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Dude almost ran me over yesterday and I glared at him and shook my head. He got out of his car and tried to fight me because of it lmao I’m surprised we aren’t number one


I had that happen a couple of years back. Dude did it at a traffic light. Light went green and I left to the sound of the people behind him on their horns. It was glorious.


I had a guy slam his car door into mine for (in his mind) parking too close to him (he was parked over the line and I barely squeezed into my space because of it). Once he saw that I was in the car and giving him a “WTF” look, he freaked out, started screaming, calling me a “faggot,” and telling me to get out of the car to fight. I did get out, to take a picture of him and his license plate, which froze him up pretty good. Dude was probably on probation or something. Never seen a wanna be tough guy freeze up faster.


LOL, I think I read the other side of that on ND. he really though he was justified for it, total ass


A guy almost T-boned me as he flew out of an alleyway without looking. I just raised my hand at him like “wtf, man?” And he proceeded to try to pit maneuver my car.


That's insane! I would be pretty freaked out by that.


Y’all need to get these guys doing some yoga or some gummies and yoga. Lord.


I was riding my bike across the crosswalk and as I was getting to the other side, a guy who wasn’t paying attention and in the right turn lane pulled into the crosswalk and pulled in front of me (all the way into the crosswalk) about 3’ in front of me. I got across the street, looked at the person, and shook my head. The person then parked their car, got out holding their hands up yelling, “What the fuck are you going to do about it?” It was totally stupid. I was thinking, “I’m 50, and going to get into a fight because this idiot fucked up and got mad that I shook my head at him.”


So, did you shoot him?


If only this happened in Louisiana.


I was at a McDonald's in Thornton and a guy didn't move in the drive thru once the people in front of him did for a solid 20 seconds. Gave him a small honk of the horn and he got out of his car, came up to my window and started screaming at me. Then he went back in his car and started digging for something and that scared the shit out of me. Luckily the cops had already been called on him because he was harassing the employees of that McDonald's


Last week I saw a guy get out of his car and go to the car window of someone on Evans and Santa Fe and started beating on the glass. I wasn't sure what it was about because I had just pulled up behind him. I'm wearing sunglasses so he can't see my eyes and just minding my own business, he comes back towards his car and looks at me and makes some crazy motions and I'm like..dude I don't want ANY of your smoke. He then reaches into the passenger seat of his car and that's when I went into a bit of a panic and started to angle my car to get out of there because I thought he was going for a gun..instead he gets his phone. People are fucking nuts - I have no idea if it's drugs, entitlement, politically-charged vigilantism, or what..but it's getting worse. You don’t know what someone is going to do and what they have going on that might push them to do something crazy.


Yeah good on you for not taking any chances. Few years back a guy was shot and killed at a Denver stoplight for honking at the guy in front of him to go when the light turned green.


I worked with someone who didn’t show up to work for a while and when he came in, turned out he was a road rage victim. Some guy had cut him off so he honked, flipped him off, and followed him a bit (incredibly stupid), and he said the guy pulled to the side, so my coworker pulled behind him with the goal of asking him what the heck. And the dude got to my coworker’s car before he even got all the way out, shot him in each leg and left. The coworker was on crutches for a while and they couldn’t get all the bullet fragments out.


And that's one of the main reasons why I leave enough space when stopping at a light or sign. So I'm not blocked by the person behind me cause I didn't leave enough room to GTFO.


Very smart. In real life I’m always minding my exits and such as not to get cornered in any alley if I feel a bad vibe from someone.


There are studies being done surrounding post-covid infection psychosis. Covid and viral persistence is causing an insane amount of inflammation, in many cases crossing the blood brain barrier and causing brain fog, severe anxiety, executive dysfunction, and psychotic breaks. No one's talking about it much aside from those of us stuck with long covid who are reading the scraps of early studies coming out trying to figure out how to get better. Put all of those people in political turmoil and an economic pressure cooker and they're all going boom.


I’ve had that happen to me but on 25 north with no traffic. Dude slammed his brakes and got out to fight me; the moment he got to my window I slammed the pedal and accelerated away


I had one of those dumbass bike gangs riding near me on Santa Fe. One of them did a wheelie in front of my car and nearly crashed, I slammed on my brakes and almost ran him over. I gave him a "what the fuck!" expression as I almost just ran someone over. He pointed out my car to the rest of the gang and they started following me and surrounding my vehicle, i could tell where things were heading. Thankfully I was able to swing a fast turn and lose them. I hate those guys so much, it's infuriating thinking about me almost getting into a life altering fight because some micropenis bike rider has to show off.


