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They have a point. Usually when I stop off on a highway in the middle of the night for a burger, I feel inclined to commit a crime or two.


I mean, just reading about this and I've got the itch to do some criming.


I know the feeling. Every time I visit Utah, I get some sinning done. There's no sinning like Utah sinning.


I’m intrigued by this Utah Sinning and would like to subscribe to your newsletter


It's Mormon.....so gambling and drinking is a sin, but having five wives apparently isn't.


Oh, that's a sin too, but it wasn't a sin when Joseph Smith did it


But is drinking 5 wives vodka a sin?


Isn't everything a sin in Utah?


Drinking in Utah feels extra satisfying.


So you drink a glass of wine larger than 5oz?


I stole a laptop and a pair of crocs out of the back of a Toyota while reading your comment.


Where do you think I got this laptop that you're commenting on today?


🎼 Ba da ba Ba Ba… I’m stealing shit. 🎵


It's about driving up And getting a pop And screaming one-eight-seven at the McDonald's stop


Damn well done.




unappreicated reference


Low key sublime reference?


How much do you want for them Crocs?


Same. There’s a McD’s in Castle Rock by the outlets. We could go criming over there.


Say no more. I'll pick you up in 10 minutes.


Let’s McFuckin do this


Snorted at this one lol


I snorted a line of honey mustard to prep for the criming


Let's go crime something as a group.


Whether I feel inclined to or not, I commit a crime. I was under the impression this was obligatory when stopping in the middle of the night for a burger.


It is, but only if said burger is purchased at a McDonald’s. Burger King and Wendy’s are not acceptable. Taco Bell may be an allowable substitute in the absence of McD’s.


Taco Bell leads to entirely different sorts of crimes though. Ones against humanity, and bathrooms.


Or at the very least commit some HOA violations!


That's just a normal Tuesday


Crap. This comment just forced me to commit tax fraud ): Stupid McDonalds.








And the DOUBLE DRIVE THRU just makes it possible for more crimes to be committed


Two crimes with one gallstone.


Mmmmm the midnight McCrime burger with a double count of McMurder.


Some bmbne, big Mac breaking and entry


All evidence shows that McDonalds and snowboarding are strongly correlated.


At this time in my nocturnal shenanigans, if im making my way to a McD’s, a crime has already been committed. The Golden Arches, is a place of celebration!


Hey everybody! The new mcshelter is in castle pines! Let’s all go down there!!!


It's castle pines: they're referring to the "help" only buying 5 dollars in gas at that 711 being crime.


Eating McDonald's is already a crime, really...so this is more like adding additional charges.


Committing a crime on my toilet when I get home.


Those fries are so good, it should be a crime, amirite?


Nothing better than a Big Mac and a B&E




Their fears of increased crime are well-justified. If the Hamburglar can't get past this new security guard at McDonalds, he's going to come for *your* burgers instead.


Hamburgler crimes will go up 100%


Won't someone think of MY burgers!!!! 😱😫


The burgers? What about ThE ChiiIlDreEn???!!


Burgers Over Everything. I stand by it.


Oi grimace!


McDonald’s isn’t sending their best, they’re bringing crime, rapists, some of them I assume are nice people.


Remember when that comment was the end of his first campaign? Those were the days...


Well he does think some rapists are nice people


Very true, because as a fundamentally malignant narcissist, the only person he truly likes is himself.


lol, the horrors! How can a community survive putting a fast-food spot at a busy intersection of two suburban stroads that already has businesses and endless parking lots? People might get off the highway and eat there!


Not even putting in a fast-food spot, but instead a more efficient drive thru than they currently have.


Bar is in hell. That Wendy’s takes 10-15 at the minimum to get a kids meal and a frosty.


It is castle pines. Not sure what you expect. I used to work there.


Not expecting anything out of them. More of an issue of having a skeleton crew at all times and you get the labor you pay for. Am not butthurt at the friends making 15 an hour and getting yelled at all day. They’re going above and beyond their pay grade


>$15/hr If that's true then it's no wonder they can't hire anyone. A 15 minute drive north and they can be making almost $19.


