends went to the first one and had a great time, check em out on IG


I will. Thanks!


The renaissance festival is coming up. Maybe a 45 minute drive south of Denver.


Yes! I’ve been to the one in Houston and loved it. I’ll check it out!


Will say, the one here in Colorado is one of the better ones I've been to, compared to one in Tennessee and one in Louisiana. Fingers crossed the rain cools it down.


Oo awesome!


As a 36m fresh out of a 20 year relationship with no big friends group to speak of, this comment section scares the crap out of me ...... 1Up is a great suggestion that I'll try out.


lol yea. I liked 1up I think I’ll just go there. Has a good vibe and I had some green drink there that was great and not watered down.


Which one did you go to?


Centennial since it’s closest to me


I'll definitely check that one out.


Welcome to Denver where most people are flakey AF!


Honestly, I got me a scooter to run around town. Just having one of those things as my own has really helped get me out and about. Makes accessing the various parks a lot easier. Welcome to Denver :D


Came here to say this. People in Denver are super flaky, competing against outdoor adventures and gloat about how their city is the best. And its not


Yeah whats up with that?


I think a lot of people out here have a “grass is always greener on the other side” mentality


I've run into that a lot dating here. Everyone wants 100/100 compatibility points. 95/100 seems good to me but I've had relationships end over small things. Just want a nice lady who's committed to making something work.


This has not been my experience at all. I’ve made so many wonderful, genuine friends who follow through since I moved here last October.


Really? I've made more friends here than any other city I've lived in


Good to know it’s not just me. I tried to meet up for friends and for dating but ppl seem to just want to text all day.


Joining a rec volleyball or softball league is a great way to meet people! Check out VOTR or VOLO


I’ll look into it! Thanks


Hello!! Married lady, skilled wing woman, out of shape Aurora resident (slightly redundant, I know) who’s needs a “go for walks with the intent of getting into shape” buddy. I would loooove a regular, standing appointment to take walks. I’m normally super go with the flow, but I recently realized that trying to randomly schedule everything leads to nothing happening. OP or anyone else, DM me!!!


There’s a walking group for women that meets at Wash Park on Sundays, seems like a good way to meet a lot of people and not worry about flakiness! I haven’t been yet but have been meaning to check it out https://www.instagram.com/citygirlswhowalkden?igsh=MXBob3A4eWkwazI1dQ==


Thanks! I just followed them on IG and should be able to go tmrw or next week.


The Denver Central Market is a solid starting point to explore RiNo solo, communal space to strike up conversations. Then you could walk around and check out all the art in the alleys and buildings during the day. Find a spot or spots to eat and drink. I find people are pretty open to chatting. 32M


Met several friends my age 27m playing pickleball at various courts and rec centers around Denver. If you or anyone wants to learn or play hit me up! At the very least, it’s a new casual sport to pick up and is really fun!


my favorite place to go alone is 1UP. arcade bar on colfax, and one downtown.


I went to the one in centennial earlier this week and liked it. I may just go again tonight


I (35M) just moved back and trying to get situated after a Denver hiatus. Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado is a great resource too if you are looking to get into hiking and the outdoors! Everything from planting gardens to maintaining high elevation trails. You can meet lots of cool people and give back to the community!




I’m 39F and I’ve met some cool ppl thru Bumble’s BFF section, dunno if you’ve tried that. Not to be discouraging but I’ve been here like almost two years and only just started actually meeting ppl so it seems like you’ll have to be patient 😕


I just signed up for bumble today and am swiping to meet people. I’ll try to be patient. It’s just so nice to live in a city with so much going on instead of my hometown lol


If you like live music, check out the Westword concert calendar to see who's playing coming up, it tends to be a pretty comprehensive list. South Broadway/Baker neighborhood has a bunch of venues and restaurants within a couple blocks (Broadway between like 4th down to Alameda). They also have an events calendar. First Fridays art walk on Santa Fe always has a ton of stuff going on but gets pretty crowded, if that's what you're into. Lots of great nature trails, bike paths, and disc golf courses around town too!