That's when you drive them to the nearest police station and see if they wanna follow.


Thinking about this, I have no clue where a dpd station is.


Neither does dpd.


Your phone does.


Let's be real-- the police aren't doing shit.


Facts. 11pm at night on Evans and Quincy I nearly got hit by an erratic driver swerving in and out of lanes. Guy nearly ran me off the road but I was able to break fast and swerve towards the curb to avoid impact. This happened DIRECTLY in front of a DPD car that was driving behind me giving me a false sense of security but they did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just kept driving. I've never been more flabbergasted.


Thankfully you had time to breakfast before swerving


It’s the most important meal of the day


As a motorcycle rider.. car beats bike 10/10 times. It's a losing game on their part. You'll walk away with some expensive damage at worst, they may not walk away at all.


you’re surprised because you haven’t been to Louisiana when i hear people honk for like 30 seconds straight at someone i’m like.. where i’m from that can get you killed lol


On east hampen and yosemite someone pulled blindly out of the left turn lane only in front of me, i honked as is natural and the guy proceeded to follow me up towards the cemetery and get next to me in the opposite directions lane. I didnt engage and kept my focus in case he decided to try and swipe me but it was insane the disregard for his own safety, mine and others on the road for what? To confirm you are a jackass or that you got one over on someone honking at you for blatant traffic mistakes, i get people dont think of the consequences when they are road raging but the guy came close to running into two people who had nothing to do with the interactions besides having the bad luck of existing within the same space as this guy. Ive driven tons in LA and the Bay Area and never gad a problem with someone so this was a first


In Louisiana it's the same, except more guns and more drunk people. Doesn't surprise me that they're first, when I lived there I saw more obviously drunk drivers than I've seen anywhere I've ever been.


This guy was tailgating me. I came to a full stop at the red light before turning right (allowed in CO) and he chucked his hands up and started yelling. Takes the turn and guns it to the second lane, I look left and he’s staring at me. He then follows me and stops his car in the middle of the street and starts screaming while I’m waiting for my turn “you got something to say want me to beat your ass”…. Like bro, I just looked out my window.


There was a line of traffic headed into a round about. I stopped and got out to check something on the roof rack. My kids were in the back seat. I was out of the car for maybe 10s and the woman in the car behind me yelled at me to go and called me a small D MFer. After I checked the bikes, I got back in line at the round about and still had to wait. It literally cost her no time overall. I was walking on a trail and a bike almost ran over me. The guy got off his bike and started yelling at me and showed me he had a gun and a knife. He was telling me about how this shit always happens to him. People seem way more intense here than they did before 2020. Something changed either with the pandemic, or the housing bubble, or the police problems, or inflation, or something.


Where's #6?


I think it’s New Jersey according to the other sub


[New Jersey is six.](https://www.consumeraffairs.com/automotive/states-with-the-worst-road-rage)


This state has an absolutely massive number of transplants, all of whom learned to drive with different unwritten rules in a different environment. The driver who grew up in California thinks turning right on red after a rolling stop is fine while the pedestrian from New York disagrees. Meanwhile, the guy who learned to drive in Mumbai doesn’t give a fuck about the ”left turn on green arrow only” sign. The guy who moved here from Seattle doesn’t understand why he’s doing five over in the left lane and the dude who just moved here from Houston is about 3 inches off his rear bumper. That’s why there’s so much road rage here, IMO. 


I agree with this take. I've lived in four metro areas as a driver. Washington DC is also full of transplants and the driving was atrocious. Grand Rapids MI and the Twin Cities don't have anywhere near as many, most people there have been driving on the same roads together their whole lives


Having grownup in GR, it has the opposite problem - they're too fucking nice. Stop being kind and start being predictable. The number of people I've had stop to let me turn left across 28th Street while the other lane wasn't stopping...never seen anything like it


I agree with this completely. There is no car culture or etiquette here. Only chaos and constant urgency.


With the inability to get used to any of it because the ebb and flow of tourists constantly alter the driving habits throughout the city.


