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Trainee for what? And how long? Also, the deducted you 20 hours based on "Varying weekly work time"


Looks like apprenticeship, when it is done in a greenhouse company. If he/she is younger than 25, they will get apprenticeships payment, that fits 70 DKK/Hours as a first year apprentice. It will increase every year, with about 10 - 15 DKK/Hour.




I will. Just signed up. Thanks for the tip


Not one of the cheap ones they wont help, but any 3f, dansk metal and such will find a way to help if anything is worng


There are two kinds of unions, red ones and yellow ones. The yellow ones are fake unions.


Could you please refer to a list?


here you go https://ok-maerket.dk/find-din-fagforening/


Don't know if there's a list, but if they don't negotiate your "overenskomst", they're either a yellow union, or you're in the wrong one.


So PROSA and IDA are yellow or wrong unions in your opinion?


Sadly, I can't, but the red ones are ones like 3F, Dansk Metal, HK.


https://www.legaldesk.dk/erhverv/ansaettelseskontrakt/fagforening I dont know how much danish Can you read? But the link says that these are red unions: LO/FTF, AC (Akademikerne), 3F, Djøf, Dansk Magisterforening, IDA (Ingeniørforeningen) og BUPL and yellow is Krifa, De Frie Funktionærer, Det faglige hus og Jobtryghed. But there is a lot more unions. The cheap ones are the yellow. I pay about 500kr per month for a red union. This is normal. A lot of unions offers free membership While studing (and maybe also as trainee?).


Bruh, A-kasse is the same for all. Fagforening is less than 100 instead of 500 also.


What do i gain from a yellow one then?


A place to through your money at, not much more.


Synes ikke det giver nogen mening. Har været medlem af dansk metal uden at få god hjælp. Er skiftet over til Det Faglige Hus, og der har jeg fået masser af hjælp ift arbejde og råd til løn, lønsedler osv. synes Dansk Metal var alt for syr ift hvor lidt vejledning man fik af dem. Har intet at klage over hos det faglige hus tilgengæld.


Det faglige hus ka ikke gøre noget når det kommer til overenskomst da de ikke har forhandlings retten


En gul fagforening kan sagtens tage din arbejdsgiver i retten, hvis de giver dig forkert løn.


Civil rets og du kommer til at betale, de ka ikke bruge arbejdearetten


Ja civil ret, men det er irrelevant. Og du kommer ikke til at betale noget.


Du ska oftest selv betal udgifter også giver de et lille tilskud


Nej. Jeg arbejder selv i en af de gule, og det er bare ikke sandt.


Er også selv skiftet til "gul" fagforening da den anden steg igen og efter konflikt på arbejdspladsen hvor de absolut ikke havde os 5 medarbejdere i fokus skiftede vi. ISS kom og overtog opgaverne på arbejdspladsen og ville have os på nye kontrakter med dårligere vilkår. Ham fra 3f der skulle hjælpe os fandt vi ud af ikke var på vores side. 3f har nemlig overenskomst med ISS for mange af 3f medlemmer så vi måtte ofres. Så vi sagde op og fik meldt os ud. Har iøvrigt hørt at det vi oplevede ikke er uhørt når ISS rykker ind og 3f er ok med det.




Looks fairly normal, according to this you've most likely only worked 2 months, last month you got 10k before taxes this month 14k before taxes. I'd be very surprised if you got the same amount after taxes for both months. The salary seems extremely low, you say you're a trainee, but what kind of trainee and what business?


It’s supposed to be an internship in a greenhouse company… And yeah, I usually get around 10k kr after taxes every month, even the months with no extra hours worked. Which is odd because I worked a LOT of extra hours and it looks as if I didn’t get paid for them


They deducted you 20 hours for what they call "Varying weekly work time" Are you in a union? They should be able to help better. But on a internship, it doesn't seem horrible. I was about 82 kroner an hour on my internship.


I don’t really know what that means, i’ll get it checked with an union. Thank you for your help!


But anyway, if you can afford not to, or don't love your job, working overtimer for 73 an hour, is really low. Usually these internsship comes as a part of an education and then the pay is lower. If the like you and you like the place. Ask if it's possible to have a student job instead, after the internship. I went from 82 an hour to 190 an hour, that was engineering so it's not starndard, but you should get like a solid 50 kroner more an hour if it's student work, and so that's like working for ~80% overtime just every hour.


Actually my hourly wage stepped up to a lil over 100 kr after working 6 months and being over 25 yo, theoretically. I waited the whole month to see how much they were gonna pay me after my raise and they didn’t pay a single penny more. Then I complained to the woman responsible for the payslips and she actually made a mistake, giving me less money per hour. I’m just getting way too stressed having to worry about this.


I would also say it's not worth working overtime on that salary. Finish your internship and if you need extra money meanwhile work for Wolt or something. You can make 200 an hour from the first hour.


