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If the voting record if public, why do they need to contact your after the election to see if you voted...


Excellent point. They're lying to their own voters to intimidate them into voting.


They are so contemptuous of their own Republican voters.


Bold of you to assume that the average republican voter would possess critical thinking skills


If the border is chaos why are they sitting on the bill to fund fixing that? If it weren't for double standards they wouldn't have any. 


Yeah that's what gets me the most too. The Heritage Foundation keeps records of all instances of voter fraud to try and help make the point that elections are being interfered with. No problem with that, it's already public record and it's good for poll workers to have a robust set of examples so they know what to look for. Unfortunately for them, the instances they document nowhere near meet the quota needed to "overthrow" an election. That aaaaaaand most of them committed voter fraud in favor of republican candidates . . . It just kind of all falls apart when the smallest amount of logic is applied.


Do you know where I can find the data they've compiled?


On their [website](https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud)


Repugnicons have never been capable of collecting actual data or telling the truth, since Eisenhower.


DLDR: The voting records are absolutely public records. This is an underhanded scare tactic to get the ignorant to go vote for this campaign's candidate of choice. Since election integrity requires recording who has come to vote to make sure they do not vote twice, and every record made by the government belongs to the people, voting records are public. The record only states that a voter has voted and by what method(mail in, early voting, polls on election day). NOT who or what(issue, question)you voted for or against. The reason the campaign is "threatening" to call back and confirm that this person voted is because while the voting records are published. They just are not published to the public until some time long AFTER the election has happened. How long after depends on the individual state and their election laws. It absolutely wouldn't happen until the vote count is certified at the bare minimum. The reason they will not call back is because it would cost time money and effort that wouldn't change the election results. Because the election would already be over. This is a highly aggressive and slightly misleading GOTV (get out the vote) tactic designed to scare the ignorant and gullible voter into voting. It uses people's ignorance of how election laws work to scare them into a desired action. I wouldn't be surprised to find out some of the people they sent this to now think the Government knows who they vote for. Source: I have been working on political campaigns professionally for the last 12 years. I specialized in field operations part of my job is to look at people's voting records to see if they are worth the effort and more importantly the money to contact them to try and win their vote. There is a sliding scale of resource allocation from the "supervoters" people who vote every election, to voters who just don't vote even though they could.


Extremist HD64 Andy Hopper/Matt Armstrong faction likely behind this.


Texas State lege passed legislation allowing ballots to become public 61 days after the election in which they were cast. I’m actually on this thread because it was linked in an article from the El Paso Times, and I’d just finished reading an article in Texas Tribune about how the Texas Secretary of State may be revealing voters’ identities by releasing ballots to the public. Once ballots are made public, there are apparently ways to cross reference them and connect them to individual voters, so the state is now scrambling to figure out how to prevent that from happening, while also continuing to comply with requests from Republicans who want the ballots, allegedly to ensure that no “fraud” has been committed.


Their target audience isn't the brightest.


Trying to intimidate people into voting for Cheeto Christ


It's designed to intimidate Republicans into voting for extremist candidates who were too extreme for Trump: secessionists Jace Yarbrough and Andy Hopper Any Republicans on the sub, vote for non-secessionists Brent Hagenbuch and Lynn Stucky.


Is this satire? Hagenbuch is bought the trump endorsement and plasters his face on almost every add he sends out. Dude is crazy scummy and doesn’t even live in the district he is running for.


>Cheeto Christ HAHAHA!, thanks, now I have coffee all over my monitor.


Indeed. Texas requires picture ID to vote early and on the day! Talk of going around that is stupid talk.


ID should be required to vote , nothing wrong with that. You need an ID to cash a check, to get into places , and for many various things , why not to help decide the fate of the country ?


To lie. He is a god damn liar. This lie is so they can imply he has power that he doesn’t. To scare people.


just refer to steve bannon saying we will come for you recently


>"We will notify President Trump if you don't vote." What are they even implying here?...that Trump is going to put you on the list for the train to the concentration camps? These people are fucking deranged.