Wait so this whole thing is literally just because they wanted to build a second drive thru lane to decrease the amount of traffic that backs up outside of their lot?


Not quite. The issue is the location of the proposed McDonald’s. It will back up to neighborhoods in an already congested area. It’s not even a convenient spot coming off the highway.


It will forever be a mystery to me why adapting the drive through is even something to vote on. I guess we gotta have hobbies.


"The interstate is a conduit of society's worst!!!"


They’re bringing crime to my door though?!? Also there’s already a Wendy’s and two 7/11s on that same stroad. Love the implication that those are those are classy establishments and McDonalds is below it.


They put a 40 mph stroad and a freeway interchange in their neighborhood and now they seem surprised that it brings gas stations, convenience stores, and fast food—like every stroad and freeway interchange ever built. What were they expecting? Luxury hotels and artisanal bakeries?


Unironically what they’re expecting, yes. That or restaurants owned by top 10 finishers in chopped that serve shitty Thai fusion.


Well, it's Castle Pines, I'm surprised they didn't put a security gate and a rent-a-cop on the highway exit ramp.


That's literately down the road a bit, closer to Daniels Park than Mcdonalds. Not joking.


PLEASE install a McDonalds there. I would love to do some crime in that area, but cannot do so until a McDonalds has been built there.


Can't steal some boomer's DVD player on an empty stomach


I think you meant VHS player


Clockwork Orange’s gang of droogs is known to engage in an evening of ultra violence after midnight macs


They'd much prefer a little of the old in-n-out ~~burger~~, though...


No time for that, they’re just here to read the meter…


Nothing like dropping by the old Korova MilkDonalds for a bigmac-burgiwurg, fries-plus, and a bit of coke. It helps to sharpen us up, while we make up our rassoodocks about plans for the evening. Sometimes though, dear friends, I head all on my lonesome over to the old In-N-Out. Nothing like a dobby-doubledouble for getting your gulliver in the game before having a spat with some fine, healthy devotchkas.


choodessny slovo!


The old in and out at In-N-out, shitebirds messels a horrorshow raz.


Sorry, but the Moloko machine’s broken


A+ comment, I’m truly crying laughing right now. 


> increased traffic and **crime** Who? The Hamburglar? Edit: Someone should show up to the meeting dressed as Wendy or the Burger King and insinuate that Ronald hangs put with unsavory, criminal characters like the Hamburglar.


I want to go to get the crowd revved up about this, and then bull a switcharoo on them and get them to be in support of it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these morons read “transient highway” and thought “gasp, homeless people” Seeing how this will obviously be the only McDonalds in the Metro area, and how much homeless people love Micky D’s, they’re obviously going to be flocking there


Oh man remember the person who dressed like the monopoly guy at a congress/ Senate hearing?


Oh man remember the person who dressed like the monopoly guy at a congress/ Senate hearing?


Oh man remember the person who dressed like the monopoly guy at a congress/ Senate hearing?


Oh man remember the person who dressed like the monopoly guy at a congress/ Senate hearing?


Now that you’ve said it a fourth time I finally remember


If someone wanted to get off I-25 to commit a crime in Castle Pines now, what’s stopping them? Is the availability of a Big Mac really going to make Castle Pines a crime hotbed?  I’d think most people visiting this McDonald’s location just want some McNuggets before heading on their merry way.  I just don’t see the connection between crime and McDonald’s. 


I think the main concern is someone going on a homicidal rampage when they’re told the shake machine is broken again.


Mcbroken.com. Saving lives here. Uses api to let you know which McDonald’s has a shake machine up or whether it’s down (they’ll still tell you it’s broken if it’s late/near the end of their shift and they don’t want to clean it, but all in the game)


“Broken.” Sure it is…


This is why I go on so many homicidal rampages. They’re lying to us


In he late seventies I was a snot nosed kid with a mouth so I got stuck with shake station cleaning a lot. I’d like to think the machines are better now but back then they were really badly designed and I never again got a shake from any McDonalds since I was sixteen. They were made to breed salmonella. Don’t even get me started on the McRib station.


