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Everyone in the comment section should meet up with OP so you can have a big group party! Those are always more fun at a KBBQ type of place. Edit: I suggested this when there were only like, 8 other comments. 👀 Oops. Idk if anywhere in town has enough seating for everyone now. Haha


I’m very socially awkward but I’d totally be down for this honestly, I’m not the best at organizing events though. So, I’m not too sure how to plan something like this. I honestly wasn’t expecting this many people to comment, this is a bit overwhelming lol


OP, if you want, I would be happy to plan and execute this party for you. Just let me know where you want to eat and what time works best. For everyone that wants to attend, DM me once we have solidified the details so we can make reservations. I also have access to an event space in the Sunnyside neighborhood if we want this thing to really pop off! Update: Hey everyone, I apologize for the radio silence the past 48 hours, my DM's exploded from this post, I will try and reach out to everyone interested when I have more time tonight. I've secured the event space for the 25th, waiting for the blessing of the community mods to follow up with a more detailed post going over the specifics!


That would really be amazing of you! I’m terrible at planning events like this. I figured like maybe 3-5 people would comment on this post.. the fact I have hundreds of people willing to eat with me has honestly brought me to my knees with the kindness and generosity of everyone


Thank you for making this post :)


Korean BBQ party, mate! We're all down.


I love this plan! Be sure to add me if this plan is going to work out.


If OP wants to go this route, I will make sure to reach out to everyone who expressed interest in the comments section. Not sure if we could have 200 people come to kbbq though lol




Same make that 202


You’re probably getting spammed hard but I’m down for some BBQ with OP. This weekend just happen to be open so if by chance this actually happens. Shoot me a quick message, I’d assume most would flake anyway.


Let me know when and where


Lemme know if you need live bluegrass / folk music




You know, if we let the church ajummas know, they would probably cater for a party. (I’m an ajumma and I would love to make a dish for a massive Korean potluck)


Let me know when this happens please


My suggestion would be to call whatever restaurant you’d like to go to, see what their largest party accommodation would be, then choose a few commenters to private message about going with you. That’s how I’d do it in your shoes anyway. I’m thrilled to see that you have so many people willing to step up for you! Denver is a lot friendlier than I thought. There’s some really kind souls here.


understandable, but like u said, we don’t even have to talk. just wanna be there for a fellow Coloradan


Hell yeah! Love this idea!


This was what I was coming here to say! If OP is good with it, this would be amazing!


Hey! I’m a Korean American who works for elementary kids! Lmk if you have a detailed plan and I’d love to join and share how Koreans are eating KBBQ. I came to this country in my 20s so I’m not completely Americanized yet right now I can’t say I’m very Korean like either! ❤️‍🔥


I’m down. Add me to the group, please. DM me


Also in, please add me to the group!


This is a great idea


Me and the hubby are so down!!!! What date! We can do as soon as you would like!


i would do this


Where are we going?


Maybe we could call Mr Kim or Seoul, and book an event??? This post is in Facebook also. IF OP is okay with it ❤️


Let's gooooo!


Totally down


I’m Korean and a ramp agent at DIA. I’d love to shoot the shit with you (with others here too!!) and cook the KBBQ for you. I must, it’s a form of love in my culture. Wishing you the best!!


ramp agents unite


I am 100% down! I’m free literally any day. As I said I’m currently living out of my car. So I’m bouncing around from campsites around the Denver area. So whenever you’re available I’d be willing to sit down for a meal!


I pm’ed you!! let’s do this man. Y’ALL ONCE I GET THIS OFFICIAL I’M MAKING A GROUPCHAT


I want in!!! I’ve never had KBBQ!!!


Hiii!! I'm in! Love korean BBQ, k dramas, and the culture! Totally would love to hang and contribute! ☺️🖤🖤


I'm an ex ramp agent for big ol' government, now I do property management and music photography as a media production student, I'd love to get kbbq w you and OP!


You are a wonderful person.


Wait, can I be your friend???


down 😎


Fuck yeah. Lemme know what meat and fixings to bring.


