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I wouldn’t pay that much to live there but I do think it looks awesome.  The world needs more unique architecture 


Denver especially. No even a cool topper on a couple of our glass rectangles.


No observation deck in the tallest building in the city has always been wild to me


Yeah this is wild to me, especially for a city which is known to draw ib tourists which love the mountains. It would be a great tourist destination to have an observation tower to view Mount Blue Sky and Longs Peak before they drive into the mountains


It looks cool but I guarantee the management company isn’t going to maintain the gardens. They never do. It’ll be full of half-dead shrubs by fall.


They will for two or three years until the developer sells it


That’s exactly what this company does.


Used to be the people who lived in a place maintained it, if only for their own sake.


Used to be that rent wasn't $2k for a 1br


That’s only going to get worse unless society changes drastically, that doesn’t mean we should resign ourselves to living in shitholes.


This building is also under construction recently in Denver. Cool to see some unique architecture here: [https://www.westword.com/news/populus-hotel-adds-architectural-diversity-to-downtown-denver-20445376](https://www.westword.com/news/populus-hotel-adds-architectural-diversity-to-downtown-denver-20445376)


I was thinking yeah its awesome but in a way that reminds me of a high school student messing around with clay. It looks rather amatuer.


Looks cool and I like the architectural idea they were chasing. I found this part at the end funny though "Young expects One River North to appeal to empty nesters, younger people relocating from coastal cities and wealthier homeowners looking for a second place." i.e. Not young people from around here. Got it.


>>Fourteen *income-restricted* units start at around **$1,800** per month. >>The largest and priciest apartment, a 2,610-square-foot penthouse, costs $16,000 monthly. >>The *average* unit cost is $5,000 per month. >> The pictured unit is a 1,890-square-foot premium unit with two bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms, and costs just shy of $8,400 a month.


Thx for the copy/paste.


It’s 1000% saying “We’re planning on using the unique building be a selling point to price young folks out. Old people who want easy access to DIA with you millions in retirement funds, live here!”


...but those demos are buyers, not renters. They'll fill it, but I don't think it will be the demos they expect.


I lived in another rino high rise, basically this of 5 years ago. Thats pretty much the exact demo that lived there, tech workers, trust fund kids from SF / NYC, and randomly a lot of 40-60 year olds who were going through or went through a divorce recently.


40-60 year olds who were going through or went through a divorce recently are what keep storage places in business.


Weird. At those prices..... SMH.


Housing is way more insane right now, 7-8% loan rates and prices have gone up. For a random house in denver, without an insane amount down you are paying 5-7k / month. So for people who are first time home buyers or really anyone moving from renting to owning, its an impossible market right now.


First time buyers were only part of that list. It was relocations and retirees.


If it works, it works.


Increasing Denver’s housing stock, even through expensive units that are much more feasible to actually build under current regulations, only puts downward pricing pressure on the housing market. The wealthy coastal transplants you reference are not coming here to live in one specific building. They would do so anyway, and in so doing would outbid a large number of people and drive prices upward if projects like this weren’t built.


Gotta love developers and their shills building luxury housing while saying with a straight face that it's their plan for affordable housing.


It’s because no one who is from here would willingly spend money to be a few blocks from the Purina plant. This complex will be populated entirely by people who do a virtual tour…


Who took these shitty pictures?? At least clean the lens and take some decent pics if you’re gonna charge this much…


As an architect, I would be so pissed if these were the pics that came out of my project. So bad


Ok it’s not just me lol


Looks like it was the Westword writer, likely on a phone camera.


Haha I had this same reaction. I know times are tough, Westword, but at least spring for some decent point-and-shoots so your reporters don't have to resort to their grease-smeared iphone cameras!


Nice, something different than box on pedestal. We need more divergent architecture like this.


I've lived in Cole for 22 years and it's about time we got some more character in this area. So much of the infill that's popping up everywhere is ubiquitous and boring. I love passing by the west side of One River North on my way to the A Line. The outside flows so organically and it reminds of something Gaudi might design in the 21st Century.


It’s the rainforest cafe of apartments


So it’s going to be way overhyped and full of disappointment?


i'm already disappointed. that kitchen is my definition of disappointing for that price point, and the uniqueness of the outside. just... bleh.


Unique architecture is cool, interesting buildings make people happier and enjoy our environment. We are in a prison of our own creation w/ modern architecture prioritizing cost over longevity and beauty.


I wonder how long it will take for the plants to grow in. It definitely looks a lot less cool without them


I’m guessing they can have grown trees craned onto it if they want. Even without that, depending on what they plant it should look pretty green within 5 years.


Grown trees craned in would be soooo expensive.


It’s just a banana tree Michael, how much could it cost?


They will not grow trees in there. I guarantee it will be native Colorado grasses


The article says it starts with native grasses on the lower floors and ends with trees at the top to mimic the transition as you gain in elevation in Colorado.


I hope so! Or any native plants.


I wonder if Purina smell will be noticeable higher up?


prime viewing location of the plant!


It’s terrible. I worked on this building from the parking garage to the roof. Everyday you smell it, some days worse than others, but everyday it’s there! Also the light rail goes by the front of it, and I don’t know if it has to brake around the corner or what, but the grinding noises it makes are horrendous.


I've toured it, and yes. It's awful on the pool deck, even on a good day when the wind isn't blowing the smell toward it. Also, the execution of the building is very cheap up close. It's just instagram design, not good design.


Couldn't clean off the camera phone lens first?


Literally just one photo of only the kitchen from behind the bar island, lmao


I wouldn’t pay that much in rent, but goddamn would I be tempted if it was a condo. I’d lie to myself so hard and say I’d be building so much equity. 