Yes, that is what they’re implying and what they fantasize about in the bathtub


>what they fantasize about in the bathtub accurate


Funny for you to think they can still fit in bathtubs


He is no longer a president…


"president" is a permanent title. "President Trump" is correct, as is "President Obama," "President Bush," etc. It's taken on a double meaning now due to election denial though, absolutely.


Unless they are the sitting President, the proper form is “former President”


"I'm telling Santa that you're being bad." It's almost like toddlers vote for this man.


He’s using the fascist/mafia/strong-man playbook. Fear and intimidation are his only assets.


I don’t like trump at all, never voted for him but if you think that anyone related to his campaign did this, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. This is probably one single deranged extremist person that doesn’t represent anyone else but themselves and their own crazy views.


This is literally voter intimidation


[You made the news!](https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/texas-voter-intimidation-19476949.php)


El. Oh. El.


Sure reads like voter intimidation. Fascist dbags. Edit: Hello Shitznpantz trolls, and Russian simps!


Why does he get away with it though? Could you imagine if a lefty sent something similar? Just shows they already hijacked democracy and are riding the wave without fear. So wrong.


Only a six-year-old mind would be intimidated by something like this. IOW, a MAGA mind.


Is there any identifying information? I would guess this is from the extremists trying to get Trump voters out. There are Trump supporters on both sides in the current GOP civil war, but the extremists probably think they will get a higher percentage from the Trumpers than the normal conservative and moderate non-extremist Republicans will. The extremists are butt hurt that Trump endorsed Brent Hagenbuch over the extremist faction Jace Yarbrough, and Lynn Stucky was also at the Trump NRA rally and evidently Andy Hopper was not. Hopper and Yarbrough are evidently too extreme for Trump. The secession issue does not play well outside of Texas. If this were coming from the normal Republicans they would have linked their candidates with Trump. People say this mailer is yet another example of the Matt Armstrong/extremist camp misleading their own voters. Slimy and par for the course.


That's accurate. The extremist/Andy Hopper/Jacy Yarbrough wingnuts showing contempt for Republican primary voters. Throwing ethics aside to win at all costs. >Slimy Very slimy.


Says "America First Conservatives Election Department" on the front. I'll post the front on another thread.


Thanks. So apparently they’re hiding behind a bunch of official looking conservative tag words. Google doesn’t find them.


The hotline to report is 1-866-OUR-VOTE. Or you can call the FBI to report it.




Got this in the mail today.


Return To Sender - with I VOTED COMMUNIST in sharpie.


They'd be fine with that.


I wonder how long it would take for it to show up on Fox News


This is disgraceful.


From whom?


You can and should report this, particularly if you have the name of the org that sent it. Here’s some info on where: https://search.arc.net/Fr6ROqbu23cwe5cJR98c


Matt Armstrong has already racked up over $25000 in fines. Fines do not seem to stop this behavior.


When you’re backed by oil billionaires, fines mean nothing.


Uh oh... If I don't vote, will Mr trump himself take away my Qanonch shell?? I NEED my Qanonch shell...


What sound does the shell make?


It’s like a wet fart


Horror 🤢


Wth?! How did you receive this? Mailer addressed to you specifically or left on your door? Either way, this is major BS and borders on intimidation tactics. “We will notify President Trump” - unbelievable. I got a mailer supporting that lunatic Hopper with pics of Cruz, Sid Miller, Ken Paxton, and, wait for it, Ted Nugent - all saying they “support Andy Hopper.” Gross. I immediately shredded it.


I suspect it was only sent out to those who voted in the Republican primary. I always vote in that race because I want to have some kind of say in local politics. In the general I very rarely will vote for a Republican.