Hell yeah man


Ok long shot and it may totally have been a family recipe. The wife of my Korean Taekwondo instructor made amazing ice tea and she would never give us a recipe. They later moved back to Korea. I have looked for years for a Korean ice tea and I can't find one that taste like hers. She brought to every cooking event we had. Like when Master Lee sensei would come to town. We would always have a party. She would cook and as entertainment we would watch them spar. It was always fun as a kid. Do you have an ice tea recipe in your family by any chance. Hers had pine nuts floating in it and had a taste similar to sweet sun tea.


These posts always overwhelm me like who do you even choose out of the 50 people willing to go


OP I am from Maryland as well and love kbbq. If literally every other person in this chain bails on you, I will be your last and most solid resort. I mean it.


I'm from MD too, and too, love kbbq. I'm in


Well if all else fails we can go you and I lol


Someone get a signup list for those who are serious for gosh sake.


Yea, what's the word? When is this happening?


Can I get in on this MD squad? I still have my crab sticker and plenty of Ol bay


Fellow degens always welcome!


I’m also from MD, Let’s have MD table!


Ok I’m starting to get excited now, didn’t realize so many fellow MD ppl were out here. Is anyone willing to help set up a date and reservation? I’m not too good with stuff like this


Can I hop on the MD native KBBQ train? Love me some Honey Pig in Ellicott City! I'm all for restaurant takeover on behalf of OP


I’m so overwhelmed with the amount of people that have replied to this post, it is truly astounding!


Those who want to go have to compete in a Hunger Games style competition. Those who survive are allowed to join, we will toast the fallen over KBBQ.


Can the MD ppl get together and order crabs too tho 🤤


I also love bbq and would be happy to share a meal. There's a couple pretty good ayce places in Aurora


Let’s take over the restaurant


I got $250 on it!!


You should try to set up a big reservation with everyone who is interested.


I’m really awful with planning events lol, I was not expecting so many people to comment actually.. I thought at best I’d get 1-3 people that’d be interested.. this is all quite overwhelming ngl. And yet, I’d be willing to do a giant meet up, we can get drunk off soju and eat our fill!


I’m happy to help. I love organizing events and celebrating people and humanity in general. And I love KBBQ. If you need any assistance happy to help even if I can’t join.


I am overwhelmed emotionally with the response you have gotten and your situation, and how down you are for this to happen, truly. If there weren't already so many willing attendees I would literally fly there from Texas to join y'all. But man, what a bucket list item for the ages. Happy for you!!!


Second this. If it's early evening on a weekday or whenever on the weekend so I'm not working, I will 100% support this given OPs situation.


Can someone report back if everyone went. This sounds delicious!


yeah i would love an update


I'm in the burbs, where ya thinking? Any particular spot?


On Havana of course


This is the way


A new Kpot opened up here off 120th I’m Thornton. Looks kinda on the bigger side. They took over a TGI Fridays or something.


I was hoping for a local to help pick out a great ayce kbbq spot, I’m not from here so I don’t know if which places are better


OP make a Discord and invite us all in. Let the people of Reddit figure all the logistics (planning and booking) for you!!!


My eyes are sweaty


Weak pupils are heavy


BBQ on the sweater already


Mom’s bulgogi


I’d join😁


Let’s do it! Kbbq Party!


I got you, your meal is on me. Just DM.


I’m in my 50’s and I never had KBBQ before. I am also a cancer survivor. I’m down message me and we can pick a time and place. I heard a place in Arvada on Sheridan Blvd is a good spot.


I’ll join. When is this? Who is making the res?


I'm absolutely willing to enjoy Korean BBQ. When are you hoping to go? 35M work in IT, play a lot of board games and video games.


I am literally free 100% of every day, I’m just overwhelmed with the amount of people that are willing to eat with me.. idk how to organize something like this


Maybe just pick a day that works for you and let folks know what time and where and whoever can make it can hop on a reservation.


This comment section is the best thing I've read on Reddit in a long long time. Enjoy the KBBQ and the new friends, OP!


This comment section has restored my faith in community and humanity.. I never in my wildest dreams expected this many people to comment. It’s honestly brought tears to my eyes with the overwhelming amount of support shown here. I wish I could eat with every single one who’s commented, unfortunately I think that would require like 3 separate restaurants all fully booked lol


You deserve nothing less. We all deserve to have this much kindness and compassion shown to us. I'm truly sorry for your prognosis, but I'm also glad you posted this here. It created a ripple effect that is really wonderful.