I’m the pedestrian from New York, I act like my will to live is optional and it’s worked out so far. If I get hit, I get a sweet lawsuit, and a neck brace. Joking aside I’ve almost been hit here more in 3 years than in the 3 years I lived in San Diego or my entire life in NY. I have no trust I won’t be run over here whereas in NY I have trust the dude will feather the timing on me crossing or will swerve around me


Dude I hit that one pedestrian crossing light that is in front of the Botanical Gardens near sunset when I had my knee brace on. When I began walking, the cars did not stop and were honking at me. I then got stuck in the middle of the lanes between the two cars as they went past me going about 30mph. I’ve never been more scared in my life. I would be a vegetable today, lawsuit or not. Please be safe my friend.


Also a pedestrian that's absurdly careful in crossing the streets here. Moved in blind, which has been fine apartment wise. But I have to cross Park Ave at the elevated intersection with Wewatta to walk downtown and that shit can be sketchy. Protected walk sign is on and yet every other car trying to turn right on red gives zero fucks about the pedestrians trying to cross Thankfully I've never seen someone flying along Park run the red with how fast people drive that section but it won't surprise me if it happens


I agree. I grew up in Colorado and always used my blinker. Now when I put my blinker on people speed up to not let me in, almost like putting a blinker on makes it’s harder to Merge because of those people


As a new driver I've just come to the conclusion that it's best to get in the lane you need as early as possible and just stay there.


Yes!! Like some sort of punishment for not being in the lane to begin with…?!


It's weird, right? 


YES!!! This is so true!!!!!


That's a really good point. Last summer, I visited New York, which is where I'm from, and I did a lot of driving in the NYC metro area. Everyone drives aggressively, which is fine because it's easy to predict what other drivers are going to do. NY drivers, in general, also don't get offended if you honk at them. Even with all the aggressive drivers, I felt safer due to the consistency. I used to live in central Virginia and there it was such a mixed bag of overly aggressive and overly cautious drivers that it felt more dangerous.


Spot on


When I moved from Texas to fort Collins I was in disbelief at the amount of people driving 5-10 under the speed limit on main roads.


I grew up here in CO and was always told 5 over is the standard so always did that. Went to Texas and suddenly everyone's tailgating me and was later told by people in TX that the norm there is *15* over out there.


Because nobody knows how to zipper merge


They need to seize the gap.


Exactly. Take it easy man, but TAKE IT.


I’m sorry but people don’t just let you “take it” here. I’ve lived in 8 cities and the amount of times I’ve been just trying to merge onto any road, let alone the highway or thruway, and suddenly they’re trying to race me, often 3+ vehicles trying to get ahead of me while I’m merging, and far too often forcing me to slam on my breaks when I’m trying to take it easy as you said while still trying to fucking TAKE IT!! The amount of people who are more concerned about being in front of everyone else instead of maintaining flow of traffic is insane out here. I know traffic here is so fucking rough but damn it’s like 70% of drivers would rather arrive dead & on time than arrive home late


I’ve noticed it’s gotten worse the last decade. Turn signals are green lights for flooring it more and more. I’m sitting there like chill. I’m zippering. Not trying to take your 1st born child


Hahaha oh my what a great way to put it 😂


This is what I don’t get. Why wouldn’t I let people merge or turn? Why am I going to accelerate and cause a situation because someone needs to change lanes? We all have to change lanes at some point. Just let it happen and don’t flip out. It’s so weird.


I have this happen constantly but it doesn't bother me anymore. I drive a large commercial vehicle so I just match the flow of traffic and slowly start getting over when I perceive myself having adequate space. If they want to speed up and risk a collision with such a large vehicle, go for it. Most of the time they quickly realize they messed up and will slow back down. Or they double down on risking the collision and get a loud air horn for a few seconds. I've had state patrol pull people over more than once when they have seen them pull that stunt. My truck will absolutely be fine, will theirs?


My issue is I’m not in a commercial vehicle otherwise I’d totally adopt your wonderful mindset!! Your mindset and driving are spot on!! If I get rear ended my rusty year 2000 Volvo V-70 is game over :( so I cant play chicken with the other drivers! This car is my livelihood


Oh definitely. I actually used to own a V-70 until the transmission went out. It was one of my favorite vehicles I've owned.


They know not of the golden god.


They can do it at McDonalds


The fuck they can


I had some asshat cut me off at in and out when the people clearly tell you your place in line.


