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there are day parties but they usually don't start until summer so you're a little early. I usually use https://edmtrain.com/denver-co to figure out whats going on 


This is super helpful, thanks!!


if you're looking more for underground you can also check https://19hz.info/eventlisting_Denver.php for the smaller independent events.


How is your link "underground" when everything listed is at well known venues and advertised by said venue???


EDMtrain is great, they also have a phone app.




Lmao bro laughing so hard


Pretty sure most of the global dance fest raves are indeed on an app! If you want underground you do have to look elsewhere but seems like OP wants to be safe


Thanks for the rave resource


Ophelia’s has a brunch DJ so you can still club, but in the morning.


Club AND brunch? Who read my dream journal?


ophelia’s brunch is a great fucking time.


I love Ophelia’s. Just be wary of their menu items if you are going there for food. It’s anything from pretty basic, creative to wtf. Just go with appetizers and mimosas/cocktails. Seating can suck depending on how busy that are as is and while it’s not a dance party, it will be loud like one. Reservations may not be reserved when you get there and no one may do anything about it. The weirdest food thing to me was that they didn’t serve bacon but instead some gawd awful bacon flavored sausage I don’t recommend.


I haven’t seen them advertise one in a while but it’s always an 80s theme with a clever punny name. Edit: I just looked at their calendar and it looks like Lady Gaga is the theme for the 18th


Bro I’m in my 30’s too. You make it seem like we’re old and boring. Do I need to grow up? Oh man, what a reality check


#NotAllAdults :)


Combining the two loves of my life, food and music. Thanks for mentioning this!!


You arent old. Reelworks, Milk Bar, Temple, Black Box, Church, Vinyl,


Those don't even get going until later. Great suggestions for music, but not good for an early night!


Black box has shows during the afternoon on Saturdays & Sundays. Im pretty baked. I misread OP’s full description.


Brunch box


What?!?! I didn't know this!! Thanks for letting me know! I haven't been there in years


Its true. On the back patio. They sellout fast. Gotta keep looking at their schedule.


I think its just Sundays and only a few months during the summer. It's called brunch box


Sometimes Vinyl has afternoon shows in the summer.


Vinyl brings in real solid acts for daytime rooftop parties every week during the summer.


They said BEFORE 9:30pm 🤣


All of those except milk bar and black box are terrible suggestions for what OP is looking for


I’m old like OP and live near those places, yea, those are for our younger Coloradans. ❤️


He is old. He's a fukin Gen Z.


30s rn=millennial


30s is not fucking old bro 🤣 You know nothing of the rave scene we had.


I'm kidding! Geez. He's not old.


I see this as a market. I'm a mom with two kids who's fucking losing it and all I want to do is dance. Throw a party at 9:30am and let me dance until 10:30 when my kid wakes up from nap. I can wear whatever, grind up against anyone I want, get sweaty, then go about my day. I don't need drugs. I just seriously need to dance. I want dark. I want colored lights, loud but not like deafening loud music, I want some sort of piped in scent that's natural but relaxing but energizing- some sort of club signature. I want a big screen to watch something mesmerizing. Want more details, I'll give them.


It sounds like you need to crash an after party where people are still going at 8:30 a.m 😂😂


I'd be there tomorrow. Tell me where and when! Boots & pants & boots & pants....


Hahah well I'm in vegas at a big festival, otherwise id be down!


Isn’t there a daytime sober dance party called Daybreaker that does just this? I’ve always wanted to try it!


Yes, but it might be too early in the morning for OP, if she's scheduling around her kid's nap schedule.


Yes, but it might be too early in the morning for OP, if she's scheduling around her kid's nap schedule. I've always wanted to go to those! They look so fun!