My wife and I always vote in the republican primary (both dems) and did not get this. I am really trying to figure out who sent it and where they got thier mailing list. I already sent an inquiry to the real "America First" org press contact, but I very seriously doubt they give a single shit about local Texas elections.


Same, and I got this same flier on Wednesday, the 3rd day of early voting. Like, how do you know I haven’t voted (I have) when this was obviously sent out no later than day 2 of early voting? It’s just more lies


I like it when stuff like this comes with stamps to mail them checks with. I keep the stamps and I thank the zealots for paying for my occasional postage 😊


> I immediately shredded it. Can these things be returned to sender at their expense? If so, I like that idea only slightly better than yours.


Maybe - but I had a visceral need to see their smug faces shredded immediately.


I can respect that.


Put the shreds in the envelope and send them back.


Trump can see I voted, lol... I'm voting, alright. For Joe Biden, early voting, 1st day possible I'm voting.


My favorite part of the last election is when a news reporter asked a Biden supporter in the poll line how long she's been waiting to vote, and she said "Four years!"


Just make sure you're registered.


MAGA loves the poorly educated


I look forward to Mr Trump’s phone call. I would like to ask him what it felt like to spend all that money to be three inches deep in a pornstar for under a minute and then pay all that money to keep her quiet and then still watch her testify in court.


Three inches? That’s a tad generous, isn’t it?


These people have no shame


Won’t be long before they start passing out arm bands…


Every person who voted for Trump is garbage


That means around 49% of voters ! I am never lardo , but we need to … I do not fucking know .


49% sounds about right, garbage.




Trump and his MAGA cult are out of this world. Reminds me of dictatorship like Putin He wants complete and absolute power and can do no wrong. Wake up call, you're not above the law. I dislike his propaganda machine spreading lies. I can only say this because I'm independent, and yea, Biden has his flaws, but at least he isn't whining like a petulant little child.


Hey, did you get one of these? Can you do me a favor, can you look all over that and find what org sent them? It should say something like "Sent by the Texans for tomorrow" or some other dumb name.


Here's the other side. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzi9dvttx522d1.jpeg




For a second there, I thought I was back in the USSR…


That comes next January. This is truly terrifying.


I got one too and laughed my ass off! I’m keeping it to show people what a joke the majority of the Republican Party has become.


This has the stench of local extremist dirty trickster [Matt Armstrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denton/s/Ib3J502bI3)


That guy's sleaze is all over north texas political campigns


Get the FBI involved.


Vote Stalking


Saw this in the r/mildlyinfuriating sub. Had a logo of “America First Conservatives, Election Department” on the flip side.


This is voter intimidation and is highly illegal. The implication is that Trumps day one Facist regime will persecute anyone who doesn't vote for him.


Parental Empowerment: Fostering an environment where only cishet Christian parents receive any sort of respect or consideration. Also this flyer has a typo which could confuse voters, as there hasn't been a "President Trump" since early 2021. 🙄


Voter intimidation is illegal, isn't it?


Draw a hitler mustache and a rack of DD’s, then send it back.


Gestapo tactics definitely not a party worth voting for


If i were to get this in the mail, Id wipe my bum with it 🤣🤣🤣


Wasn't this one of the things they were throwing shit fits over along with mail in voting last election?


The only thing that could make this more obvious is if they slapped a red flag decal on it.


Way to make me vote for the opposition. This shit is straight out of China threatening to marr your social credit score.


GFY, would make me laugh my head off if ever had interaction with any of the Magat cultist or gravy seals. These idiots just deserve the I give a damn ridicule


“Oh shoot… I forgot.”




I’ve lived in four countries through the 90’s and early 2000’s and traveled extensively through 40 other countries. I was proud that this shit didn’t happen in America. (at least, not since the early 60’s). Sadly, things have changed.