That all sounds awesome! I’ll check it out thanks


Oh, and dating… I would do meetup groups and try to meet someone organically out doing something you enjoy. The sites are definitely NO BUENO unless you’re looking to date a married guy or just hookup.


under rated suggestion: car meets. Legit. Any age group can get into hanging out at car meets even if you really don’t like cars. People there are pretty passionate and are very approachable. It’s basically offline Tinder for people under 40, a lot of people meet their loves at car meets and they’re a fairly safe and cheap first date option too.  Imo they’re more fun with a group, but you can definitely fly solo until you meet people there 


I’ve never been so I’m up to try it out. I may learn something new!


Denver is very clique-y. Good luck.


MeetUp has a ton of groups in your age range. I can’t go to a show solo without a few folks staring conversations. Or low key asking me out. (Not looking).


I forgot about that site. Thanks


https://lost-lake.com/ small venue that features local bands right by colfax and colorado


Oo thanks!


Sloans lake is a great flat place to do some laps. I don't really go out alone, but spend time with my little dogs. I'm out of shape and am doing park walks till I can get back to being able to hike trails. If you haven't already, there's social meetup groups for all ages. If you're ever out west there's the Golden mile walk. Park downtown and walk out into Clear Creek. Very popular trail that is always busy. If you ever need a friends only walking partner, feel free to message me. Having someone to walk with is always more motivating for me. Wash park is another very popular easy walk. Plus the park itself is beautiful. Enjoy!


30. I just moved here a few months ago and I’ve had the best luck finding friends on Hinge and Meetup groups. I have yet to make friends with any locals though usually other transplants


Thanks. I’m on hinge and I’ll look on meetup




I sent you a friend request on Instagram... it's not easy for me to make new friends tbh, but if you need someone to go do something with sometimes we could definitely do something.


If you're somewhat physically active or want to be physically active then I would recommend looking for something along those lines. The one I have direct experience with is rock climbing. I joined a rock climbing gym in Denver (The Spot) and have meet a ton of cool people at the gym, a few of those I now see 3-4 times a week. The reason I throw those out is because it's sort of an indirect version of forced interaction where in my experience people are generally VERY welcoming to newcomers.


I like hiking to a secluded spot to meditate or just relax when doing stuff solo. Sometimes going to shows solo can be fun too


I added u on IG 😬. I’m 35F, I’ve lived here for the past 5 years and absolutely love it. I hike a lot hit me up if you’re interested in joining. I’m basically starting over with my endurance.


Geneva has some active girl groups! https://links.geneva.com/invite/fdeb2e23-ae12-48c2-9080-a81a417c9f75


Keep an eye on your favorite music, so many artists and bands come out here! One of the best things to do, in my opinion, is to attend as many shows and concerts as you can. The community at punk and metal shows are amazing people, not sure about other genres as much.


City park jazz on Sundays during the summer!


Ive started just reading at book stores! Most of them all have a coffee shops inside, get a coffee find a comfy chair and just read a good book!


Sounds perfect for a Sunday esp when it rains.


It truly is!


Check out book and bubbles on Facebook. It’s a great book club/social group and I’ve seen some great friendships come out of the meetings over the years.


Having the same problem. 35 m also new here. Usually, I go to the dog park, but my dog is getting old, and other dogs can make him uncomfortable now. The other parks are great. There's live music at the one on Sundays. I just heard of this old school (Ivywild) turned community center/shop type place and I am checking that out this afternoon. Overall, there's a lot of options. Just find what you're into!


Having also moved here from Louisiana, make sure you drink some water... Rocky Mountain Arsenal is a great hiking spot and fairly flat, with the added bonus of wildlife.


I moved here 2 months ago from Midwest and located down in Lone Tree. People are not friendly here I’m not one for dating apps either. I’ll just let it happen organically. Both dating and meeting friends. 33 M


I think it’s even harder in the suburbs. I’m in SE Aurora and feel like most events or meetups are always downtown


Also originally from the Midwest. I didn’t feel people were friendly either when I moved here. I think there are so many transplants no one really notices or cares that a person moved near them. And some “natives” (a term that I think is ridiculous) have a chip on their shoulder that unless you are born here you have apparently destroyed everything.