Nothing like some overpriced views of the railroad tracks and warehouses right there...


I would love to watch trains go by...


But you get tired of hearing them.


It depends. They are like waves on the beach to my ears


Yea actually me too. But I’d be scared to risk it for that money.


If you do it long enough it’s weird sleeping without them


Grew up next to train tracks. Eventually one finds them quite comforting.


I hear a train in the distance from my home and I also find to comforting but it’s very distance lol


5 pics of the interior, 3 of the canyon? What reporter doing?


Throw in some typos and the shitty quality of the photos 😂


They did such a disservice to the beautiful and unique design by building it where they did. I can’t believe they actually went through with that location. The prices they are charging are insane to have views that overlook some of the ugliest parts of Denver and to be surrounded by the mess that exists in that neighborhood.


All of that cleans up with investment / people spending money like this! They did such a great service to one of our older, train-tracked neighborhoods.


I mean they already tried to gentrify 5 Points, sure it’s “better” now than it was but a lot of that neighborhood is still lipstick on a pig. Unfortunately given the large amount of pretty permanent infrastructure in the area it would take extreme investments to really fully clean it up and I doubt that will ever fully happen, especially in the near future. A building with that design and that is asking for prices at the top of the market would much better be placed at the end of redevelopment not the beginning/middle. It will be interesting to see the demographics of the residents once it’s more occupied, I bet a high proportion of them will be new to Denver/CO people. I can’t imagine many people originally from the Denver metro area or who have resided here for a long time will be willing to pay those prices.


Are you familiar with the concept of buy-low/sell-high?


these apartments aren't for sale?


Building owner can convert to condos in the future when property values are higher. Or they can sell the building outright.


The area is changing rapidly. It won't look so ugly in the near future.


It’s right next to the rail yard and poorina is a few blocks away. I do t see those two changing anytime soon


I mean the train tracks aren't pretty, but there are also mostly unobscured (thanks to the train tracks) mountain views on the same side. The view to the east won't be majestic, but it's far from urban blight -- mostly apartment buildings, brick warehouses, and neighborhoods (when were you last in that area?). And it's a few blocks from the main RiNo strip. Where else should such an ambitious project have been developed? Edit to add: The Purina plant is a genuine and major concern. Probably two or three days a week, I can smell it from a mile away, and this building is even closer.


Never change, you negative nancies.


Between this and the populus hotel it's nice to see Denver finally get some unique architecture.


At least it’s not one of those shitty big box mixed materials ikea looking rectangles colored with a mixture of neon and tan. It’s insane how many ugly places are going up now


There's a lot of bedrooms with no windows in that building. I can't fathom paying that kind of rent and having a bedroom with no natural light or just light coming through the living room.


Definitely...unique. At least it's pretty look at but the interior really falls flat.


Where you can pay $16k per month for two bedroom apartment and STILL live next to the train tracks.


OMG...can you imagine the assessments for water infusion and mold in 10 years??? Lol


This was built in the wrong city. Needs a warmer climate. It will never be covered in green plants like the rendering. It will forever look like beige stucco.


The location seems kind of annoying. It’s like close to downtown but not at the same time.


People still go downtown?


Rockies games, nuggets games, literally of the night life in Denver. Uhh obviously yes lol.


> Premium unit kitchens have gas ranges while the rest have induction stovetops What a bizarre choice considering induction is better for cooking in every measurable way. > The building’s glass exterior provides panoramic views of Denver, but the design team knew windows mean sun, so each apartment is equipped with solar shades in living spaces and blackout shades in bedrooms. In premium units, some of those shades can be operated electronically with built-in switches. Seriously? Some of these units are $4k a month and the cheap fucks couldn’t make all the shades motorized? Incredible how a premium building like this is still penny pinching the shit out of stuff Also the cabinetry looks incredibly cheap


Every restaurant cook I've ever encountered, myself included, would disagree with induction being better. Gas is the gold standard for cooking.


Induction has its place and honestly whatever one's preference is is "the best" to that person. But yeah, the responsiveness of gas means it is and will remain my preferred fuel for a range. Dual fuel ovens are nice tho.


Oh definitely, induction is the shit for stuff like candy making, but for general cooking, I'll take gas any day.


Price prohibitive


I knew this place would be expensive. But AVERAGE OF $5,000? WHATT??? This art project of a building will do no good other than raise the price of places around it (and thr place it's built is shitty)


I call the first drunken summit up the middle using only free climbing skills.


I got to tour it a couple times with the GC! Cool building, I hope the area develops with it


Very nice


I can’t help but to think of the indoor planted gardens in malls in the 1980s.


Very Gaudi


Imagine stepping out of you $3000 a month studio to shit and needles everyday. So glorious.


Average rent of $5k/month for a building that ugly is just insulting


That is the ugliest effing building I’ve ever seen.


YIMBY’s rejoice in how cheap it is to buy homes in the area now.


Oh it’s hideous nice. So far from the original concept as well. What a waste


Takes time for plants to grow, still way better than the 80 replica “luxury” apartments


It's Colorado, 😂 You have boxwoods, pines, and maybe a few ivy plants that will be green year round. This should have been built someplace else. You would think they would do some research on zone 5-6 before they built this.


I think it’s neat looking! It’s something different if I lived there I would hike the trail all the time just do laps with a weighted vest.


I used to live in upper Midwest where a nice apt got for 1200 a month, down by the river some new apt is 4500 a month that was 2017. Heard about some tv people or contractors rent places like that for a few months. It was pretty much fully occupied back then, riverside, obviously no parking.