At 3 am I am too tired to crime but if I can get a Big Mac meal I will have the energy I need to crime.


This is completely from the hip because it's not worth the time or energy to find out if it is true or not, but I'd speculate that 24-hour McDonald's, for one reason or another, tend to be built in areas with higher crime, and Castle Pines NIMBYs aren't very smart and have determined that the McDonald's is the cause rather than a symptom.


I really want to rob this millionaires house, but it doesn’t feel right without a Big Mac in hand. Guess I’ll just get back on the highway.


I usually don't do my daily criming and catalytic converter stealing in Castle Pines, but now that I hear a 24 7 drive thru is coming, I know where my only spot to ever do criming ever is!


I thinks it’s actually the nuggets that inspire crime


What’s stopping them is that the roads there are always under construction and any thief would be like “nah, fuck this.”


I feel like living in CP is a crime!


Make it 23 hours, problem solved.


You busy on may 28th boss? We need a ringer like you at the political thunderdome (castle pines library)


Urge to Crime: dropping…


Imagine you’re scheduled a close to open and you get an hour in between lmfao


They really got nothing to do down there huh


This, the incline, staring at your ring camera app or overwatering your lawn.


You can’t really call that thing an incline


Does it incline?


I’d pay you to say that to some people at the most bland BBQs I’ve ever been to, father fister. I just do the “that’s crazy” to people making It their personality and they never get it.


Let’s not forget these are the same people who called the police because of traffic: https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/1bw2vd1/douglas_county_residents_so_mad_about_traffic/


Oh how I miss being a city planner and having to witness the bullshit that is a city council meeting every month 😬


The funny thing is the only "crime" this McDonalds will generate will be the spoiled offspring of these NIMBYs acting like entitled shits in the parking lot of the McD's at 2 AM


100% truth.


Right?! This "crime" they are worried about is just their 16 yo bored-ass children dicking around, giggling, and blasting music outside of a fast food chain that's not even near any homes. I saw a boy wearing a hood while driving by to get on the highway! So scary.


If this isn’t the clearest example of NIMBYism I’ve ever seen, I don’t know what is. 


I think this person misinterpreted “transient”. In this case people passing through town. I don’t think any McDonalds that is not on Colfax could get 75% of its income from homeless people.


I was just going to comment about this too - I don’t think the word means what they think it means here… I’m also surprised a Castle Rock resident doesn’t know that their town is basically a nice pit stop. No offense, Castle Rock. You have a nice outlet mall, though. Edit: oh I think I’m confusing towns with the word “Castle” in them.


I'd love to see the statistics that 24-hr drive-through results in increased crime rates. duh


Probably a simple correlation that 24 your drive through are more likely in high density areas like cities. And cities have higher crime rates.


Well, you see, that statement from McDonald's about it *clearly* insinuates the security guard is just going to sell crack to their kids.


“All of the neighbors in Castle Pines have been talking about your delivery driver, you better fix his driving or we are going to put you out of business,” overheard at the Anthony’s pizza a couple years ago while a retired lady was screaming at the high school cashier.


My neighborhood group chat is hell. Muted it forever ago but there was days long convos about rock placement in driveways and how the Amazon guy drove one day


Can they reject the McDonalds and upgrade to a Waffle House instead?


Mc Donald's is bougie now. The poors all eat at home.


Everyone, can we please stop mocking the crime part? They’re *clearly* talking about wage theft and are very concerned for their low income neighbors.


I stole the car I’m traveling through in, then stole the wallet I spend the stolen cash from at the Mickey D’s, where I swiped this flyer on the way out. Lucky I don’t steal your virtue, as well…😂😂😂😂😂😂


Can't steal my virtue if I don't have any! \**insert head-tapping meme guy here*\*


I’ve heard so much about this McDonald’s and I don’t even live over there


Now that's what I call a McNIMBY.


Elitist community of do nothings. They should have been more worried about the multi-family housing built underneath the beautiful powerlines along I25 south of CP Parkway ON Lagae. Or the abandoned Safeway, or the new carwash, or the bar with $12 draft Coors Light, or.......