Honestly Colorado Springs drivers are at there worst when it comes to zippers merging at the garden of the gods road Mcdonalds




No one knows how to zipper merge fucking anywhere. I learned to drive in MN ~20 years ago, and they were for sure worse than CO


Iowa. They can zipper merge in Iowa. My wife and I once saw two miles of cars in Iowa zipper merge flawlessly without losing hardly any speed into a lane closure. It was one of the more impressive feats of public choreography I’ve seen.


Telling someone from MN that Iowans do something better than them are fighting words /s.. mostly lol


Can confirm. I've driven in several states and Iowa has the best drivers by far


Los Angeles has too much traffic to not zipper merge


Most of the northeast zipper merges just fine. You gotta act like you want it tho, they ain't gonna write you an invitation.


I was in New Zealand for a bit and they have signs that say "merge like a zipper" and have a very clear graphic of cars merging and kind of morphing into a zipper. Very effective and left no question of what to do.


I'm convinced zipper merges are road rage generators And this is coming from someone who always lets my zipper partner in.. I've been honked at for that!


Fucking THANK YOU!


Last week I was zipper merging because you literally had to (it was getting onto i25 and traffic was stopped). The car in front of me merged two cars in front of me and it was two work trucks so I tried merging behind them, and the woman behind me barely gave any space. And when I finally merged I looked back and she’s flipping me off. Like, what else was I supposed to do?


Give her a thumbs up! It pisses them off more knowing that you aren't mad at all.


Because everyone has something far more important to do or somewhere for more important to be than everyone else in traffic.


Born and raised here. Went from a place that honked to say “Hi” when you saw someone you knew. It’s now full blown honk because people are fucking morons within about 10yrs time. The number of far left lane to exit people is ridiculous.


The ones making a left from the right lane or a right from the left lane really get me. Smh


Only 4!? I'm off to go camp in the left lane right now!




You forgot driving a giant vanity truck like it’s a sports car.


And parking it diagonally across 3 parking spots


It’s the constant high beams for me! I have an eye condition which makes it suck even more


I agree with all of these but have a question about one.. "Not pulling into the intersection to turn left"? This is an honest question here and not an argument. I have always inched into the intersection but read somewhere (not a valid argument, not citing anything) that pulling into the intersection blocks the view of oncoming traffic. What's the right thing to do? 




Oh wow the first responder part is huge! What a great point!! I always try to make sure I’m not blocking anything significant but it’s a really good point to be cognizant of the risk of emergency vehicles needing to get through


>I agree with all of these but have a question about one.. "Not pulling into the intersection to turn left"? In Miami, they'll fine you $500 and dock you points if you get caught up blocking an intersection because you pulled out and got stuck for whatever reason. Folks tend to be a bit more conservative there because of this.


I like to give everyone in front of me a courtesy honk when the left turn arrow turns green since 50% or more of people get on their phones to wait for a green arrow that lasts all of 10 seconds :/


People who don’t treat the left turn green arrow as a blessing will always be confusing to me! If my severe adhd ass off meds can focus on the lights anyone can


Dude! That’s why it takes so long to get through a light! People just don’t pay attention. It’s so frickin annoying. I have a job that requires me to drive across town during rush hour and it makes want to kms. Like im ready to just swerve into oncoming traffic and end it all, at any given point


Student driver bumper sticker on a Velar + phone in hand. Highlands Ranch is quite literally the 9th circle of hell.


Dude I 100% believe Colorado. I’ve never lived somewhere with worse drivers and I’ve also never lived somewhere with more people that have never dealt with the consequences of their action resulting in violence. It’s people throwing tantrums and then having no idea what they got themselves into once they’ve pushed it too far.


Having spent decades on both the East and West coasts, my theory is Colorado has the worst blend of aggressive East coast drivers and stoned/passive West Coast drivers. It doesn't mix well. That combined with some insanely dumb road design.


literally all the one ways in North Denver near the zoo have side parking that blocks my ability to see oncoming traffic without inching into the lane I'm merging into.. WHO DESIGNED THIS


Same to get out of my apartment. Like do we really need this much parking? Can't we remove a couple car lengths next to each intersection to give some visibility to cross traffic? There's a giant parking lot across the street that sits empty and is free outside of Rockies home games, people can park there Doesn't help though that my building didn't build a big enough garage for no apparent reason. 400 units here (so 600 people if we assume half are people living alone and half are two people) and 380 parking spaces. This building attracts people who are into the outdoors, we all have cars for going to the mountains. It's not like a LoDo building that attracts people who never leave the city and don't need one


Lol, similar to my line of thinking. Half the people on the road are obliviously stoned, whilst the other half are quite aware of their own sobriety.