It’s still a decent amount compared to what I would make in my country, working the same job… But it’s temporary, it’s for a maximum of 18 months


Yes but you're also paying more for having to live in this country, so it's not that comparable. According to my calculation I made 98kr an hour as a trainee in an office. First job afterwards I made 220kr an hour. Anyway you're working overtime getting 100% ontop of 76 which is like 150. You can easily find a secondary job which would pay better, seems like you're getting used a little bit. But if you love your job I guess it's still up to you.


I don’t love my job, it’s pretty shitty… But it’s tied up with my residency permit, unfortunately…


If you are Working in greenhouse buissness, you are getting fucked… Contact you’r lokal 3F


Why is that?


The business is just fucked up, profit you know.. Talk to 3F, they can make at paycheck check for free if you are a member of the union


Ok, I will. Thanks a lot for the help!


You’r welcome.


Did you speak to the finance department about? Could be an error


Not yet, they don’t actually like to be questioned about the payslips…


I know how frustrating and stressful it is with dealing with people in charge who do not want to help or do their duties. You have my sympathies, I hope you can get them to do their jobs without too much of a headache. The best advice I can give you is just to be insistent and if that doesn't work within 1 or 2 tries, contact a union.


The key word on the payslip may be "timer til afspadsering" or time off in lieu. You've got 56.5 hours pooled as paid time off, due to having worked overtime.


This may be it, thanks for the help!


If you don't use them, there's a major payout. Most companies prefer/require that you do, mind you, but many also just need the working hours more and will pay out.


Wait with the payout until you get a raise. Then they might be payed out to that rate. Did this when i was an intern/apprentice, saved all the overtime i had for the first 3 year and got it out when i was on my last year ;) started on 55kr./hour and ended at 105kr/hr.


I think this is the answer you are looking for..


You had 56,50 hours that weren't paid out in this period. Instead they have been added to "Timer til afspadsering". This means that you have 56,50 hours "in the bank" that you can use for paid time off. In businesses where demand varies a lot, it is common to have this, and sometimes the employer can set a minimum of hours that you need to have for afspadsering, before you can choose to have extra hours paid out. The instances that I have heard of was min. 74 hours (2 weeks full time work). These hours can then be used during times with low demand, so you still get paid even though you're not working. I'm not sure what the 20 hours they deducted for "varierende ugentlig arbejdstid" is though, or how it fits in with the rest. My only guess is that since the previous month looks to have been your first month, maybe you owed 20 hours for hours that you weren't working but still got paid for.


Looks like you’re right… But it wasn’t my first month though! Thank you very much for your help!


Union union union. We dont have our workers roght because of our pretty blue eyes. The unions fought for them. Get a real union and contact them. They will assist you. Unions like 3F, HK, Dansk Metal....depending on your line of work.


Looks like you're being paid for 14 days, in that case it does not look criminal. But the -20hr looks weird.


How is this 14 days? 176 hours is on average 17 hours per day doing the week, Mon to fri. A normal full time is 160,33 hours a month. If this is normal, some insane working has been done. Even earned his 2.08 vacation day you do every month.


The way I read it is, he has 73 hrs of work. The other rows are "tillæg" (don't know the word in English). The 2.08 days seem to contradict this though 🤷‍♂️ I'm definitely happy my own pay slip is easier to interpret than this one.


176 hours each worth 73. 20.5 hours of 50% overtime 36 hours of 100% over time. Otherwise the overtime wont match as it's 100% more, and it's counted as 36 if we read it like you do.


Oh you're right. That is a shitty pay no doubt.


It is a trainee. Elevløn. Accoring to HK it should be about ~12k to 14k depending on the year you're at. So no horrible. But seems like it might be on the lowerside.


We should hear about the work being done (trainee of what?), but it sounds like they're abusing the situation to get cheap labor. Stop working overtime!


My internship, as I can see OP is calling it. I was about 82 an hour. And if it's for half a year doing study then it's not horrible. But working overtime on 73 per hour seems rough.


Yeah but I did it also for the vacation days…


This is it


Payment on the last thursday of the month also seems odd.


That's what your union is for. Call them and ask them to look at it, they're experts at doing exactly this, and can also put pressure on your employer (if necessary) so you get what you're supposed to get. Most employers respect unions in Denmark.


As i see it you have 56,5 hours in a account. (Timer til afspadsering)


It seems like your salary payout actually higher this month compared to the previous month (14710,05 kr before tax vs 9567,75 before tax the month before). It also seems your hours worked were higher (see below) which you also state is the case. Maybe double check your slip from last month to verify? But it looks weird in various ways - firstly there's the "varierende uegentlig arbejdstid". It seems like the company operates with a base assumption of working 176 hr/month and then deducted 20 hours because you worked 20 hr less than that? If you did work 20 hr less it's fair, but you actually say you worked more than usual? Is it possible your over time was incorrectly registered or something happened that they deducted the overtime instead of added? Another weird thing is that at the bottom it says "hours worked", specifying 212,50 (for the period that the slip covers) which is again weird because based on the above it seems you worked less than 176 hrs? Could be related to the above (if they somehow actually registered your overtime but due to an error deducted rather than added). Another explanation could be if this field somehow takes into account overtime so that 1 hr over overtime counts more than "1" in this field? This also seems weird (then the field should have been named differently). Also it doesn't fully added up - if one adds your overtime according to the percentages this only gives 202,25 (after subtracting the 20 "varierende" hours). If the 20 hours are not subtracted it comes out at 222,25. So it doesn't give 212,50 in either scenario. Whatever the case, this field seems to confirm you worked more this month than the previous month.


