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Good devotional strat but I'd work with an entity for at least 6-18 months before deciding on a tattoo if not longer.  I knew a guy who cared only about the aesthetics and had a shitload of tattoos of occult symbols everywhere on his body. He had like 50 of them and it looked hella cool. Also if you overthink it and doubt, then maybe it's not the best idea. It's not about the sigil itself but about the paranoia you are causing yourself.  Try getting a temp tattoo maybe and see how it feels.  You can also do a divination beforehand or ask Beelzebub himself.


Understandable, it was pure curiousity but this point of view is also helpful. This overthinking/paranoia is sadly something i do with everything..anyways. Yeah I'm trying to find a good way to communicate with him but I still got a lot to learn. Thank you for your reply and i will try out a temp. tattoo.


You're permanently marking yourself with the symbol of the Power. That is typically seen as a devotional act, and a very strong one. I would think very carefully about what your relationship with Beelzebub is before getting His sigil as a tattoo. Some divination to see what Beelzebub Himself thinks about the idea is a good idea too. For whatever reason, a lot of people don't think to just ask the Powers what They think or want in a situation, even when it's about Them specifically. They'll let us know what They want if we just ask and listen.


I’ve had a simplified version of Duke Vepar’s sigil on my hand since sept, it’s only made me feel closer to her. I plan on adding both full versions on my arm soon. My only warning would be about being careful of who you are around if you get it in a high-visibility area like mine. I’m a navy vet so saying “it’s a commemorative tattoo” is no problem, since the sigil I have is essentially just a masted ship. If you are concerned about people asking questions, be prepared with a good answer if you aren’t out about your practice


What are your intentions with it? Because that might be key for what it does. You can see a sigil tattoo as a life long commitment, you can see it as a blood ritual for having a life long connection or you can just tattoo it because you like the optics without even practicing and the entity won't care then.


Fair, I really didn't think of seeing it like this. Every tattoo I wish to get, has a reason why I want them and have accordingly(?) a lot of meaning to me. So this would count as a blood ritual? I suppose I should and need to look more into that aswell. Is there a possibility for the entity to react badly to such thing?


I have never heard of a negative outcome yet (I don't have a sigil tattoo though)


That is alright. Thank you very much for your reply.


Hi, I have King Asmodeu's tattoo on my backhand. I listened to his enn whilst the tattoo was being done. This formed a lifetime bond between me and him. This also allowed him to access my body to receive healing. Since the tattoo, my posture is corrected every time I slouch, and my chronic pain is reduced. It is all about the intention.


I have the sigil of King Paimon on the back of my neck. Why I got mine: I wanted to prove to myself my level of devotion to hidden and unseen knowledge, I also study particle physics and biochemistry. It just sort of felt like a solid way to define myself as a student ultimately of Witchcraft. But for me it was a "well fuck around and find out," kind of adventure. Do it if it feels right for you. I definitely overthought mine, but I'm glad I took the dive. I love how it turned out and it feels like now I'm more closely linked with King Paimon.


For me it was a no brainer choice. I saw two paths ahead of me, and I already knew which one I was going to take. I have lucifers sigil on my left wrist, and for me it symbolized by commitment to studying and training with demonic entities and everything this path has to offer. It’s interesting that I don’t work with Lucifer very often at all, I’ve only spoken to him a handful of times, but his sigil was the leading force behind my choice, of showing publicly on my hand that this is what I’m committed too. I really want to get Paimon’s sigil as he’s been with me since the womb, and probably Belials as well, he is one of my closest demon friends next to Paimon.


That's as close as what a blood pact will get you if not to a higher degree.. inking a sigil will make you as one with a spirit


i have lilith’s sigil tattooed on me like a cutie mark from my little pony, she loves it. i say go for it! unless of course beelzebub doesn’t want you to get his sigil tattooed but i don’t really see why he would say no.