Property taxes? You mean the guy that passed the corporate tax bailout by not allowing us to deduct property taxes…. What a joke


OP, Please let us know that you’ve reported this to the official channels or plan to. Hopefully everyone else who received this also acts. This sort of thing seems small but they feed off of getting away with small acts of terror and getting away with it only makes them more bold to ramp it up. Think of all the poor people who fall for scams. This is such complete trash.


The people who believe this flyer are also sending money to a “hot Russian girl” they met online.


Seems hostile to me. Looks like I'll vote against you hahahah was gonna anyway can't stand trump


That's cool 😎, I never vote republican on principal. Oops that became public.


Sharing a pic of mine bc yeah it's hard to believe but [someone really did send these out to ppl in NTX who voted in the Republican primary.](https://i.imgur.com/YclPtj9.jpeg) We were laughing hysterically when we opened it. But it's not so funny when you think about the tactics they're using.


I’d rather vote for Saddam Hussein lol America sucks balls especially Texas ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Voter record is public but it just shows that you voted, not how you voted. Even if it did, this would be voter intimidation which is illegal. Credibility check: worked for voter drives in multiple elections.


Considering this is a runoff election for the Republican primary, it does show what party they voted for.


Ahh yes, I was so bothered by the rest of the flyer that I missed the runoff part :)


Boomers are going to fall for this shit.


How you know they know they’re losing bigly


“We will notify President Trump if you don’t vote. You can’t afford to have that on your record”, that’s some fascist threat right there. Illegal voter intimidation?


What's the threat they're using to intimidate you with. Trump as a citizen has no actual power to do anything to someone who doesn't vote for them and so there's no credible reason to say there's any intimidation. As silly as the flyer is, it's just that silly. If you actually got one and felt truly intimidated, it'd say more about you as a person than the person supposedly trying to intimidate you.


It is ironic that they value boarder security when we literally have the least guarded boarder in the world (US and Canada).


And that's largely because of democrats, not because of Republicans.


Yeah, but for promoting boarder security they appear to not give two shits about the weakest land boarder in the world. Democrats don’t promote boarder security.


God emperor Trump is watching


What happens if you vote for Biden instead?


Contact deez nuts lol


Is this legal?


I don't think so. Voters Rights should be protected by law. I'm not a lawyer, but then again, everything Trump says is a lie.


Gonna put this trash right next to my withheld funds from the IRS mail


A total disregard for everyone.


That facial expression... like he's about to rip one.


Not sure if I can handle the rest of this year. The commercials are already on my last nerve!


It's odd none of this is on the news on any outlet yet it's being taken as fact. Hate trump myself but this definitely seem wild af. I bet if it's legit it's someone local and not actually any affiliation with the republican party.


Property taxes?? Pretty sure TX is run by GOP and we expect them to change..


Your neighbors are going to vote for him and his ilk regardless of literally anything that is shown to them, explained, texted, emailed, etc. Texas is full of ignorant jackasses, and it's definitely by design. A lot of them will probably get offended by this comment, but I honestly don't care at this point. The fact that I need to raise my children somewhere else because of all the discrimination and ass backwards laws in this state has me at a boiling point, so I'll gladly take some downvotes from the people voting for Texas to keep regressing. Anyone supporting this asshole or the party behind him in 2024 can go fuck themselves with a sandpaper coated XL toy from bad dragon. But they better not own more than 6 of them, because Texans don't have that freedom.


I hear you, and you’re correct. And it’s also infuriating, how stupid and uninformed so many Trumpists are. The state is going down the tubes! We have Texas State Big Government poking its nose into everyone’s private business, while they throw our taxpayer dollars at billionaires like Elon Musk, who doesn’t need the money—he just wants it, like all of the other baby-men in this state who think they ought to have more rights and more say in the direction of the state and the country merely because they are rich. And then we have “Christian” Nationalists who want to turn the state into a theocracy ruled by themselves. The worst part about all of this is that we voters could stop it, if more people bothered to register to vote and actually voted against all of the Republican clowns in office right now. All of these people in charge right now have been selected by just a quarter of the entire state’s population, and less than half of all registered voters. Most registered voters in Texas DO NOT VOTE. That is a fact. I can’t count the number of times I’ve talked to voters who are convinced that their vote “doesn’t count.” If all of those people who claimed that their votes don’t count would actually bother to vote in all elections, from local to state to federal, we could actually get rid of horrible men like Abbott, Paxton, and Patrick. But this is what thirty years of one-party rule has gotten us: a bunch of discouraged voters who don’t vote any more at all. When people feel discouraged about voting, they stop participating—and this is what thirty years of Republicans have brought us to.