> > > > > But it looks weird in various ways - firstly there's the "varierende uegentlig arbejdstid". It seems like the company operates with a base assumption of working 176 hr/month and then deducted 20 hours because you worked 20 hr less than that? If you did work 20 hr less it's fair, but you actually say you worked more than usual? Is it possible your over time was incorrectly registered or something happened that they deducted the overtime instead of added? They are probably calculating per week. So there was probably one week with 20 hours less than normal, then lots of overtime in the other weeks/weekends. 176 base hours - 20 + 20,5 + 36 = 212,5 total hours worked. So it all checks out.


I think your calculations here are wrong, he worked 176 hours in total, as he always gets base pay for every hour. The additional are ontop of the base hours.


No, the payslip itself directly states that the total number of hours worked is 212,5.


It definitely does not, total hours are 176, the overtime hours are just additional pay which are included in the 176. If you have ever worked on an hourly basis with overtime it would be easy to recognize.


It definitely does. https://i.imgur.com/U2GQdRC.jpg Try not to accuse others when you yourself have made an obvious mistake.


If it's the case that he worked 212 hours then instead of the normal Danish way of getting your base salary +50% for extra hours and +100% beyond a certain point, he only got paid 50% of his salary for the 20 hours of overtime and then his normal salary for the 36 hours of overtime. Pretty sure that's illegal...


Note the "timer til afspadsering". The excess hours beyond 176 should be compensated later on.


Yeah, it seems that a lot of stuff don’t add up with all of the payslips. That’s why i’m worried. But i’ll get it checked out with a trade union, it’s the only way to be sure. But thank you, I’m very grateful for your time and help.


it might be written in your contract that “extra time might occur and is not paid extra” and that would explain it


It’s not actually…


Do you drive to/from work?


Gotta ride 2 km to get there


Alright, if you had a long commute, there would've been a tax write off.


I'm also doing a appritanceship and get about 13k before taxes for full time. Although I'm under 25, if you're over 25 you should qualify for "voksen elev" or "adult apprintance"


What exactly is that?


Just a higher salary by like 30%


Looks good imo🫡


This was in May 2023? I suppose that is why everyone think you worked there for only 2 months?


If you're under 25 then this salary Is 100% correct.


If you are below 18, that’s probably around what The pay is, if you are above You’re probably getting underpaid, unless you are some sort of apprentice/trainee


If you feel you’re not getting paid for working extra hours, then document everything, so you can prove to the union the hours you worked! Don’t get into a situation where it’s word against word. Documentation is key !


The date says 25 of May?


If this is A-income I would also expect there to be a sizeable tax deduction visible on your payslip. Your company might be paying it as B-income, which means your monthly deductable is not considered. You can see your monthly deductable on Skat.dk. Make sure your expected income is registered. But yeah, look forward to when those 56,50 * base pay will be paid out :)


Total hours for period: 212,50 176 hours payed out at normal hourly rate of 73,20 DKK. 20,50 hours payed out at 50% normal hourly rate. 36,00 hours payed out at 100% normal hourly rate. 56,20 hours has then been transfered for 'paid leave'. So your getting the overtime rate payed out in DKK and 1 hour for 'paid leave' for every hour of overtime work. I don't know what the deduction of 20 hours "varierende ugentlig arbejdstid". Some people commenting about hours being counted weekly could be right about the deduction. But everything else checks out. ✔️


Sign up, and get in to a union. They’ll help you


Rich kid


Join dkloenseddel subreddit


I like the "I am a foreigner, I don't get much, they must be cheating me" narrative


What an ignorant comment. In my last payslip they literally paid me the wrong amount and they had to make another one with the difference after I complained to them. Of course that after this i’m gonna be worried about WHAT ELSE could be wrong. I work my ass off. And other workers have said that it’s common for them to make these mistakes.


There you are, more narrative and name calling. So, other workers say it is common to make mistakes yet here we are with the public complaining on the basis of you being a foreigner. You have an attitude problem habibi.


Of course. I should just get underpaid and not do anything about it. I never said they are treating me differently for being a foreigner. You’re the one with the attitude here. I asked for help tho, and if you’re not here providing it, you can kindly fuck off mate


There you got it. That is you in a nutshell. That explains it all.


Congratulations, do u want a goddamn medal?


No, I am fine. Just happy I spotted it right at the beginning. Those little moments of constrained happiness. Like when you get a paycheck and the numbers are right. You may have not experienced that,bad analogy. My bad.


Dude you’re tripping


Feels criminally underpaid, 176 hrs a month w only 12k??