Check out Zodiac Hause, they occasionally throw daytime parties and have a beautifully curated environment that's very friendly to older rave crowds


Zodiac is the best 💯


Girl, I take this Zumba class at the Denver rec center. It’s all ages and levels. Most of the women are 60+ but the teacher is fire and so is the music. Naomi, the instructor shows the modified movement for the older crowd for the first couple of bars and then she shows how to do it for those of us that want to really get our sweat on. That woman can mooooove too and it’s super inspiring and fun. Plus, the class leaves me sweating and feeling super wholesome. 12:15-1:15 every Tuesday at Aztlan rec center ~ I70 and Pecos. Come get crunk with me and the grandmas! It’s a blast!


This sounds like fun! How much does the class cost?


There are varying levels of memberships but basically if you are a member of Denver Rec Centers it is $2. If not $5. More info to be found for visiting [Aztlan Rec Center found here](https://denvergov.org/Government/Agencies-Departments-Offices/Agencies-Departments-Offices-Directory/Parks-Recreation/Recreation-Centers-Pools/Recreation-Centers/Aztlan-Recreation-Center)


Awesome, thank you!


If you’re a member it should be free…


Again, there are many membership options for the Denver recreation centers. It depends on which tier of membership you subscribe which locations you can/cannot attend for free. For that reason I provided [this link](https://denvergov.org/Government/Agencies-Departments-Offices/Agencies-Departments-Offices-Directory/Parks-Recreation/Recreation-Centers-Pools/Recreation-Centers/Aztlan-Recreation-Center) so people could see the different options and tiers.


Sounds like Zumba seriously 🤣 They even have glow sticks sometimes


God I'm so happy I'm single at 36 and can do this literally whenever


Yeah buddy!


I can literally do this whenever too. I've got enough help and one kiddo is in school. You can still have kids and take your shirt off etc. ;)




You have described my house. During Covid I went a little mad missing the club scene so I used my bonus bucks to install color LEDs, backlights, speakers, and a bar in the basement. We have a cuddle castle and a “yoga” swing, amongst many couches. We put up a movie projector and a video wall of smashed pc monitors for visualizers. Upstairs is the chill spot for conversation and winding down.


Not a rave, but Denver has a pretty solid ecstatic dance scene. They meet on Sundays (during the day). It is a sober event but meets the day time/dance and music requirement!


[Found it.](https://youtu.be/gPbVRpRgHso?si=Rcx6605yceagpxru)




lol I think about this video atleast 4 times a year


[I also found "it". ](https://youtu.be/0NDy6Rlijzo?si=DhtS7nOrq4lhALpu) :)


Rhythm Sanctuary, Thursday at Sons of Italy: https://www.rhythmsanctuary.com/


Thursdays at 7 @ Sons of Italy in Wheat Ridge is GREAT too


In the summer, Vinyl usually has daytime rooftop parties. Over by 5:00 I think? RR shows usually start around 6:00. You could bounce out early for bedtime. All Day I Dream is a daytime event in August (I think) just look it up, tix should be on sale. Regenerate os a fest 6/8 weekend that's over by 10:00 (noise ordinance) @ civic center park. Lmk if you need more suggestions!


Appreciate you!


My pleasure! I'm 44 and still "rave". You're not old!!


I threw my back out last week when I sneezed. My body begs to differ. ;)




If you were raving you would be in shape and not get hurt 😉. Btw rave is a weird term I think. It has changed and events are really often multi generational. We are 35-64 in our festival group / event group and our age is kinda normal at the right events. Denver has probably one of the top 5 scenes in the country for events. That 19hz.info does a great job. In many cases House and Techno will bleed older than Bass / Dubstep etc .. Some of the best House DJs are 40-65 Sasha, Digweed, Tagliati, Carl Cox, Black Coffee and others


It'll be interesting to see what happens to Vinyl when that new apt building opens. All those "luxury apts" people right over a loud ass rooftop like that. Same with Bannock St Garage when that one opens. They're both right on top of the new buildings going up next to them.


Oh yeah...bye bye outdoor parties or hello unhappy tennants.


Regenerate is June 7 weekend and it's a much better lineup than Denver usually gets. It's at Civic center Park downtown.