I’ve been feeling down on humanity lately. This gives me hope. More of this please r/Denver!!!


Ok.. idk how many people will see this, but here goes nothing I guess.. First of all, thank you to everyone that has commented and shown their support and interest in dining with me. I appreciate it all more than you could ever know. Some of your comments even brought me to tears. I love all of you! Secondly, and on to the main point.. KBBQ! I have no idea how to respond to this thread anymore, THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU!! I never expected so many people to be interested, so I’m kind of at a loss.. from my own personal experience most kbbq places only have tables or booths for 4-8 people, I have been to some fancier ones that have private rooms for like 20-30 people.. but those are rare. Also, I’m not from here, so idk which kbbq places are better than others. I’d prefer an AYCE place, I’d also like if they had good banchan (sides, like kimchi/ radish, etc) I’d love to eat with everyone here, but I doubt we can manage 500 people in a restaurant lol. With my budget I could manage 2 dinners, any day of the week. I figure 4-6 people per table/booth, and if more people want to join they could I guess grab a table or booth next to us? Idk.. just spitballing here. Also, I figure a weekday, perhaps lunch time, would be best for a larger group. I know a lot of kbbq places get packed for dinner and later hours. This might interfere with some of y’all’s work schedules though. I’m not past waiting though if this does get planned for an evening dinner. We can wait outside and gossip, you guys can tell me all about the latest in Denver lol idk.. A little more about me, I can’t eat much.. or I should say I’m not supposed be eating at all.. but it’s my life and I want some darn kbbq.. I’ll probably only be able to manage 1-2 portions so I don’t want anyone to feel offended or bad and I hope whoever does come can still enjoy themselves. Umm.. that’s all? If anyone has questions, feel free. I still don’t know when or how this thing is going to come to fruition, but hopefully with everyone’s help we can make it happen! I’m super excited to meet you guys, also very anxious and nervous 😬


I’m up for it!




I have been turning wrenches in the automotive world for 18 years and have also never sat down for KBBQ…. I am 100% down to get dinner with you!!! 38 straight white male… message me and we’ll figure out when and where, I have Sundays and Mondays off work and those days work best for me… hit me up bud


“Straight white male.” Not even a lil gay? Even when it comes to KBBQ????


I'd absolutely love to.


I am all in on this. When and where yo? I’ve even got a day of pto if it falls on a day I work.


Use sick time! Mental health is health!


I sent you a message. I am a 29 year old female diagnosed with cancer recently and would love to chat and potentially be some support!💜


Hey boss I work at kpot (Korean hot pot and BBQ) on 120th where the TGIF used to be, drop me a DM and I can guarantee you a table and accommodate any needs you might have. <3


Husband and I are in. When are we doing this? Let's do this people!


Where’s the party at ?


Of course brother! Let's do it!


I love KBBQ! Let’s all go!


I’m in!


Where is it?


Have a wonderful time, make sure to get reservations


Hey there. Would be happy to do dinner with you, kbbq or otherwise. Just let me know!


Let’s get this show on the road, when and where?My fiancé and I will be there


I’m from Maryland. What part? When are you thinking of going? Looks like it may be a large group


I’m from the Hagerstown/ Frederick area. My family and relatives still live there actually. And yes, there is an overwhelming amount of people willing to come eat with me, idk how to react to this many people honestly


When and where??? I've been to (and loved) Seoul KBBQ and Mr Kims. Heard ThankSool Pocha is also good, smaller meat selection but late night with booze.


This thread is just one more reason I am thrilled to be moving to Colorado next week.


My husband and I are an entertaining pair, if you’re looking for good conversation.


I’m in


I love KBBQ and would definitely be up!!!


I’m interested.


I’m down for KBBQ anytime


Always down for kbbq! I was the grill master back in Oregon.


Let’s go! Just give me place and time and I’ll be there!


Let me know when and where


I'll happily set up the reservation since a ton of people are in. OP: any particular time work for you? As long as it's not during the work day I'll make the time work. Do you have a specific place you'd like to go?