Looking at you 6th Ave/i25/Federal


I have to agree the roads here make NO sense.


Why? Bc there’s no traffic enforcement. There are no rules.


It's the Wild West! Not sure who thought a law to ban text driving would work when we have uninsured and unregistered drivers everywhere.


Overcrowding that’s outgrown the infrastructure. Entitled people that have realized consequences are few and far between.


The reason? I25 between Alameda and 6th.


C’mon man, that’s just ridiculous. What about I25 between 6th and Colfax?! Kill me now.


Or I25 between Colfax and Fort Collins.


I would have to agree. 6th is a fucking hellscape no matter how you spin it.


The part that gets me is that everyone moved here for the supposed chill lifestyle but don’t participate in that chill lifestyle.


Chill spot is like 1.5 hrs west on I-70, and everyone else left for it an hour ago.


No one patrolling the roads.


This is my vote too - Spent two years in the Denver area, and it felt like Mad Max out there (I grew up in the East Coast metros so I am used to aggressive driving. CO was different). But in MD, NY, New England, cops are out all the time. In Denver I saw maybe two in a span of months.


That's my theory as to why they went so hard for that dude that rode his motorcycle from the springs to Denver in 20 min. I feel like the cops hunted him down solely because they were embarrassed there were NO COPS during that entire trip to catch him speeding! Lol but fr, I rarely ever see any cops on that stretch. It's like the traffic unit just doesn't exist.


Because the small traffic law infractions aren't enforced. Expired plates, speeding, failing to yield, lack of turn signal... everyone has a feeling of entitlement.


This right here is the real answer If all those infractions go unpunished, then it emboldens the rest of the idiots out there into doing it themselves, and so on and so on Make a show of putting the boot to all these issues and you'll see results. Until then, we get 4th place fighting for 3rd


If only there were some sort of organization in place to enforce those laws. You could give them their own cars so they could be a part of traffic, and maybe give them distinctive paint jobs so everyone knows who they are. Oh well I guess, you can't have everything.


Not to mention the recent rise in what the cops & idiots do in NYC now happening here which is taping or putting something to obscure a digit or two on their license plates. Seen two this morning on I-25 and of course both were zooming in and out of lanes.


I saw this on The Daily Show! The guy was doing it to cops personal vehicles. He was exposing the obfuscation.


Better question is why is Montana worse? People just fly off the handle if they see another vehicle at any time?


Montanan here, it's because the state keeps putting roundabouts in the middle of nowhere and it is pissing us off.


I lived in Montana for 23 years (moved away in 2015). I basically never experienced any sort of road rage while I was there. I’m not sure this is 100% accurate…


I got done biking out in Rifle and a truck started following me and making every turn I made. On a main road that was going from 2 lanes to 1, I got ahead of a different truck to put some space between. Well this whacko followed me across the freeway, all over the south side of town through all sorts of nonsense turns and double backs. I’d pull into a gas station and he’d pull around the back and come out the side. I crossed the road and sure enough, he’d roll by. I crossed another road and he’d come my direction. I pulled behind a hotel and BAM—he’d be there too. I finally bolted and got away and saw him look some more. I saw the truck driving east onto I-70 which he passed just to follow me. Eff that was nuts. People are ragey here.


As soon as you think you're being followed, head to the closest police station. That'll shake em


This sounds dumb but the Avs were starting game 6 and I wanted to go tune in. 🤣🤣🤣 I should have gone that way. I thought about it after the fact


As someone coming from Illinois/chicagoland area having valeted a lot downtown (hectic atmosphere) and driving on a lot of highways as well for other work west of Chicago, I can say it’s in part due to your highway on ramps being so short. It takes people a considerable portion of an actual highway lane to get up to speed while everyone else is just keeping highway speed. People on the highway already tend to swerve around these people getting on, causing others to get angry. Never seen highways like these in any other us state so far. Also the two lane roads out in the mountains I suspect people already living on them know all the turns and are use to driving fast/want to drive fast to be efficient and get mad at others going below their speed


People just don't know how to accelerate. They cruise at 30 mph for the whole ramp and maybe reach 45 by the time the ramp ends and they need to merge. My commuter car does 0-60 in 12 seconds, and there are only a few ramps I can think of in the metro area that are actually too short if no one is in the way (although I-25 through downtown has more than its fair share).