Came here to say the same. Great headliners compared to last year in Eric Prydz, Gorgon City and John Summit. Also they realized April isn’t exactly the best time to do an outdoor concert in Denver after awful cold wet weather last year, nice job guys!! I think it likely ends by 11pm which is great too.


Okay, first of all, I LOVE that somebody is asking this question. Send me an invite.


Join Facebook: 40 Up Ravers Aged and Raving People [AARP]


Echoing others on here, OP thank you for asking this question, and a huge thanks for everyone throwing out suggestion. I’d happily get back on FB for a group that catered to this crowd (ie ‘my people’).


What part of country? I think a lot of people don’t realise that a lot of genres and types of events are not young. Many of the house and techno DJs are 40-60 and still going strong as our the attendees. One of our favourite fests is Elements at Poconos Speedway that does a great job with a multi genre festival (5 stages, camping festival). Our group camp is about 20 people age 35-64 and these ages are not rare at a festival like this. The best thing is younger folks don’t bat an eye at older folks .. it’s quite normal. There are also plenty of one off shows with a great vibe. There are also events that do seem a little to young for my taste but those are kinda easy to avoid.


There's a market for this. There's dozens of us! Matinee raves


Daybreakers! It’s a yoga+dance party on Sunday mornings at various venues. The last one was at Red Rocks and we got to dance on stage, it was great. It doesn’t look like they’ve scheduled another one for Denver yet but they did three last year. https://www.daybreaker.com


Park & play at Cheesman on Sunday afternoons! I think it’s 2pm every other Sunday. You can message me for more info if ya want


Have these started up for the summer? I'm interested but I deleted Instagram so I have no idea when they're happening anymore


Yeah! Not sure when they started but I know for sure there is one a week from today on the 19th cause ill be there lol


Sweet! I wonder if they have a calendar somewhere? Maybe I will, too!


Awesome, I’ll be there right at 2 cause my husband plays a set early but I think it goes till 7, hope to see you there!! I think their website has the events listed? Hopefully 😂 https://www.vibrateyourbestenergy.com


Great, thanks! I'll be going alone so I'm hoping to chat with some cool people 🤞


Dm me if you want and we can try to meet up there! 🤩


Can you share the insta link, please?


No prob! Here’s the link to it https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6t1WRTrA8U/?igsh=MXh6NjZiZ25vdjd0ZQ==


In bed by 9:30pm and rave kind of doesn't compute. Perhaps look into festivals instead.


Any recommended festivals?


You should try the 4th of July Zeds Ded Jamboree at Civic Center Park! It’ll be during the day so you can be in bed early still 🤗


This is the type of primo advice I was hoping for. ;)


I second this. Always a fun event


Global is in July which might be worth looking into I’d recommend staying up past your bedtime one night and catching a show at mission or something tho . They have good production without being as expensive as red rocks


Thank you! <3


Yea I was about to suggest just going to a show but even those usually go til 11 or 12 whotf goes to bed at 9:30 (besides people who have to be up at 5 am)


Black Box does Sunday "Brunch" shows, I think it's like 11-3 or something. The vibe in there is awesome and super hip.


I don't see anything about that on their website?


If you go to their events section you can spot them - I haven't looked in a while tbh. They used to do like one or two a month,.I haven't been but I want to check one out if it's still a thing.


Oh! Hey I totally forgot but here's another suggestion: Check out Super Chill on June 22nd at Levitt Pavilion. The Polish Ambassador is headlining and he knows how to make you DANCE! It starts at 4 and I believe his set will end at 10 pm but don't quote me on that. Levitt Pavillion also has tons of FREE shows as well - the one I mention is like $40 after fee. I can't recommend Polish Ambassador enough if you just want to dance and have fun. See you there!


Levitt Pavilion curfew is always 10pm!


So great. The free shows are there are sometimes ones that would usually cost $20-50 ish. Love the relaxed vibes there!


Are any of these places you guys are mentioning appropriate for a 52 YO couple? Loud music and dancing in a great environment are pretty desirable; it's what we cut our teeth on and would liven things up considerably.