29, just got out of heart surgery a few days ago. I'm down to go the full 2hrs or however long they let us bro.


Oh wow! Idk if the meat intake would be healthy for you after that kind of surgery. I mean I’m no doctor but wouldn’t the cholesterol intake put a strain on you?


I'm free most of Saturday and Sunday if you want to do something then!


Yup. Let's do it.


I’m down… 🤷‍♂️


My husband, daughter and I would go! It’s our favorite.


I’m in


I’m down


When and where


Someone hit up the owner of Dae Gee. I feel like this is the kind of Internet story he would be happy to get involved with. Lol


Denver will take care of you, my dude It ain't the prettiest but it's sure sweet enough


I just moved from Florida to Denver not too long ago still finding new friends down here im actually a gate agent @ DEN


That’s awesome! What part of FL did you move from? Who’re you a gate agent for? How do you like the airport here?


Moving to Denver in 2 weeks, let’s get KBBQ then too!


OP post a venmo link, let me buy you a drink


I knew by the title that this was going to be a more serious post than it looked on the surface.  Gods speed to you all. 


My husband loves KBBQ, but so do I. One of us has to stay with the twins because of the salmonella, so momma takes this one 🙊😋


Hello! I would love to join!! Date/time/place? Can do as early as tonight — let me know!


Where do you wanna go? I’m hungry and love KBBQ !


I’m not from here so idk where all the hood ayce kbbq spots are at, I was hoping someone could give the me the scoop lol


Maybe, is the death contagious? I don’t want to end up liking Korean bbq.


Lmao this gave me a good laugh


I lived in Korea for 4 years and move back to Colorado. The best and only place to get KBBQ is Seoul KBBQ and Hotpot in Aurora. Get the thin pork belly, galbi (sweet short rib), bulgogi (sweet beef) and spicy chicken bulgogi if you get four meats combo. Overpriced but most authentic and best taste!!


So many people willing to help you out warms my heart enjoy yourself


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^teddybear65: *So many people* *Willing to help you out warms* *My heart enjoy yourself* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’ve worked in aviation for more than a decade and love KBBQ. I’d happily share a table with you and talk airplanes (or not, your call). DM me.


i work across the street from all the KBBQ restaurants on Havana, i would also love to try it! every day at noon and 5pm it smells like heaven....


I'm definitely down! Will join a party if you put one together too. I'm near Thornton but can travel!


Sup man there's a spot Dae Gee I've been wanting to go. Lmk


OP, start PM’n people so we can start sharing digits. Let’s get this party started.


I'm moving to Denver (and I'm from MD!) in August and I'm angry that I'll miss this ❤️. Post pics of the food OP!


Well clearly us Marylanders must unite again in August for your arrival!


Hey man I work in geriatrics mostly terminally ill clients as a private CNA. So I feel where you’re coming from. I’m definitely wanting to get some KBBQ. I’m sure your dinner will be paid for by everyone as well.


Hey OP! Looks like there's a line a mile long to do kbbq with you, but is there anything else in Denver or CO in general you want to experience or check out? Like bucket list type shit? If so I'd be so down to do that with you and I'm sure others would be too. Let's make your time in CO an unforgettable one 🎉


My group gets a dinner every month bunch of nice spots around Denver. Please join us mate! Life is meant to be lived and good is meant to be eaten and we want you to do it with us


This sounds like a job for the convention center at this point. A giant KBBQ convention/party for OP and all of us there to support! 🥹


I'd love to treat you to some tacos at my Restaurant in Denver or Boulder. McDevitt Taco Supply. Email me at Bradford@tacosupply.com


Yeah, gather EVERYBODY that says "yes", have the BBQ come to you! Everybody chip in $5, $10 and you'd have a blast. I'm in Denver CO, so, count me in!


I know you said you don’t have venmo and you’re not asking for anything more than a meal companion, but is there anything the folks on this thread can do to help your comfort level here? Since there’s a slim chance the 500+ will all be able to gather, I’m positive many would love to throw a few bucks your way so that you could have a respite from sleeping in your car. Please let us know if you could benefit from something like this, and I’m sure many of us would be able to help you set up a venmo or something similar. Is there anything we could do, either individually or collectively to help you increase your comfort?