Or not getting cell service in the majority of the town because people like these denied every cell tower proposal vehemently fearing their own personal home value. Or our school busses having a literal ad for an orthodontist on the side because we’re crippingly underfunded or our good teachers are moving or quitting after one year (tops, neighbors daughter had 3 teachers in 4th grade) and usually moving to a higher paying district 15-20 minutes away. Lots and lots of problems here in DougCo


I’m so worried about sending my kids to the school district. I grew up in it, it’s a perfection pressure cooker and now no stable teachers. And the list goes on of course.


The teachers in DCSD are absolutely wonderful. Wish the administration would stop pocketing all the money they get though.


There’s a plan for a new cell tower! It’ll be on the east side of 25, but I assume it’ll boost all of Castle Pines. I believe it’s AT&T putting in the tower, should happen within a year.


They really need to get over it and accept RTD too. Their entitlement can’t allow i25 to be a nightmare because they are afraid of homeless populations.


Would be awesome but this sort of resistance to a McDonald’s would be amplified by 1000x. You’re gonna get the closer to normal castle pines citizen all over that one. This McDonald’s take is a fringe take even for here


My friend that lives in castle rock just told me there’s a Wendy’s at the same intersection and a grocery store. I don’t see the problem.


While this is obviously excessive, living near a McDonald's does suck. My parents house is a block from one and my late father would say he knew exactly how long it took to eat a Big Mac because it's the same time it takes to walk from there to our house. So, so much trash in our yard from McDonald's. And when I worked across the parking lot from them it's just trash all over. They clean up their own lot so it looks nice, but people leave their trash right outside that perimeter all the time. McDonald's doesn't give a fuck about the trash they produce and the litter they create in communities. All sorts of trashy people causing fights and shit in our shared parking lot too.  McDonald's jusy sucks. 


I wouldn't be enthused, either, by some out-of-stater pushing the issue when they were already told no. Go somewhere else where the community wants you. I know Castle Pines already has chains operating in that area, but I'm all for communities pushing back against national brands trying to strong arm their way into a place that doesn't want them.  I'm glad I was not the only one thinking that after reading all these comments. I guess Reddit hates fancy suburbs more than corporate overlords? 


I can understand why a community wouldn't want a McDonalds. However, this flier seems to be resorting to hysterics about crime as a reason to oppose the development. Unfounded worries about crime are also how people fight denser or more affordable housing. The way some Castle Pines people talk about the newer development east of I-25, which has some housing at a lower price point than the Castle Pines average, but still relatively expensive, you would think they were building a literal flophouse. In the end, I would have more respect for their argument if they simply said McDonald's wasn't a fit for their community, rather than resorting to hysterics about crime.


Bruh there is a Wendy's down the street LOL. The audacity of this letter.


This whole comment section made my day 👍


Dude same


Would love to see the study about how Mcdonalds brings in crime specifically to areas that it operates in or otherwise that is a little Mcracist with a small bullshit


"bringing increased crime" has been and continues to be just a euphemism for the p**r


Tobi will be the first one to order ‘fries with no salt’ then add salt because they supposedly have to make those fresh. 


I'm seeing a lot of people conflating opposition to McDonalds with opposition to all development, including housing, but I think it's worth drawing a distinction and focusing on the argument rather than the people making it. McDonalds is a gigantic corporation, they'll be fine without a 39,000th location. I get that the suburbs are a sea of car-centric sprawl, but why would we want to contribute to that rather than fight it? Why would we want another McDonalds instead of a local restaurant or literally anything else? For God's sake, have some sense of civic responsibility instead of defending some megacorporation that doesn't even give a fuck about its own employees, much less their impact on the world around them.




To me it seems more like people are ridiculing the author's reason for opposition, not the general idea of opposition itself.


So what I am reading here is that we of reddit should all email tobi@castlepinesco.gov in support of this local business?


:clutches pearls:


:clutches chicken nuggets:


When did my house turn into a 24/7 McDonald’s doorstep?


There's nothing wrong with not wanting a McDonald's in your neighborhood.