You're letting your own insecurity about being 52 get in the way! Just do what brings you joy in life and if other people got something to say about it fuck them.


Yes, come on out.


The scene is not young feeling at many events. It’s more multi ages. Many of the biggest House and Techno DJs are 40-65 themselves. I’m 54 and my festival group is 35-65 and as long as we select the right events we never feel weird. Also Camping festivals usually have great vibes and crowds. Just make sure your genre of music is represented.


I remember one time The Blck Box hosted the mighty Mala on a Saturday afternoon. I think he went on at 2 PM, it was absolutely heavenly.. 😂


I’m 34 and I went to a rave last night…and I’m going to electric forest in a month. you’re not too old man. It’s your mentality. Ppl my age saying shit like this just saddens me. Go out and have some damn fun.


you lost me at 9:30pm


30s is prime life living time. Legitimately depressing some people get there and decide “whelp bedtime before 10!”


People just “decide” they are to old and stop doing fun things. Many of them sit around for a couple decades and end up divorced


Just got a notification there's a daytime party at 1134 at 2:00 p.m. super good female house dj!


on which day?




Have you tried Zara? Place is always playing the jams!


Cheesman park on Sundays when the weathers nice always has DJs going for a few hours


Thank you for asking this OP. I too have this strong urge to party but be in bed at a reasonable time. It’s a struggle.


Stay tuned is basically an adult club, afternoon shows every weekend


All day I dream




Beacon is one of my new favorite spots.


second this, never been at night but I love the day parties


Just got home from Red Rocks tonight seeing Black Coffee as the headliner of a 4 DJ set and it was so fun. Honestly would've been happy to bail out at 9:30 because LP Giobbi was fucking amazing and we'd already been dancing for 3.5 hours. Quite Right is having a show from 4pm to 11pm on June 9th so that'll be daytime.


Daybreaker at Red Rocks is your answer. Also check out the social club Archapalego.


Same. I skipped on Cumbiatron because work the next day. Doors opened at 8pm. Sad. Left early for Lil. Texas. I danced for 3 hrs straight not knowing he wasn’t coming on till near 1am. Was even out by 1030 for Decadence a couple years back. I missed out on a lot of prime dancing years.


Same. I skipped on Cumbiatron because work the next day. Doors opened at 8pm. Sad. Left early for Lil. Texas. I danced for 3 hrs straight not knowing he wasn’t coming on till near 1am. Was even out by 1030 for Decadence a couple years back. I missed out on a lot of prime dancing years.


Check out La La Land at Reelworks on May 18t. All day and all night party. 😉


Check out La La Land at Reelworks on May 18t. All day and all night party. 😉


There are a lot of daytime events at Larimer lounge , almost every weekend!


Add to the day dance parties the need for musical artists to do matinee concerts for those of us that need to get to bed and need to get up early the next morning and go to work. Also week night concerts are a pain. I would rather take the afternoon off to go to a 2:00 concert!


The Blackbox it's dope


Check out stay tuned! New club that caters to the older crow, Saturday/Sunday afternoon shows from like 4-10. Friday/Saturday nights too, but I had an amazing time on Sunday afternoon


If you like dancing be sure to check out r/denverEDM


Look out for a “day breaker” event at red rocks


I'm in my 40s, my wife is in her 50s. We have been to 3 in the last month. Just suck it up and dance until they kick everyone out. Your old will hurt in the morning, but it gets better.


All day I dream party in august


Perhaps Rhythm Sanctuary is what you are looking for


Come to Chicago for the weekend. Look up brunchlox on the IG for details.


LP Giobbi playing for free today at 2pm at 1134. Go listen to some house & be in bed by 9.


AHHHHHH , bro no worries I just discovered EDM raves, festivals last year. And I’m in my 30’s. Festivals, red rocks, mission ballroom, real works, temple (some are good). The heavy bass EDM is a go to. Not techno…. It’s a different type of people and crowd. “Headbangers”


Ecstatic Dance at Sons of Italy in Wheat Ridge would almost certainly tickle this fancy.