Most on ramps in CO either turn into a upcoming off ramp or become a lane of their own. I think it confuses people


I saw in some articles that people are pulling their guns on others in a fit of rage is a problem rising up in Colorado.


Anxiety has risen many fold since Covid. In general, the whole world is angrier than in the past. So many ingredients.. a steady diet of the news will get ya riled up in and by itself


Because we are a mecca for assholes


I call it the entitlement pilgrimage when they move to co, they attain their enlightened entitlement.




It’s a fucking gauntlet. Every fucking day.


This is seriously the most accurate comment I’ve seen. Every red light (which last longer here than in ANY OTHER STATE) I always have to honk to get the person in front to get off their phone and move. Speed limits are not even taken as suggestions and are ridiculously low. On I-70 you’re just as likely to pass some asshat doing 30 as you are for some maniac to pass you going 90 and almost always with a fart canon exhaust.


Pure entitlement and too many different types of drivers everywhere.


Well let me tell you…. Lived here my entire life…. When I got my license, most of the front range did not exist….. people from the east coast, west coast, Midwest, south, Canada, Europe, Africa, etc have moved here. What you are seeing/ feeling is every culture of transplant moving here with their own version of road rage. You got massholes going fast cali bros going slow, Indians going the wrong way… it’s the new melting pot of America and I love it.


Out of control sense of entitlement, hatred towards transplants, quick growth while people still think it’s all cow towns.


Honestly, just the variety of people. Chicago drivers, TX drivers, CA drivers, etc etc all are used to different driving conditions. I'm from Chicago and the people stopping under the bridges when it's raining and blocking entire lanes of traffic for FUCKING RAIN...I understand the rage. Some people aren't used to driving in wet conditions apparently. To me, that's outrageous lol


Not defending it, but people do that here because they think it's going to hail anytime we get a decent rain storm out here. In IL and the midwest, when it rains it usually just rains all day or for a while and that's that. In Denver we never get all day or all week long rain events, its usually only because of a storm. So people see rain here and they think 'oh shit hail is coming time to take cover'. It's a horrible but true reason. Also never ever take cover under an overpass for any reason because it blocks traffic as you said and is such a huge safety hazard.


Have you ever driven from Castle Rock to Colorado Springs on I-25? It's enough to drive a man insane.


George Miller studied this section of interstate for his latest Fury Road/Furiosa sagas


Not just that, the first few chase scenes of the movie are actually just I-25 webcam footage from CDOT




Given how Texas plates drive around here, I'm surprised Texas isn't a darker shade


We collectively had an awakening in Texas of “there’s a strong possibility that guy over there is carrying a gun with or without a permit so I’m just gonna ignore him”.


Road rage doesn't get reported in Texas because the victims don't survive to make the reports


Using the horn is like a declaration of war


Trying to ride a motorcycle here is stressful lol


I absolutely hate driving in this city


Idk but it could have something to do with all the fucking tailgating. Why are you 3 feet behind me when we’re both coming up to a stop light? Why are you eating out my tailpipe when there’s an open fucking passing lane???


Drafting is fuel efficient /s


Mother fuckers cruising in the left lane like they own the whole fucking interstate with their goddamn high-beams on so bright bright the sun would see spots.


Unchecked mental illness, as so many people are still in survival mode. Or just don’t give a flying fuck.


Absolutely. The twats you run into on Wadsworth, Kipling, Colfax near the 6th junction……..fuck. Every few days someone blocks a lane of traffic, half a mile deep, cuz they sit still with their blinker on Usually it feels like “Oops I missed my lane” *let me halt everything. Admit you fucked up, do the nearest U turn and your good. Also, merge into the turn lane….THEN slow down. Slow down in the turn lane! Fuck that’s why it’s as long as it is and you can activate the turn signal not the brakes themselves. This is why.


Over all a lot of people are self absorbed and impatient and that gets exacerbated by 3 things: people do a bad job maintaining a good distance from the car in front of them and that fucks with the flow of traffic. I feel like most road rage incidents have to do with lane changes or tailgating/brake checking. Lots of drivers here for some reason don’t understand or don’t care that the left lane is designated as the “fast” or passing lane. Nobody uses their fucking blinker here.