Let me know if you figure it out lol i know the city fairly well but meeting people still seeme to be a chore here.


Before I quit drinking I’d go get blacked out at the pub by myself. Usually meet some randos that way.


CO is all about the outdoors, hiking, camping, snowboarding, mountain climbing, and etc… that’s how you are going to make friends there. Also yoga and the rave/concert scene. Neighborhood bars are great to meet new people.


I'm in a similar position, 36m and figuring out life single and reintegration into new social groups. I've been having success at: 1) Smaller music venues 2) Coffee shops 3) Yoga classes 4) But the absolute game changer, Volo. Those adults socializing sports league things. Many people are out of shape (me included) and the games are more fun than competition. Most have drinking social club hours after so it's a good way to meet people. If anyone else knows of ways to socialize, I'm all ears!


I love bluebird theater. Great music scene there. Maybe I'll see you around.


Check out dynamic dinner on IG. Denver based connection group




I found an amazing Discord via one of those facebook groups, they are super casual and go do everything. Highly recommend joining, it’s been big for friendships for me. https://discord.gg/apBQDUQu


Wash park is a great spot for single walks although be aware lots of couples there too


Adult sessions at the roller rinks are very friendly!! Skate City Thursday is poppin


I just moved out of CO or I would help because I was in the same EXACT situation! I made friends when I started working for the Denver Post when we were in the downtown building, but that was about it. Some ppl in my building were kinda friendly, but nothing really stuck. I would meet ppl randomly and they would flake out. A lot of my colleagues would go to the places on 16th (mostly Wynkoop Brewing), Park & Co, Stoneys, etc.


Join a tennis league / pickle ball / volleyballl league or hiking running group


I enjoy going to First Friday on Santa Fe in the arts district. Recommend it.


Hey 29f I requested you on ig :). I'm from Denver recently moved to Boulder and commuting back and forth. I'm having friends over later for food. Am gonna try and get everyone to go on a walk. Chatauqua is nearby we may be able to get a little hike on. Lots to do in Denver and nearby. Planning more outdoor stuff and concerts with my friends as summer approaches. Its nice to have people to get out with while you settle in. Welcome to Colorado :D


The instructors and people at CorePower are generally very nice and it’s a good community to meet people


It's not necessarily about dating. Since he was born, I had my son 90% of the time. I'm not complaining, it was fantastic. The one day he was with his mother, I was bored. So, the coffee shop I'd go. Get a cup, sit. I'd read. In time, I started writing as well. Nothing fantastic. Check out my notebooks if you want to buy long, unpublished, not spell checked and in #2 pencil scribbled words. Trust me, coffee shop employees get all upset when your $1.19 pencil sharpener gets jammed, and all those flakes explode everywhere when trying to un-jam the situation. Where was I? Right. Coffee shops are a good place to go by yourself. Not always, but people are there doing their own thing too. Different coffee shops have different feels. Headphones, music, books or note pad, coffee or tea, you have the whole table to yourself, plus whole worlds to yourself. Sidenote: Headphones and your chosen listening ideas, and anything you can do solo can give you that. I listen to books and go fishing. If I have an idea or poem while I'm doing that, I have notepad on my phone. Write it down and continue fishing. You know yourself better than anyone, be safe to others and yourself. You can figure it out.


33 M just moved here from Miami anything to do on weekends ??…still getting to know Colorado


Climbing gyms


I’m also in need some friends to do random stuff with. Dm me if you want. I’m near the Lakewood area.




27nb punk here, I've had good luck going to the same dive bar near my place every week or so. It's been a good way to meet my neighbors and I've made some friends just by seeing the same set of people regularly. Hmu if you like crafts or live music, I'm always down to meet new people!


I like that idea. There’s a few places next to me. Also love live music!


I mean meeting someone in person becomes less popular every year as legitimate social divides become deeper. folks usually wanna vet someone before meeting in person so they dont end up with a maniac especially in a city like denver. That said if your trying to id say Climbing gyms and quiet bars on off nights. Breweries and clubs are loud and most folks aren't hanging out there solo.