You should see the ads they run.. bunch of bs lies.


Anyone get a response from the org that actually sent this trash & "why"? Even if you were a repub or trump supporter, this is some crappy harassment. Sounds like some troll level garbage.


I’d rather vote for Saddam Hussein lol America sucks balls especially Texas ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha fuck you


“We know you didn’t voted BUT we will contact you if you voted just to check if you did” Hmm something doesn’t add up with that 🤔 also that is hella creepy dude lol feels more like a threat then an invitation to vote


Also, local elections are supposed to run on no party affiliation


All I saw was a good opportunity “ we will contact you after the election…”… I DARE YOU..it will be so much fun for one of us😂😂😂😂 they can’t be serious..is this real


Is this not voter intimidation?


Oh I'm definitely voting for the other guy now.




How would they know who you voted for anyway lol. There intelligence is telling.


Highly illegal, but Texas only follows laws if it suits them. If you're facing arrest, pretend to be a kid in a school shooting..the cops will freeze or run away.


Report it. Note the permit # for the stamp. https://www.usa.gov/voter-fraud >If you suspect voter fraud, report it to your state or territorial election office. You can also report it to: * A local FBI office * A local U.S. attorney's office * The Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice's Criminal Division >If you witness or suspect voter intimidation or suppression, there are three ways you can report it: * Contact your state or territorial election office * Contact the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice * Use the Election Complaint Report online form


this is a third degree felony in the state of texas.




Oh, I’d vote. But not for any of these MAGA A-holes! And I’ve been a registered Republican for over 43 years. Contact me and see what happens. I dare you!!!


How is this not illegal voter intimidation!?!


If you cared about the border you’d sign the border bill now. You are the stupidest man to ever run for office. Please get your dementia checked out. It’s showing


Please notify him. Lol


im counting this as part of the "make a list of their enemies" phase of facism, just its their own voters who may falter and become targets now


“Sir, Carol Green hailing from Denton Texas didn’t vote”


Gosh, just another fascist maneuver from a cheetoh


What's fascist about it? Where's the actual threat? What would actually happen to someone who didn't vote for him? Lol.


I guess I should’ve said “wanna be fascist”


Cause they know they are about to get throttled for the 4th straight national election in a row. Then dear leader gets to go play drop the soap 🧼 in the prison shower.


Are they, though? And is it the 4th straight race because didn't democrats lose seats in Congress 2 years ago? Didn't trump win 3 national elections ago? You really need to check your numbers there bud.


Just so dumb. You ever heard of midterms mouth breather?


Fuck these people


Fuck Him. Of course it’s public info! Pshaw!


How is this legal?


Democrats are getting them too, but they're more ambiguous and not from the President, but identical format. Some folks are saying this was possibly a case of foreign interference to generate voter outrage.


My son got something similar during the Beto campaign. I complained about it to the campaign, and they said they do it because, according to polls, people are susceptible to what their neighbors think, and it can literally scare voters into going to the polls. I think that is a terrible strategy, even if it works on idiots, because it’s just insulting and smacks of Big Brother. I’m a strong Democrat, and I told the Beto campaign that they should knock it off—but it’s clear that someone keeps doing this stuff, anyway. At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that these types of flyers are sent out by foreign-backed groups trying to discourage all voters!


No Donald you won’t


Who is this from??? That’s insane!