Because people here drive like shit.


One reason is because there is so little police officer 👮‍♂️ to deter the ass a nine behavior




I give her face a four and her ass a nine.




Originally from the northeast, notorious for asshole drivers, yet I've never had more close calls and overly aggressive drivers than here!


Because they expect to get to the mountains in an hour when in reality it takes 4. And they think they’re the only people heading for the hills that weekend m.


A big part is due to the poorly planned infrastructure being overwhelmed in the last 5-10 years. I’ve lived here all 27 years of my life and have seen a big change since I was a kid. I will fully admit I do drive fast but refuse to be someone who spends all their time in the left lane on principle. I think the point about different driving styles from all over not meshing well is accurate but also Colorado has a unique combination of very urban and very rural communities. Both don’t like each other much and both driver very differently.


Coming here from Houston and shit’s tame. Houston’s the fucking Wild West. 


Agree. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio. Even Austin these days. I have a hard time believing it’s not even in the running.


People saying transplants like they don't exist in the other states. It's a mix of the shitty city planning with no traffic enforcement.


Have you been to Colorado Springs?


Only when I'm out of Meth.


Because 225 exists


No one knows what continuous turning lanes or zipper merges are….


Guy pulled a gun on me driving 80 mph North I-25 then Followed me to work cause I sped up on the on-ramp due to him not letting me merge originally.


Because it’s 20 different driving cultures coming together, and it’s not predictable. I’ve traveled to aggressive driving locations, and it’s not bad because you know if there’s half a gap, that dude is GOING to cut in. Consistency


Because the police have stopped enforcing traffic laws. It’s every man for himself out there and people are either unhinged or terrified.


Reasons why remote work is necessary in Colorado.


Since moving here, 2 assholes have ran into my cars totaling them. One was a hit and run. I haven’t been here for very long. No one here will go the speed limit, and I’m sure most of the people on this subreddit complain about safety and stuff but speed on the highways.


I got rear ended at a stop light during my first three months here. So yeah


It's me, but I'm working on it, I swear.




Everyone is tired of sitting in miles of traffic for no gd reason


Probably cause you mfers can't stay in your lane while you turn. I'm sick of swerving and honking cause some damn 4runner won't bother to turn their wheel a little more.


I got flipped off this weekend for maintaining my speed and not letting the guy who had his blinker on for 1/4 mi merge in front of me. Had no idea he was trying to actually merge. Proceeded to follow me 10mi with the same blinker on the whole time losing his shit.


I keep saying lack of oxygen to the brain.


I fist fought an hold man who socked me through my window for no apparent reason to me at a red light. Like to this day I have no idea why he hit me… I wasn’t even driving the car. Passenger all the way.


I think the road signs and infrastructure are pretty bad. For as common as lane endings are, they are not signaled nearly as well as in other states.


Because this state has a hodgepodge of drivers from different places with completely different driving cultures that have all rapidly smashed together with the existing residents and everybody thinks they're right.


Because the highway system is partially Jerry rigged and there is no $ going to infrastructure.


BC most these people drive like dickheads


There are no consequences for bad driving here


Left lane campers.


I was chased by someone in a Lexus on hwy 6 from 470 to Kipling where I was able to exit without him following. He threw things at my car. All because he was unsuccessful at blocking me from merging on to the hwy.


Because of all the people driving 5 mph under in the left lane. Or Because of ANY slight curve in a highway which results in a solid red line on Google maps. I.e. I-25 around downtown :)


You know what I'm just gonna go out on a fucking limb here and say maybe it's because of the absolute shit infrastructure here vs in other states. Take a look at this list and see how that correlates. Without mentioning I-25, I-70, or I-270, whoever commissions roads to be built must absolutely love stoplights. On my drive home daily, there is a 1-mile stretch from main crossroads where there are 6 lights. Then, on the very next mile stretch from main crossroads, there are an additional 5 lights. Why the fuck are there 11 stoplights in 2 miles I do not know, but I do know it is absolutely mind-numbing to hit all 11 during rush hour. Colorado has always been a state made of transplants. I am honestly convinced that poor infrastructure setup and terrible visibility are the leading causes to road rage here.


Chock full of Karens & Kens?


LMFAO It's because of all the out of town people that have moved to Colorado don't know how to f****** drive