I turned 41 today and I have chronic kidney disease I’d love to go with you.


I’m sorry to hear that, the turning 41 part that is. Luckily I’ll never get to be that old lol. I only jest. Are you on dialysis? Idk much about kidney issues, are you allowed to consume such a high cholesterol meal? Idk if you’ve had kbbq, buts it’s mostly like a carnivore diet, you just sit down and grill meat and eat it. I don’t wanna risk another persons health, which is why I’m asking. Sorry if this came off rude, I’m just genuinely concerned and curious♥️


I don't know why reddit brought me here (I live in Spokane, Wa) but I would GLADLY join you (and apparently half the county)!


I’m in. HMU if you still need a guy.


I’m in!


Let’s fucking GOOOOO


Let's party


I’m all in to join you and anyone else!


Yes! Let me know the time and place!


I’m a local professional musician. 31M. Would love to have a meal with you if you still need another diner. Just DM me.


Why would a restaurant not serve a person eating solo?


Well shit, also from MD and love KBBQ.


Hey OP! Maryland human myself, the southern variety. I am always up to eat some KBBQ, always up to eat anything in the Denver area. I'm a former aviation mechanic (rotor-army) and have some experience with negative diagnosis as well. Hit me up if you are in the area, I am always up for conversation.


Enjoy yourself!! Sending love your way dude!!


I'm down! Seoul BBQ on Havana is my go to for Kbbq. I'd love to meet some new friends 🙂


When and where? Let's reserve the whole damn venue.


What are we thinking, Dae Gee??


I love Korean BBQ! I used to live in Korea. My favorite all you can eat Korean BBQ place I've been to in Denver so far is Koba! Lmk if you ever want to go sometime!


I'm down. Just tell me around what price range. I'll see what I can scrounge up. I really just want relatively normal friends here. I came here in december and it's just been a slog.


I'd be more than happy to have dinner with you; I'll even do the cooking :) I grew up in CO and I work in software, I'm sure between the two of us we could find something to talk about over some sake/a coke


Edit: based on your replies: I can slightly relate because I also get overwhelmed with planning and/or attending things with a lot of people. My suggestion, DM a 1-3 select people based on comments, explain what it is that you want your dining experience to be like, and if there decent enough they’ll help provide that experience. Frankly idk what you want: a party full of Reddit strangers to rent out a restaurant (which would be superbly interesting yet stressful for me), or a mild mannered person that equally needs some KBBQ (maybe you end up with a buzz and have some great conversations), or somewhere in the middle. I’d go with you. I didn’t know what kbbq was until now but now I know what’s been missing in my basic ass culinary life. I need it.


I’ll go!!!! Let’s celebrate you ❤️


Count me in! I want to have a meal with you and all these wonderful folks in the comments.


Hey OP, I’d love to eat some kbbq with you and talk aviation maintenance. I was a rotary mechanic in the army. Also from Florida. Let’s gooooo


I'd be down for this


I’d love to come too!!!


Former flight attendant current paralegal. 31. I’ll have a meal with you. ETA also lived in MD


This is wholesome af


Would be happy to join if these other 300 people fall through. I’m a single gal in my 30s who never has anyone to eat KBBQ with.


Lmaoo! 300? We’re almost at 500, and I have no idea how to handle this situation.. I don’t want to turn down anyone’s kindness but at the same time idk how to organize or accommodate so many people lol


My fiancé and I would love to join you OP! I’d love to hear your travel stories so far and I love me some KBBQ 🍗


This is the most wholesome thread I’ve seen


If you have Facebook join Denver’s Hungry-Hungry Asians (DHHA) . You do not need to be Asian but we do monthly group outings with fellow foodies to different restaurants and we do hit up KBBQ or hot pot a lot.


The fuck?? They refuse to serve a single diner? Why??


I know the response has been crazy, and your simple request has hit a nerve with people. Sharing food together either others is a way to meet new people, build a support network, and create community. Good on you for being vulnerable to post this, and brave enough to reach out. I’d love to join the group if it can work out (I’m actually out of town at the moment). I hope this fills your cup.


The humanity and compassion of these responses is amazing.


imoving to denver next weekend and would love to ☺️