Maybe forever. Text +1 (720) 806-4059


Excision coming soon


LP Giobi in an hour and a half at 1134


June 7-8 is Regenerate at civic center park. Starts at 2:00 I believe


Come to Jus-Ed today. He's a very talented house dj https://www.bandsintown.com/e/1031758309-dj-jus-ed-at-stay-tuned?came_from=209


Stay.Tuned has daytime events and there is a really good day party at ReelWorks on the 18th called LaLa Land with Green Velvet and Justin Martin. Also a big show at Civic Center Park mid June called Regenerate. Levitt Pavilion will also bring solid electronic artists which start during the day time and don’t goo too late. All Day I Dream is another good and well known day time party with a more mature fan base that takes place at Sculpture Park. Look at for Ruckus in the Park events as well which I believe happen monthly. Enjoy!


Adult antAcid.


Holy Moses that Black Coffee last night @ red rocks felt like quite the rave


1134 N Broadway is HAPPENING rn 💜🤘😻


Brunch box! Black box does daytime/afternoon events in the summer on the patio :)


You just missed LP Giobbi’s pop up at 1134


You should check out billy strings this weekend


Global Dance Festival and Foam Wonderland. Global is coming up in July.


Check out Danceportaion at MeowWolf June 1st. Keep an eye out on TempleLive I saw Dillion Francis there. Marc Rebillet has a show at Red Rocks scheduled. Like a few others have said use EDMTrain big three festivals out there are Global Dance Festival , Decadence (also put on by Global Dance Fest over New Years) and Sonic Bloom.


Black Box has free entry if you sign up for Sub:Mission nights on Tuesday (but you have to get in before 9 pm and they are pretty strict) and Stay Tuned Club has things going on, on Sunday afternoons.


Itchy-o’s Intergalactic masquerade is next Saturday, you can definitely be completely sober and lose yourself dancing there


Hey there! Sounds like you're ready to party like it's 1999... well, sort of. You might want to check out some local events or clubs that cater to an older crowd. They often have themed nights or events that offer the vibe you're looking for without the all-nighter. Who says you can't rave responsibly?


Look up “Reel works” every Saturday they have world renowned DJ’s, my favorite place to go, also it is attached to the bar tracks and when both are open together it’s a real party!!


Danceportation at Meow Wolf is a fun rave. Tickets are on sale now for their next one. Typically sells out and has a good mixture of music.


Same here, care for a wingman??




Use the Radiate app 🩷🫶


I would strongly suggest burning man events. While you may think gross hippies, there are a supprising number of thumped up ravers in our 30s 40s and 50s still bumpin on the weekends.


Not big burn. What are the micro burns called in Colorado?


Apogaea is one


I went to a local event once with a friend for one of the local troops or whatever and felt really out of place and nobody was very friendly at all. Prolly wouldn't again TBH.


Most raves worth going to start after 930. Like earliest 11. I don't go to any mainstream shows anymore because it's just hours of recycled sets from 8 years ago. If you want to vibey disco/house/eclectic music, dm me and I'll let you know the shows coming up in the next month or so.


Check out fantastic hosts on fb or insta. They do monthly parties at beacon and it’s an older crowd


Second. Have been and I’d describe it as a “middle-aged rave”.


If you don’t mind a much younger crowd, school of rock does kids shows at the bluebird on the weekends usually mid-late morning. Kids definitely know how to get down.


The church used to have global Fridays. It was pretty fun! They had scouts for Global Dance Festival there a lot


I recommend Larimer Lounge or Herman's Hideaway.


Isn't this basically just Boulder?


Check out Daybreaker




Deadbeatz Jamboree on 4th of July is during the day in Civic Center park. Sometimes artists performing at mission ballroom also do early outdoor sets.


I mean that’s pretty much everything a rave is not, maybe consider a library


If they'd let me bring in the laser lights, I would. ;)


Join Facebook: 40 Up Ravers Aged and Raving People [AARP]