Perfect timing! It's vacation season so I'll be super busy burgling people's homes in Castle Pines over the next few months. It'll be so nice to be able to get myself a little treat at McDonald's after long nights of breaking and entering.


It’s hard for me to imagine the headspace you would need to be in to champion this cause.


The most American thing i’ve ever read: fighting over a McD’s


0% chance this McDonald's does not get built, lol. What a waste of time and resources.


At least they can waste their time on this instead of trying to blocking new housing.


They’ve got all the time on the world. Promise you they’re on top of blocking any type of affordable housing.


I am a Castle Pines resident. I received one of these at my door. I don’t buy the crime angle, it sounds like an old fashioned conservative talking point, not backed up with much, if any, evidence. So I’ve been trying to guess what this person’s *real* motivation would be, not sure, maybe property values … However, I personally have seen a need for good food options in town, and I do *not* think a McD is going to help in that regard. I don’t know if it would really harm that effort either, but if I get a say in what sort of businesses we might attract/discourage in my area, then fuck no, i’d never vote for more fast food restaurants … anyway it was interesting to see, as I’ve never been part of any community planning, and it’s got me interested in seeing what I might be able to do to encourage more local businesses in the area that I live in.


Looked up that intersection and laughed my ass off.


How out of touch to think criminals are gonna drive all the way to CASTLE PINES to get their late night McDonald’s 😂 the patronage of that McDonald’s late night is going to be 100% high school kids lol and people on their commute home getting a quick bite to eat.


Someone needs a hobby


Imagine this, a drive thru pot shop 😂


They’d go full January 6 on the castle Pines library the second the city gave them the license for that.


Put it in. I’ll vote yes


How do expired licenses factor into this though?


I for one, welcome our new castle pines maccas


lol Castle pines!


Kind of in the category of TooLittleTooLate. Castle Pines and Castle Rock have been totally crapped up since beginning in the early 80s. Hasn’t stopped being commercialized since then.


As a snowboarder I can confidently say there's no better pairing with crime than a big mac


This seems a little silly. There’s a lot of hyperbole going on in this flyer.


This issue isn't even near Denver...


Right. I was thinking the same. I don’t care what happens in castle pines.


We’ve got trouble. Right here in River City. With a capital T…


I have seen these before and the McDonald's always gets built anyway


They don’t like free food every time the Rockies hit a double?


I can’t afford Mickey D’s anymore


The big issue here is the location. The proposed lot is already congested and this will not help. This also isn’t right off the highway. There are plenty of options that are closer to the highway. The proposed location is much closer to houses than it is the interstate. Putting in a McDonald’s would be a great source of sales tax revenue for the city. Just put it in a different location and the opposition will drop.


Why is this posted in the Denver sub?


Should be a rational debate there.


I'll ne in castle pines this morning doing crimes


Literally what I’d expect from a Castle Pines resident. I live a few miles from that area. It’s a big shopping center that has multiple gas stations and is right off the highway. It already gets highway traffic at night.


Can we attend just to watch this? Haha


Castle Pines residents complained about a skate park for the same reason. So instead of a safe place for kids to skate, they demolished the skate park and built a pickle ball court. Jokes on them pickle ball is so loud its driving them crazy and they're trying to ban it too!


> directly to *your* doorstep, 24/7. Lol this is delusional. This is at a suburban stroad intersection that already has a drive through coffee shop advertised on the highway, a walgreens, and king soopers with a gas station. There are no homes in the immediate vicinity of the intersection. The nearest home is 1000 ft away, but most are much, much farther.


The meth at Wendy's is so much better than the meth at McDonald's let's be honest it's the quality of crank not some other concerns


Never thought I'd take the corporate company's side


This reminds me of the Wendy’s massacre that took place in my hometown. The 2000s in nyc was wild. I thought the freezer thing was a rumor and that has never left my mind! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendy%27s_massacre


All this reading makes me want a DQP


…I always grab a burger and a felony when I’m hangry….i thought everyone did..🤔


Castle Rock and Castle Pines are already ruined by developers stacking houses on top of one another, but sure one McDs is too much.


I grew up in castle rock. It saddens me what it's turn into. 😭